下面是单个LSTM Cell实现的代码。
初始化时需要告知LSTM Cell 输入向量的维度和隐层状态向量的维度,分别为$input_size$和$hidden_size$。
def __init__(self, input_size, hidden_size, bias=True):
self.input_size = input_size
self.hidden_size = hidden_size
self.bias = bias
def forward(self, x, h_p, c_p, W, U, b=None):
self.get_params(W, U, b)
self.x = x
# caclulate each gate
# use g instead of \tilde{c}
self.f = self.get_gate(x, h_p, self.wf, self.uf, self.bf, Sigmoid())
self.i = self.get_gate(x, h_p, self.wi, self.ui, self.bi, Sigmoid())
self.g = self.get_gate(x, h_p, self.wg, self.ug, self.bg, Tanh())
self.o = self.get_gate(x, h_p, self.wo, self.uo, self.bo, Sigmoid())
# calculate the states
self.c = np.multiply(self.f, c_p) + np.multiply(self.i, self.g)
self.h = np.multiply(self.o, Tanh().forward(self.c))
def get_params(self, W, U, b=None):
self.wf, self.wi, self.wg, self.wo = self.split_params(W, self.hidden_size)
self.uf, self.ui, self.ug, self.uo = self.split_params(U, self.input_size)
self.bf, self.bi, self.bg, self.bo = self.split_params((b if self.bias else np.zeros((4, self.hidden_size))) , 1)
def get_gate(self, x, h, W, U, b, activator):
if self.bias:
z = np.dot(h, W) + np.dot(x, U) + b
z = np.dot(h, W) + np.dot(x, U)
a = activator.forward(z)
return a
def backward(self, h_p, c_p, in_grad):
tanh = lambda x : Tanh().forward(x)
self.dzo = in_grad * tanh(self.c) * self.o * (1 - self.o)
self.dc = in_grad * self.o * (1 - tanh(self.c) * tanh(self.c))
self.dzg = self.dc * self.i * (1- self.g * self.g)
self.dzi = self.dc * self.g * self.i * (1 - self.i)
self.dzf = self.dc * c_p * self.f * (1 - self.f)
self.dwo = np.dot(h_p.T, self.dzo)
self.dwg = np.dot(h_p.T, self.dzg)
self.dwi = np.dot(h_p.T, self.dzi)
self.dwf = np.dot(h_p.T, self.dzf)
self.duo = np.dot(self.x.T, self.dzo)
self.dug = np.dot(self.x.T, self.dzg)
self.dui = np.dot(self.x.T, self.dzi)
self.duf = np.dot(self.x.T, self.dzf)
if self.bias:
self.dbo = np.sum(self.dzo,axis=0, keepdims=True)
self.dbg = np.sum(self.dzg,axis=0, keepdims=True)
self.dbi = np.sum(self.dzi,axis=0, keepdims=True)
self.dbf = np.sum(self.dzf,axis=0, keepdims=True)
# pass to previous time step
self.dh = np.dot(self.dzf, self.wf.T) + np.dot(self.dzi, self.wi.T) + np.dot(self.dzg, self.wg.T) + np.dot(self.dzo, self.wo.T)
# pass to previous layer
self.dx = np.dot(self.dzf, self.uf.T) + np.dot(self.dzi, self.ui.T) + np.dot(self.dzg, self.ug.T) + np.dot(self.dzo, self.uo.T)
def merge_params(self):
self.dW = np.concatenate((self.dwf, self.dwi, self.dwg, self.dwo), axis=0)
self.dU = np.concatenate((self.duf, self.dui, self.dug, self.duo), axis=0)
if self.bias:
self.db = np.concatenate((self.dbf, self.dbi, self.dbg, self.dbo), axis=0)
以上,完成了LSTM Cell的代码实现。
class LinearCell_1_2(object):
def __init__(self, input_size, output_size, activator=None, bias=True):
self.input_size = input_size
self.output_size = output_size
self.bias = bias
self.activator = activator
def forward(self, x, V, b=None):
self.x = x
self.batch_size = self.x.shape[0]
self.V = V
self.b = b if self.bias else np.zeros((self.output_size))
self.z = np.dot(x, V) + self.b
if self.activator:
self.a = self.activator.forward(self.z)
def backward(self, in_grad):
self.dz = in_grad
self.dV = np.dot(self.x.T, self.dz)
if self.bias:
# in the sake of backward in batch
self.db = np.sum(self.dz, axis=0, keepdims=True)
self.dx = np.dot(self.dz, self.V.T)
该实例需要4个时间步(time steps),我们搭建一个含有4个LSTM单元的单层网络,连接一个线性层,提供最终预测输出。网络结构如图20-5所示.
