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File metadata and controls

272 lines (166 loc) · 19.8 KB


These are the R functions and supporting scripts used at the Cognition and Cortical Dynamics Laboratory for QEEG analysis.

How to Use The eeg.analysis.R Script

The analysis is straightforward; you only need to load the script into R (version >3.1). You can then call the analyze.logfile function to run a full analysis of the data for one subject, the analyze.folder function to run the analyze.logfile function on many subjects at a time and concatenate their output, or you can run the datacheck function immediately after collecting data to determine its usability.


To use this analysis, passing the following arguments:

  1. subject and session names. They will be combined into a single filename; for example, subject "Andy" in session "rest" would be combined to look for a file named Andy_rest1.txt.

  2. sampling This is the sampling rate, and defaults to 128Hz

  3. window This is the duration (in seconds) of each segment (epoch) used as the bases of the FFT analysis. It defaults to 2 seconds.

  4. sliding This is the proportion of each segment that does not overlap with the previous segment. In other words, the proportion of overlap between adjacent segments is (1 - sliding). It needs to be a number between 0 and 1 (not a percentage!) and defaults to 0.75.

  5. band_method This is the method used to define the frequency bands. For all frequency bands, values lying on the lower bound are included in the frequency band but values lying on the upper bound go to the subsequent band. There are 3 options, as described in Doppelmayr, Klimesch, Pachinger, & Ripper (1998):

The default is FBFW (fixed bands, fixed width), in which delta < 4 Hz, theta is between 4-8 Hz, alpha is between 8-12.5 Hz, low beta is between 12.5-18 Hz, high beta is from 18-30 Hz, and gamma is 30-40 Hz.

The other two methods calculate individualized bands based on the whole-head Individualized Alpha Frequency (IAF) as the center of the alpha band, and the other frequency bands are defined with respect to the IAF. Calculation of the IAF involves creating a single frequency spectrum using all the good spectra (see excluded channels info), and running a peak detection algorithm on the whole head spectrum.

IBFW (individualized bands, fixed width): with respect to the identified whole-head IAF, delta is defined as all frequencies below IAF-6 Hz, theta from IAF-6 Hz to IAF-2 Hz, alpha from IAF-2 Hz to IAF+2.5 Hz, low beta from IAF+2.5 Hz to IAF+8 Hz, high beta from IAF+8 Hz to IAF+20 Hz, and gamma as anything between IAF+20 Hz and 40 Hz (absolute, not with respect to the IAF).

IBIW (individualized bands, individualized width): with respect to the whole-head IAF, delta is defined as frequencies between 0 and 0.4(IAF), theta from 0.4(IAF) to 0.8(IAF), alpha from 0.8(IAF) to 1.21(IAF), low beta from 1.21(IAF) to 1.8(IAF), high beta from 1.8(IAF) to 3(IAF), and gamma as anything between 3(IAF) and 40 Hz.

*Note: if a subject does not have a detectable peak in both electrodes O1 and O2, the whole-head IAF will not be calculated and their data will be treated as though their peak is at 10 Hz, therefore providing the band estimates for the FBFW method.

  1. coherence.plots This is a Boolean argument defaulted to FALSE. If TRUE, the script will output a spectral coherence plot for every channel pairing in the same format as the spectra plots.

  2. min_samples_for_inclusion This is the minimum number of good samples (epochs with defined window size) that must be used in the estimate of a given channel`s spectral power to be included in the subsequent calculation of the whole-head IAF, and the spectral power and coherence for an electrode region.

  3. wholeheadIAF This is an optional argument (default is NULL) in which the user can override the automatic calculation of the whole head IAF by inputting a value for the whole head IAF here. Useful if the user would like to map the same frequency bands from eyes-closed data onto eyes-open or on-task data.

  4. return_object This is a Boolean argument defaulted to FALSE. If TRUE, the function will return a list of objects [spectra, coherence, summary, excluded] that are automatically outputted into .txt files. Used for concatenating multiple subjectsdata in theanalyze.folder` function.

The script will automatically run all the analysis (see below) and call the ancillary functions defined in the script.

