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-## Getting Started - -### Prerequisites -- NodeJS (v4.4.3) (prefer using [nodenv](https://github.com/nodenv/nodenv) or [nvm](https://github.com/creationix/nvm) to switch node versions) -- `Make` & `GNU Base Utilities` to run server, release and deploy scripts - -### Tech Stack -- Frontend (serves the dashboard on github pages) - - Browserify + BabelJS - to compose app - - ReactJS - modularize app in components and act as bare-bones web framework - - Jest - testing framework for frontend -- Backend (serves the tooling for data transformation `./bin/transform`) - - NodeJS + CSVParser - parses csv to json for better bucketing - - Mocha - testing framework for backend - -## Development Setup: -- `make shrinkwrap` (for OSX) or `make npm` (for Linux) to install project dependencies -- `make tests` Run combined tests (backend + frontend) - - For frontend tests, run `npm run assets-tests` - - For backend tests, run `npm run tests` -- `make coverage` Run combined tests with coverage (backend + frontend) - - For frontend tests, run `npm run assets-coverage` - - For backend tests, run `npm run coverage` -- `make run` to run project on default server `localhost` on port `4001` [link](http://localhost:4001) - -## Building -- `make local-release` to release locally & run it using `./bin/server` -- `make deploy` to do a production release directly on github-pages (make sure to run it from `production` branch) - -## Contributing -- Fork and submit pull requests (standard GitHub OSS house rules) -- We follow [Airbnb JavaScript Style Guide](https://github.com/airbnb/javascript). Please run `make lint` locally - before submitting a pull request and make sure that there are no warnings or errors. -- Thats it. _Happy Hacking!_ - -## Contributors -- [Navya B. Raju](https://github.com/navsie) -- [Noopur Varma](https://github.com/noopurvarma) -- [Ranjeet Singh](https://github.com/raeoks) -- [Suchismita Naik](https://github.com/SuchismitaNaik) -- [Teja Srivastav](https://github.com/tejasrivastav) -- [Chetana Amancharla](https://github.com/archetana) - -_PS: We always try hard to improve this documentation. If you have any suggestions or contributions, please let us know._ diff --git a/assets/fonts/pt-sans/bold-italic/PTS76F-webfont.eot b/assets/fonts/pt-sans/bold-italic/PTS76F-webfont.eot deleted file mode 100644 index 0cb05d7..0000000 Binary files a/assets/fonts/pt-sans/bold-italic/PTS76F-webfont.eot and /dev/null differ diff --git a/assets/fonts/pt-sans/bold-italic/PTS76F-webfont.svg b/assets/fonts/pt-sans/bold-italic/PTS76F-webfont.svg deleted file mode 100644 index 6b28d20..0000000 --- a/assets/fonts/pt-sans/bold-italic/PTS76F-webfont.svg +++ /dev/null @@ -1,782 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 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-jest.unmock("../pages/home"); - -var React = require("react"), - ReactDOM = require("react-dom"), - TestUtils = require("react-addons-test-utils"), - HomePage = require("../pages/home").Component; - -describe("HomePage", function () { - it("changes the text after click", function () { - // NOOP - }); -}); diff --git a/assets/javascripts/application.js b/assets/javascripts/application.js deleted file mode 100644 index 3690bee..0000000 --- a/assets/javascripts/application.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ -"use strict"; - -var $ = require("jquery"), - homePage = require("./pages/home").DOM; - -window.jQuery = $; - -$(function () { - require("bootstrap"); - homePage("main-container", {}); -}); diff --git a/assets/javascripts/components/.Rhistory b/assets/javascripts/components/.Rhistory deleted file mode 100644 index e69de29..0000000 diff --git a/assets/javascripts/components/indicators_selector.js b/assets/javascripts/components/indicators_selector.js deleted file mode 100644 index f859306..0000000 --- a/assets/javascripts/components/indicators_selector.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,60 +0,0 @@ -"use strict"; - -var React = require("react"), - ReactDOM = require("react-dom"), - _ = require("lodash"), - Fuse = require("fuse.js"); - -var IndicatorsSelectorTemplate = require("../templates/components/indicators_selector.jsx"); - -var IndicatorsSelector = React.createClass({ - - getInitialState: function () { - return { - indicators : this.props.indicators, - selectedIndicator: null, - indicatorSearch : new Fuse(this.props.indicators, {keys: ["name"]}) - }; - }, - - componentDidMount: function () { - var self = this; - self.setState({ - selectedIndicator: _.find(self.props.indicators, function (indicator) { - return _.eq(self.props.location.query.indicator, indicator.slug); - }) - }); - self.onIndicatorSearch = _.debounce(self.onIndicatorSearch, 300); - }, - - getIndicatorLink: function (indicator) { - return { - pathname: this.props.location.pathname, - query : { - indicator: indicator.slug, - states : _.get(this.props, "location.query.states", "") - } - }; - }, - - onIndicatorSearch: function (keyword) { - this.setState({ - indicators: _.isEmpty(keyword) ? this.props.indicators : this.state.indicatorSearch.search(keyword) - }); - }, - - onIndicatorSelection: function (indicator) { - if (!_.eq(this.props.location.query.indicator, indicator.slug)) { - this.setState({ - selectedIndicator: indicator - }); - } - }, - - render: function () { - return IndicatorsSelectorTemplate(this); - } - -}); - -module.exports = IndicatorsSelector; diff --git a/assets/javascripts/components/map.js b/assets/javascripts/components/map.js deleted file mode 100644 index 5f05f57..0000000 --- a/assets/javascripts/components/map.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,182 +0,0 @@ -"use strict"; -var React = require("react"), - ReactDOM = require("react-dom"), - L = require("leaflet"), - topojson = require("topojson"), - $ = require("jquery"), - chroma =require("chroma-js"), - _ =require("lodash"); - -var config = {}; -var DATA = require("../utils/data").DATA; -var yearsData = [{"from" :"2012", - "to" :"2013", - "duration":"2012-13"}, - {"from" :"2013", - "to" :"2014", - "duration":"2013-14"}, - {"from" :"2014", - "to" :"2015", - "duration":"2014-15"}, - {"from" :"2015", - "to" :"2016", - "duration":"2015-16"}]; -// using webpack json loader we can import our topojson file like this -var topodata = require("../../../data/india_states.topo.json"); - -L.TopoJSON = L.GeoJSON.extend({ - addData: function(jsonData) { - if (jsonData.type === "Topology") { - for (var key in jsonData.objects) { - var geojson = topojson.feature(jsonData, jsonData.objects[key]); - L.GeoJSON.prototype.addData.call(this, geojson); - } - } - else { - L.GeoJSON.prototype.addData.call(this, jsonData); - } - } - }); -var colorScale = chroma -.scale(["#D5E3FF", "#003171"]); - -var MapTemplate = require("../templates/components/map.jsx"); - -var MapLeaflet = React.createClass( - { - getInitialState: function() { - return { - years : yearsData, - yearchosen : {"yearchosen":0}, - allocations : {}, - topoLayer : null, - topojson : null, - statetooltip :{}, - duration :{"duration":yearsData[0].duration} - }; - }, - - // a variable to store our instance of L.map - map: null, - - componentWillMount: function() { - // code to run just before adding the map - }, - - componentDidMount: function() { - // create the Leaflet map object - if (!this.map) { - this.init(this.getID()); - } - }, - - componentDidUpdate:function(prevProps, prevState) { - - }, - - componentWillUnmount: function() { - this.map.remove(); - }, - - - getID: function() { - // get the "id" attribute of our component's DOM node - return ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this); - }, - init: function(id) { - if (this.map) { - return; - } - - this.state.topojson = topodata; - this.map = L.map(id,{maxZoom:6,minZoom:4}); - this.map.setView([23.59, 81.96], 5); - - var tileLayer = L.tileLayer("https://api.mapbox.com/styles/v1/rachetana/ciu45yngf00aj2ho8vvno6kum/tiles/256/{z}/{x}/{y}?access_token=pk.eyJ1IjoicmFjaGV0YW5hIiwiYSI6ImNpc3g2cnlmZTA4NW0yeXBnMDZiNHUyMWMifQ.XCAmIR_6wdmkYDOBYrGk9Q"); - tileLayer.addTo(this.map); - - var topoLayer = new L.TopoJSON(); - topoLayer.addData(this.state.topojson); - topoLayer.addTo(this.map); - topoLayer.eachLayer(this.handleLayer); - - - - }, - handleLayer:function(layer){ - var randomValue = Math.random(), - fillColor = colorScale(randomValue).hex(); - - layer.setStyle({ - fillColor : fillColor, - fillOpacity: 0.75, - color:"#555", - weight:1, - opacity:0.5 - }); - var _self = this; - - var targetlayer = layer; - layer.on("mouseover",function(e){ - _self.enterLayer(this); - }); - layer.on("mouseout",function(e){ - _self.leaveLayer(this); - }); - }, - getStateIndicatorValue:function(state,indicator,years){ - var stateoutput = _.chain(DATA) - .find(function(item){return item.name===state; }) - .valueOf(); - if(_.isEmpty(stateoutput)){ - return; - } - var indicatordetails = _.chain(stateoutput.indicators) - .find(function(item){return item.slug===indicator;}) - .valueOf(); - var indTimeFrame = _.chain(indicatordetails.budgets) - .find(function(item){return (item.years.from===years.from && item.years.to === years.to);}) - .valueOf(); - return indTimeFrame.allocations[0]; - }, - enterLayer:function(layer){ - var getState = layer.feature.properties.NAME_1; - var getYears = this.state.years[this.state.yearchosen.yearchosen]; - this.setState({ - statetooltip:{"name":getState}, - allocations:this.getStateIndicatorValue(getState,this.props.indicator.slug,getYears) - }); - layer.bringToFront(); - layer.setStyle({ - weight:2, - opacity: 1 - }); - }, - leaveLayer:function(layer){ - layer.bringToBack(); - layer.setStyle({ - weight:1, - opacity:0.5 - }); - - }, - handleClick(yearchosenvalue){ - this.setState({ - duration:{"duration":this.state.years[yearchosenvalue]}, - yearchosen:{"yearchosen":yearchosenvalue} - }); - var getState = this.state.statetooltip.name; - var getYears = this.state.years[this.state.yearchosen.yearchosen]; - this.setState({ - statetooltip:{"name":getState}, - duration:{"duration":getYears.duration}, - allocations:this.getStateIndicatorValue(getState,this.props.indicator.slug,getYears) - }); - }, - render: function () { - return MapTemplate(this); - } - } -); - -module.exports = MapLeaflet; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/assets/javascripts/components/report.js b/assets/javascripts/components/report.js deleted file mode 100644 index e2b09b7..0000000 --- a/assets/javascripts/components/report.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,178 +0,0 @@ -"use strict"; - -var React = require("react"), - ReactDOM = require("react-dom"), - _ = require("lodash"); - -var DATA = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(require("../utils/data").DATA)); -var COLORS = require("../utils/data").COLORS; -var wrappedColors = _(COLORS); - - -var ReportTemplate = require("../templates/components/report.jsx"); - -var Report = React.createClass({ - - getInitialState: function () { - return { - selectedStates : [], - selectedIndicator: {}, - config : {} - }; - }, - - componentDidMount: function () { - this.reinitialize(this.props); - }, - - componentWillReceiveProps: function (nextProps) { - this.reinitialize(nextProps); - }, - - reinitialize: function (props) { - var self = this, - selectedStatesSlugs = self.getSelectedStatesSlug(props), - selectedStates = _.chain(props.states) - .filter(function (state) { - return _.includes(selectedStatesSlugs, state.slug); - }) - .valueOf(), - selectedIndicator = _.find(props.indicators, function (indicator) { - return _.eq(props.location.query.indicator, indicator.slug); - }); - self.setState({ - selectedStates : selectedStates, - selectedIndicator: selectedIndicator, - config : this.generateConfig(selectedStates, selectedIndicator) - }); - }, - - getSelectedStatesSlug: function (props) { - return _.chain(props) - .get("location.query.states", "") - .split("|") - .filter(function (state) { - return !_.isEmpty(state); - }) - .valueOf(); - }, - - getTypeOper:function(inputvalue,inputtype){ - var typevalue = inputvalue.allocations.filter(function(allocation){return allocation.type === inputtype;})[0]; - if(!typevalue){ - return 0; - } - return typevalue.amount; - }, - - transformData: function (budgets) { - var self = this; - if (budgets && budgets.length === 1) { - return _.map(budgets[0].indicators[0].budgets, function (value) { - return { - from: value.years.from, - to: value.years.to, - actuals: self.getTypeOper(value, "Actuals"), - re: self.getTypeOper(value, "RE"), - be: self. getTypeOper(value, "BE") - }; - }); - } - - return _.flatten(_.map(budgets, function (value) { - return _.map(value.indicators[0].budgets,function(allocation){ - return _.assign({ - state: value.name, - slug : value.slug - },{ - from : allocation.years.from, - to : allocation.years.to, - [value.slug] : self.getTypeOper(allocation,"BE") - }); - }); - })); - }, - - getChartSeries: function (selectedStates) { - wrappedColors = _(COLORS); - var self = this, - style = { - strokeWidth : 2, - strokeOpacity: 0.8, - fillOpacity : 0.9 - }; - if (_.size(selectedStates) > 1) { - return _.map(selectedStates, function (selectedState) { - return { - field: selectedState.slug, - name : selectedState.name, - color: wrappedColors.next().value, - style: style - }; - }); - } - return [{ - field: "be", - name : "Budget Estimate", - color: wrappedColors.next().value, - style: style - }, { - field: "re", - name : "Revised Estimate", - color: wrappedColors.next().value, - style: style - }, { - field: "actuals", - name : "Actuals", - color: wrappedColors.next().value, - style: style - }]; - }, - - generateConfig: function (selectedStates, selectedIndicator) { - var budgets = this.getBudgets(selectedStates, selectedIndicator), - budget = _.first(budgets), - data = this.transformData(budgets), - chartSeries = this.getChartSeries(selectedStates); - if (_.size(budgets) < 0) { - return []; - } - return { - xAxisLabel : _.get(budget, "name", ""), - yAxisLabel : _.get(budget, "indicators.unit", ""), - y0 : 100000, - data : data, - chartSeries: chartSeries - }; - }, - - getBudgets: function (selectedStates, selectedIndicator) { - - if (_.isEmpty(selectedStates) || _.isEmpty(selectedIndicator)) { - return []; - } - return _.chain(DATA) - .filter(function (state) { - return _.includes(_.map(selectedStates, function (item) { - return item.slug; - }), state.slug); - }) - .map(function (state) { - return _.assign(state, { - indicators: _.chain(state) - .get("indicators", []) - .filter(function (indicator) { - return _.eq(selectedIndicator.slug, indicator.slug); - }) - .valueOf() - }); - }) - .valueOf(); - }, - render: function () { - return ReportTemplate(this); - } - -}); - -module.exports = Report; diff --git a/assets/javascripts/components/report_footer.js b/assets/javascripts/components/report_footer.js deleted file mode 100644 index 71f1d70..0000000 --- a/assets/javascripts/components/report_footer.