Command line tool to check which headers are used the most in a project (so you can precompile them).
This is a very simple program that just searches for '#include's in source files. It does not (yet) deal with the fact that headers can be nested.
It also assumes that all headers have unique filenames.
For example: #include "foo/bar.hh"
and #include "baz/bar.hh"
are treated as the same header.
The program should give you a basic idea about header usage though.
header-popularity [SOURCE DIRS...] [OPT --verbose] [OPT --no-flames]
> header-popularity ~/dev/duel-server/core ~/dev/duel-server/embedded ~/dev/duel-server/rest-api
json.hpp | 7 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
lobby_ram_repository.hh | 6 🔥🔥🔥🔥
magic_enum.hpp | 6 🔥🔥🔥🔥
server.hh | 5 🔥🔥🔥
utils.hh | 5 🔥🔥🔥
gtest.h | 4 🔥
lobby_upstash_repository.hh | 4 🔥
create_lobby_controller.hh | 3
optional | 3
spdlog.h | 3
create_lobby_endpoint.hh | 3
show_lobby_details_endpoint.hh | 3
lobby.hh | 3
show_free_lobby_presenter.hh | 2
cstdlib | 2
show_free_lobby_controller.hh | 2
not_found_endpoint.hh | 2
show_lobby_details_presenter.hh | 2
uuid_io.hpp | 2
shared.hh | 2
create_lobby_presenter.hh | 2
root_endpoint.hh | 2
show_free_lobby_endpoint.hh | 2
upstash_repository.hh | 1
ranges | 1
redis_hash_commands.hh | 1
cassert | 1
stdexcept | 1
Linux with GNUstep and CMake installed.