See [model]
Coding Adventure: Ant and Slime Simulations YouTube 18min Sebastian Lague
OpticSim.jl - a Julia package for simulation and optimization of complex optical systems
Iceberger - Draw an iceberg and see how it will float.
Modeling and Simulation in Python pdf
- The first part presents discrete models, including a bikeshare system and world population growth.
- The second part introduces first-order systems, including models of infectious disease, thermal systems, and pharmacokinetics.
- The third part is about second-order systems, including mechanical systems like projectiles, celestial mechanics, and rotating rigid bodies.
- free online platform for assembling models of the world
- Solving Problems Traditional Data Science Can’t with Agent based simulations
Artificial Life
- conway
- Clusters - A particle microworld with ambiguous entities
- Also works with Leep Motion
- climateinteractive
- Joseph Cook (from Margate) Predictive model on how glaciers melt from drones (not satellites)
- fluid in WASM and WebGl
- WebGL-Fluid-Simulation
- WaterLily.jl
- Coding Adventure: Simulating Fluids
- Simulating water over terrain
- Airfoil
- Visual description of how an Airfoil works!
- Far Cry: How the Fire Burns and Spreads 2012
- GPU spinSimulating Fluids, Fire, and Smoke in Real-Time - Notes on the math, algorithms, and methods involved in simulating fluids like fire and smoke in real-time.
- Citybound
A city building game that uses microscopic models to vividly simulate the organism of a city arising from the interactions of millions of individuals.
- Citybound
- ?
Tamagchi Singularity
- Reverse engineer Tamagochi -> VM -> Millions of Tamagochis -> Supervised/Fed/happy #reverse-engineering
- Building the Tamagotchi Singularity
- Building The Infinite Matrix Of Tamagotchis
Flight Sim
- lunar-lander-autopilot - live in web browser
- Venus is not Earth’s closest neighbor
- Mathematically Mercury is closer. I WANT TO SIMULATE THIS!
- Flowfields - Simulating/aproximating Jupiters surface
King's Cross fire - computer simulation of fire in 1980
Financial Money Life Simulator - windows XP theamed email joke game
2021 Williams F1 CFD - Max Taylor – Aerodynamics and Motorsport Engineering
- (cad file) + run CFD airflow models on it
Why medieval city-builder video games are historically inaccurate
- In browser demo
- a first prototype of the natural media paint program with a focus on real watercolors and acrylics.
- The paint drips and seeps. Try it!