Have you're dev environment reproducible and accessible anywhere
Remote IDE
- GitHub/codespaces (VSCode in browser)
- https://github.com/codespaces
gh codespace stop
- https://codespaces.new/USERNAME/REPO
- when running applications InBrowsers, there are hotkey conflicts VSCode
- gitpod.io
- Browser based fully remote dev environment
- https://gitpod.io#GITHUB_URL
- Instant Browser vscode dev environment linked to github/gitlab with container support and public port access
- Reflections on software development from anywhere on an iPad
- Comparisons of GitPod/codepsaces + home server setup of OpenVSCode browser IDE from docker
- Recode
- A CLI to create remote development environments in your cloud provider account in seconds
... you can think of it as a desktop version of Gitpod / Coder / GitHub Codespaces less polished and with less features but 100% free, 100% open-source and 100% community-driven
- CodeTasty
- codesandbox.io
- focused on JS + web?
- GitHub/codespaces (VSCode in browser)
The 13 Best Browser IDEs Every Programmer Should Know About
- Smallbasic
- gitpod
- AWS Cloud9
- CodeTasty
How Replit used legal threats to kill my open-source project
- riju
- python-in-a-box - 30 lines of code to run python in browser
- repl.it [repl.it]
- an education revolution
- (Has a paid-for school class system for projects/sumbissions/annotations/feedback $1000 per year per school)
- CodeHS - Code Highschool
- Computer science classroom in a box - lessons, courses, videos, management system, online browser ide, submission
- trinket.io
- sharepad.io - python, java, c, c++ - live share + link share
- SmallBASIC live - Microsoft
- create.withcode.uk - python
- w3schools.com - live tryit
- Other
- gist.cafe - runnable snippets on the web
- play.golang.org
- Lambda Explorer - Interactive REPL and tutorial for the untyped Lambda Calculus
- repl.it [repl.it]