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534 lines (359 loc) · 11.2 KB

title: Pandoc Markdown Quick Reference by Examples author: name: Benct Philip Jonsson
email: [email protected] original-date: 18 September 2013 date: 27 February 2014 ...

For the full official description see the Pandoc User Guide

This is a really quick reference without explanations,1 intended to remind new or returning users who have already read the official User Guide.

This file lives on Github. It used to be a gist, but it's far from certain that the gist will be updated anymore.

If you read it there bear in mind that it may contain markup specific to Pandoc's Markdown dialect which the Github renderer can't handle outside of the examples. (Currently there are only a couple of footnotes, and the metadata at the top.)

If you wonder why I'm using Lipsum everywhere in the examples it is so as to make it easier to translate: you only have to translate the headers and the table captions in the table examples, and you're done!

The layout was also made with a mind to making it easy to programmatically produce versions which show what the examples look like when converted to various formats and when rendered.2 It was primarily the hope to add some of those scripts which prompted the move to Github.


Et quia itaque unde quia est cupiditate deleniti quia.
Accusamus iure nesciunt impedit accusamus.

Libero sed impedit aut deserunt ipsum distinctio est.


Level one {#setext-level1-header}

Level two

# Level 1

## Level 2

# Level 1 #

## Level 2 ##

### Level three {#h3 .class1 .class2 attr1=val1 attr2=val2}

###### Level six

Block quotes

> Velit fuga facere sed error sed vitae consectetur. Et culpa voluptatem
> optio dolores et. Voluptas aut facere et aut qui autem.
> > Repellendus quae deserunt odio tempora beatae facere. Blanditiis
> > esse maxime enim.
> Mollitia praesentium repudiandae sunt blanditiis et sit est quibusdam.

Code Blocks

Quia qui eos odio soluta enim consequuntur voluptates tempore.

	print("This is an indented code block");

