Demo project for online workshop with #RuPostgresTuesday. Watch tons of cool and useful videos on their channel:
Check out the first part: В-s02e08 Распаковка TimescaleDB 2.0. В гостях — Иван Муратов. If you need the same project as in the first part check out the branch: PgTuesday_1_17.11.2020.
The second part is already available: В-s02e09 Timescale с Иваном Муратовым. Часть 2 — ныряем глубже: сжатие и визуализация. Added corresponding branch for the video: PgTuesday_2_01.12.2020.
The main branch is under development and can be different from the video.
A multi-node setup of TimescaleDB 2.12.1
with PostgreSQL 15
based on Docker image:
Initial cluster configuration:
single access node (AN) and 2 data nodes (DN)
with interval 1 week
and replication factor 1
Docker is required!
Create external network and run application stack.
$ docker network create pg_cluster_network
$ docker-compose up -d
is available on http://localhost:15432 with credentials: [email protected]
/ admin
can render PostGIS
data right on the map.
Or you can use any tool you like (psql
, franchise
, etc) if you don't want to look at geographical beauty ;)
# Access node
host: pg_access_node
port: 5432
username: postgres
password: postgres
# Data node 1
host: pg_data_node_1
port: 5433
username: postgres
password: postgres
# Data node 2
host: pg_data_node_2
port: 5434
username: postgres
password: postgres
At this moment you should to have a running cluster with 1 access node and 2 data nodes.
If you don't please look at how to run
section and do it firstly.
Also, you need access to all nodes via psql
, pgAdmin
or any other way you like.
Now you can fill sample data (took about 2 minutes on NVMe):
$ gzip -k -d ./data/*csv.gz
$ docker exec -i pg_access_node /bin/sh < ./
Run on access node and each data nodes separately:
SELECT count(*) FROM telemetries;
ANALYZE telemetries;
SELECT * FROM approximate_row_count('telemetries');
SELECT DISTINCT imei FROM telemetries ORDER BY imei;
-- Total speed analytics for 1 year
time_bucket('30 days', time) AS bucket,
avg(speed) AS avg,
max(speed) AS max
FROM telemetries
WHERE speed > 0
GROUP BY imei, bucket
ORDER BY imei, bucket;
-- Speed percentiles on all telemetries
percentile_cont(0.50) WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY speed) AS p50,
percentile_cont(0.90) WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY speed) AS p90,
percentile_cont(0.99) WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY speed) AS p99
FROM telemetries;
-- Single track points for 1 month
SELECT * FROM telemetries
WHERE imei = '000000000000001'
AND time > '2019-09-01' AND time < '2019-10-01'
-- All tracks for 1 month
SELECT imei, ST_MakeLine(telemetries.geography::geometry ORDER BY time)::geography AS track
FROM telemetries
WHERE time > '2019-09-01' AND time < '2019-10-01'
GROUP BY imei;
-- All vehicle mileages for 1 month
WITH tracks AS (
SELECT imei, ST_MakeLine(telemetries.geography::geometry ORDER BY time)::geography AS track
FROM telemetries
WHERE time > '2019-09-01' AND time < '2019-10-01'
SELECT imei, ST_Length(track) / 1000 AS kilometers
FROM tracks
GROUP BY imei, kilometers;
Firstly run the third instance of postgres for new data node:
$ docker volume create pg_data_node_3_data
$ docker run -d \
--name pg_data_node_3 \
--restart=unless-stopped \
-e "POSTGRES_DB=postgres" \
-e "POSTGRES_USER=postgres" \
-e "POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres" \
-p 5435:5432 \
--network pg_cluster_network \
-v pg_data_node_3_data:/home/postgres/pgdata/data \
-v `pwd`/ \
-v `pwd`/ \
-v `pwd`// \
Now connect a new node to the cluster running command below from the access node:
SELECT * FROM add_data_node('data_node_3', host => 'pg_data_node_3');
SELECT * FROM timescaledb_information.data_nodes;
Then attach new data node to the distributed hypertable:
SELECT * FROM timescaledb_information.hypertables;
SELECT * FROM timescaledb_information.dimensions;
SELECT * FROM attach_data_node('data_node_3', 'telemetries');
SELECT * FROM timescaledb_information.dimensions;
Fill more sample data (took about 1 minutes on NVMe):
$ docker exec -i pg_access_node /bin/sh < ./
Run on access node and each data nodes separately:
SELECT count(*) FROM telemetries;
ANALYZE telemetries;
SELECT * FROM approximate_row_count('telemetries');
