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DAML on Besu Chart


field description default
imagePullSecrets.enabled true if imagePullSecrets will be provided false
imagePullSecrets.value a list of names of imagePullSecrets []
besu.extraVolumeMounts extra volume mounts for the besu containers []
besu.extraVolumes extra volume definitions for the besu set []
besu.seedNetwork whether or not this is a seed or genesis network true
besu.seedGenesis the genesis configuration used if this is not a seed network nil
besu.additionalBootnodeUrls A list of enode defining objects defined as below []
besu.additionalBootnodeUrls[].pubkey the public key of the enode url
besu.additionalBootnodeUrls[].host the hostname of the enode url (it will be resolved if not an ip)
besu.additionalBootnodeUrls[].port the port for the enode url
besu.persistence.enabled true if the besu persistence will be enabled true
besu.persistence.annotations annotations to be added to the persistence volume {}
besu.persistence.accessMode the access mode for the persistence volume ReadWriteOnce
besu.persistence.storageClass the storage class for the persistence volume gps
besu.persistence.size the size of the persistence volume 40Gi
besu.resources the resources to be applied to the besu container {}
besu.serviceAccount.create true if the service account will be created true override the name of the service account nil
besu.nodeCount the number of besu nodes to start an initial genesis requires 4 4
besu.chainId the chain id for the besu nodes "19750424"
besu.dataPath the path to the data directory. This should not normally be changed /data
besu.rpc.enabled true if the besu json-rpc will be enabled true the address to bind the json-rpc to ""
besu.rpc.api the list of APIs to expose '["DEBUG","ETH", "ADMIN", "WEB3", "IBFT", "NET"]'
besu.rpc.port the port to bind the json-rpc 8545
besu.rpc.corsOrigins the list of cors origins to allow '["all"]'
besu.rpc.authenticationEnabled true if the json-rpc will be authenticated false true if the besu ws listener will be enabled false the list of APIs to expose on the websocket listener '["DEBUG", "ETH", "WEB3", "NET"]' the address to bind the websocket listener to "" the port to bind the websocket listener to 8546 the list of cors origins to allow '["all"]' true if the websocket will be authenticated false
besu.graphql.enabled true if the graphql listener will be enabled false the address to bind the graphql listener to ""
besu.graphql.corsOrigins the list of cors origins to allow '["all"]'
besu.graphql.port the port to bind the graphql listener to 8547 the port to bind the discovery listener to 8549
besu.metrics.enabled true if the metrics listener will be enabled false the address to bind the metrics listener to ""
besu.metrics.port the port to bind the metrics listener to 9545
besu.metricsPush.enabled true if the metrics push will be enabled false the address to push metrics to ""
besu.metricsPush.port the port to push metrics to 9091
besu.metricsPush.interval the interval to push metrics to 60
besu.metricsPush.prometheusJob the name of the prometheus metrics push job "besu"
besu.permissions.enabled true if the permissions will be enabled false
besu.permissions.nodes.enabled true if the node permissions will be enabled false
besu.permissions.nodes.whitelist a list of whitelisted enodes []
besu.permissions.nodesContract.enabled true if the node contract permissioning contract will be enabled false
besu.permissions.nodesContract.address address of the nodes permissioning contract "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000001234"
besu.permissions.accounts.enabled true if the account permissions will be enabled false
besu.permissions.accounts.whitelist a list of whitelisted accounts []
besu.privacy.enabled true if the private transactions are enabled on this node false
besu.privacy.url the url to the private transaction manager nil
besu.privacy.precompileAddress the precompiled address of the privacy contract 9
besu.privacy.enclaveKeyConfigMap the name of a configmap containing the enclave public Key nil
besu.genesis.ibftBlockPeriodSeconds the ibft block period in seconds 2
besu.genesis.ibftEpochLength the ibft epoch length in blocks 30000
besu.genesis.ibftRequestTimeoutSeconds ibft request timeout 10
besu.genesisFilePath the path to the genesis file "/etc/genesis/genesis.json"
besu.logging the logging level "info"
besu.affinity custom affinity rules for the besu statefulset nil
besu.image.repository the repository of the besu image ""
besu.image.tag the tag of the besu image "BTP2.1.0"
besu.image.imagePullPolicy the pull policy for the besu image "IfNotPresent"
besu.privateImage.repository the repository of the besu image ""
besu.privateImage.imagePullPolicy the pull policy for the besu image "IfNotPresent"
besu.privateImage.imagePullPolicy the pull policy for the besu image "IfNotPresent"
besu.p2p.enabled true if the p2p listener will be enabled true true if the p2p discovery will be enabled true the address to bind the p2p listener to ""
besu.p2p.port the port to bind the p2p listener to 30303
besu.p2p.maxPeers the max number of peers to connect to 25