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,47 +0,0 @@ -var React = require("react"), - DOMToImage = require("dom-to-image"); - -var ReportFooterTemplate = require("../templates/components/report_footer.jsx"); - -var ReportFooter = React.createClass({ - - onDownload: function () { - var report = document.querySelector("#main-container > div > div.content > div.content-body > div.report"); - var saveReport = function(blob,name){ - var url = URL.createObjectURL(blob); - - // Test for download link support - if( "download" in document.createElement('a') ){ - - var a = document.createElement('a'); - a.setAttribute('href', url); - a.setAttribute('download', name); - - // Create Click event - var clickEvent = document.createEvent ("MouseEvent"); - clickEvent.initMouseEvent ("click", true, true, window, 0, - clickEvent.screenX, clickEvent.screenY, clickEvent.clientX, clickEvent.clientY, - clickEvent.ctrlKey, clickEvent.altKey, clickEvent.shiftKey, clickEvent.metaKey, - 0, null); - - // dispatch click event to simulate download - a.dispatchEvent (clickEvent); - - } - else{ - // fallover, open resource in new tab. - window.open(url, '_blank', ''); - } - }; - DOMToImage.toBlob(report) - .then(function (blob) { - saveReport(blob, 'report.png'); - }); - }, - - render: function () { - return ReportFooterTemplate(this); - } -}) - -module.exports = ReportFooter; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/assets/javascripts/components/states_selector.js b/assets/javascripts/components/states_selector.js deleted file mode 100644 index 59c380b..0000000 --- a/assets/javascripts/components/states_selector.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,123 +0,0 @@ -"use strict"; - -var React = require("react"), - ReactDOM = require("react-dom"), - _ = require("lodash"), - Fuse = require("fuse.js"); - -var StatesSelectorTemplate = require("../templates/components/states_selector.jsx"); - -var StatesSelector = React.createClass({ - - getDefaultProps: function () { - return { - maximumStatesCount: 5 - }; - }, - - getInitialState: function () { - return { - states : this.props.states, - selectedStates: [], - stateSearch : new Fuse(this.props.states, { - keys: ["name"] - }) - }; - }, - - componentDidMount: function () { - var self = this, - selectedStatesSlugs = self.getSelectedStatesSlug(); - self.setState({ - selectedStates: _.chain(self.props.states) - .filter(function (state) { - return _.includes(selectedStatesSlugs, state.slug); - }) - .valueOf() - }); - self.onStateSearch = _.debounce(self.onStateSearch, 300); - }, - - getSelectedStatesSlug: function () { - return _.chain(this.props) - .get("location.query.states", "") - .split("|") - .filter(function (state) { - return !_.isEmpty(state); - }) - .valueOf(); - }, - - canAddState: function () { - return (_.size(this.state.selectedStates) < this.props.maximumStatesCount); - }, - - addStateLink: function (selectedState) { - var states = _.chain(this.props) - .get("location.query.states", "") - .split("|") - .filter(function (state) { - return !_.isEmpty(state); - }) - .valueOf(); - if (this.canAddState()) { - states = _.concat(states, _.get(selectedState, "slug", "")); - } - return { - pathname: this.props.location.pathname, - query : { - indicator: this.props.location.query.indicator, - states : _.chain(states) - .uniq() - .join("|") - .valueOf() - } - }; - }, - - onStateAddition: function (state) { - if (!_.includes(this.getSelectedStatesSlug(), state.slug) && this.canAddState()) { - this.setState({ - selectedStates: _.concat(this.state.selectedStates, state) - }); - } - }, - - removeStateLink: function (state) { - return { - pathname: this.props.location.pathname, - query : { - indicator: this.props.location.query.indicator, - states : _.chain(this.props) - .get("location.query.states", "") - .split("|") - .filter(function (state) { - return !_.isEmpty(state); - }) - .pull(_.get(state, "slug")) - .uniq() - .join("|") - .valueOf() - } - }; - }, - - onStateRemoval: function (state) { - this.setState({ - selectedStates: _.pull(this.state.selectedStates, state) - }); - }, - - onStateSearch: function (keyword) { - this.setState({ - states: _.isEmpty(keyword) ? this.props.states : this.state.stateSearch.search(keyword) - }); - }, - - render: function () { - return StatesSelectorTemplate(this); - } - -}); - -module.exports = StatesSelector; diff --git a/assets/javascripts/components/visualization.js b/assets/javascripts/components/visualization.js deleted file mode 100644 index bb0580c..0000000 --- a/assets/javascripts/components/visualization.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,43 +0,0 @@ -"use strict"; - -var React = require("react"), - _ = require("lodash"), - $ = require("jquery"); - -var VisualizationTemplate = require("../templates/components/visualization.jsx"); - -var Visualization = React.createClass({ - - getInitialState: function () { - var width = $(".mk-viz").width(); - var height = $(".mk-viz").height(); - return { - selectedStates : [], - selectedIndicator: {}, - containerWidth: width || 800, - containerHeight: height || 400 - }; - }, - handleResize: function(e) { - var width = $(".mk-viz").width(); - var height = $(".mk-viz").height(); - this.setState({ - containerWidth: width, - containerHeight: height - }); - }, - - componentWillUnmount: function() { - window.removeEventListener("resize", this.handleResize); - }, - componentDidMount: function () { - window.addEventListener("resize", this.handleResize); - - }, - render: function () { - return VisualizationTemplate(this); - } - -}); - -module.exports = Visualization; diff --git a/assets/javascripts/pages/embed.js b/assets/javascripts/pages/embed.js deleted file mode 100644 index 9bc8421..0000000 --- a/assets/javascripts/pages/embed.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,46 +0,0 @@ -"use strict"; - -var React = require("react"), - _ = require("lodash"); -var DATA = require("../utils/data").DATA; -var Report = require("../components/report"); - -var Embed = React.createClass({ - getInitialState: function () { - return { - states : [], - indicators : [] - }; - }, - - componentWillMount: function () { - var attributes = ["name", "slug"], - indicators = _.chain(DATA) - .first() - .get("indicators") - .map(function (indicator) { - return _.pick(indicator, attributes); - }) - .valueOf(), - states = _.chain(DATA) - .map(function (state) { - return _.pick(state, attributes); - }) - .valueOf(); - this.setState({ - states : states, - indicators : indicators - }); - }, - render: function(){ - return ( - - ) - } -}); - -module.exports = Embed; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/assets/javascripts/pages/home.js b/assets/javascripts/pages/home.js deleted file mode 100644 index d1b1d93..0000000 --- a/assets/javascripts/pages/home.