- Chris Simpkins (@chrissimpkins) - Apex (developer of Hack font)
- Raphaël Bastide (@raphaelbastide) - The Half Uncial (developer of Whois Mono font)
- Matt Brzezinski (@mattBrzezinski) - WYSIWYG
- Andrew Kensler (@a-e-k) - Justified (developer of Luculent font)
- Andreas Larsen (@larsenwork) - Bold Face (developer of Monoid font)
- Mark Watts (@wattsm) - I Shot the Serif
- Caleb Xu (@alebcay) - The Ascender
- Anon (@evuez) - Majuscules
- Anon (@Snack-X) - Baseline
- Julie Engel (@engelju)
- Branimir Karadžić (@bkaradzic)
- Jerry Lin (@linjer)
- Devon Parsons (@devonparsons)
- Kiran Rao (@curioustechizen)
- Scott Squires (@squires)
- Téo M (@teogeos)
- Anon (@dvvh)
- Anon (@mbaz)