- Add PHP Debug Bar with PDO query log.
- Add a CONTRIBUTING.md file.
- Get 'user rights' working again - integrate with Symfony permissions system?
- Restore the scriptfiles.html.twig / stylesheets.html.twig method of including additional assets.
- Set default language from Request::getPreferredLanguage() ?
- Keep setting IdMember value in session upon login so the old application still recognises logins.
- Logging out clears the session and therefore resets the language to back to English
- Update phinx config to use new env config
- Add a way to enable 'remember me' from login on landing page. Maybe only show checkbox when clicking into username field?
- umpirsky/language-list might be useful for localised language lists.
- Create an environment bootstrap for phpunit.
- Separate unit tests and integration tests.