[cli] Command Line Interface
- Fun timed practical hands on demo of bad UI!
The Dark Side of Minimalist Design: Updating Dieter Rams’ Ten Principles YouTube 18min
The Design of Everyday Things — Book Summary & Notes
- Chapter 1: The psychopathology of everyday things
- Chapter 2: The psychology of everyday actions
- Chapter 3: Knowledge in the head and in the world
- Chapter 4: Knowing what to do: Constraints, Discoverability, & Feedback
- Chapter 5: Human error? No, bad design
- Chapter 6: Design thinking
- Chapter 7: Design in the world of business
The forgotten benefits of “low tech” user interfaces
- The benefits of low tech user interfaces - tacktile feedback
- Material Design
- Material Icons searchable
- Googled tried to enforce Material Design on iOS platforms they gave up in 2021 because (quite rightly) the users were annoyed and confused
- Material Design
tweet Blackboard is aweful, here is why Greg Balaga @dreen_gb
Chances are when you went to University you used something called Blackboard to manage your course online. Chances are you remember it as the worst piece of software you ever had to use, and you could be right. Anyway, this man said it best:
Why is it so bad? There is a lesson here. Blackboard is marketed to Uni admin staff who don't use the software themselves, they do no usability testing for students/profs, and simply approve a big ol list of features. Looks good on paper, it's got all of this stuff!
- Christ, I hate Blackboard
@0xDesigner https://twitter.com/0xDesigner
In 2017, a group of developers hilariously competed for who could create worst volume control interface in the world.
Windows 95 Discoverability * See 98.css css
Interact with windows95 ui in browser from [web-operating-systems]
The Universe of Discourse - Fuckin' user interface design, I swear
- Don't have your destructive operations near the common path operations
Why We Need to Rethink the Computer ‘Desktop’ as a Concept - Thoughts about a new direction for desktop UI
- Keep every user interacted fragment, store metadata, make it searchable, across all applications (cloud or otherwise)
The Distribution of Users’ Computer Skills: Worse Than You Think
one of the primary reasons computers were created was to cross reference data. that is nearly impossible in most software now. You don't even realize why the process is frustrating because it's just The Way It Is. Mice are great for unstructured data - wikipedia - twitter,google dopbox are linear
- The Rise Of User-Hostile Software Or why software we get today is not the software we should strive to be getting tomorrow.
- The Decline of Usability
- The Humane Interface - 2000 Jef Raskin
- The book puts forward a large number of interface design suggestions, from fairly trivial ones to radical ones. The overriding theme is that current computer interfaces are often poor and set up users to fail, as a result of poor planning (or lack of planning) by programmers and a lack of understanding of how people actually use software.
- Modelessness - dispose of the caps-lock key - (sustained physical action)
- Every action should be undoable, even after a document or application has been closed and reopened.
- warning screen ... are unhelpful because users tend to ignore them out of habit,
- graphic icons in software without any accompanying text are often cryptic to users
- there should be only one way to accomplish a certain atomic task
- The book puts forward a large number of interface design suggestions, from fairly trivial ones to radical ones. The overriding theme is that current computer interfaces are often poor and set up users to fail, as a result of poor planning (or lack of planning) by programmers and a lack of understanding of how people actually use software.
- Remembering Windows 3.1 themes and user empowerment
- You used to have ownership and customisation of your machine
- Habits, UI changes, and OS stagnation
- Apple redesigned the look of their UI each year is just annoying to users. Shuffle things around is not progress
Bluring the lines Ad's and content indistinguishable? (link to psycology.md?) https://twitter.com/craigmod/status/1219644556003565568
Carousels are a terrible pattern nobody knows how to use them The're reading and it moves They are are just to resolve busines fights about what's at the top this solves Business problem not the users problem
Be predictable - keep to conventions - comfortable
Accessibility is not optional
Play at speed ADOM
- NYXT Browser: visual-mode: mouse-free copy
- User power, not power users: htop and its design philosophy
Windows Explorer Through The Years
https://uxdesign.cc/7-principles-of-icon-design-e7187539e4a2 TODO: look at uxdesign site further ...
- [color] theory
Tween/Ease functions [css]
- iconoir.com #icons
- Open source SVG icon collection
http://www.atlasoftheuniverse.com/12lys.html Tie-Fighter - radar
common paradimes flags, positional params, named params, pipes? Command Line Interface Guidelines commandLine.md
investigate! https://github.com/ivanreese/visual-programming-codex
docker run \
-p 12101:12101 \
--name rhasspy \
--restart unless-stopped \
-v "$HOME/.config/rhasspy/profiles:/profiles" \
-v "/etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro" \
--device /dev/snd:/dev/snd \
rhasspy/rhasspy \
--user-profiles /profiles \
--profile en
Yes it's real
- Experimenting with brain-computer interfaces in JavaScript.
- PIEEG: Turn a Raspberry Pi into a Brain-Computer-Interface to measure biosignals
- microui+fenster=small gui
- Without SDL