besu.http.whitelist the list of whitelisted http endpoints [*]
besu.txPool.retentionHours the number of hours to keep transactions in the tx pool 999
besu.txPool.maxSize the max number of transactions to keep in the tx pool 1024
daml.affinity custom affinity rules for the daml statefulset nil
daml.auth.enabled true if authentication is to be enabled false
daml.image.repository the repository of the daml rpc image ""
daml.image.tag the tag of the daml rpc image "BTP2.1.0"
daml.image.imagePullPolicy the pull policy for the daml rpc image "IfNotPresent"
daml.ledgerId ledger id for this participant default-ledger-id
daml.annotations annotations for the daml rpc statefulset {}
daml.rpcCount number identical rpc participants to allocate 1
daml.repeater.repository url of the repeater repository
daml.repeater.tag tag of the repeater image BTP2.1.0
daml.repeater.pullPolicy pullPolicy of the repeater image BTP2.1.0
daml.repeater.enabled the repeater repeats items from the central committer to the various participants BTP2.1.0
daml.repeater.participantId the pariticipantId of the central committer nil
daml.rpc.env list of environment name/value dicts nil
daml.rpc.extra_args extra arguments settings for daml-rpc N/A
daml.rpc.extra_args.enabled if true add the extra arguments false
daml.rpc.extra_args.arg_str string of extra arguments to add nil
daml.rpc.participantId DAML participant id for this participant daml-participant
daml.rpc.port DAML grpc listening port 39000
daml.rpc.postgres_url The URL of the index database as described here jdbc:postgresql://localhost/postgres?user=postgres
daml.jsonapi.enabled Enabled the DAML JSON API false
daml.jsonapi.image.repository repository for the jsonapi image blockchaintp/daml-json-api
daml.jsonapi.image.tag tag for the jsonapi image BTP2.1.0
daml.jsonapi.image.pullPolicy imagePullPolicy for container IfNotPresent
daml.jsonapi.ingress.apiVersion if necessary the apiVersion of the ingress may be overridden ""
daml.jsonapi.ingress.enabled true to enable the ingress to the main service rest-api false
daml.jsonapi.ingress.certManager true to enable the acme certmanager for this ingress false
daml.jsonapi.ingress.hostname primary hostname for the ingress false
daml.jsonapi.ingress.path path for the ingress's primary hostname /
daml.jsonapi.ingress.pathType pathType for the ingress's primary hostname nil
daml.jsonapi.ingress.annotations annotations for the ingress {}
daml.jsonapi.ingress.tls true to enable tls on the ingress with a secrete at hostname-tls false
daml.jsonapi.ingress.extraHosts list of extra hosts to add to the ingress []
daml.jsonapi.ingress.extraPaths list of extra paths to add to the primary host of the ingress []
daml.jsonapi.ingress.extraTls list of extra tls entries []
daml.jsonapi.args extra args nil
daml.jsonapi.env list of environment name/value dicts nil
daml.jsonapi.packageReloadInterval how often to periodically check the daml-rpc for new daml packages 5s
daml.jsonapi.waitTimeSeconds how long to wait for the daml-rpc server to come available 0 (forever)
daml.metrics.besu.reporter Metrics reporter to use, console: prints captured metrics on the standard output csv://</path/to/metrics.csv>: saves the captured metrics in CSV format at the specified location graphite://<server_host>[:<server_port>]: sends captured metrics to a Graphite server. If the port is omitted, the default value 2003 will be used. prometheus://<server_host>[:<server_port>] console
daml.metrics.besu.interval Metrics reporting interval, in java duration format PT10S
daml.metrics.reporter Metrics reporter to use, console: prints captured metrics on the standard output csv://</path/to/metrics.csv>: saves the captured metrics in CSV format at the specified location graphite://<server_host>[:<server_port>]: sends captured metrics to a Graphite server. If the port is omitted, the default value 2003 will be used. prometheus://<server_host>[:<server_port>] console
daml.metrics.interval Metrics reporting interval, in java duration format PT10S
daml.extraVolumeMounts extra volume mounts for the daml-on-besu container []
daml.extraVolumes extra volume definitions for the daml-on-besu container []
extraVolumeMounts extra volume mounts for all sets []
extraVolumes extra volume definitions for all sets []
orion.create if true, an orion instance will be created, and used if besu.privacy.enabled==true false
postgres.enabled true if the embedded postgres will be enabled true
postgres.image.repository the docker image repository postgres
postgres.image.tag the docker image tag latest
postgres.image.pullPolicy the docker image pull policy IfNotPresent
postgres.persistence.enabled true if the postgres persistence will be enabled true
postgres.persistence.accessModes the access modes for the postgres persistence ["ReadWriteOnce"]
postgres.persistence.storageClass the name of the storage class "gp2"
postgres.persistence.size the size of the postgres persistence 10Gi
openssl.image.repository the docker image repository openssl
openssl.image.tag the docker image tag latest
k8s.image.repository the docker image repository kubernetes
k8s.image.tag the docker image tag latest