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,73 +0,0 @@ -"use strict"; - -var React = require("react"), - ReactDOM = require("react-dom"), - ReactRouter = require("react-router"), - _ = require("lodash"); - -var Router = ReactRouter.Router, - Route = ReactRouter.Route, - hashHistory = ReactRouter.hashHistory; - -var DATA = require("../utils/data").DATA; - -var Embed = require("./embed.js"); -var HomePageTemplate = require("../templates/pages/home.jsx"); - -var HomePage = React.createClass({ - - getInitialState: function () { - return { - states : [], - indicators : [], - showSideNavigation: true - }; - }, - - componentWillMount: function () { - var attributes = ["name", "slug"], - indicators = _.chain(DATA) - .first() - .get("indicators") - .map(function (indicator) { - return _.pick(indicator, attributes); - }) - .valueOf(), - states = _.chain(DATA) - .map(function (state) { - return _.pick(state, attributes); - }) - .valueOf(); - this.setState({ - states : states, - indicators : indicators, - showSideNavigation: true - }); - }, - - toggleSideNavigation: function () { - this.setState({ - showSideNavigation: !this.state.showSideNavigation - }); - }, - - render: function () { - return HomePageTemplate(this); - } -}); - -/* istanbul ignore next */ -var homePage = function (container) { - return ReactDOM.render( - - - - - , - document.getElementById(container)); -}; - -module.exports = { - Component: HomePage, - DOM : homePage -}; diff --git a/assets/javascripts/templates/components/indicators_selector.jsx b/assets/javascripts/templates/components/indicators_selector.jsx deleted file mode 100644 index d093990..0000000 --- a/assets/javascripts/templates/components/indicators_selector.jsx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,55 +0,0 @@ -"use strict"; - -var React = require("react"), - ReactDOM = require("react-dom"), - Link = require("react-router").Link; - -var listOfIndicator = function(self){ - if(_.isEmpty(self.state.indicators)){ - return ( - - ); - } - return ( - - ); -} - -var Template = function (self) { - - return ( - /* jshint ignore:start */ - /* jscs ignore:start */ -
- self.onIndicatorSearch(event.target.value)} /> -
- {listOfIndicator(self)} -
- /* jshint ignore:end */ - /* jscs ignore:end */ - ); -}; - -module.exports = Template; diff --git a/assets/javascripts/templates/components/map.jsx b/assets/javascripts/templates/components/map.jsx deleted file mode 100644 index d068280..0000000 --- a/assets/javascripts/templates/components/map.jsx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,94 +0,0 @@ - "use strict" -var React = require("react"), - _ = require('lodash'); - - -var Template=function(self){ - var StateToolTip = function(props){ - if (_.isEmpty(props.statetooltip)){ - return( -
Please select a state from the map
- ) - } - return( -
- -
- ) - - }; - var AllocationDetails=function(props){ - if(_.isEmpty(props.allocations)){ - return ( - Data unavailable - ) - } - return ( - {props.allocations.amount.length >0 && props.allocations.amount} - ) - }; - - var Timeline = function(props){ - return ( -
    - {props.years.map(function(item,index){ - return ( -
  1. timeChosen(event)}> - - {item.duration} - 1 -
  2. - ); - })} -
- ); - }; - var LegendStep = function(props){ - var legendStep = { - backgroundColor: props.bgColor - }; - return ( -
  • {props.children}
  • - ); - }; - - var timeChosen = function(key){ - key.currentTarget.getElementsByTagName("input")[0].checked = true - var items = key.currentTarget.parentElement.getElementsByTagName("li"); - var i = 0; - for(i=0;i -
    - -
    - -
      - 0 - 20% - 40% - 60% - 80% - 100% -
    - - ) -}; - - -module.exports = Template; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/assets/javascripts/templates/components/report.jsx b/assets/javascripts/templates/components/report.jsx deleted file mode 100644 index aae2fdb..0000000 --- a/assets/javascripts/templates/components/report.jsx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,74 +0,0 @@ -"use strict"; - -var React = require("react"), - ReactDOM = require("react-dom"), - _ = require("lodash"), - $ = require("jquery"); - -var Visualization = require("../../components/visualization"); -var MapLeaflet = require("../../components/map"); -var ReportFooter = require("../../components/report_footer"); - -var Template = function (self) { - - if (_.isEmpty(self.state.selectedIndicator)) { - return ( -
    - - Please Select an indicator - -
    - ); - } - if (_.isEmpty(self.state.selectedStates)) { - return ( -
    Budget Attributes
    - BE - AC - RE -
    - -
    - - -
    - ); - } - return ( -
    Budget Attributes
    - BE - AC - RE -
    - -
    - -
    - ); -}; - -module.exports = Template; diff --git a/assets/javascripts/templates/components/report_footer.jsx b/assets/javascripts/templates/components/report_footer.jsx deleted file mode 100644 index a7036f1..0000000 --- a/assets/javascripts/templates/components/report_footer.jsx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,94 +0,0 @@ -"use strict"; -var React = require("react"), - ReactShare = require("react-share"); - -var ShareButtons = ReactShare.ShareButtons; -var FacebookShareButton = ShareButtons.FacebookShareButton; -var TwitterShareButton = ShareButtons.TwitterShareButton; -var GooglePlusShareButton = ShareButtons.GooglePlusShareButton; - -var generateShareIcon = ReactShare.generateShareIcon; -var FacebookIcon = generateShareIcon('facebook'); -var TwitterIcon = generateShareIcon('twitter'); -var GooglePlusIcon = generateShareIcon('google'); - -var url = window.location.href; -var title = "Online Budget Analysis Tool"; - -var tempArray = url.split("#"); -var embedString = "#/embed"; -var embedUrl = tempArray[0] + embedString + tempArray[1]; - -var Template = function(self){ - return ( -
    - source: - link -
    self.onDownload()}> -  |  -
    -  |  -
    - -
    • - - - -
    • -
    • - - - -
    • -
    • - - - -
    • -
    - -
    - ); -} - -module.exports = Template; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/assets/javascripts/templates/components/states_selector.jsx b/assets/javascripts/templates/components/states_selector.jsx deleted file mode 100644 index 140169b..0000000 --- a/assets/javascripts/templates/components/states_selector.jsx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,89 +0,0 @@ -"use strict"; - -var React = require("react"), - ReactDOM = require("react-dom"), - _ = require("lodash"), - Link = require("react-router").Link; - -var stateSelectionDisplay = function (self) { - if (_.isEmpty(self.state.selectedStates)) { - return ( -
    - No states selected -
    - ); - } - return ( -
    - {self.state.selectedStates.map(function (state) { - return ( -
    - {state.name.charAt(0).toUpperCase()} - {state.name} -
    - - self.onStateRemoval(state)}> - - - - -
    - ); - })} -
    - ); -}; - -var Template = function (self) { - return ( - /* jshint ignore:start */ - /* jscs ignore:start */ -
    - -
      - {self.state.states.map(function (state, stateIndex) { - if (self.canAddState()) { - return ( -
    • - self.onStateAddition(state)}> - {state.name} - -
    • - ); - } - return ( -
    • - - {state.name} - -
    • - ); - })} -
    - {stateSelectionDisplay(self)} -
    - /* jshint ignore:end */ - /* jscs ignore:end */ - ); -}; - -module.exports = Template; diff --git a/assets/javascripts/templates/components/visualization.jsx b/assets/javascripts/templates/components/visualization.jsx deleted file mode 100644 index 4994140..0000000 --- a/assets/javascripts/templates/components/visualization.jsx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,50 +0,0 @@ -"use strict"; - -var React = require("react"), - ReactD3Basic = require("react-d3-basic"), - ReactD3ToolTip = require("react-d3-tooltip"), - SimpleTooltipStyle = require('react-d3-tooltip').SimpleTooltip; - -//var BarGroupChart = ReactD3Basic.BarGroupChart; -var BarGroupChart = ReactD3ToolTip.BarGroupTooltip; -var graph = function (self) { - var data = self.props.config.data, - chartSeries = self.props.config.chartSeries, - xScale = "ordinal", - x = function (year) { - return year.from + " to " + year.to; - }; - return ( - /* jshint ignore:start */ - /* jscs ignore:start */ - - - - /* jshint ignore:end */ - /* jscs ignore:end */ - ); -}; - -var Template = function (self) { - return ( - /* jshint ignore:start */ - /* jscs ignore:start */ -
