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GDPRDialog Release

Simple reusable DialogFragment.

GDPR Workflow GDPR Workflow


GDPR Workflow

What it offers

This library offers following:

  • it manages the user's selected consent decision
  • it closes the app if the user did not give any consent (i.e if the user clicks the back button in the dialog)
  • it automatically reshows the dialog if the user did not give any consent or if the setup defines that the app is not allowed to be used without ads and the user has not accepted ads at all yet
  • works with a dialog fragment, so rotation and remembering intermediate state is done in the library
  • uses soft opt in
  • allows setups like following:
    • allow/disallow app usage if the user gives no consent
    • optioanlly explicitly ask for the users age (it's saver according to a data security expert I know)
    • allow to handle fallback to paid app instead of not personalised ads and also allows to offer personalised/non personalised/paid no ads version

GDPR and law safety

Such dialogs must always be adjusted to the user case in general, although this one should be fine in most cases. Following is important (talked with a lawyer I know of who is a GDPR specialist). I'm no lawyer, so don't take everything I write for granted. Check out the the EU GDPR yourself for more informations.

  • user must be asked for consent for personalised data
  • user must not be asked for non personalised data directly, the soft opt in like implemented in this library is ok ("cookie method")
  • it's probably ok to disallow the usage of the app if the user does not want to use personalised data, but this is not sure yet. But in general, if you don't have a monopol and your app is not necessary for everyone, you have the right to decide yourself whom you sell or give the app. But this is something that is not 100% predictable currently in the app scene yet, maybe one day we have some reference cases and know for sure.
  • you must provide the links of all privacy policies of the services you use and those services must listed in the consent dialog (name + link to privacy policy is fine)
  • following methods are GDPR compliant for sure:
    • allow the user to use the app with personalised ads only or offer him the ability to buy an ad free version
    • allow the user to use the app with personalised ads or alternatively use it with non personalised ads via soft opt in

Gradle (via

For now, simply use compile 'com.github.MFlisar:GDPRDialog:-SNAPSHOT', I'll make a release reliably on 24.05, one day before the the new GDPR is valid.

  1. add jitpack to your project's build.gradle:
repositories {
    maven { url "" }
  1. add the compile statement to your module's build.gradle:
dependencies {
     implementation 'com.github.MFlisar:GDPRDialog:-SNAPSHOT'


  1. Init the singleton in your application
  1. call following in your activities onCreate
GDPRSetup setup = new GDPRSetup(GDPR.ADMOB_NETWORK);
// optionally change setup:
// setup.withAllowNoConsent(true);
// setup.withPaidVersion(allowNonPersonalisedOptionAsWell);
// setup.withAskForAge(true);
GDPR.getInstance().showIfNecessary(this, setup);
  1. implement the GDPR.IGDPRCallback in your activity
public class ExampleActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements GDPR.IGDPRCallback {
    public void onConsentInfoUpdate(GDPRConsent consentState, boolean isNewState) {
        // handle consent here

Check out the demo for a full working example


  • resize dialog after each step
  • translations => german will be done by my until the first release
  • offer bottom dialog layout as well

Additional things todo:

  • maybe improve texts
  • ad more network strings, currently only AdMob is existing
  • more???