Analysis Overview

The analysis of QEEG data is made of several steps:

  1. First, long-term signal drifts (which are very common with low-quality headsets) are removed through linear regression.

  2. Excessive motion (if gyroscope channels names X, Y, and Z are present) is also removed through linear regression.

  3. Then, the time series is divided into 2-second segment with 25% Overlap (default sliding = 0.75). Note that using 2-second epochs (default window = 2) for analysis limits the lower bound for frequency (and, therefore, the resolution of the spectrogram) to 0.5 Hz.

  4. Each segment is considered individually in terms of data quality. Segments were eye blinks or other signal artifacts (e.g., > 100 microvolt oscillations) occur are removed from the analysis pipeline.

  5. Each segment that passes data quality control is then passed through the FFT transformation. The real part of the FFT output is maintained and squared.

  6. The FFT spectra from all the segments that were analyzed are then averaged together to yield a "mean" spectrogram.

  7. The mean spectrogram is then log-transformed to represent power in decibels.

  8. The channel-level alpha peak is identified as the highest value in a liberal alpha range (7-15 Hz) that is surrounded by two lower values.

  9. Electrode region analyses are conducted based on user-defined electrode networks (lines 425-430). A spectrogram for each region is created and appended to the spectra file by averaging the spectra for all good channels within that region. The mean power in each of the frequency bands is calculated and appended to the summary file.

  10. Coherence is calculated for every channel pairing following the same cleaning procedures for each time series in the pairing (see steps 1-5). Coherence is also calculated between and within each electrode region by averaging the coherence for channel pairings within or between regions in each frequency band.


Able to perform the analyze.logfile function across many files at once.

  1. Collect all raw EEG .txt files into one folder (directory). Ensure consistent file naming: <subject>_<session>.txt. Everything to the left of the first underscore will be considered the subject number.

  2. Set the working directory to that folder.

  3. Run analyze.folder, passing the following arguments:

session: everything to the right of the underscore

Optional: sampling default to 128 Hz

window defaults to 2 (sec)

band_method defaults to FBFW

coherence.plots defaults to FALSE

min_samples_for_inclusion defaults to 75

The function performs the following actions:

  1. Checks for folders named Summary Files, Spectra Files, Coherence Files, PDF Spectra, Excluded Data, Analyzed, and creates them if they are not in the directory.

  2. Loops through each .txt files in the directory with the correct format <subject>_<session>.txt and passes it to the analyze.logfile function

  3. Concatenates the output to respective summary, spectra, coherence, and excluded channels data frames

  4. [see Data Output] Moves the _summary file into the Summary Files folder, the _spectra file into the Spectra Files folder, the _coherence file into the Coherence Files folder, the _excludedchannels file into the Excluded Data folder, all the PDF plots of the spectrograms or the coherence plots (if coherence.plots = TRUE) into the PDF Spectra folder, and moves the analyzed subjectÕs data into the Analyzed folder

  5. Once the loop is completed, it outputs .csv files that have the concatenated results for all analyzed subjects.


Immediately after collecting data, it is important to verify data quality and usability. This function will conduct a simplified version of the analyze.logfile function. Assume all arguments and defaults are the same unless indicated.









  1. For every channel, calculate the number of usable samples that would survive inclusion in the FFT analysis.

  2. Check every channel for a detectable peak.

  3. Output spectrogram (PDF) of every channel`s FFT, including data quality and blink information across the bottom.

  4. Output <subject>_<session>_samplesperchannel.txt file with one row for every channel indicating the number of usable samples, and for each channel, whether it would be included for any reason in the excludedchannels output file (BadSpectrum, NoPeak, N samples or less; note, Missing O1 and O2 can be determined by looking for NoPeak on electrodes O1 and O2).

EEG Data File format

The script does not assume any specific EEG data file format (such as .edf). Instead, it assumes that the data is formatted in an R-friendly way, with each sample in a row, and each channel in a column. The script assume that column have names (for example, AF3) that correspond to individual channels. See below for ways to convert other data types into this format.

###Blink column

Emotiv includes automatic blink detection that is outputted as a column of 1s (actively blinking) and 0s (eyes open). This is used to exclude any epochs that have blinks detected.