    - {graph(self)} -
    - /* jshint ignore:end */ - /* jscs ignore:end */ - ); -}; - -module.exports = Template; diff --git a/assets/javascripts/templates/pages/home.jsx b/assets/javascripts/templates/pages/home.jsx deleted file mode 100644 index 8edba16..0000000 --- a/assets/javascripts/templates/pages/home.jsx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,96 +0,0 @@ -"use strict"; - -var React = require("react"), - ReactDOM = require("react-dom"); - -var IndicatorsSelector = require("../../components/indicators_selector"), - StatesSelector = require("../../components/states_selector"), - Report = require("../../components/report"); - -var SideNavigationTemplate = function (self) { - if (self.state.showSideNavigation) { - return ( -
    CBGA Story Generator
    - Nam dapibus nisl vitae elit fringilla rutrum. Aenean sollicitudin, erat a elementum rutrum, neque sem - pretium metus, quis mollis -
    - - -
    - @credits - DataKind Bangalore -
    - Share - About - ContactUs -
    - ); - } - return ( -
    self.toggleSideNavigation()}> - -
    - ); -}; - -var Template = function (self) { - var contentCLass = "content "; - if (self.state.showSideNavigation) { - contentCLass = contentCLass + "side-nav-active"; - } - return ( - /* jshint ignore:start */ - /* jscs ignore:start */ -
    - {SideNavigationTemplate(self)} -
    - - -
    - -
    - Nam dapibus nisl vitae elit fringilla rutrum. Aenean sollicitudin, erat a elementum rutrum, neque sem - pretium metus, quis mollis -
    - Nam dapibus nisl vitae elit fringilla rutrum. Aenean sollicitudin, erat a elementum rutrum, neque sem - pretium metus, quis mollis -
    - /* jshint ignore:end */ - /* jscs ignore:end */ - ); -}; - -module.exports = Template; diff --git a/assets/javascripts/utils/data.js b/assets/javascripts/utils/data.js deleted file mode 100644 index d01436d..0000000 --- a/assets/javascripts/utils/data.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ -"use strict"; - -var DATA = require("../../../data/7-states-budgets.json"); - -var COLORS = [ - "#00A7F1", - "#CBDF8E", - "#FFE395", - "#004B6C", - "#819D2C" -]; -module.exports = { - DATA: DATA, - COLORS: COLORS -}; - diff --git a/assets/javascripts/utils/routes.js b/assets/javascripts/utils/routes.js deleted file mode 100644 index fdd00d8..0000000 --- a/assets/javascripts/utils/routes.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -"use strict"; - -module.exports = function (root) { - return { - path : "/", - component : root - }; -}; diff --git a/assets/stylesheets/application.scss b/assets/stylesheets/application.scss deleted file mode 100644 index b9fd992..0000000 --- a/assets/stylesheets/application.scss +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ -// Configuration -@import "base/configuration"; - -// Initialize -@import "vendor/normalize"; - -// Fonts -@import "vendor/pt-sans"; - -// Themes -@import "vendor/bootstrap"; - -//Leaflet -@import"vendor/leaflet"; - -@import "base/variables"; -@import "base/typography"; -@import "base/layout"; diff --git a/assets/stylesheets/base/_colorlegend.scss b/assets/stylesheets/base/_colorlegend.scss deleted file mode 100644 index 61c2ebe..0000000 --- a/assets/stylesheets/base/_colorlegend.scss +++ /dev/null @@ -1,21 +0,0 @@ -.legend-scale ul { - margin: 0; - padding: 0; - float: left; - list-style: none; -} -.legend-scale ul li { - display: block; - float: left; - width: 40px; - margin-bottom: 6px; - text-align: center; - font-size: 80%; - list-style: none; -} -ul.legend-labels li span { - display: block; - float: left; - height: 15px; - width: 50px; -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/assets/stylesheets/base/_configuration.scss b/assets/stylesheets/base/_configuration.scss deleted file mode 100644 index 0464c00..0000000 --- a/assets/stylesheets/base/_configuration.scss +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -$fonts-path: "fonts/" !default; diff --git a/assets/stylesheets/base/_content-body.scss b/assets/stylesheets/base/_content-body.scss deleted file mode 100644 index 9866379..0000000 --- a/assets/stylesheets/base/_content-body.scss +++ /dev/null @@ -1,113 +0,0 @@ -@import "state-selector"; -.content-body { - display: flex; - flex-direction: row; - width: 100%; - flex: 1; -} - -.mk-viz { - flex: 1; - display: flex; -} - -.bar { - transition: height 500ms ease-in; -} - -.report { - flex: 1; - display: flex; - flex-direction: column; - justify-content: space-between; - .report-header { - padding: .5em; - display: flex; - justify-content: space-between; - .report-header-left, - .report-header-right { - display: flex; - flex-direction: column; - } - .report-header-right { - max-width: 30%; - } - .report-title { - font-size: 1.8em; - } - .report-subtitle { - font-style: italic; - } - } - .report-body { - padding: .5em; - flex: 1; - display: flex; - } - .report-footer { - display: flex; - flex-direction: row; - align-items: center; - justify-content: space-between; - padding: .5em; - .report-footer-right { - display: flex; - .report-footer-item { - cursor: pointer; - .report-footer-item-share { - min-width: auto; - padding: .3em; - } - } - } - } - .report-message { - flex: 1; - justify-content: center; - display: flex; - background-color: #EDEDED; - align-items: center; - margin: 2em; - } -} - -.graph { - width: 100%; -} - -.budget-attributes { - width: 100%; -} - -.budget-attributes-title { - font-weight: bold; - font-size: 1.3em; -} - -.budget-attributes-labels { - display: flex; - flex: 1; - align-items: center; - justify-content: space-around; - height: 32px; - border-radius: 4px; - background-color: rgba(204, 204, 204, 0.15); - border: solid 1px rgba(151, 151, 151, 0.25); - cursor: pointer; - .budget-attribute { - text-transform: uppercase; - margin: auto; - &.selected { - border-radius: 3px; - background-color: $color1; - border: solid 1px #5b5e74; - color: white; - font-weight: bold; - padding: .1em .8em; - } - } -} - -.embed-url { - width: 100%; -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/assets/stylesheets/base/_content-footer.scss b/assets/stylesheets/base/_content-footer.scss deleted file mode 100644 index 020b763..0000000 --- a/assets/stylesheets/base/_content-footer.scss +++ /dev/null @@ -1,23 +0,0 @@ -.content-footer { - border: solid 1px $border-color; - display: flex; - flex-direction: row; - align-items: flex-start; - justify-content: flex-start; - width: 100%; -} - -.information { - padding: 1em; - width: 50%; - .information-title { - font-size: 1.3em; - font-weight: bold; - } - .information-content { - background-color: rgba(204, 204, 204, 0.3); - border: solid 1px $border-color; - padding: .5em; - margin-top: .5em; - } -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/assets/stylesheets/base/_content.scss b/assets/stylesheets/base/_content.scss deleted file mode 100644 index 2ed85df..0000000 --- a/assets/stylesheets/base/_content.scss +++ /dev/null @@ -1,65 +0,0 @@ -.content { - display: flex; - flex-direction: column; - align-items: center; - justify-content: space-between; - width: calc(100% - 50px); -} -.side-nav-active { - max-width: 80%; -} - -#map{ - background:white; -} -.leaflet-container { - width: 583px; - height: 634px; - background:white; - position: relative; - flex: 1; - display: flex; -} -.tcontainer{ - position: absolute; - top: 2em; - right: 2em; - height: 10em; - z-index: 6; - color: #31708f; - font-size: .85em; - display: block; -} -.statetooltip{ - position: absolute; - top:37em; - right:1em; - z-index:6; - color:black; - padding:.5em .75em; - font-size:.85em; - display:block; - width: 200px; - height: 67px; - background-color: rgba(233, 234, 229, 0.7); - text-align: center; - line-height: 30px; -} - - -.legendcontainer{ - position: absolute; - top: 50em; - right: 2em; - height: 10em; - z-index: 6; - color: #31708f; - font-size: .85em; - display: block; -} -@import "statetooltip"; -@import "timeline"; -@import "colorlegend"; -@import "content-body"; -@import "report-meta"; -@import "content-footer"; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/assets/stylesheets/base/_layout.scss b/assets/stylesheets/base/_layout.scss deleted file mode 100644 index 6f8b011..0000000 --- a/assets/stylesheets/base/_layout.scss +++ /dev/null @@ -1,34 +0,0 @@ -html, -body, -main { - width: 100%; - height: 100%; - font-family: 'PT Sans'; -} - -#main-container { - height: inherit; - &>div { - height: inherit; - } -} - -.body { - width: 100%; - height: 100%; - display: flex; - flex-direction: row; -} - -.hr { - border-right: solid 1px $border-color; -} - -.btn-bat { - background-color: $color1; - color: white; - font-weight: bold; -} - -@import "side-nav"; -@import "content"; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/assets/stylesheets/base/_report-meta.scss b/assets/stylesheets/base/_report-meta.scss deleted file mode 100644 index 451ea95..0000000 --- a/assets/stylesheets/base/_report-meta.scss +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ -.report-meta { - display: flex; - flex: 1; - width: auto; - max-width: 20%; - flex-direction: column; -} - -.meta { - width: 100%; - padding: .6em; - display: flex; - align-items: flex-start; - flex-direction: column; - justify-content: space-between; - .meta-info { - border-radius: .3em; - width: 100%; - .meta-info-title { - font-size: 1.3em; - font-weight: bold; - } - } -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/assets/stylesheets/base/_side-nav.scss b/assets/stylesheets/base/_side-nav.scss deleted file mode 100644 index 3bc62f2..0000000 --- a/assets/stylesheets/base/_side-nav.scss +++ /dev/null @@ -1,101 +0,0 @@ -.side-nav { - display: flex; - flex-direction: column; - height: inherit; - align-items: center; - justify-content: space-between; - padding: 1em; - background-color: $color1; - width: 25%; - transition: width 5.5s linear; -} - -.side-nav-menu-icon { - padding: 1em; - cursor: pointer; -} - -.project-info { - width: 100%; - .project-title{ - font-weight: 600; - font-size: 1.5em; - display: flex; - align-items: center; - justify-content: space-between; - margin-bottom: 16px; - } - .project-description { - border-radius: .3em; - background-color: $color2; - border: solid 1px $color2; - padding: 0.3em; - min-height: 70px; - max-height: 90px; - } -} - -.search-box { - padding: .5em; - display: flex; - align-items: center; - justify-content: center; - background-color: $color2; - input { - width: 100%; - border-radius: 0.3em; - border: solid 1px #9b9b9b; - font-style: italic; - color: black; - } -} - -.indicator { - height: 70%; - border: solid 1px #525468; - width: 100%; - display: flex; - margin-top: .5em; - flex-direction: column; - justify-content: flex-start; - .indicator-title { - background-color: #ededed; - padding: .2em .5em; - font-size: 1.2em; - color: #4a4a4a; - text-transform: uppercase; - .indicator-title-text { - font-size: 1em; - color: #4a4a4a; - } - } - .indicator-list{ - background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); - color: #707491; - display: flex; - flex-direction: column; - flex: 1; - margin: 0; - list-style-type: none; - overflow-y: auto; - padding: 0; - .indicator-list-item { - padding: .5em; - } - } -} - -.credits { - width: 100%; - margin-top: .3em; - background-color: $color2; - border: solid 1px $color2; - border-radius: .3em; - .credits-links, - .credits-info { - display: flex; - flex-direction: row; - align-items: center; - justify-content: space-around; - } -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/assets/stylesheets/base/_state-selector.scss b/assets/stylesheets/base/_state-selector.scss deleted file mode 100644 index 448d062..0000000 --- a/assets/stylesheets/base/_state-selector.scss +++ /dev/null @@ -1,51 +0,0 @@ -.state-selector { - width: 100%; -} - -.states { - background-color: #ffffff; - padding: .5em; - width: 100%; - height: 100%; - .states-header { - display: flex; - flex-direction: row; - align-items: center; - justify-content: space-between; - height: 30%; - .states-header-title { - font-size: 1.3em; - } - } - .states-selected { - height: 70%; - padding: .2em; - margin-top: .5em; - .states-selected-inactive { - font-style: italic; - } - } -} - -.state { - display: flex; - align-items: center; - justify-content: space-between; - background-color: #f2f2f2; - border-radius: 1em; - padding: .3em; - margin-bottom: .2em; - .state-content { - .state-avtar { - background-color: #356EA0; - padding: 0 .4em; - border-radius: 1em; - color: white; - margin: 0 .2em 0 0; - } - } - .state-remove { - padding: 0 .2em 0 0; - cursor: pointer; - } -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/assets/stylesheets/base/_statetooltip.scss b/assets/stylesheets/base/_statetooltip.scss deleted file mode 100644 index 54a98fc..0000000 --- a/assets/stylesheets/base/_statetooltip.scss +++ /dev/null @@ -1,4 +0,0 @@ -.statetoolPanelHeading{ - height: 30px; - background-color: rgba(204, 204, 204, 0.7); -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/assets/stylesheets/base/_timeline.scss b/assets/stylesheets/base/_timeline.scss deleted file mode 100644 index 714e80e..0000000 --- a/assets/stylesheets/base/_timeline.scss +++ /dev/null @@ -1,256 +0,0 @@ -$timeline-debug: false; - - -$timeline-h-color-bg: #fff; -$timeline-h-color-main: #428bca; - -$timeline-h-color-line: $timeline-h-color-main; -$timeline-h-color-marker-border: $timeline-h-color-main; -$timeline-h-color-marker-font: $timeline-h-color-main; - -$timeline-h-color-marker-bg--active: $timeline-h-color-main; -$timeline-h-color-marker-font--active: $timeline-h-color-bg; - -$timeline-h-color-marker-bg: $timeline-h-color-bg; -$timeline-h-color-marker-boxShadow: $timeline-h-color-bg; - - -$timeline-h-size-step: 50px; -$timeline-h-size-line: 2px; -$timeline-h-size-border: 4px; -$timeline-h-size-label: 110px; -$timeline-h-size-boxShadow: 10px; -$timeline-h-title-distance: 30px; -$timeline-h-title-size-font: 12px; -$timeline-h-label-distance: 10 + ($timeline-h-size-step/2) + $timeline-h-size-boxShadow; - - -$timeline-h-summary-size-step: 12px; -$timeline-h-summary-size-border: 2px; -$timeline-h-summary-size-line: 2px; -$timeline-h-summary-size-label: 110px; -$timeline-h-summary-size-boxShadow: 3px; -$timeline-h-summary-title-distance: 10px; -$timeline-h-summary-title-size-font: 8px; -$timeline-h-summary-label-distance: 