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+# This CITATION.cff file was generated with cffinit.
+# Visit https://bit.ly/cffinit to generate yours today!
+cff-version: 1.2.0
+title: "TORSO-21 Dataset: Typical Objects in RoboCup Soccer 2021"
+message: "If you use this dataset or its related software, please cite it using the metadata from this file."
+type: dataset
+license: MIT
+date-released: "2021-06-27"
+ - given-names: Marc
+ family-names: Bestmann
+ email: marc.bestmann@uni-hamburg.de
+ affiliation: Universität Hamburg
+ orcid: 'https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7857-793X'
+ - given-names: Engelke
+ family-names: Timon
+ affiliation: Universität Hamburg
+ email: timon.engelke@uni-hamburg.de
+ - given-names: Fiedler
+ family-names: Niklas
+ email: niklas.fiedler@uni-hamburg.de
+ affiliation: Universität Hamburg
+ orcid: 'https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0856-5087'
+ - given-names: Güldenstein
+ family-names: Jasper
+ email: jasper.gueldenstein@uni-hamburg.de
+ affiliation: Universität Hamburg
+ orcid: 'https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5416-5850'
+ - given-names: Gutsche
+ family-names: Jan
+ email: jan.gutsche@uni-hamburg.de
+ affiliation: Universität Hamburg
+ orcid: 'https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0868-8589'
+ - given-names: Hagge
+ family-names: Jonas
+ email: jonas.hagge@uni-hamburg.de
+ affiliation: Universität Hamburg
+ - given-names: Vahl
+ family-names: Florian
+ email: florian.vahl@uni-hamburg.de
+ affiliation: Universität Hamburg
+ - type: doi
+ value: 10.1007/978-3-030-98682-7_6
+ description: link.springer.com
+repository-code: 'https://github.com/bit-bots/TORSO_21_dataset'
+url: 'https://github.com/bit-bots/TORSO_21_dataset'
+abstract: >-
+ We present a dataset specifically designed to be
+ used as a benchmark to compare vision systems in
+ the RoboCup Humanoid Soccer domain. The dataset is
+ composed of a collection of images taken in various
+ real-world locations as well as a collection of
+ simulated images. It enables comparing vision
+ approaches with a meaningful and expressive metric.
+ The contributions of this paper consist of
+ providing a comprehensive and annotated dataset, an
+ overview of the recent approaches to vision in
+ RoboCup, methods to generate vision training data
+ in a simulated environment, and an approach to
+ increase the variety of a dataset by automatically
+ selecting a diverse set of images from a larger
+ pool. Additionally, we provide a baseline of YOLOv4
+ and YOLOv4-tiny on this dataset.
+ - Computer vision
+ - Vision dataset
+ - Deep learning
+ title: "TORSO-21 Dataset: Typical Objects in RoboCup Soccer 2021"
+ type: conference-paper
+ authors:
+ - given-names: Marc
+ family-names: Bestmann
+ email: marc.bestmann@uni-hamburg.de
+ affiliation: Universität Hamburg
+ orcid: 'https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7857-793X'
+ - given-names: Engelke
+ family-names: Timon
+ affiliation: Universität Hamburg
+ email: timon.engelke@uni-hamburg.de
+ - given-names: Fiedler
+ family-names: Niklas
+ email: niklas.fiedler@uni-hamburg.de
+ affiliation: Universität Hamburg
+ orcid: 'https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0856-5087'
+ - given-names: Güldenstein
+ family-names: Jasper
+ email: jasper.gueldenstein@uni-hamburg.de
+ affiliation: Universität Hamburg
+ orcid: 'https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5416-5850'
+ - given-names: Gutsche
+ family-names: Jan
+ email: jan.gutsche@uni-hamburg.de
+ affiliation: Universität Hamburg
+ orcid: 'https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0868-8589'
+ - given-names: Hagge
+ family-names: Jonas
+ email: jonas.hagge@uni-hamburg.de
+ affiliation: Universität Hamburg
+ - given-names: Vahl
+ family-names: Florian
+ email: florian.vahl@uni-hamburg.de
+ affiliation: Universität Hamburg
+doi: "10.1007/978-3-030-98682-7_6"
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@@ -348,23 +348,33 @@ Visualization of the position density of the respective annotations in the image
-## Citation
+## Publication
-_When you use our dataset, please cite it as follows:_
+_When you use our dataset or related software, please cite it as follows:_
-This dataset is published together with our publication during the RoboCup Symposium 2021.
+### TORSO-21 Dataset: Typical Objects in RoboCup Soccer 2021
-[TORSO-21 Dataset: Typical Objects in RoboCup Soccer 2021](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/352384714_TORSO-21_Dataset_Typical_Objects_in_RoboCup_Soccer_2021)
+We present a dataset specifically designed to be used as a benchmark to compare vision systems in the RoboCup Humanoid Soccer domain.
+The dataset is composed of a collection of images taken in various real-world locations as well as a collection of simulated images.
+It enables comparing vision approaches with a meaningful and expressive metric.
+The contributions of this paper consist of providing a comprehensive and annotated dataset, an overview of the recent approaches to vision in RoboCup, methods to generate vision training data in a simulated environment, and an approach to increase the variety of a dataset by automatically selecting a diverse set of images from a larger pool.
+Additionally , we provide a baseline of YOLOv4 and YOLOv4-tiny on this dataset.
author = {Bestmann, Marc and Engelke, Timon and Fiedler, Niklas and Güldenstein, Jasper and Gutsche, Jan and Hagge, Jonas and Vahl, Florian},
year = {2021},
-title = {TORSO-21 Dataset: Typical Objects in RoboCup Soccer 2021},
+title = {{TORSO-21 Dataset: Typical Objects in RoboCup Soccer 2021}},
booktitle={RoboCup 2021: Robot World Cup XXIV}
+_NOTE: You can get various citation types in the right sidebar on GitHub "Cite this repository"..._
## Changelog
### July 12, 2021