SELECT DISTINCT imei FROM telemetries ORDER BY imei;
Check old and new data distribution:
SELECT data_nodes, chunk_name, range_start, range_end FROM timescaledb_information.chunks
WHERE range_start < '2020-01-01'
ORDER BY data_nodes ASC, range_start ASC;
SELECT data_nodes FROM timescaledb_information.chunks
WHERE range_start < '2020-01-01'
GROUP BY data_nodes;
SELECT data_nodes, chunk_name, range_start, range_end FROM timescaledb_information.chunks
WHERE range_start > '2020-01-01'
ORDER BY data_nodes ASC, range_start ASC;
SELECT data_nodes FROM timescaledb_information.chunks
WHERE range_start > '2020-01-01'
GROUP BY data_nodes;
Check current database size and compression status:
-- Compression settings on each data node
SELECT * FROM timescaledb_information.compression_settings;
-- Hypertable sizes
SELECT * FROM hypertable_detailed_size('telemetries');
SELECT node_name, pg_size_pretty(total_bytes) AS total
FROM hypertable_detailed_size('telemetries')
ORDER BY node_name ASC;
-- Chunk sizes
SELECT * FROM chunks_detailed_size('telemetries');
SELECT node_name, chunk_name, pg_size_pretty(total_bytes) AS total
FROM chunks_detailed_size('telemetries')
ORDER BY node_name ASC, chunk_name ASC;
Create a dump for single chunk before compression:
$ docker exec -i pg_data_node_2 \
pg_dump -h localhost -p 5432 -U postgres -Fp -v \
-t _timescaledb_internal._dist_hyper_1_1_chunk postgres > ./chunk_before_compression.sql
Apply compression to hypertable:
ALTER TABLE telemetries SET (
timescaledb.compress_orderby = 'time DESC',
timescaledb.compress_segmentby = 'imei'
CALL distributed_exec('SELECT add_compression_policy(''telemetries'', INTERVAL ''30 days'', if_not_exists => TRUE)');
Check database size after applying compression:
-- Compression settings on each data node
SELECT * FROM timescaledb_information.compression_settings;
-- Hypertable compression
SELECT * FROM hypertable_compression_stats('telemetries');
SELECT node_name, pg_size_pretty(before_compression_total_bytes) AS before, pg_size_pretty(after_compression_total_bytes) AS after
FROM hypertable_compression_stats('telemetries')
ORDER BY node_name ASC;
-- Chunk compression
SELECT * FROM chunk_compression_stats('telemetries');
SELECT node_name, chunk_name, pg_size_pretty(before_compression_total_bytes) AS before, pg_size_pretty(after_compression_total_bytes) AS after
FROM chunk_compression_stats('telemetries')
ORDER BY node_name ASC, chunk_name ASC;
Check that data is still available:
-- Single track for 1 month
SELECT imei, ST_MakeLine(telemetries.geography::geometry ORDER BY time)::geography AS track
FROM telemetries
WHERE imei = '000000000000001'
AND time > '2019-09-01' AND time < '2019-10-01'
GROUP BY imei;
Create a dump for single chunk after compression:
$ docker exec -i pg_data_node_2 \
pg_dump -h localhost -p 5432 -U postgres -Fp -v \
-t _timescaledb_internal._dist_hyper_1_1_chunk postgres > ./chunk_after_compression.sql
# Find compressed_chunk_id that corresponds to uncompressed _timescaledb_internal._dist_hyper_1_1_chunk.
$ docker exec -i pg_data_node_2 \
psql -v ON_ERROR_STOP=1 -h localhost -p 5432 -U postgres \
-c "SELECT compressed_chunk_id FROM _timescaledb_catalog.chunk WHERE table_name = '_dist_hyper_1_1_chunk'"
$ docker exec -i pg_data_node_2 \
pg_dump -h localhost -p 5432 -U postgres -Fp -v \
-t _timescaledb_internal.compress_hyper_2_185_chunk postgres > ./compressed_chunk.sql
Look at result sql files content.
Run Grafana
in docker container:
$ docker run \
--name=grafana \
-p 3000:3000 \
-e "GF_INSTALL_PLUGINS=grafana-worldmap-panel" \
-d grafana/grafana:10.1.5
Open it on http://localhost:3000
with admin / admin
Then add TimescaleDB
as new datasource and import dashboard:
Connections / Data Sources / Add data source / Find and select
. -
Connect to access node via docker bridge (host=
; port=5432
; db=postgres
; user=postgres
; password=postgres
; ssl=off
). For MacOS usehost.docker.internal:5432
for host. -
and enableTimescaleDB
After that import dashboard from the file grafana.json
(Dashboard / Import / Upload JSON file).
# grafana
$ docker stop grafana
$ docker rm grafana
# 3th data node
$ docker stop pg_data_node_3
$ docker rm pg_data_node_3
$ docker volume rm pg_data_node_3_data
# cluster
$ docker-compose down --volumes
# network
$ docker network rm pg_cluster_network