图20-5 训练网络结构示意图
class net(object):
def __init__(self, dr, input_size, hidden_size, output_size, bias=True):
self.dr = dr
self.loss_fun = LossFunction_1_1(NetType.BinaryClassifier)
self.loss_trace = TrainingHistory_3_0()
self.times = 4
self.input_size = input_size
self.hidden_size = hidden_size
self.output_size = output_size
self.bias = bias
self.lstmcell = []
self.linearcell = []
#self.a = []
for i in range(self.times):
self.lstmcell.append(LSTMCell_1_2(input_size, hidden_size, bias=bias))
self.linearcell.append(LinearCell_1_2(hidden_size, output_size, Logistic(), bias=bias))
#self.a.append((1, self.output_size))
def forward(self, X):
hp = np.zeros((1, self.hidden_size))
cp = np.zeros((1, self.hidden_size))
for i in range(self.times):
self.lstmcell[i].forward(X[:,i], hp, cp, self.W, self.U, self.bh)
hp = self.lstmcell[i].h
cp = self.lstmcell[i].c
self.linearcell[i].forward(hp, self.V, self.b)
#self.a[i] = Logistic().forward(self.linearcell[i].z)
def backward(self, Y):
hp = []
cp = []
# The last time step:
tl = self.times-1
dz = self.linearcell[tl].a - Y[:,tl:tl+1]
hp = self.lstmcell[tl-1].h
cp = self.lstmcell[tl-1].c
self.lstmcell[tl].backward(hp, cp, self.linearcell[tl].dx)
# Middle time steps:
dh = []
for i in range(tl-1, 0, -1):
dz = self.linearcell[i].a - Y[:,i:i+1]
hp = self.lstmcell[i-1].h
cp = self.lstmcell[i-1].c
dh = self.linearcell[i].dx + self.lstmcell[i+1].dh
self.lstmcell[i].backward(hp, cp, dh)
# The first time step:
dz = self.linearcell[0].a - Y[:,0:1]
dh = self.linearcell[0].dx + self.lstmcell[1].dh
self.lstmcell[0].backward(np.zeros((self.batch_size, self.hidden_size)), np.zeros((self.batch_size, self.hidden_size)), dh)
def train(self, batch_size, checkpoint=0.1):
self.batch_size = batch_size
max_epoch = 100
eta = 0.1
# Try different initialize method
#self.U = np.random.random((4 * self.input_size, self.hidden_size))
#self.W = np.random.random((4 * self.hidden_size, self.hidden_size))
self.U = self.init_params_uniform((4 * self.input_size, self.hidden_size))
self.W = self.init_params_uniform((4 * self.hidden_size, self.hidden_size))
self.V = np.random.random((self.hidden_size, self.output_size))
self.bh = np.zeros((4, self.hidden_size))
self.b = np.zeros((self.output_size))
max_iteration = math.ceil(self.dr.num_train/batch_size)
checkpoint_iteration = (int)(math.ceil(max_iteration * checkpoint))
for epoch in range(max_epoch):
for iteration in range(max_iteration):
# get data
batch_x, batch_y = self.dr.GetBatchTrainSamples(batch_size, iteration)
# forward
# update
for i in range(self.times):
self.U = self.U - self.lstmcell[i].dU * eta /self.batch_size
self.W = self.W - self.lstmcell[i].dW * eta /self.batch_size
self.V = self.V - self.linearcell[i].dV * eta /self.batch_size
if self.bias:
self.bh = self.bh - self.lstmcell[i].db * eta /self.batch_size
self.b = self.b - self.linearcell[i].db * eta /self.batch_size
# check loss
total_iteration = epoch * max_iteration + iteration
if (total_iteration+1) % checkpoint_iteration == 0:
X,Y = self.dr.GetValidationSet()
loss,acc,_ = self.check_loss(X,Y)
self.loss_trace.Add(epoch, total_iteration, None, None, loss, acc, None)
print(epoch, total_iteration)
print(str.format("loss={0:6f}, acc={1:6f}", loss, acc))
#end if
#enf for
if (acc == 1.0):
#end for
self.loss_trace.ShowLossHistory("Loss and Accuracy", XCoordinate.Iteration)
图20-6 loss和accuracy的曲线变化图
x1: [1, 1, 0, 1]
- x2: [1, 0, 0, 1]
true: [0, 1, 0, 0]
pred: [0, 1, 0, 0]
13 - 9 = 4
x1: [1, 0, 0, 0]
- x2: [0, 1, 0, 1]
true: [0, 0, 1, 1]
pred: [0, 0, 1, 1]
8 - 5 = 3
x1: [1, 1, 0, 0]
- x2: [1, 0, 0, 1]
true: [0, 0, 1, 1]
pred: [0, 0, 1, 1]
12 - 9 = 3
ch20, Level1
- 本例中都使用了bias参数,如果去掉bias(即bh,b皆为0)效果如何。
- 用不同的方式初始化权重W,U,比较不同的结果。
- 使用不同batch_size,比较不同结果。