This document describes the software in more detail, steps to take when using the software/making modifications, a description of how to use the quality control, and how the different components are linked together.
A recommended read as well is the article published on this software, which can be found at Docs/Petursson_et_al_2016.pdf
. It describes many design criteria along with how the software operates and more.
- Python
- Flask >= 1.0.2
- JavaScript
- Grunt
- AngularJS
NodeJS >= 4
- Celery
- Kaldi
- Marosijo
- bash
- Android
Debian 8 Jessie
Ubuntu Server 14.04, 16.04
Android 6.0 and 5.1.1
also works on Firefox and Chrome
The entire Android app, java code and all. IDE used is Android Studio. -
The Flask python code, which handles connections to the MySQL database among other things. Also includes the schema for the database, the entire quality control (QC) and sql code needed for setup. Recordings are saved in/data/eyra/recordings/
by default (this can be changed
by changingapp.config['MAIN_RECORDINGS_PATH']
, should be an absolute path). It should also be changed inSetup/src/apache/default.conf
. Number of useful scripts inscripts/
. -
Some additional documentation to this guide and the -
The AngularJS code and all related. deploy application usinggrunt deploy
in theda-webapp/
folder (or./Setup/ --frontend-app
from project root). Work insrc/
is then compiled intoapp/
. -
Locally generated code, generated by theSetup/
script. Used mainly for the apache server. -
Setup of the app.
installs the webapp from scratch. Includes code for all the components needing a setup, e.g. the apache server, the database setup, the frontend setup and the QC.
Note: Inserting of the prompts is commented out inerase_and_rewind.sql
since it is assumed you will be using your own prompts.
This list is not exhaustive.
Android app
The Android app was created with the sole purpose of being a workaround for the observed glitch where recordings through a browser on a phone gave us recordings with a sample rate of 48kHz, but appeared to only contain data up to 16kHz.
It does have some pros like easing the acquisition of a device id, but for the most part an incredibly unfortunate resort so far (makes the entire user process much more complicated).The setup is a typical auto-setup of a simple app. Here is a list of some of the components, by no means comprehensive
The java code.res/values/strings.xml
Contains some useful constants, including the currentwebsite_url
The entire backend except for the apache server.db/
Running./Setup/ --mysqldb
typically sets up the entire database.invalidate_tokens.sql
This is for the optional feature of marking certain tokens (prompts) invalid in our database. This is because changing the prompt database is hard work (some devices might still have old prompts, and so the ids would all get messed up if you simply deleted the old one and added a new one). So, you can set thevalid
property asFALSE
in the tabletoken
for each token you want to stop serving to your devices, but you still maintain itsid
in the database for references.
Look atscripts/{,}
for how to make this file. You have to uncomment thesource invalidate_tokens.sql
line inerase_and_rewind.sql
if you want to utilize this during setup.permissions.sql
During development, you typically access the database locally as root (mysql -u root -p
), but the code uses a user calleddefault
without a password which has to have the correct permissions (and no more, just a security concern).schema_setup.sql
The main file here isschema_setup.sql
which as you might suspect contains the layout of our database.
Number of useful scripts here, should be for the most part self-documenting. Including but not limited
If you have a list of prompts (tokens) in a file ready to make decoding graphs, i.e. a key, space and then the prompt as per malromur_toks.txt (an example), then you can convert them to the requiredmalromur_toks.sql
file running this command:python3 <(cut -f 2- -d' ' ../lang_data/is/malromur_toks.txt) ../db/malromur_toks.sql
Which contains code to migrate from other databases to Eyra, you can use it for reference if you need to do the same. Note though, that these migrations might only apply to an earlier version of Eyra, depending on when they were done (these are obviously not maintained).firebase/
Code to recover data uploaded as backup to firebase.
Set up as a pretty basic Flask application. Also contains the entire QC (see large section below the Development section). Entry code
which handles the routes to implement
and all related. An attempt is made to separate the logic using classes in the*
's. Thedb_handler
uses code
to connect to our MySQL
Contains allowedusers
to login as admins (underSettings
in the client app)
This is a potentially useful script used to send out an email summary of all gathered data with Eyra on the computer where the mail is sent from. Has all sorts of statistically relevant info, total recordings gathered, recordings by speaker, gender, device etc. Could for example put in a cronjob to send it out every X hours to interested parties for your data collection.
Here you can place any language specific data like a lexicon for
Example data in Icelandic.