If using this script to process data from a non-Emotiv source that does not include a blink column, the script will create a blink column full of 0s (no blinks). However, artifact detection is an important pre-processing step. Users of other EEG systems may conduct independent moving-window artifact rejection algorithms and map those artifact periods onto the timeseries data into a blink column, which will then be excluded in the FFT calculations.

*Please note: the FFT depends on having contiguous data. Identifying and removing epochs that contain artifacts will produce unreliable FFT estimates due to sharp edges and jumps present in the time series resulting from epoch removal. It is important to keep the entire time series in the logfile, and indicate with the blink column which epochs contain artifact and should therefore be excluded.

Quality data

In addition to channel-specific columns, the script will try to look for columns containing quality values for each channel; these kind of meta-data is contained in columns that have the same name as the channel, with the _Q suffix. For instance, the quality meta-data for channel AF3 is contained in the column AF3_Q (see below).

Following Emotiv's scheme, the quality data is made of arbitrary ordinal numerical values, where 4 represents god quality and 0 represents data to be discarded. The script discards segments where data quality is < 2.

Quality meta-columns can be used to associate information about impedances (if the information is available) or to mark specific segments for removal (for instance, after manually inspecting a time series and flagging artifacts).

Counters, Blinks, and Motion

In addition to standard channels, the script handles count data (Counter) and gyro motion data (GyroX, GyroY, and GyroZ). The default behavior of the script for a file missing these columns is to simply not consider them, and will not significantly impact the product. .


Here is an example of the data format (from Emotiv):

Counter AF3 F7 F3 FC5 T7 P7 O1 O2 P8 T8 FC6 F4 F8 AF4 GyroX GyroY Timestamp FUNC_ID FUNC_VALUE MARKER SYNC_SIGNAL CMS_Q DRL_Q AF3_Q F7_Q F3_Q FC5_Q T7_Q P7_Q O1_Q O2_Q P8_Q T8_Q FC6_Q F4_Q F8_Q AF4_Q Blink LeftWink RightWink EyesOpen LeftEyeLid RightEyelid
62.000000 4180.512821 4251.794872 4279.487179 3505.641026 4260.000000 4446.153846 4530.256410 4328.717949 3927.692308 3912.820513 4342.564103 4316.410256 4089.743590 3798.461538 1739.000000 1677.000000 20391.372000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 0 0 0 1 0.000 0.000
63.000000 4189.743590 4253.333333 4285.128205 3502.051282 4280.000000 4467.179487 4544.615385 4339.487179 3941.025641 3944.102564 4358.974359 4330.256410 4100.512821 3811.282051 1739.000000 1677.000000 20391.372000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 0 0 0 1 0.000 0.000

Data Output

The script will output a four text files and a variable number of pdf files. The text files will be:

  1. The <subject>_<session>_summary.txt file. This a 2-line file that contains a summary of the frequency powers across all channels and electrode regions, average coherence between all channel and electrode region pairings, plus a number of other informative data (e.g., frequency and power of the individual alpha peak at each channel, number of samples used in calculation of channel power) and meta-data(script version, sampling rate, window size, recording duration, band method, whole head IAF, and min number of samples to be included in power and coherence calculations).

  2. The <subject>_<session>_spectra.txt file. This is a text file with (N + 1) rows and 40/H columns, where N is the number of channels in the log file plus one extra row for each electrode region, and H is the minimum resolution (in Hz) of the script (which is defined by the value of the window parameter). If using the default values in the script, the frequency resolution is 0.5 Hz, and therefore there is one column in this output for each 0.5 Hz frequency step.

  3. The <subject>_<session>_coherence.txt file. Like the _spectra.txt file, this is a text file with one row for each Connection (every channel pairing, every electrode region pairing) indicating the coherence at every frequency step.

  4. subject_session_excludedchannels.txt: one row per channel excluded from any part of the analysis, the reason for exclusion (N samples or less, NoPeak, BadSpectrum, Missing O1 AND O2), and what part(s) of the analysis it from which it was excluded (WholeHeadIAF, Network Power and Coherence, Individualized Bands).

