-- v1.30 –– 12-17-18
- ofxDatGui / All Components
- adding new type: ofxDatGuiType::LABEL
- sample project files updated for oF v0.10.1 & Xcode 10.1
- high resolution display detection now uses getPixelScreenCoordScale()
- ofxDatGuiSlider
- mValue & mScale are now floats instead of doubles
- removing old printValue method & mTruncateValue flag
- ensuring that mValue has changed before dispatching event
- ofxDatGuiScrollView
- adding new type: ofxDatGuiScrollViewItem
- adding ofxDatGuiScrollView->setItemSpacing(int spacing)
- fix for scrollViews not adjusting correctly when an item is deleted
- fix for scrollViews not tracking mouse events correctly when repositioned
- replacing ofxDatGuiScrollView->get() with getItemAtIndex & getItemByName
- ofxDatGuiToggle
- adding ofxDatGuiToggle->onToggleEvent()
- ofxDatGuiDropdown & ofxDatGuiFolder
- ofxDatGuiTextInput
- ofxDatGuiMatrix
v1.20 –– 04-07-16
- fonts are now managed by ofxSmartFont
- fix for 2dPad setValue & setPosition not working as expected
- fix for folders not retaining color state after a theme is applied
- fix for ambiguous placeholder conflict with boost
- fix for sliders dispatching events on mousedown & mousedrag
- fix for ofGetWidth & ofGetHeight returning incorrect values on retina displays
- fix for label components not respecting alignment settings
- fix for scrollview not reseting itself properly after items deleted
- adding gui->isMouseDown()
- adding ofxDatGui::setAssetPath() to allow for configurable asset directory
- adding folder->addSlider(ofParameter <float>)
- adding gui->addFolder()
- adding gui->setPosition(ofxDatGuiAnchor anchor)
- adding gui anchors BOTTOM LEFT & BOTTOM RIGHT
- adding gui->collapse, gui->expand and gui->toggle
- adding dropdown->toggle() & folder->toggle()
- gui & component update loop optimizations
- addToggle() now returns an ofxDatGuiToggle instance instead of ofxDatGuiButton
- gui mouse events are now detected before the app receives them
- slider->setPrecision() now allows flag to not truncate precision of underlying value
- all icons are now shared_ptrs thanks @mattfelsen!
-- v1.10 –– 01-28-16
- adding scrollview component
- ofParameter support (sliders only)
- slider->bind() pass by reference
- slider->setMin & slider->setMax()
- draw methods refactored
- ofxDatGuiTextInput->setInputType()
- adding support for component borders
- assets moved into /bin/data/ofxbraitsch
-- v1.00 –– 01-04-16
- style templates rewritten into much simpler themes
- setOrigin -> setPosition
- setAlignment -> setLabelAlignment
- setWidth now also takes a value for the label width
- eliminating resolution specific themes
- textfields & fonts are now created on the stack
- adding component styling convenience methods
-- v0.90 –– 11-29-15
- cursor added to ofxDatGuiInputField (thanks Jesse!)
- range sliders: limit range to integers
- range sliders: specify custom floating point precisions
- ofxDatGuiTextInputField->isKeyValid() rewrite
-- v0.80 –– 10-23-15
- new documentation site!
- support for overlapping guis
- gui focus management rewrite
- matrices can now function as radio button groups
-- v0.70 –– 10-10-15
- adding value plotters & waveform monitors
- introducing templates for component customization
- experimental variable binding on range sliders
-- v0.60 –– 09-16-15
- color pickers!
- adding button matrices and 2d coordinate pads
- all components decoupled from gui container and can now stand alone
-- v0.50 –– 08-31-15
- support for multiple dropdowns
- adding folders to group related components
-- v0.40 –– 08-28-15
- range sliders now accept keyboard input
- text rendering broken out into its own font class
- support for window resizing
- adding draggable header to allow gui to be repositioned
-- v0.30 –– 08-24-15
- adding text input fields
- support for transparent gui backgrounds
- adding footer to expand/collapse controls
- adding toggle button and support for retina displays
-- v0.20 –– 08-21-15
- experimenting with dropdown menus
- adding ofxDatGuiEvents to dispatch state changes
-- v0.10 –– 08-18-15
- capturing mouse events
- simple range sliders & buttons working
- experimenting with anchors / corner registration