- Setting up a SSL certificate
Set up an SSL certificate for https by going to There it will ask you for the Software=Apache and System=(Ubuntu or Debian) and give you instructions to follow.
Once the software is installed. run
sudo certbot run
which will give you an interactive interface to follow. Then every three months runsudo certbot renew
. This can also be setup as a root cronjob every three months like0 4 * */3 * certbot renew
which will renew every Jan, Apr, July, and Oct.
An AngularJS application and the main component (what the user sees ;)) of Eyra. Setup used the angular-seed code to start with. Some original design philosophies:- Favor simplicity over performance unless otherwise needed.
- Try to keep logic in services and not in controllers.
- A single controller for each view.
- App had to be able to be completely offline (appcache was used, should be upgraded to Service Workers, see issue #60).
- RESTful communication with server.
Overall documentation is lacking issue #41.
A completely useless distinction to have thisda-webapp
folder :( until they add more components to the Frontend! Stands for "data acquisition webapp". Data acquisition was the project's original title, until Simon came up with Eyra.src/
The source, code from here is compiled into theapp/
folder on a./Setup/ --frontend-app
or agrunt deploy
run. However, with recent sassupdates
, which grunt depends on, now Eyra only works with NodeJS >=v4.NodeJS v0.10.x or v0.12.x will error out.
. So make sure you have the correct version of NodeJS. Under normal conditions, the application is run from theapp/
folder. Should be pretty straightforward where stuff is here. See Run webapp straight fromFrontend/da-webapp/src
in the Some useful info section below on how to work straight from source instead of having to compile intoapp/
first. Uses Mozilla's localForage to store data in the browsers databases on the client side (for offline use, e.g. store cached recordings). The webapp relies heavily on this database working (user data, device data, prompts etc.).views/recording-agreement.html
Contains the participant agreement (optional, turn it on inservices/utility.service.js
), which needs to match the one in tablerecording_agreement
in database. Running./Setup/ --backend-agreement
takes care of looking atrecording-agreement.html
and updating the database with the agreement and thehtml
file with the id. Theagreement-id
in thehtml
is used in submitting speaker info to the server to signal which agreement the user signed and should match theid
from the database.
Data generated fromsrc/
on a./Setup/ --frontend-app
or agrunt deploy
run. The need for a separate build vs source system is for the most part the application cache (appcache). See appcache is a douche. In order to work around all the caveats of the beloved (not) appcache, we need to for example change the filenames of views and scripts on each compile, generate aapp/app.appcache
manifest and more. This is all done inGruntfile.js
, see more details below. This build process can of course in addition do other useful things such as minifying the javascript code (which it does), and watching changes in thesrc/sass/app.scss
file (grunt watch:sass
). The server that serves the website should serve it from this folder (app/
A file built almost entirely around the appcache. Handles cache breaking file names (appending a date), minification and more. Take care that as of date, if you add some files or modify paths in your application (which are not already added through the glob patterns), you have to add them to the appcache, this is the file to modify, if you want the application to work offline.
Note: Since this was based on the angular-seed code, you can still run
npm start
if you want to run the application from the built in Angular local server (this feature is not actively tested, just happens to be there). So in addition to that, you could run the Flask application separate on a different port (although you would have to add CORS, and modify theBACKENDURL
). It is probably simpler to use our apache server for the entire thing. -
Code initially generated by theSetup/
script. Contains the apache and celery (QC) error logs atLog/
. Also, as seen inSetup
, contains the generated*.conf
files which/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/datool.conf
uses (Local/etc/apache2/vhosts/*.conf
). -
Written to simplify the setup of Eyra. Most of the setup can be done by
, either with the--all
option or other specific ones (e.g../ --all --no-ap --no-mysqldb
to run everything except the wifi access point and the database setup, or./ --mysqldb
to only run the database setup)../ --all
runs all components not put specifically as an external component (e.g.ext-kaldi
If doing [managed=false
] tomanaged=true
doesn't work then also do the following:sudo rm /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf
sudo apt-get purge hostapd
sudo rm /etc/dnsmasq.conf
sudo apt-get purge dnsmasq
file replace all the uncommented out lines with the default ethernet or wifi interfaces( names) and configurations, whether static or dynamic, your operating system uses. If you are running Debian 8 Jessie:# The loopback network interface auto lo iface lo inet loopback auto eth0 iface eth0 inet dhcp auto wlan0 iface wlan0 inet dhcp
Computers need a network card that can make an access point if you want to run
./ --ap
. Also, inSetup/src/ap/default.conf
change the settings as appropriate to work with the names of your drivers and network interface names.Then, restart your computer.
