- Holdings
+ Holdings
+ —
+ —
diff --git a/client/webserver/site/src/js/wallets.ts b/client/webserver/site/src/js/wallets.ts
index 4fd0362939..f78569fe31 100644
--- a/client/webserver/site/src/js/wallets.ts
+++ b/client/webserver/site/src/js/wallets.ts
@@ -41,7 +41,8 @@ import {
- FeeState
+ FeeState,
+ WalletBalance
} from './registry'
import { CoinExplorers } from './coinexplorers'
@@ -58,6 +59,29 @@ interface TicketPurchaseUpdate extends BaseWalletNote {
stats?: TicketStats
+interface AssetState {
+ symbol: string
+ ticker: string
+ bal: WalletBalance
+ xcRate: number
+interface TickerAsset {
+ ticker: string // normalized e.g. WETH -> ETH
+ hasTokens: boolean
+ cFactor: number
+ logoSymbol: string
+ bal: {
+ avail: number
+ immature: number
+ locked: number
+ total: number
+ }
+ xcRate: number
+ assets: AssetState[]
+ lookup: Record
const animationLength = 300
const traitRescanner = 1
const traitLogFiler = 1 << 2
@@ -218,7 +242,12 @@ export default class WalletsPage extends BasePage {
body: HTMLElement
data?: WalletsPageData
page: Record
- assetButtons: Record
+ tickers: TickerAsset[]
+ haveAllFiatRates: boolean
+ totalUSD: number
+ // assetButtons: Record
newWalletForm: NewWalletForm
reconfigForm: WalletConfigForm
walletCfgGuide: PageElement
@@ -263,7 +292,7 @@ export default class WalletsPage extends BasePage {
}, 10000) // update every 10 seconds
- Doc.cleanTemplates(page.restoreInfoCard, page.connectedIconTmpl, page.disconnectedIconTmpl, page.removeIconTmpl)
+ Doc.cleanTemplates(page.restoreInfoCard, page.connectedIconTmpl, page.disconnectedIconTmpl, page.removeIconTmpl, page.tickerBalsBox)
this.restoreInfoCard = page.restoreInfoCard.cloneNode(true) as HTMLElement
Doc.show(page.connectedIconTmpl, page.disconnectedIconTmpl, page.removeIconTmpl)
@@ -418,6 +447,7 @@ export default class WalletsPage extends BasePage {
walletnote: (note: WalletNote) => { this.handleCustomWalletNote(note) }
+ this.prepareTickerAssets()
const firstAsset = this.sortAssetButtons()
let selectedAsset = firstAsset.id
const assetIDStr = State.fetchLocal(State.selectedAssetLK)
@@ -902,57 +932,123 @@ export default class WalletsPage extends BasePage {
await defaultsLoaded
- // sortAssetButtons displays supported assets, sorted. Returns first asset in the
- // list.
- sortAssetButtons (): SupportedAsset {
- const page = this.page
- this.assetButtons = {}
- Doc.empty(page.assetSelect)
- // Global balance always goes first.
- page.assetSelect.appendChild(page.globalBalanceBox)
- page.globalBalance.textContent = '1,000,000'
- const sortedAssets = [...Object.values(app().assets)]
- sortedAssets.sort((a: SupportedAsset, b: SupportedAsset) => {
- if (a.wallet && !b.wallet) return -1
- if (!a.wallet && b.wallet) return 1
- if (!a.wallet && !b.wallet) return a.symbol === 'dcr' ? -1 : 1
- const [aBal, bBal] = [a.wallet.balance, b.wallet.balance]
- const [aTotal, bTotal] = [aBal.available + aBal.immature + aBal.locked, bBal.available + bBal.immature + bBal.locked]
- if (aTotal === 0 && bTotal === 0) return a.symbol.localeCompare(b.symbol)
+ prepareTickerAssets () {
+ const fiats = app().fiatRatesMap
+ let [haveAllFiatRates, totalUSD] = [true, 0]
+ const tickers: TickerAsset[] = []
+ const getTickerAsset = (a: SupportedAsset, xcRate: number): TickerAsset => {
+ const { symbol, token, unitInfo: { conventional: {conversionFactor: cFactor, unit: ticker } } } = a
+ const normedTicker = ticker === 'WETH' ? 'ETH' : ticker === 'WBTC' ? 'BTC' : ticker
+ const i = tickers.findIndex((ta: TickerAsset) => ta.ticker === ticker, tickers)
+ if (i === -1) {
+ const ta: TickerAsset = {
+ ticker: normedTicker, cFactor, assets: [], lookup: {}, hasTokens: false,
+ logoSymbol: symbol, bal: { avail: 0, immature: 0, locked: 0, total: 0 }, xcRate
+ }
+ tickers.push(ta)
+ return ta
+ }
+ const ta = tickers[i]
+ if (!token) ta.logoSymbol = symbol // Prefer the native asset symbol for e.g, eth/weth
+ return tickers[i]
+ }
+ for (const [assetID, a] of Object.entries(app().user.assets)) {
+ const { symbol, wallet: w, info: token, unitInfo: { conventional: { conversionFactor, unit: ticker } } } = a
+ const xcRate = fiats[Number(assetID)]
+ const ta = getTickerAsset(a, xcRate)
+ if (!w) continue
+ const { balance: { available, locked, immature } } = w
+ const totalBal = available + locked + immature
+ if (xcRate) totalUSD += totalBal / conversionFactor * xcRate