10 + ($timeline-h-summary-size-step/2) + $timeline-h-summary-size-boxShadow; - - - -.timeline { -margin: 20px 0; -padding: 0; -border-top: $timeline-h-size-line solid $timeline-h-color-line; -list-style: none; -} - -.timeline__step { - -float: left; -width: 25%; -padding-top: 30px; - -position: relative; - -@if ($timeline-debug) { -background: lightgreen; -outline: 2px solid red; -} - -&:first-of-type, -&:last-of-type { -&:before { - -content: ""; -width: 50%; -height: 100%; - -background: transparent; - -position: absolute; -top: -$timeline-h-size-line; -left: 0; - -@if ($timeline-debug) { -background: green; -outline: 4px solid orange; -} -} -} - -&:last-of-type:before { -left: 50%; -} - -&:hover { -.timeline__step-label { -//display: block; -opacity: 1; --webkit-transform: rotate(0deg); -height: auto; -padding: 5px 10px; - -font-size: 12px; -border-width: 1px; - -bottom: 100%; - -&:before, -&:after { -display: block; -} -} -} -} - -.timeline__step-label { -//display: none; -opacity: 0; -height: 0; -padding: 0; -font-size: 0; -border-width: 0; --webkit-transform: rotate(30deg); - -width: $timeline-h-size-label; -margin: 0 0 $timeline-h-label-distance (-$timeline-h-size-label/2); - -border-style: solid; -border-color: $timeline-h-color-main; - -background: $timeline-h-color-bg; - -font-weight: normal; -//cursor: pointer; - -position: absolute; -left: 50%; -bottom: 0; - -transition: bottom 0.1s ease-in-out, -opacity 0.1s ease-in-out, --webkit-transform 0.1s ease-in-out; - -&:before, -&:after { -display: none; - -content: ""; -width: 0; -height: 0; -border: solid transparent; -pointer-events: none; - -position: absolute; -top: 100%; -left: 50%; -} - -&:before { -border-top-color: $timeline-h-color-main; -border-width: 8px; -margin-left: -8px; -} - -&:after { -border-top-color: $timeline-h-color-bg; -border-width: 6px; -margin-left: -6px; -} - -} - -.timeline__step-content { -display: block; -overflow: hidden; -text-align: center; -white-space: nowrap; -text-overflow: ellipsis; -} - -.timeline__step-title { -display: block; -width: 100%; -padding: $timeline-h-title-distance 0 0; - -font-size: $timeline-h-title-size-font; -text-align: center; - -position: absolute; -top: 0; -} - -.timeline__step-marker { -width: $timeline-h-size-step; -height: $timeline-h-size-step; -margin-left: -$timeline-h-size-step/2; - -background: $timeline-h-color-marker-bg; -border: $timeline-h-size-border solid $timeline-h-color-marker-border; -border-radius: 50%; -box-shadow: 0 0 0 $timeline-h-size-boxShadow $timeline-h-color-marker-boxShadow; - -text-align: center; -line-height: $timeline-h-size-step -10; -color: $timeline-h-color-marker-font; -font-size: 2em; -font-style: normal; - -position: absolute; -top: -($timeline-h-size-step/2)-($timeline-h-size-line/2); -left: 50%; - -.done & { -background: $timeline-h-color-marker-bg--active; -color: $timeline-h-color-marker-font--active; -} -} - -.timeline__step-radio { -display: none; - -/** -* not needed for now, -* because markers won't be clicked in horz version -*/ -// &:checked { -// & + label { -// opacity: 1; -// } - -// & ~ .timeline__step-marker { -// background: $timeline-h-color-marker-bg--active; -// color: $timeline-h-color-marker-font--active; -// } -// } -} - - - -.timeline--summary { -width: 200px; -border-width: $timeline-h-summary-size-line; - -.timeline__step-label { -margin-bottom: $timeline-h-summary-label-distance; -} - -.timeline__step-title { -padding: $timeline-h-summary-title-distance 0 0; -font-size: $timeline-h-summary-title-size-font; -font-weight: bold; -} - -.timeline__step-marker { -width: $timeline-h-summary-size-step; -height: $timeline-h-summary-size-step; -margin-left: -$timeline-h-summary-size-step/2; - -border-width: $timeline-h-summary-size-border; - -text-indent: -999em; - -box-shadow: 0 0 0 $timeline-h-summary-size-boxShadow #fff; - -top: -($timeline-h-summary-size-step/2)-($timeline-h-summary-size-line/2); -} -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/assets/stylesheets/base/_typography.scss b/assets/stylesheets/base/_typography.scss deleted file mode 100644 index e69de29..0000000 diff --git a/assets/stylesheets/base/_variables.scss b/assets/stylesheets/base/_variables.scss deleted file mode 100644 index 71dbe8b..0000000 --- a/assets/stylesheets/base/_variables.scss +++ /dev/null @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@ -// Theme -$border-color: #979797 !default; -$color1: #707491 !default; -$color2: #5b5e74 !default; -$color3: #525468 !default; diff --git a/assets/stylesheets/vendor/_bootstrap.scss b/assets/stylesheets/vendor/_bootstrap.scss deleted file mode 100644 index c773c8c..0000000 --- a/assets/stylesheets/vendor/_bootstrap.scss +++ /dev/null @@ -1,56 +0,0 @@ -/*! - * Bootstrap v3.3.6 (http://getbootstrap.com) - * Copyright 2011-2015 Twitter, Inc. - * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/master/LICENSE) - */ - -// Core variables and mixins -@import "bootstrap/variables"; -@import "bootstrap/mixins"; - -// Reset and dependencies -@import "bootstrap/normalize"; -@import "bootstrap/print"; -@import "bootstrap/glyphicons"; - -// Core CSS -@import "bootstrap/scaffolding"; -@import "bootstrap/type"; -@import "bootstrap/code"; -@import "bootstrap/grid"; -@import "bootstrap/tables"; -@import "bootstrap/forms"; -@import "bootstrap/buttons"; - -// Components -@import "bootstrap/component-animations"; -@import "bootstrap/dropdowns"; -@import "bootstrap/button-groups"; -@import "bootstrap/input-groups"; -@import "bootstrap/navs"; -@import "bootstrap/navbar"; -@import "bootstrap/breadcrumbs"; -@import "bootstrap/pagination"; -@import "bootstrap/pager"; -@import "bootstrap/labels"; -@import "bootstrap/badges"; -@import "bootstrap/jumbotron"; -@import "bootstrap/thumbnails"; -@import "bootstrap/alerts"; -@import "bootstrap/progress-bars"; -@import "bootstrap/media"; -@import "bootstrap/list-group"; -@import "bootstrap/panels"; -@import "bootstrap/responsive-embed"; -@import "bootstrap/wells"; -@import "bootstrap/close"; - -// Components w/ JavaScript -@import "bootstrap/modals"; -@import "bootstrap/tooltip"; -@import "bootstrap/popovers"; -@import "bootstrap/carousel"; - -// Utility classes -@import "bootstrap/utilities"; -@import "bootstrap/responsive-utilities"; diff --git a/assets/stylesheets/vendor/_leaflet.scss b/assets/stylesheets/vendor/_leaflet.scss deleted file mode 100644 index ac0cd17..0000000 --- a/assets/stylesheets/vendor/_leaflet.scss +++ /dev/null @@ -1,478 +0,0 @@ -/* required styles */ - -.leaflet-map-pane, -.leaflet-tile, -.leaflet-marker-icon, -.leaflet-marker-shadow, -.leaflet-tile-pane, -.leaflet-tile-container, -.leaflet-overlay-pane, -.leaflet-shadow-pane, -.leaflet-marker-pane, -.leaflet-popup-pane, -.leaflet-overlay-pane svg, -.leaflet-zoom-box, -.leaflet-image-layer, -.leaflet-layer { - position: absolute; - left: 0; - top: 0; - } -.leaflet-container { - overflow: hidden; - -ms-touch-action: none; - } -.leaflet-tile, -.leaflet-marker-icon, -.leaflet-marker-shadow { - -webkit-user-select: none; - -moz-user-select: none; - user-select: none; - -webkit-user-drag: none; - } -.leaflet-marker-icon, -.leaflet-marker-shadow { - display: block; - } -/* map is broken in FF if you have max-width: 100% on tiles */ -.leaflet-container img { - max-width: none !important; - } -/* stupid Android 2 doesn't understand "max-width: none" properly */ -.leaflet-container