Write Your Own Retro Compiler 2023 Free eBook
- Lexical analysis
- Syntax analysis
- Code generation
- Simple optimizations
- The BDOS interface
- The run time library
How is a binary executable organized? Let's explore it!
- Exploring how "Hello World" in C becomes a binary
Compiler Explorer: Matt Godbolt - Web based - See C code and compiled ASM (x86/Arm/riskV)
- interactive web tutorial for building a compiler!
CS 6120: Advanced Compilers: The Self-Guided Online Course
- Introduction to Compilers and Language Design
- A free online textbook by Douglas Thain
tokenisation BNF
Compilers optimise into something that is unrecognizable but performs the same function
Let's write a compiler
A simple program reducer for any language
- reducer?
Dear Sir, You Have Built a Compiler
A parser, an intermediate representation, transformation passes, and a code generator. Dear Sir, you have built a compiler.
Branchless Programming: Why "If" is Sloowww... and what we can do about it! YouTube 20min
Tree-Shaking: A Reference Guide
tree-shaking means removing unreachable code (also known as dead code) from a bundle
Static Analysis at GitHub #StaticAnalysis
- How code is analysed
- Seb
Sometimes, it is a compiler bug: My journey in finding and fixing a bug in a C++ toolchain.
Performance of the Python 3.14 tail-call interpreter
- LLVM19 regression