Author: alex-dukhno | Release Target: N/A | Status: In Discussion | Discussion: link to the design discussion PR
tl;dr: The best tools are ones that greatly support users workflow. As of today users couldn't
get connect worker properties in ksql cli
, thus forcing them to switch to editor to open up that
locates under the path ksql.connect.worker.config
. Having a command to get that information could
lead to a better user experience using ksql cli
As is mentioned in issue currently user doesn't
have visibility into connect worker configuration. When something goes wrong one of the first action
is to check if configuration is done right. Currently, users, if they need to see connect worker configuration,
have to use editors to open up the file at ksql.connect.worker.config
location, which leads to
context switch and loosing attention. That could be unpleasant experience during troubleshooting,
especially on a production system.
We would like to extend (LIST|SHOW) PROPERTIES
command to print embedded connect worker configuration.
It is not a goal of the KLIP to implement general command (or extension) that could provide configuration
information of other ksql
component. General solution or other extensions require their own KLIP(s).
The functionality will provide ability for a user to quickly print and check connect worker configuration
from the ksql cli
that gives better user experience.
No changes to API are required.
One of the way to implement it is to read file at ksql.connect.worker.config
location and if it exists
and not empty merge connect worker properties with global one.
New unit/module level tests will be written as appropriate.
Documentation should reflect that (LIST|SHOW) PROPERTIES
command prints connect worker properties also.
No compatibility implications.
The new features will not affect performance of existing KSQL apps
If connect worker can have security related properties they have to be obfuscated.