+ else haveAllFiatRates = false
+ if (!ta.logoSymbol || !token) ta.logoSymbol = symbol
+ ta.hasTokens = ta.hasTokens && Boolean(token)
+ ta.bal.avail += available
+ ta.bal.locked += locked
+ ta.bal.immature += immature
+ ta.bal.total += available + locked + immature
+ const state: AssetState = { symbol, ticker, bal: w.balance, xcRate }
+ ta.assets.push(state)
+ ta.lookup[Number(assetID)] = state
+ }
+ tickers.sort((a: TickerAsset, b: TickerAsset) => {
+ if (a.assets.length && !b.assets.length) return -1
+ if (!a.assets.length && b.assets.length) return 1
+ if (!a.assets.length && !b.assets.length) return a.ticker === 'DCR' ? -1 : 1
+ const [aTotal, bTotal] = [a.bal.total, b.bal.total]
+ if (aTotal === 0 && bTotal === 0) return a.ticker.localeCompare(b.ticker)
else if (aTotal === 0) return 1
else if (aTotal === 0) return -1
- const [aFiat, bFiat] = [app().fiatRatesMap[a.id], app().fiatRatesMap[b.id]]
+ const [aFiat, bFiat] = [a.xcRate, b.xcRate]
if (aFiat && !bFiat) return -1
if (!aFiat && bFiat) return 1
return bFiat * bTotal - aFiat * aTotal
- // global balance
- let [haveAllFiats, totalUSD, hasUnrateableAssets] = [false, 0]
- const fiatRates = app().fiatRatesMap
- for (const a of sortedAssets) {
- if (!a.wallet) {
- hasUnrateableAssets
- continue
+ this.totalUSD = totalUSD
+ this.haveAllFiatRates = haveAllFiatRates
+ this.tickers = tickers
+ }
+ // sortAssetButtons displays supported assets, sorted. Returns first asset in the
+ // list.
+ sortAssetButtons (): SupportedAsset {
+ const { page, tickers, totalUSD } = this
+ // const fiats = app().fiatRatesMap
+ // this.assetButtons = {}
+ // Global balance always goes first.
+ Doc.empty(page.assetSelect)
+ page.assetSelect.appendChild(page.globalBalanceBox)
+ page.assetSelect.appendChild(page.tickerBalsBox)
+ Doc.empty(page.tickerBalsBox)
+ for (const { ticker, bal, cFactor, xcRate, logoSymbol, assets } of tickers) {
+ const div = page.tickerBalTmpl.cloneNode(true) as PageElement
+ page.tickerBalsBox.appendChild(div)
+ const tmpl = Doc.parseTemplate(div)
+ tmpl.logo.src = Doc.logoPath(logoSymbol)
+ tmpl.ticker.textContent = ticker
+ if (assets.length) {
+ tmpl.bal.textContent = Doc.formatFourSigFigs(bal.total / cFactor)
+ tmpl.fiatBal.textContent = Doc.formatFourSigFigs(bal.total / cFactor * xcRate, 2)
+ } else {
+ Doc.hide(tmpl.fiatBox)
+ tmpl.logo.classList.add('greyscale', 'faded')
+ tmpl.ticker.classList.add('grey')
- // b.available + b.locked + b.immature
- const b = a.wallet.balance
- const atoms = b.available + b.locked + b.immature
- }
- for (const a of sortedAssets) {
- const bttn = page.iconSelectTmpl.cloneNode(true) as HTMLElement
- page.assetSelect.appendChild(bttn)
- const tmpl = Doc.parseTemplate(bttn)
- this.assetButtons[a.id] = { tmpl, bttn }
- this.updateAssetButton(a.id)
- Doc.bind(bttn, 'click', () => {
- this.setSelectedAsset(a.id)
- State.storeLocal(State.selectedAssetLK, String(a.id))
- })
- page.assetSelect.classList.remove('invisible')
- return sortedAssets[0]
+ page.globalBalance.textContent = Doc.formatFourSigFigs(totalUSD, 2)
+ // const sortedAssets = [...Object.values(app().assets)]
+ // sortedAssets.sort((a: SupportedAsset, b: SupportedAsset) => {
+ // if (a.wallet && !b.wallet) return -1
+ // if (!a.wallet && b.wallet) return 1
+ // if (!a.wallet && !b.wallet) return a.symbol === 'dcr' ? -1 : 1
+ // const [aBal, bBal] = [a.wallet.balance, b.wallet.balance]
+ // const [aTotal, bTotal] = [aBal.available + aBal.immature + aBal.locked, bBal.available + bBal.immature + bBal.locked]
+ // if (aTotal === 0 && bTotal === 0) return a.symbol.localeCompare(b.symbol)
+ // else if (aTotal === 0) return 1
+ // else if (aTotal === 0) return -1
+ // const [aFiat, bFiat] = [fiats[a.id], fiats[b.id]]
+ // if (aFiat && !bFiat) return -1
+ // if (!aFiat && bFiat) return 1
+ // return bFiat * bTotal - aFiat * aTotal
+ // })
+ // for (const a of sortedAssets) {
+ // const bttn = page.iconSelectTmpl.cloneNode(true) as HTMLElement
+ // page.assetSelect.appendChild(bttn)
+ // const tmpl = Doc.parseTemplate(bttn)
+ // this.assetButtons[a.id] = { tmpl, bttn }
+ // this.updateAssetButton(a.id)
+ // Doc.bind(bttn, 'click', () => {
+ // this.setSelectedAsset(a.id)
+ // State.storeLocal(State.selectedAssetLK, String(a.id))
+ // })
+ // }
+ // page.assetSelect.classList.remove('invisible')
+ // return sortedAssets[0]
updateAssetButton (assetID: number) {