Releases: casangi/casaconfig
Releases · casangi/casaconfig
added certifi requirement; python 3.8 in the workflow
added certifi requirement
specify python 3.8 in the workflow
learning how this works
added certifi requirement
Added certifi to list of requirements
prelease for testing
Added --nositeconfig option, added missing iplogfile config value, bug fixes, improved function documentation
measures_update improvements
Observatories table from CASA and file locking in measures_update
prerelease for testing, exclude Observatories in tar extraction
Latest prerelease for testing
v0.0.46-1 new version in
Initial released used for documentation tests
v0.0.45-1 incremented version
Initial released used for documentation tests
v0.0.44-2 remove table_ope from
Initial released used for documentation tests
Removed 4 scripts not needed for casaconfig. This version will be used to test casadocs for the casaconfig API to be used for the next update of casaconfig.