The basic design is this:
script contains a list of components, which correspond to folders insrc
which handles setting up the quality control). Each component can have- pip3 dependencies (
) - apt-get dependencies (
) - A
script for any additional dependencies. - Default configurations for variables to be replaced (
) - Either in local files (files which end up in
, listed inlocal.files
) or - Global files (files changed on the system itself, listed in
). - Templates to create the local or global files using the variables in
if necessary (tmpl/*
) - A
script. Run after everything else has been run (dependencies, file creation, etc.). You can put any component specific bash work here.
As always, looking at the components already there will be a much better lesson than this documentation.
Service to handle recording through the Android WebView.
Called in exactly the same way asrecording.service.js
, must therefore export same functions.
Assumes interface from WebView, AndroidRecorder -
Right now pretty useless to have it as a special service (just uses$auth
module directly), but if authentication scheme is ever changed or modified, it might be nice, so why not have it? -
Send data from one pageview to the next by injecting this service on both sides, and using get/set with strings as keys.
This is used extensively, and should always be kept in mind when saving/retrieving variables that should last the duration of the app session or transferred between views. -
Handles http post and get requests to server. "Implements" the Client-Server API and also handles sending recs from local db when syncing. -
Service to query and process prompts and recordings from server for evaluation. -
Handles local forage actions, saves recordings to local db.Stores indices of session objects in
For examplelocalDb/sessionIdxs = ['localDb/sessions/0', etc.]
then thesessionObject
:localDb/sessions/0 = {'metadata' : sessionData, 'recordings' : [{'blobPath' : blobPath, 'title' : wavTitle.wav }, ...] }
is the localForage index of the stored blob (it seems like you can only store blobs as single blobs and not as part of an object when you store them through localForage) see issue: localForage/localForage#380
blobPath = localDb/sessions/0/blobs/0
where blob id is same as recording index in array recordings. -
Handles local forage actions regarding instructor, speaker and device setting along with other misc stuff.
See Client-server API for format, but something like this:- Stores speakers thusly:
speakers/username = {'name':name, 'gender':gender, 'dob':dob [, 'height':height, 'deviceImei':imei, 'fullName':fullName, 'email':email]}
- Stores instructors as:
instructorId = 13
- Stores devices as:
device = {'userAgent':'user agent string', 'imei':12363563456}
- Stores speakers thusly:
Service to handle GPS location, basically a wrapper aroundnavigator.geolocation
. -
Service to log errors/console output. Also saves it to localForage, with keylogs
as one big string. -
Service to notify user (e.g. during recording) with for example a popup on a certain amount of prompts read. -
Simple wrapper for the angular-localForage library.
Does nothing except keep a single boolean whether there are any indexed db operations still ongoing.
WARNING only implements the functions currently used in the app, if any other functions are used, they need to be added here manually. -
Service to handle all processing realted to the QC. Querying the server, processing the information for example. -
Service to handle recording, basically a wrapper around recorderjs library. -
Handles- Route errors in route resolves
- Login reroutes
e.g. when someone tries to go to the recording page without having either initialized the app or signed a participant agreement (if turned on).
Service to handle some session logic, info about start of session and logic to assemble the session (from speaker, instructor, device, rec, token and all that info) and create the json object needed to send to server according to client server API. -
Service to query and process tokens from server. -
Service with utility functions for the app, commonly abbreviatedutil
. It containes language specific constants, used to make it easy to translate the app/site to other languages. Most strings have been moved here and it is a good place to start when translating to another language. Also contains many configurable aspects, token count grabbed from server, frequency of QC querying etc., see alsoapp.js
. -
Service for the volume meter, uses volume-meter.js. Code in part from
Most of this should be self explanatory, but if you change code, remember to:
- Write tests or make sure existing tests pass. (for now tests are seriously lacking, but you can run some
tests withnpm test
and Backend tests inBackend/server-interface/test
) - Change relevant comments.