Nesciunt dolores ut consequatur est accusantium et et sapiente.

~~~ {#code-block .perl .numberlines attr1=val1 startFrom="2"}
print("This is a fenced code block");

print("This is a fenced code block");

Line blocks

| possimus molestias.
| dolorum ea.
| consequatur explicabo.



*	rerum quia.
*	repudiandae velit.
+	facilis sint.
	-	quis vitae.
+	enim voluptates.
*	qui excepturi.


C.	Quaerat aliquid _error_ voluptatem.

I.	Libero et repudiandae autem adipisci.

	1)	Aut doloribus voluptatibus officiis minima.

	i. Eum delectus doloremque nostrum eveniet vel accusantium.

	ii. Dolorum dolor ut et est quis iusto magnam.

		(a) Asperiores deserunt omnis voluptatem fugiat quibusdam id.

		Repellendus qui voluptas doloribus corporis.

	1)	Enim et molestiae accusamus at quasi voluptatibus aut.

II. Et saepe temporibus ad qui eum aliquid.

D.	Dignissimos voluptatem autem qui.

#.	Quisquam nobis ea repellendus incidunt enim sit doloremque dicta.
#.	Sed reprehenderit non qui sunt.
#.	Repudiandae numquam mollitia quia aspernatur est pariatur laudantium.

Definition lists

~   Possimus molestiae illum quas ut soluta omnis velit qui.
~   Commodi quidem nisi fugiat.
~   Beatae aut aspernatur et autem aut.

<!-- Two different lists! -->


:	Laudantium laboriosam aspernatur rem occaecati quisquam.

Qui placeat architecto animi ut nisi.


:	Architecto laboriosam rerum non aut et dolorem.


Omnis facilis dolores illo ab cum consectetur animi.


:	Voluptatem quibusdam et soluta quia sed.

Example lists

(@first)	Placeat nihil voluptas eos.
(@second)	Eos consequuntur amet id et fugiat.

Aliquam dolorem dolores aliquam non voluptate nemo hic (@first) ipsam.

(@third)	Magni et vel provident officia eligendi at.

Horizontal rules

* * *




Simple tables

  Right     Left     Center     Default
-------     ------ ----------   -------
     12     12        12            12
    123     123       123          123
      1     1          1             1

Table: Demonstration of simple table syntax.

Header-less tables

-------     ------ ----------   -------
     12     12        12            12
    123     123       123          123
      1     1          1
-------     ------ ----------   -------

: Header-less table

Multi-line tables

Saepe   Accusamus   Voluptatem
------  ----------  ---------------------------
Quis    Impedit     Laudantium incidunt ab iure

Tempore Inventore   Officiis facere officiis a.

Ex      Et          Maxime eos natus iusto officia
                    consequuntur et.

: Multi-line table

Grid tables

|Saepe  |Accusamus  |Voluptatem                 |
|Quis   |Impedit    |Laudantium incidunt ab iure|
|       |           |recusandae.                |
|Tempore|Inventore  |~~~                        |
|       |           |print("Officiis facere");  |
|       |           |~~~                        |
|Ex     |Et         |Maxime eos natus iusto     |
|       |           |officia consequuntur et.   |

: Grid table

Pipe tables

| Right | Left | Default | Center |
|   12  |  12  |    12   |    12  |
|  123  |  123 |   123   |   123  |
|    1  |    1 |     1   |     1  |

: Demonstration of pipe table syntax.

| Delectus  | Veritatis |
| Laboriosam| Modi      |
| Nam       | Quibusdam |

: This is valid too

| Delectus  | Veritatis |
| Laboriosam| Modi      |
| Nam       | Quibusdam |

: And this is valid


: And even this is valid![^TSV]

[^TSV]:	  Tab separated values to table in Vim:

:'<,'>!pandoc -w markdown

Title block

% Provident delectus eos
% Praesentium Eos;
	Molestias Dolore;
	Consequatur Aut
% 2011-11-11

YAML metadata block

title:	'Corrupti: necessitatibus'
  - name: Exercitationem Recusandae
    affiliation: Omnis deserunt
  - name: Sit Qui
    affiliation: Sunt iusto
tags: [nihil, rerum]
abstract: |
  Dolorum et ex ipsum explicabo voluptate dolore.

  Velit sit distinctio nihil.

Backslash escapes

ASCII punctuation and symbol characters

_unum_ ex _\*oinom_

Non-breaking space

In\ quod

Line break

Non rerum voluptatem vitae\
perspiciatis dolores voluptas enim.

Smart punctuation

Sapiente earum --- doloribus voluptatum --- quidem.



Inline formatting


Blanditiis _mollitia_ debitis suscipit ipsam at *eaque* dolore.

Strong emphasis

Exercitationem quo __nemo__ dolorem sed **recusandae** debitis.


Ut ut ~~nisi id voluptatum~~ laboriosam et qui recusandae.

Superscripts and subscripts



Ea^eum\ quasi^


`foo = bar(3)`{#code .class1 .class2 attr1=val1 attr2=val2}

``foo = `ls -l` ``


$2 \times 3$


Automatic links


<[email protected]>

Inline links

Nihil voluptatum [reiciendis sunt accusamus]( placeat dolorum fuga eos.

Officiis [est]( "ut vel tenetur et maiores optio quisquam et atque.") et.

Reference links

Iure facilis [quia][consequuntur] autem quos.

Impedit quis [vitae][] pariatur.

Perspiciatis [rerum] vel et suscipit.

[vitae]:		<>
[rerum]:		[email protected]

Internal links


Fugiat [quod] quisquam earum.

[quod]: #beatae


Itaque ![illum](eligendi.png) magnam sint.

Itaque ![nihil] magnam sint.

[nihil]: itaque.png

Pictures with captions

Laudantium ipsa eum odit in omnis aliquam.

![Animi placeat sunt](iure.png)

Blanditiis impedit qui corporis omnis vitae omnis dolor et.


Sint consequuntur[^1] illo nobis[^nobis] dolorem quibusdam.

[^1]: Doloremque voluptatem ut molestiae consectetur.

[^nobis]: Qui doloremque quo harum.

Inline notes

Est architecto veniam ea quia ratione^[Et sint corporis sapiente deserunt
consequuntur.] accusantium voluptate expedita.


These examples don't really work...

  - id: doe99
    title: About Something
	  - family: Doe
	    given: John
      year: 1999
  - id: smith04
    title: Things Explained
      - family: Smith
        given: Thomas
      year: 1904

Blah blah [see @doe99, pp. 33-35; also @smith04, ch. 1].

Blah blah [@doe99, pp. 33-35, 38-39 and *passim*].

Blah blah [@smith04; @doe99].

Smith says blah [-@smith04].

@smith04 says blah.

@smith04 [p. 33] says blah.

last paragraph...

# References

<!-- The bibliography will be inserted after this header. -->



  1. I snuck in a use case for really ugly pipe tables, though!

  2. The file is formatted so that the actual examples, meant to be converted and possibly rendered to display what they become in various output formats are indented with hard (real) tab characters, while text which should merely be copied is flush left or indented with space characters, since I thought that as long as hard tabs are displayed four spaces wide that's less daunting for a newbie than fenced code blocks. As long as this formatting is preserved the file can be divided into example chunks which match the (Perl) regular expression

    / ^ \t .*? (?= ^ [^\t\n] | \z ) /msx

    and text chunks which match the 'inverse' expression

    / ^ [^\t\n] .*? (?= ^ \t | \z ) /msx

    although you wold likely need to trim off trailing whitespace from each chunk and join them together again with two newlines between each chunk. Example chunks can easily be outdented with s/^\t//gm.