Micro services are not an architecture. Micro services are a deployment strategy that should be independent of architecture. Robert C Martin
Micro Blog - Real World Micro Services
- micro - a framework for microservices
- Big companies (Facebook, Google) have their own infra which makes building systems systems straighforward. Every company build this similar infra again and again
- Monolith first - understand the components of the problem
- Microservices have overhead
Modules, monoliths, and microservices
- I get people asking me when microservices are a good idea. In systems design explains the world, I talked about big-picture issues like second system effect, innovator’s dilemmas, and more. Can systems design answer the microservices question? Yes, but you might not like the answers. First, we'll need some history.
- service boundaries? Where?
microsercvices vs monolyth
- [monorepo]
- [message-bus] could connect microservices