- How to spot a fake agile team
- How does the team get feedback about their product?
- Do they ever action this?
- What is budgeted for actioning the feedback?
- embrase uncertainy
- How does the team get feedback about their product?
- 7 Common Agile Development FAILS
- High friction tools
- Someone has setup jira like a chump
- Don't collect data that is not actionable
- Don't expect conformists in every sense
- focing people to do things they are bad at?
- Stop what dose not work
- It is dev's. NOT MANAGEMENT
- Don't focus on data (management) over teamwork
- Don't measure output - measure outcomes
- Not stopping to improve
- Feature releasing
- High friction tools
Ask HN: Do you think Agile/Scrum is beneficial for software delivery?
Why Scrum is Stressing You Out
- No "summer holiday" reset
- Sprints Neglect Key Supporting Activities
Scrum's "Product Owner" Problem
- Analogy: Product owners are in the kitchen of the restaurant saying what dishs need to wash and what ingredients to buy. This should be left to the Engineers/Chefs.
- Engineers are not just contrustion workers. They should not be asking "What do I do next" they should be asking "What can't users do" "What is problematic" "What us being used"
Scrum, which means letting a clueless "scrum master" and "product owner" change directions twice a week so they can pretend to be working.