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Jarl Development


Unit Tests

  • lein test to run all Clojure tests
  • lein test :unit to run the Clojure unit tests
  • lein cljs-build-test to build the ClojureScript unit tests, and node target/cljs-test.js to run them

Compliance Tests

Jarl uses plans generated from the "YAML test suite" of OPA in order to ensure that the result of running a plan via Jarl is the same as it would be when running the corresponding policy in OPA. This ensures that we stay compliant with at least the documented behavior of OPA. Now, there are obviously tons of things not tested there, but having more than 1000 tests at least provides some level of assurance. When encountering behavior which likely differs between OPA and Jarl, it is recommended to consider adding a test for that to the OPA test suite, and then have it added to Jarl via the opa-compliance-test tool.

In order to run the compliance tests, these must first be generated. This process entails taking the JSON files found under src/test/resources/compliance and turning them into Clojure/ClojureScript test cases — a process done by the compliance test generator. Running the generator is as easy as executing the main function in that namespace, which can conveniently be done with:

lein gen-compliance

If you only want to generate tests for a single target, you may optionally provide either :clj or :cljs as an argument to the above command.

NOTE that you need only to generate the compliance tests cases when there have been either changes coming in upstream, or you have added new builtin functions for either target. Once generated, the tests may be run with the following commands:

  • lein test :compliance to run the OPA compliance test suite for Clojure
  • lein cljs-build-compliance to build the OPA compliance test suite for ClojureScript, and node target/cljs-compliance.js to run it


This project has limited benchmarking capabilities, and can measure relative performance for both Jarl and OPA over time. In support of this, there are two commands:

  • lein perf-jarl: Will benchmark Jarl, appending the results to perf/jarl-perf.csv; labeling them with the current git revision and label (if any).

    The Benchmark Jarl GitHub action will run this command and create a PR with the result. This action can be run manually but is also run on pushed tags.

  • lein perf-opa: Will benchmark the OPA version pointed to by the OPA environment variable, alternatively the OPA version found on PATH. The result is appended to perf/opa-perf.csv, with the OPA version as label.

    The Benchmark OPA GitHub action will run this command and create a PR with the result. This action can be run manually, and takes the OPA version as input parameter.

perf/perf.html is a simple Web page that illustrates the data in perf/jarl-perf.csv and perf/opa-perf.csv in chart form. A live version of this page is published here.

The above benchmarking commands utilize the IR generated by test/resources/rego/perf/policy.rego, where a metric is generated for each contained entrypoint/plan.


Run the code in core/src/test/clj/test/profile.clj. Alternatively, from a REPL, run the following in order to have a profiler instrument a function (like the compliance test runner below):

(require '[clojure.test :refer [run-tests]]
         '[clj-async-profiler.core :as prof]

(prof/profile (run-tests 'test.compliance.generated.tests))
(prof/serve-ui 8888)

Note that the JVM process needs to be started with -Djdk.attach.allowAttachSelf in order for profiling to work.


In the core directory:


Jarl currently has experimental support for ClojureScript as an alternative to Clojure. In order to avoid duplication of code, we use .cljc files and reader conditionals where possible, and try to use .clj (Clojure) and .cljs (ClojureScript) files only when a particular namespace relies extensively on features found in the host system (such as functions related to date and time).

Building ClojureScript

To build a target (main, test, compliance) using lein:

lein cljs-build-<target>

Or, using the shadow-cljs command direcly:

shadow-cljs compile main

Running ClojureScript

Running Jarl core:

node target/cljs-main.js

Running unit tests:

node target/cljs-test.js

Running compliance tests:

node target/cljs-compliance.js


See the shadow-cljs docum(entation for how to launch a REPL, and how to connect to it from your editor of choice.

For IntelliJ IDEA and Cursive, the flow would be:

  1. Start a watch: shadow-cljs watch main
  2. Run the application: node target/cljs-main.js
  3. IntelliJ Run Configuration: Remote REPL, Connection Type -> nREPL, User port from nREPL file — Use standard port file.
  4. Inside of REPL: (shadow/repl :main)


Jarl uses timbre for logging, with [configuration] provided as a regular Clojure(Script) map. This map may be modified using any of the available methods listed in the docs. The default level is :warn, which should not log anything unless something unexpected happens.

When running the Clojure tests (lein test :unit, lein test :compliance), you may change the level provided in the project.clj file under the :test profile. For ClojureScript, you'll currently need to modify the level in the test.config namespace before building, as this file is sourced into the cljs tests.