- Understanding the meaning we make of the code we write can help create more nuanced and ethical software - An insight from "Rhetorical Code Studies: Discovering Arguments in and Around Code"
- British Post Office scandal
- Post Office scandal: What the Horizon saga is all about
- Former postmasters cleared after Britain’s biggest miscarriage of justice YouTube 9min
- 100's (if not 1000's) of postmasters sent to prison for embezeling money, tured out to be a software bug
- Who was to blame? The programer? The software quality process? The legal system for not identifying "why are we prosicuting so many people for this"? The legal system for not investigatin? The post office for not investigating or allowing the investigation?
- Would open source have helped?
- Mothers while pregnane went to prison. Some commited suiside. Some were assulted in the street