- Change relevant documentation (for example here in and any other descriptors)
- Rerun
doctoc --notitle
if you modify this file's headings (manual for now). You can install doctoc by runningsudo npm install -g doctoc
To make it easier for developers to translate the app most of the displayed strings have been gathered to /Frontend/da-webapp/src/services/utility.service.js. This is a fine place to start when translating, simply change language specific constants to your desired language. Regrettably due to some difficulties there are a few other things that must be done for a complete translation:
Change "label" in 'Eyra/Frontend/da-webapp/src/json/speaker-info-format.json' to the correct translation, keep in mind the documentation in Eyra/Frontend/da-webapp/src/json/
Some strings are kept in a json file at 'Frontend/da-webapp/src/json/'. Instead of editing the json file it may be better to create a new json file with the new translation. It could be created at 'Frontend/da-webapp/src/json/newLanguage.json'. Then you can change the reference to Eyra/Frontend/da-webapp/src/json/evaluation-comments.json:
- In Frontend/da-webapp/src/controllers/evaluation.controller.js change
var EVALUATIONCOMMENTSURL = 'json/evaluation-comments.json';
var EVALUATIONCOMMENTSURL ='json/evaluation-comments-newLanguage.json'; - In Gruntfil.js change:
- match: /json/evaluation-comments.json/g,
replacement: 'json/evaluation-comments.'+cache_breaker+'.json'
"match: /json/evaluation-comments-newLanguage.json/g,
replacement: 'json/evaluation-comments-newLanguage.'+cache_breaker+'.json'
- match: /json/evaluation-comments.json/g,
- In Frontend/da-webapp/src/controllers/evaluation.controller.js change
Translate Frontend/da-webapp/src/index.html, nav bar and loading msg, manually to the desired language.
This should be sufficient for a basic translation.
NOTE currently, the frontend queries the QC as normal, but doesn't display anything it receives back.
The quality control is designed to process the recordings and try to improve the quality of gathered data by giving feedback to the user on the quality, allowing him to improve on the recordings he makes.
This QC uses Celery and a task chaining system to handle load and remain scalable (that's the idea anyway). By processing only a batch of recordings at a time, and then putting the continuation back on the queue as a task. Celery keeps the chain going, waiting for input from the speaker for a default of 15 minutes until it times out.
The QC is located at Backend/server-interface/qc
See qc/
for configurable parameters, such as how long a process sleeps on an idle task (no more recordings to be processed yet), and how long the timeout is.
Once the Celery chain for a speaker session has timed out, the QC reports are dumped on disk at /data/eyra/qc_reports
or as specified in Backend/server-interface/qc/
. As well as being saved in the Redis datastore (Redis is also used as a message broker for Celery).
Logging is done to Local/Log/celery.log
. (be careful, still uses loglevel info (might want to change this for release), so the file could get big fast).
The QC needs Kaldi to be installed. This is done by running
./Setup/ --ext-kaldi
. This could take some time (hrs). -
If you also need the monophone models/tri models/etc for these modules, you can look at
. Here is an example of the commands needed to run to create the models/files for the Marosijo module:- Edit
to use your lexicon and phonemes.txt. ./
The files for Marosijo should be located at
after you run. Then you need to extract that and put it in a folder calledqc/modules/MarosijoModule/local
. - Edit
In addition, you need to obtain .scp and .ark files containing the decoded graphs (either by running e.g.
or getting it elsewhere). Each decoding graph corresponds to a single prompt, and in this process you supply the prompts to the genGraphs scripts. It is important that the ids of the prompts supplied match the ids of the prompts in the database. These are then used by the Marosijo module to analyse the recording compared to each prompt. Generating these graphs takes a long time, and depends on the number/length of the prompt list. Look atqc/scripts/
for parallelization of these. -
Then, to restart Celery run
./Setup/ --backend-qc
In order to decide which QC modules to use, you need to modify
, both the imports and the activeModules
dict to include the QC modules you want to use.
The default is only the Marosijo module.
If any modules are added/removed to/from activeModules
, the
script needs to be run to add them to the relevant places, which is
needs to use its BaseTask to create its own processing task for each module.
Format of adding modules to activeModules:
mod=dict(name='UniqueNameModule', task='UniqueNameTask', processFn=qcProcSessionUniqueNameModule)
For example, I have a module TestModule, which is in
Then I add TestModule=dict(name='TestModule', task='TestTask', processFn=qcProcSessionTestModule)
to activeModules and add
# you need to manually add imports here
from .celery_handler import qcProcSessionTestModule
except SystemError:
# and here
qcProcSessionTestModule = None
at the top.
