A CLI tool aims to help developers building on Cardano.
- Stream blockchain data from a Cardano node
- Create and manage a local private Cardano network (3 nodes cluster) (Supported on Linux and MacOS)
More features will be added in future releases.
This CLI uses Yaci, a mini protocol implementation in java, to interact with a remote/local Cardano node.
Note: This is a command line tool. It works best in a terminal with Dark background. For terminal with light background, use "--color-mode light" option to change the color scheme
For more details, check this User Guide
Go to the download section to download the yaci-cli Jar.
Requirement : Java 11 and above
To run
$> java -jar yaci-cli-<version>.jar
docker run -it bloxbean/yaci-cli:<version>
While using local cluster support, create a file called "env" if you want to enable Yaci Store support and fund your test ada address with some Ada.
Docker command
docker run -it -v ~/clusters:/clusters --env-file env -p 3001:3001 -p 8090:8090 -p 10000:10000 -p 8080:8080 bloxbean/yaci-cli:<version>
- 3001 - Local Cluster Node Port
- 8090 - Submit Api port
- 10000 - Local Cluster Api endpoint port
- 8080 - Yaci Store Api endpoint port
Specify the network name to stream using a public relay. The supported networks are mainnet / legacy_testnet / prepod/ preview
Default network: mainnet
yaci-cli> tail --network <network>
yaci-cli> tail --network tail --network mainnet --host <Cardano Node Host> --port <Cardano Node Port)
To stream data from a private network, please provide host, port, protocol magic, known host, known port
yaci-cli:>tail --host localhost --port 30000 --protocol-magic 1 --known-slot 7055961 --known-blockhash f5753d8e7df48ed77eb1bc886e9b42c629e8a885ee88cfc994c127d2dff19641
yaci-cli>create-cluster mydevcluster
export JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS=-Dfile.encoding=UTF8
./gradlew clean build -PskipSigning
docker build --build-arg="APP_VERSION=<app_version>" -t bloxbean/yaci-cli:<version> .
docker buildx build --build-arg="APP_VERSION=<app_version>" --push --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64 --tag bloxbean/yaci-cli:<version> .