- Magazines, software, communications archive of documents
rsync is the preferred method for cloning and syncing with the archive. This site has no javascript, data bases or any of that Web 2.0 stuff You can clone the entire archive with
rsync -av rsync://bitsavers.org:/bitsavers/ bitsavers/
As of Nov, 2022, the entire archive is around 880gb
- Podcast - Early IBM and Jupiter Ace
- Early text editors
a history of the tty 2024
- [terminal]
How did Dennis Ritchie produce his PhD thesis? A typographical mystery (2022) (princeton.edu) pdf
- how the creator of C and the creator of unix created a PhD thesis, that was never accepted, about the foundations of computation (e.g. nested loops and function calls) with ridiculously primitive tooling. A mystery! and a piece of history!
What Happened to the Japanese PC Platforms?
- PC-98 had x86 and a special port of windows, so just faded out and transitioned to normal PCs
The story of the first "computer bug"... is a pile of lies.
- Bug was a term for engineering defects in the 1800's (used by Edison, and other before)
- PC Emulators in browser for loads of early DOS and Windows versions
How the IBM PC Won, Then Lost, the Personal Computer Market
- Brilliant description of 1980 (invention) to 1986 (exit) of IBM with the PC architecture
C64 Home Companion George Beekman 198x?
- Spreadsheets for home accounts
- Modems
Ancient Babylonian Algorithms: The Earliest Programs 1600bc
- [[algorithums]]
Let's Not Dumb Down the History of Computer Science By Donald E. [knuth], Len Shuste 2021
- Construct the computer from your childhood or build an entire computer museum at home with these paper models, free to download and share
- Print, Cut, Score, Fold and Glue
Highly Detailed Collectibles and Handcrafted Miniature Scale Models - of Vintage Computers
Tiny PDP11 emulator on ESP32
- Animated gifs and guide of the boot process
- A UK custom laserdisk community project to document the nation before CD-ROMs
- Currently undergoing a restoration project to run it on modern hardware
Telex 1960 - text communication
- Magazines, Software
TODO: BBC archived educational videos from 80's
PC Format Magazine - Internet Archive (small collection)
The Computer Revolution Hasn't Happened Yet 1997
- Alan Kay talks about his vision of object oriented programming and how to design scalable systems
- Long-Form/Podcast: Chile's audacious 1970s-era plan to network and automate the country's entire economy, hindered by political upheaval and CIA maneuvering.
- Hidden Figures is a 2016 American biographical drama film. It is loosely based on the 2016 non-fiction book about African American female mathematicians who worked at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) during the Space Race. 1960's
Lost CGA game: Golden Flute found after 40 years
- Achieving is amazing
- Some kids were pretty damn smart
- IBM 1401 let's program #8, primes
- find #prime numbers up to 255. Programmed with flipping switches
- Wonderful 3D unreal engine recreation of the IBM 1401
- Computer Conservation Society UK
- u.s navy vintage fire control computers (part 1)
- Mechanical Computer (All Parts) - Basic Mechanisms In Fire Control Computers
1990 started project to sequence human genome By 2000 after world colaboration sequenced the first human genome By 2019 we can sequence one in 24hours (at scale)
- Don't Piss Off Bradley, the Parts Seller Keeping Atari Machines Alive
- Old unused Atari parts
Thoughts on "The Theory and Craft of Digital Preservation" 2021
- (I love the font and background - so readable!)
This Code Smells of Desperation
- math exception handler of
, the Windows 3.1 math emulator and FPU support library
- math exception handler of
- A Spellchecker Used to Be a Major Feat of Software Engineering
- In 1984, With only kb of memory, you could not keep the whole dictionary in memory. So there needed to be compression and data segmentation.
- In 2024 this is trivial