Python Beginner Cheat Sheet: 19 Keywords Every Coder Must Know
- Big article with lots of cheat sheets.
- Looks like it was written by an AI?
https://blog.withcode.uk/2021/09/gcse-computer-science-resource-updated-to-include-ocr-exam-reference-language/ https://tools.withcode.uk/quickref/
devhints.io cheatsheets
Comprehensive Python Cheatsheet
- Amazing reference - all the bits + sqlite, synthesizer, scrape, pygame (kind of everything I'm aiming for with my sheets)
- real nice with visual examples - not complete
- c#, go, python, vb, java, javascirpt
https://www.pythonsheets.com/ including cool advanced stuff
https://www.javatpoint.com/ C C# Java PHP Javascript Python + technologies selenium, rails, etc
double, float MIN, MAX, NAN +INF -INF, EPOC?
for (bounded) while (unbounded)
- bounded where possible
prefer data/code over if tables
- see 'humanise' and 'sea level depth - color selection' projects
functions should be pure (where poissible)
- dont build + get url in one method - prefer reuse
- doctests help conceptulise this
'static' bad
- in dynamic languages you need to know what
something is
- in dynamic languages you need to know what
tcp server + client
UDP example send receive
draw shapes (graphics/canvas)
- mouse move/click?
BBC - Computer Literacy Project - Micro Live: Series 2, Episode 19 Video
- Same thing in multiple programming languages