Why OO Sucks 2000 - Joe Armstrong (Creator of [erlang])
- Joe Is Wrong - a rebuttle
Background: how we got the generics we have - Or, how I learned to stop worrying and love erasure
Class [diagrams]
- RTS - Create an OO structure for ...
- C&C
- GameObject
- Position
- Health
- Size
- Armour
- GetFrame
- Cost
- visibleDistance
- Structure
- EnergyRequired
- Factory
- Build?
- canProduce
- Direction
- Unit
- Move
- Direction
- Speed
- Turn rate
- OffensiveUnit
- dameageType
- rateOfFire
- range
- Infantry
- Tank
- Turret Direction
- Carrier
- ?
- AerialUnit
- Turret
- ? (This is why interfaces are king)
- RTS - Create an OO structure for ...
Where to put this?
- Data-Oriented Design (Or Why You Might Be Shooting Yourself in The Foot With OOP) #data-oriented-deign