Then the script will handle adding: from .celery_handler import qcProcSessionTestModule
and adding the template code and replacing @celery.task(base=TestTask)
and TestModule
with your module in
To add your own QC module (lets call it New), you need to satisfy a couple of criteria;
- Add a file
. - Look at e.g.
for reference, but you need to create a class,NewTask
, which inherits fromcelery.Task
and which will be used as a base Task for all subtasks using that QC module. This means, all subtasks have access to the data in theNewTask
class (see celery docs for more details on this).NewTask
needs to be able to connect to the redis datastore, to modify the report for this QC module for each session. (with key report/NewModule/session_id or as specified
) It is important that this report be JSON (double quotes people), use e.g.json.dumps
before writing to redis datastore.NewTask
needs to define a method,processBatch
which handles the processing that QC module needs to do. This method, takes as an argument a session id and indices (=[] when no new recordings are to be processed, in which case the function should returnTrue
) for recordings of that session to process in this batch (this list is stored in redis datastore by QC handler), and the task chaining which Celery uses, expects this processing function to work only on a small batch of recordings at a time (e.g. 5), so as to not take too long and be able to write intermediary results to redis to display on the client app.processBatch
might take additional arguments, as specified inmodules/TestModule/
- Modify the
script, as specified in the Selecting modules to use section. - Notes:
- All files in
will be ignored by git as per .gitignore).
- All files in
The QC saves its reports on disk as well as in memory. This is saved to /data/eyra/qc_reports
or as specified in Backend/server-interface/qc/
It should be simple to test the QC on a session basis (if the reports don't already exist (they do if you had QC online while the recordings were made)). Simply create a script which queries the correct API endpoint (same as the clients do, see
), i.e. /qc/report/session/<int:sessionId>
for each session you want to generate a QC report for. Take special note though, that you have to routinely check the same sessions again to avoid a timeout (or change the session_timeout
value in
and restart celery (e.g. by running ./Setup/ --backend-qc
)). The timeout is currently 15 minutes.
And so said script was made, see qc/scripts/
. Run python3 --help
for more options.
Look at qc/
to see how you can monitor the redis database during processing. For example, you can run redis-cli -n 1 --scan --pattern "*processing"
to see which reports are being processed (or were being processed and encountered an error) and redis-cli -n 1 --scan --pattern "report*"
to see which reports are in the redis database but haven't been dumped to disk (you can manually dump using qc/scripts/
You'll want to modify qc/
and set qc_offline_mode
to True
and you probably don't want to use the entire timeout mechanism (if you do, remember to requery the sessions to avoid the timeout), and can therefore set session_timeout=999999
It might be better to work on a bigger batch size (modifiable in qc/
). E.g. change batch_size
to 500 and qc_big_batch_mode
to True
. Then you can skip requerying the sessions to avoid the timeout, and they should be done in big batches. An example script which seemed to perform well was this one (query all sessions sequentially and wait 7 minutes before querying the next one):
python3 --avoid_timeout 99999 --sleep_between 420;
This can obviously be different depending on your computer setup and data. Don't forget to set qc_big_batch_mode
to True
in qc/
. That will ignore the timeout altogether, and dump the report on disk the moment it is ready.
In dire situations do a redis-cli -n 1 flushdb
(or -n 0
). And then restart Celery/apache. Or a computer restart to free memory.
There exist scripts to parse/process these QC dumps. See some useful scripts to this end in qc/scripts/process_qc_dumps
And as an example, to create a sample of 200 recordings taken randomly from May and June along with its analysis from Marosijo see below. You then have to manually locate those recordings (hello find -name
Example usage:
python3 /data/eyra/qc_reports/report/MarosijoModule Marosijo > qc_dump_combined.txt
./ qc_dump_combined.txt 200 05 06
An aligner which uses a phone bigram model to be able to insert phonemes between words in the prompt. Based on method in
[1] Panayotov, V., Chen, G., Povey, D., & Khudanpur, S. (2015). Librispeech: An ASR corpus based on public domain audio books. In ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings (Vol. 2015-August, pp. 5206–5210).
Here is a bit taken from
G FST where P (i.e.
) is a phoneme bigram model andwi
is the word sequence:
_eps_ _eps_ _eps_ _eps_
/ w1 \ / w2 \ / w3 \ / w4 \
/ \ / \ / \ / \ / \
\_P_/ \_P_/ \_P_/ \_P_/ \_P_/
so the wi
s could be e.g. The quick fox jumped
and a possible hypothesis would then be The quick p1 p2 p3 jumped
where the pi
s would be e.g. phonemes representing pog
meaning the aligner didn't get fox
A simple aligner. It is considerably faster than Marosijo, both realtime and in creating the decoding graphs . Uses a small list of top words from the list of prompts and places higher probability on those words being recognized.
