See the CHANGELOG for a complete list of changes. This migration guide outlines the basics for updating your browser switch integration from v2 to v3.
Documentation for v2 will be published to once it is available for general release.
This version of browser-switch
simplifies the API surface and allows for more flexibility with integration patterns by giving the integrating app control over storage and retrieval of the pending browser switch request.
The minimum Android API for v3 is 23. This version of the SDK uses Java 11 and Kotlin 1.9.10.
The setup of this library has not changed from v2 to v3.
Add the library to your dependencies in your build.gradle
dependencies {
implementation 'com.braintreepayments.api:browser-switch:3.0.0'
Then, add an intent-filter
in the AndroidManifest.xml
to your deep link destination activity:
<activity android:name=""
<action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW"/>
<data android:scheme="my-custom-url-scheme"/>
<category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT"/>
<category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE"/>
class MyActivity : ComponentActivity() {
val browserSwitchClient: BrowserSwitchClient = BrowserSwitchClient()
override fun onResume() {
fun startBrowserSwitch() {
val browserSwitchOptions = BrowserSwitchOptions().apply {
requestCode = MY_REQUEST_CODE
url = ""
returnUrlScheme = "my-custom-url-scheme"
when (val pendingRequest = browserSwitchClient.start(this, browserSwitchOptions)) {
is BrowserSwitchPendingRequest.Started -> {
// store pending request
is BrowserSwitchPendingRequest.Failure -> {
// browser was unable to be launched, handle failure
fun handleReturnToAppFromBrowser(intent: Intent) {
// fetch stored pending request
fetchPendingRequestFromPersistentStorage()?.let { startedRequest ->
when (val browserSwitchResult = browserSwitchClient.completeRequest(startedRequest, intent)) {
is BrowserSwitchResult.Success -> {
// handle successful browser switch result
// clear stored pending request
is BrowserSwitchResult.NoResult -> {
// user did not complete browser switch
// allow user to complete browser switch, or clear stored pending request
If your deep link destination activity is configured in the AndroidManifest.xml
with android:launchMode="singleTop"
, android:launchMode="singleTask"
or android:launchMode="singleInstance"
handle the return to app from browser with the intent from onNewIntent
rather than onResume
class MySingleTopActivity : ComponentActivity() {
val browserSwitchClient: BrowserSwitchClient = BrowserSwitchClient()
override fun onResume() {
// do nothing
override fun onNewIntent(newIntent: Intent) {