E-mail me: [email protected]
- Python Tutorials:
- This very class guide!: http://www.birl.org/python/
- The official Python 3 tutorial: https://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/
- an interactive Python book: http://interactivepython.org/runestone/static/thinkcspy/GeneralIntro/intro-TheWayoftheProgram.html
- Community:
- PyLadies (http://www.pyladies.com)
- Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/learnpython
- Python Global Community: https://www.python.org/community/
Something you should know. Recently there was a new version of Python (version 3) which is what we are learning in this class. A lot of tutorials online are still written for the old version of Python (version 2). Most of what works in Python 2 works in Python 3, but not all. So if something is not working, despite someone saying it will work, it could be a difference between version 2 and version 3.
Thanks for coming! Please leave feedback on how I can improve this class on the questions page (https://pad.riseup.net/p/python) or email me ([email protected]) Alternatively you can make changes to the code for this site here: https://github.com/birlorg/pythonTutorial