- [retro-storage]
- Tapes and floppy disks
HDD Spining disk - tracks - secors
- NVMe™ over Fabrics (NVMe-oF™) Explained
- NVMe is PCIe connection for flash media (that does not need the legacy tracks, secrors)
- 12 data lanes
- NVMeOf is shared flash drives for multiple servers other fibre or ethernet
- NVMe is PCIe connection for flash media (that does not need the legacy tracks, secrors)
- What Every Programmer Should Know About SSDs
- SSDs have bad long term retention
- https://unrollnow.com/status/1840798755102380538
Your files are dying.
That SSD you keep in the closet, the one from your old system "just in case". Yup, degrading as we speak. SSDs are shockingly bad at power off retention, esp if it's near it's endurance rating. The JEDEC standard only requires 1 year of unpowered data retention at 30C after max TBW (writes).