Setting this module up is similar to setting up Marosijo described in the Firing up the QC section.
A feature to allow users to evaluate (grade and comment) on the recording quality of specific recordings.
Located at
and with a link to it in the navbar (hamburger).
A special set "Random" is in place by default (a single record in evaluation_sets
with special handling by the backend (i.e. serving random recordings)).
The grading system uses a 4 point scale. 1 is the worst possible grade and 4 is the best possible.
The basic steps when evaluating would be the following:
- Listen
- Comment (if necessary)
- Grade
You listen to the utterance, if there was something wrong, you select what was wrong from the dropdown menu and finally you select a grade, which will immediately take you to the next prompt.
- You can tick the Autoplay checkbox if you want the next utterance to start playing automatically.
- Clicking Skip will bring the next utterance without grading the current one.
- The Undo button will allow you to go one and only one utterance back and re-grade.
- Regarding the grading scale 1-4; of course these can be interpreted differently, but the main idea is that 1 would be what the evaluator sees as a useless recording, 4 would be a perfect recording (at least the entire prompt spoken correctly). If you are unsure, 2 would mean you think it is probably bad and 3 you think it is probably good.
All you have to do is insert into evaluation_sets
a label (eval_set
) and a recordingId
for all the recordings you want to be part of that set.
A 5 recording set example:
INSERT INTO evaluation_sets (eval_set, recordingId)
('example_set', 50),
('example_set', 51),
('example_set', 12),
('example_set', 5),
A very useful command to restart the Flask application (python backend) is
sudo service apache2 restart
. -
Prompts and tokens are used interchangeably. Originally we called them tokens, but later decided to start calling them prompts.
Look at
in the project root for the REST api which is used to transmit data between client and server. This document needs to be maintained if there are made modifications to the methods therein. -
Logs are located in
. A typical use case would be to for example have a terminal open with atail -f {error.log,celery.log}
to watch the apache error log and the celery (QC) log respectively. -
./Setup/ --all
can be dangerous, because it runs the--mysqldb
command which deletes the entire database (not the recordings though). For this reason, you now have to manually confirm you want to delete the database if you run this. Still care should be taken when using--all
, and for example, could run./Setup/ --all --no-mysqldb
to leave the database untouched. And of course, remember to backup your database to avoid disasters like this (seeBackend/scripts/
). -
./Setup/ --all
or./Setup/ --ap
sets up a wireless access point on your computer. If this is not what you want (your wifi is disabled when this is done for example), a way to enable the wifi is the following:sudo nano /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf
-> changemanaged=false
sudo service network-manager restart
Wifi should now work again.
Run webapp straight from
For development, it can be nice, not having to do agrunt deploy
(with minification etc. and the time it takes). In which case, you can work straight from source, however some files need to be modified. These are:-
What to do
A sampleindex.html
file for this is atFrontend/da-webapp/extra_dev_files/development_index.html
. Compare and modify your currentsrc/index.html
file to this (or do a merge). A sample copy of theindex.html
file for use in deployment is atFrontend/da-webapp/extra_dev_files/release_index.html
. -
What to do
Change the lineYYY_SITEROOT=Frontend/da-webapp/app
and run a./Setup/ --frontend-app
and asudo service apache2 restart
.What does it do
It changes which folder apache uses to serve the application. From theapp/
directory tosrc/
After making these modifications, you should be able to run application straight from
. You will also probably want to rungrunt watch:sass
if you make any changes to thesrc/sass/app.scss
file. -
Monitoring apache (access the server-status page) can be done by navigating to
). You are prompted for a password on your firstSetup/ --apache
run. The username is admin. Number of useful things there, like requests per second, idle workers etc. -
If you run into trouble getting data from phones to server (this happened with some older phones, and when server couldn't handle load), you could try making a Firebase account and submitting all the data to there aswell, you can see how we did it, you need to uncomment the
script libraries inindex.html
and the code at the top ofservices/delivery.service.js
. -
You can see an example of converting data from another database/format to Eyra format in
. -
In order to collect data from people born before 2015, you need to change
. Thengrunt deploy
from within the Frontend/da-webapp folder. -
The max prompt length before the scrollbar comes into play is approximately 84 characters.