Forbes Why No One Can Manage Projects, Especially Technology Projects 2020 Steve Andriole
All of the software, tools and management elixirs in the world will not save project management. Only people can save project management
All of our efforts to avoid technology project failures can be simplified if we focus primarily on the humans who plan, fund and execute technology projects.
Gartner was ‘too conservative’ with its 60% estimate. The real failure rate? ‘closer to 85 percent.’ In other words, abandon hope all ye who enter here, especially because "the problem isn't technology," Heudecker said. It's you.”
Because experienced project managers know just who to recruit for their next projects.
Leadership must occur at all levels: corporate, LOB, CFO, CIO, CTO, CISO and teams. Is technology project management cultural? Absolutely. Companies must embrace and reward project management. They must find and reward leaders – and punish those that cannot lead by clearing their project slates
Companies are well aware of their leadership problems. Very few have an abundance of good leaders; hardly any have a cadre of great ones
11 Laws of Software Estimation for Complex Work
- The work still takes the same amount of time regardless of the accuracy of your estimate.
- No matter what you do, estimates can never be fully trusted.
- Imposing estimates on others is a recipe for disaster.
- Estimates become more reliable closer to the completion of the project. This is also when they are the least useful.
- The more you worry about your estimates, the more certain you can be you have bigger things you should be worrying about instead.
- When you suck at building software, your estimates will suck. When you’re great at building software, your estimates will be mediocre.
- The biggest value in estimating isn’t the estimate but to check if there is common understanding.
- Keeping things simple is the best way to increase the accuracy of estimates.
- Building something increases the accuracy of estimates more than talking about building it.
- Breaking all the work down to the smallest details to arrive at a better estimate means you will deliver the project later than if you hadn’t done that
- Punishing wrong estimates is often like punishing a kid for something they don’t and can’t know yet Past performance is not a guarantee of future results, especially when it comes to software
“A failure to recognize the independence of chance events, leading to the mistaken belief that one can predict the outcome of a chance event on the basis of the outcomes of past chance events.” — APA Dictionary definition
Complex Work Estimation Fallacy
“The misguided belief that by estimating more often and working together for a longer period at some point in time, you will be able to produce accurate estimates. Complex Work Estimation Fallacy by Maarten Dalmijn
- Software effort estimation is mostly fake research
Managing projects
OpenProject - project management software
- Stop chasing your feature development plan and start crafting strategic product roadmaps
- Have discovery on your roadmap
- Have OKR's and user objectives
"This project will only take 2 hours"
- [clipboard] monitoring app
- So... still think it will only take 2 hours?
I Regret My $46k Website Redesign
- Story of a redesign that cost 4 times as much as planned
- Learnings
- Hire a single freelancer rather than an agency
- Have incremental deliverables
- Agree timelines
- Share billable hours