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Installing and running the server and database containers

The quipucords container image can be created from source. This quipucords repository includes a Dockerfile that contains instructions for the image creation of the server. You must have Docker installed or Podman installed. The examples below all use podman but can be replaced with docker unless stated otherwise.

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone [email protected]:quipucords/quipucords.git
  2. Build the container image:

    podman build -t quipucords .
  3. Run the container:
    The container can be run with either of the following methods:

    A. Run with podman pod (podman exclusive): Register server to

       sudo su -
       subscription-manager register
       dnf install -y podman
       podman login
       #Make directories
       mkdir -p /var/discovery/server/volumes/data
       mkdir -p /var/discovery/server/volumes/log
       mkdir -p /var/discovery/server/volumes/sshkeys

    At the prompt, enter your username for the Red Hat Container Catalog, also known as the image registry website.

    Run the quipucords server container:

        podman run --name qpc-db \
                   --pod new:quipucords-pod \
                   --publish 9443:443 \
                   --restart on-failure \
                   -e POSTGRESQL_USER=qpc \
                   -e POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD=qpc \
                   -e POSTGRESQL_DATABASE=qpc-db \
                   -v qpc-data:/var/lib/pgsql/data \
                   -d postgres:12

    Run the quipucords database container:

         podman run \
                --name discovery \
                --restart on-failure \
                --pod quipucords-pod \
                -e DJANGO_DEBUG=False \
                -e NETWORK_CONNECT_JOB_TIMEOUT=600 \
                -e NETWORK_INSPECT_JOB_TIMEOUT=10800 \
                -e PRODUCTION=True \
                -e QPC_DBMS_HOST=qpc-db \
                -e QPC_DBMS_PASSWORD=qpc \
                -e QPC_DBMS_USER=qpc \
                -e QPC_SERVER_TIMEOUT=5 \
                -e QPC_SERVER_USERNAME=admin \
                -e QPC_SERVER_PASSWORD=q1w2e3r4 \
                -e [email protected] \
                -v /var/discovery/server/volumes/data/:/var/data:z \
                -v /var/discovery/server/volumes/log/:/var/log:z \
                -v /var/discovery/server/volumes/sshkeys/:/sshkeys:z \
                -d quipucords

    B. Run with external Postgres container:

    ifconfig (get your computer's external IP if Postgres is local)
    podman run -d --name quipucords -e "QPC_DBMS_PASSWORD=password" 
    -e"QPC_DBMS_HOST=<ip_address_from_ifconfig>" -p 9443:443 -i quipucords

    C. Run with SQlite

    podman run -d --name quipucords -e "QPC_DBMS=sqlite" -p 9443:443 -i quipucords

    D. For debugging purposes you may want to run the Docker image with the /app directory mapped to your local clone of quipucords and the logs mapped to a temporary directory. Mapping the /app directory allows you to rapidly change server code without having to rebuild the container.

    podman run -d --name quipucords -e "QPC_DBMS=sqlite" -p 9443:443 -v 
    /path/to/local/quipucords/:/app -v /tmp:/var/log -i quipucords

Installing and running the server and database with Docker Compose

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone [email protected]:quipucords/quipucords.git
  2. Build UI:
    Currently, quipucords needs quipucords-ui to run while using Docker Compose installation method.
    Both projects need to be on the same root folder, like shown below: /quipucords

    See quipucords-ui installation instructions for further information.
    You will need to have NodeJS installed. See Nodejs official website for instructions.

    On Mac:

    brew install yarn (if you don't already have yarn)
    make build-ui 

    On Linux:

   npm install yarn (if you don't already have yarn)
   make build-ui 
  1. Build the Docker image through Docker-compose:

    For Linux users using Podman instead of Docker, this one-time setup is necessary:

    systemctl enable --user podman.socket
    systemctl start --user podman.socket
    # add the next line to your ~/.bashrc (or equivalent)
    export DOCKER_HOST=unix://$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/podman/podman.sock

    then run:

    docker-compose up -d

    NOTE: The need to use sudo for this step is dependent upon on your system configuration.

    For Mac users:

    docker-compose up -d

Further steps and configuration

  1. Configure the CLI by using the following commands:

    qpc server config --host
    qpc server login
  2. You can work with the APIs, the CLI, and UI (visit if you installed the UI in one of the steps above).

  3. To enter the container use the following command:

    docker exec -it quipucords bash
  4. If you need to restart the server inside of the container, run the following after entering the container to get the server PIDs and restart:

    ps -ef | grep gunicorn
    kill -9 PID PID

    NOTE: There are usually multiple gunicorn processes running. You can kill them all at once by listing PIDs as shown in the example above.

Running quipucords server in gunicorn

You can run the server locally inside of gunicorn. This can be a useful way to debug.

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone [email protected]:quipucords/quipucords.git
    cd quipucords
  2. Switch to quipucords django app module:

    cd quipucords
  3. Make symbolic link to ansible roles:

    ln -s ../roles/ roles
  4. Start gunicorn:

    gunicorn quipucords.wsgi -c ./
  5. Configure the CLI by using the following commands:

    qpc server config --host --port 8000
    qpc server login