What is required for a machine to be Turing Complete
- Ban recursion and unbounded loops. Proclaim the language is "Turing incomplete" and that all programs terminate.
- Declare that Turing incomplete programs are simpler. Have non-technical people conflate terminate quickly with terminate eventually.
- Realise lacking recursion makes things incredibly clunky to express, turning simple problems into brain teasers.
- Add recursion.
- Realise that the everything is better.
Wolfram 2,3 turing machine prize
- The machine has 2 states and 3 colors, and is 596440 in Wolfram's numbering scheme.
- If it is universal then it is the smallest universal Turing machine that exists.
- What is a Turing Machine?
- Cool animated gif
[conway] Game of life is turing complete
tic-tac-toe in single line of printf
- [[c]]