Exclusions: N samples or less: as defined in the argument min_samples_for_inclusion, any channel whose spectral power calculations were based on N-defined samples or less will be excluded from the calculation of the WholeHeadIAF and Network Power and Coherence. The default values (75 samples of window size 2) require 2.5 minutes of artifact-free data to be included in a channel`s power calculation to be included.

NoPeak: channels that do not have peaks in the alpha range that meet the peak detection criteria will be labeled as having NoPeak and will be excluded from the calculation of the WholeHeadIAF. This is to increase the signal present in the WholeHeadIAF calculation to only include channels that have a clearly-defined peak.

BadSpectrum: for each subject, the average spectral power for each channel between 0-40 Hz is calculated. Any channel whose average power is more than 3 SD above or below the all-channel average will be excluded for having bad data from the calculation of the WholeHeadIAF and Network Power and Coherence.

Missing O1 AND O2: any subject for whom a reliable peak was not detected in both electrodes O1 and O2 will be excluded from any individualized methods of calculating frequency bands. Posterior electrodes (O1, Oz, O2) are those in which alpha peaks are most readily detected; therefore, a subject who has no peak in those electrodes (Emotiv does not have Oz, therefore only O1 and O2 are included) will be deemed as having an unreliable peak, and will have fixed bands and fixed widths applied.

In addition to the text files, the script will also output the following pdf files:

  1. N <subject>_<session>_<spectrum>_<channel>.pdf files, where N is the number of channels. Each file will plot the spectrogram (between 0 and 40 Hz) with different colors indicating the different frequency bands, and a quality bar, indicating the quality of the recording over time with dark marks indicating blinks. A red-filled diamond indicates the channelÕs IAF, and an unfilled blue diamond indicates the subject`s WholeHeadIAF.

  2. If coherence.plots = TRUE: N * (N - 1) / 2 <subject>_<session>_<coherence>_<channel1>_<channel2>.pdf files, where N is the number of channels. Each file will plot the coherence between the two channels between 0 and 40 Hz, with different colors indicating the different frequency bands, and two quality bars, indicating the quality of the recording over time with dark marks indicating blinks.

Here is an example of a spectrum plot generated from the script from the channel O2. The plot showcases the result of processing a dataset affected by poor recording quality (note the quality bar going from green to yellow to orange) and many discarded segments (only 36 samples remained after the automated quality checks; note the large number of blinks on the quality bar).

spectrum plot

Using the script with Other formats

The script assumes that the data is organized as described above. Other EEG data formats of data will need to be converted to the format specified above to work with our QEEG script. This is usually fairly easy to do, since most EEG data formats are tabular, and assume channel data will be organized in some Time-by-Channel format. Thus, conversion is usually a matter of manipulating large data matrices (or, in certain cases, rotating them).

As noted in the Blink section, the treatment of artifact detection and removal will be an important step in figuring out how to use this script with other formats.

As an example, I have provided here a shell script that converts the native OpenBCI format to our R-friendly format, together with a version of our script ( that has already been parametrized for OpenBCI Cyton boards. The script is named . The script simply reads the OpenBCI data file, and reformats it in our native format. Because OpenBCI headsets can use any arbitrary montage, the name of the channels needs to be supplied; the script will assume that the correct description can be found in the header.txt file.

Corrections for Multiple Comparisons

One of the problems with QEEG analysis is that researchers often have to repeat the same test across multiple channels. This creates, of course, a multiple comparisons problem. Traditional solutions to this problem do not work wellw with EEG channel data, because pretty much every measures that can be extracted from the channels' timeseries (power, coherence, etc.) is highly correlated between channels. Thus, a a Bonferroni-type correction would be unrealistically strong, and a FDR correction wil be crippled by the fact that the distrbution of p-values is fairly narrow. Here I have provided a simple script,, that adapts to EEG the solution originally proposed for fMRI data by the AFNI software development team. In essence, given a mean correlation between channels (which can be estimated easily), the script will perform Monte Carlo simulations and tally up the number of significant results that can be obtained by chance alone.