If you will run the project on the cloud, the following instructions will help deploy a cloud VM. If you will run the project on local resources skip to the 'Install Docker' section.
- Microsoft Azure instructions:
https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-machines/linux/quick-create-portal - Amazon AWS instructions:
- Choose CentOS 7.5 (which the following instructions are based on)
- Create a resource group 'rtcloud' to make it easier to track later
- Choose VM Size D4ads_v5 (or F4s_v2, F8s_v2, F16s_v2, etc. depending on number of cores desired)
- Choose standard SSD disk
- Choose Auto-shutdown and set a time during the night (in case you forget to power down)
- After VM creation, make sure the VM is stopped and go to Disks > change size to 128 GiB (or however large a storage space you think you need)
- Go to Networking > Add inbound port rule: Change destination port ranges to "8888,6080" (no quotes) with Priority 1010
- Also in Networking, make sure there is an SSH port existing. If not, Add inbound port rule: Service set to SSH, Destination port ranges to 22, Protocol set to TCP, Priority 1000
Install Docker Engine
sudo yum install -y yum-utils device-mapper-persistent-data lvm2
sudo yum-config-manager -y --add-repo https://download.docker.com/linux/centos/docker-ce.repo
sudo yum install -y docker-ce docker-ce-cli containerd.io
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/brainiak/rt-cloud/master/docker/docker-compose.yml
sudo yum install -y docker-compose
Add your username to the docker group (to avoid using sudo for docker commands)
sudo groupadd docker
sudo usermod -aG docker <username>
newgrp docker
Config Docker to start at boot time
sudo systemctl enable docker
sudo systemctl start docker
After installation steps, might need to log out and log back in to have docker recognize the group.
test docker
docker run hello-world
Pull rtcloud image
docker pull brainiak/rtcloud:latest
Add the rtgroup
Add a new group with GID 5454 to your local system which matches the user and group ID used in the rtcloud Docker container. Add your username to be a member of the rtcloud group.
sudo adduser -u 5454 -U rtcloud
sudo usermod -a -G rtcloud <your-username>
sudo chgrp -R rtcloud <projects-dir>
Create RTCloud SSL certificate
The following instructions will create a "certs" folder on your local machine. The path to this certs folder needs to be provided every time you run RTCloud containers in order to allow encrypted communication across components. You will also need to install the certs/rtcloud.crt certificate in your browser for trusted communication.
IP=`curl https://ifconfig.co/`
docker run -it --name ssl brainiak/rtcloud:latest scripts/make-sslcert.sh -ip $IP
docker cp ssl:/rt-cloud/certs /PathOnYourLocalMachine
docker rm -f ssl
Add a user for web interface
The web connection to the projectInterface requires a user/password to authenticate. You can create a username and password with this command.
docker run -it --rm -v certs:/rt-cloud/certs brainiak/rtcloud:latest scripts/add-user.sh -u <username>
The above installation only needs to be run once, then the projectInterface can be started whenever needed with these commands.
IP=`curl https://ifconfig.co/`
docker run -it --rm -v certs:/rt-cloud/certs -v $PROJ_DIR:/rt-cloud/projects/$PROJ_NAME -p 8888:8888 brainiak/rtcloud:latest scripts/run-projectInterface.sh -p $PROJ_NAME -c projects/$PROJ_NAME/config.toml -ip $IP
The rt-cloud githup repo has a run-docker.sh script that encapsulates the docker specific call parameters in the above calls. This can make it simpler to call the functions you want within the docker image. The following shows the previous commands using the run-docker.sh helper script. Set the $PROJ_DIR env variable before calling run-docker.sh so it can map the project directory into the docker container.
export $PROJ_DIR=[path-to-your-local-project]
scripts/run-docker.sh scripts/make-sslcert.sh -ip $IP
scripts/run-docker.sh scripts/add-user.sh -u <username>
scripts/run-docker.sh scripts/run-projectInterface.sh -p sample -c projects/sample/conf/sample.toml -ip $IP
Or use the --projDir parameter to specify the project directory to map.
scripts/run-docker.sh --projDir [path-to-project] scripts/run-projectInterface.sh -p sample -c projects/sample/conf/sample.toml -ip $IP
Docker compose can be used to start a container running with all the appropriate directories and ports mapped, making it easier to issue calls (i.e. run commands) in a continuously running container.
The docker compose file is located at: rt-cloud/docker/docker-compose.yml
. Edit the docker-compose.yml file and replace /tmp/myproject
with the path to your project, and update the internal container mount point by replacing 'myproject' in /rt-cloud/projects/myproject
with your project directory name.
Then start the docker compose container running docker-compose up
docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose.yml up &
Stop the docker compose container by running docker-compose down
docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose.yml down
The running container will be named rtserver
. You can then issue commands to the running container such as:
docker exec -it rtserver ls /rt-cloud/projects
docker exec -it rtserver scripts/run-projectInterface.sh -p myproject -c /rt-cloud/projects/myproject/config.toml --test
This makes it easier to run commands without specifying volumes and ports to map each time, and is more efficient as it uses a running container rather than starting a new container for each command.
Thers is a version of the rtcloud docker image that also has ANTs, FSL and C3D installed in the image along with the RT-Cloud framework. It is available as brainiak/rtcloudxl:[release-tag], such as brainiak/rtcloudxl:1.3. This container is significantly larger (about 30 GB uncompressed) than the basic rtcloud image, and so is not listed as the default release of the image.
The dockerfiles needed to build the images are in the rt-cloud/docker directory. The commands to build the images are as follows:
docker build -t brainiak/rtcloud:latest -f docker/Dockerfile.rtcloud .
docker build -t brainiak/rtcloudxl:latest -f docker/Dockerfile.rtcloudXL .
And to re-tag them, such as for a release:
docker tag brainiak/rtcloud:latest brainiak/rtcloud:1.3
sudo docker run -it --rm -v certs:/rt-cloud/certs -v projects:/rt-cloud/projects -p 8888:8888 -p 6080:6080 brainiak/rtcloud:latest scripts/run-projectInterface.sh -p sampler --dataRemote --subjectRemote
sudo docker run -it --rm -p 8888:8888 brainiak/rtcloud_root:1.1 scripts/run-projectInterface.sh -p sample --subjectRemote --dataRemote --test
sudo docker run -it --rm -v certs:/rt-cloud/certs -v /home/paulscotti/rt-cloud_small/projects/sample/dicomDir:/rt-cloud/dicomDir -p 8888:8888 -p 6080:6080 brainiak/rtcloud:latest scripts/run-scannerDataService.sh -s paulscotti@ -d /rt-cloud/dicomDir,/tmp --test
docker run -it --rm -p 8888:8888 brainiak/rtcloud_root:1.1 scripts/run-scannerDataService.sh -s -d /rt-cloud/projects/sample/dicomDir/20190219.0219191_faceMatching.0219191_faceMatching,/tmp --test
the is the address for the projectInterface!
sudo docker run -it --rm -v certs:/rt-cloud/certs -p 8888:8888 -p 6080:6080 brainiak/rtcloud:latest python rtCommon/subjectService.py -s paulscotti@ --test
python psychopy_test.py