img.leaflet-image-layer { - max-width: 15000px !important; - } -.leaflet-tile { - filter: inherit; - visibility: hidden; - } -.leaflet-tile-loaded { - visibility: inherit; - } -.leaflet-zoom-box { - width: 0; - height: 0; - } -/* workaround for https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=888319 */ -.leaflet-overlay-pane svg { - -moz-user-select: none; - } - -.leaflet-tile-pane { z-index: 2; } -.leaflet-objects-pane { z-index: 3; } -.leaflet-overlay-pane { z-index: 4; } -.leaflet-shadow-pane { z-index: 5; } -.leaflet-marker-pane { z-index: 6; } -.leaflet-popup-pane { z-index: 7; } - -.leaflet-vml-shape { - width: 1px; - height: 1px; - } -.lvml { - behavior: url(#default#VML); - display: inline-block; - position: absolute; - } - - -/* control positioning */ - -.leaflet-control { - position: relative; - z-index: 7; - pointer-events: auto; - } -.leaflet-top, -.leaflet-bottom { - position: absolute; - z-index: 1000; - pointer-events: none; - } -.leaflet-top { - top: 0; - } -.leaflet-right { - right: 0; - } -.leaflet-bottom { - bottom: 0; - } -.leaflet-left { - left: 0; - } -.leaflet-control { - float: left; - clear: both; - } -.leaflet-right .leaflet-control { - float: right; - } -.leaflet-top .leaflet-control { - margin-top: 10px; - } -.leaflet-bottom .leaflet-control { - margin-bottom: 10px; - } -.leaflet-left .leaflet-control { - margin-left: 10px; - } -.leaflet-right .leaflet-control { - margin-right: 10px; - } - - -/* zoom and fade animations */ - -.leaflet-fade-anim .leaflet-tile, -.leaflet-fade-anim .leaflet-popup { - opacity: 0; - -webkit-transition: opacity 0.2s linear; - -moz-transition: opacity 0.2s linear; - -o-transition: opacity 0.2s linear; - transition: opacity 0.2s linear; - } -.leaflet-fade-anim .leaflet-tile-loaded, -.leaflet-fade-anim .leaflet-map-pane .leaflet-popup { - opacity: 1; - } - -.leaflet-zoom-anim .leaflet-zoom-animated { - -webkit-transition: -webkit-transform 0.25s cubic-bezier(0,0,0.25,1); - -moz-transition: -moz-transform 0.25s cubic-bezier(0,0,0.25,1); - -o-transition: -o-transform 0.25s cubic-bezier(0,0,0.25,1); - transition: transform 0.25s cubic-bezier(0,0,0.25,1); - } -.leaflet-zoom-anim .leaflet-tile, -.leaflet-pan-anim .leaflet-tile, -.leaflet-touching .leaflet-zoom-animated { - -webkit-transition: none; - -moz-transition: none; - -o-transition: none; - transition: none; - } - -.leaflet-zoom-anim .leaflet-zoom-hide { - visibility: hidden; - } - - -/* cursors */ - -.leaflet-clickable { - cursor: pointer; - } -.leaflet-container { - cursor: -webkit-grab; - cursor: -moz-grab; - } -.leaflet-popup-pane, -.leaflet-control { - cursor: auto; - } -.leaflet-dragging .leaflet-container, -.leaflet-dragging .leaflet-clickable { - cursor: move; - cursor: -webkit-grabbing; - cursor: -moz-grabbing; - } - - -/* visual tweaks */ - -.leaflet-container { - background: #ddd; - outline: 0; - } -.leaflet-container a { - color: #0078A8; - } -.leaflet-container a.leaflet-active { - outline: 2px solid orange; - } -.leaflet-zoom-box { - border: 2px dotted #38f; - background: rgba(255,255,255,0.5); - } - - -/* general typography */ -.leaflet-container { - font: 12px/1.5 "Helvetica Neue", Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; - } - - -/* general toolbar styles */ - -.leaflet-bar { - box-shadow: 0 1px 5px rgba(0,0,0,0.65); - border-radius: 4px; - } -.leaflet-bar a, -.leaflet-bar a:hover { - background-color: #fff; - border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc; - width: 26px; - height: 26px; - line-height: 26px; - display: block; - text-align: center; - text-decoration: none; - color: black; - } -.leaflet-bar a, -.leaflet-control-layers-toggle { - background-position: 50% 50%; - background-repeat: no-repeat; - display: block; - } -.leaflet-bar a:hover { - background-color: #f4f4f4; - } -.leaflet-bar a:first-child { - border-top-left-radius: 4px; - border-top-right-radius: 4px; - } -.leaflet-bar a:last-child { - border-bottom-left-radius: 4px; - border-bottom-right-radius: 4px; - border-bottom: none; - } -.leaflet-bar a.leaflet-disabled { - cursor: default; - background-color: #f4f4f4; - color: #bbb; - } - -.leaflet-touch .leaflet-bar a { - width: 30px; - height: 30px; - line-height: 30px; - } - - -/* zoom control */ - -.leaflet-control-zoom-in, -.leaflet-control-zoom-out { - font: bold 18px 'Lucida Console', Monaco, monospace; - text-indent: 1px; - } -.leaflet-control-zoom-out { - font-size: 20px; - } - -.leaflet-touch .leaflet-control-zoom-in { - font-size: 22px; - } -.leaflet-touch .leaflet-control-zoom-out { - font-size: 24px; - } - - -/* layers control */ - -.leaflet-control-layers { - box-shadow: 0 1px 5px rgba(0,0,0,0.4); - background: #fff; - border-radius: 5px; - } -.leaflet-control-layers-toggle { - background-image: url(images/layers.png); - width: 36px; - height: 36px; - } -.leaflet-retina .leaflet-control-layers-toggle { - background-image: url(images/layers-2x.png); - background-size: 26px 26px; - } -.leaflet-touch .leaflet-control-layers-toggle { - width: 44px; - height: 44px; - } -.leaflet-control-layers .leaflet-control-layers-list, -.leaflet-control-layers-expanded .leaflet-control-layers-toggle { - display: none; - } -.leaflet-control-layers-expanded .leaflet-control-layers-list { - display: block; - position: relative; - } -.leaflet-control-layers-expanded { - padding: 6px 10px 6px 6px; - color: #333; - background: #fff; - } -.leaflet-control-layers-selector { - margin-top: 2px; - position: relative; - top: 1px; - } -.leaflet-control-layers label { - display: block; - } -.leaflet-control-layers-separator { - height: 0; - border-top: 1px solid #ddd; - margin: 5px -10px 5px -6px; - } - - -/* attribution and scale controls */ - -.leaflet-container .leaflet-control-attribution { - background: #fff; - background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7); - margin: 0; - } -.leaflet-control-attribution, -.leaflet-control-scale-line { - padding: 0 5px; - color: #333; - } -.leaflet-control-attribution a { - text-decoration: none; - } -.leaflet-control-attribution a:hover { - text-decoration: underline; - } -.leaflet-container .leaflet-control-attribution, -.leaflet-container .leaflet-control-scale { - font-size: 11px; - } -.leaflet-left .leaflet-control-scale { - margin-left: 5px; - } -.leaflet-bottom .leaflet-control-scale { - margin-bottom: 5px; - } -.leaflet-control-scale-line { - border: 2px solid #777; - border-top: none; - line-height: 1.1; - padding: 2px 5px 1px; - font-size: 11px; - white-space: nowrap; - overflow: hidden; - -moz-box-sizing: content-box; - box-sizing: content-box; - - background: #fff; - background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5); - } -.leaflet-control-scale-line:not(:first-child) { - border-top: 2px solid #777; - border-bottom: none; - margin-top: -2px; - } -.leaflet-control-scale-line:not(:first-child):not(:last-child) { - border-bottom: 2px solid #777; - } - -.leaflet-touch .leaflet-control-attribution, -.leaflet-touch .leaflet-control-layers, -.leaflet-touch .leaflet-bar { - box-shadow: none; - } -.leaflet-touch .leaflet-control-layers, -.leaflet-touch .leaflet-bar { - border: 2px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.2); - background-clip: padding-box; - } - - -/* popup */ - -.leaflet-popup { - position: absolute; - text-align: center; - } -.leaflet-popup-content-wrapper { - padding: 1px; - text-align: left; - border-radius: 12px; - } -.leaflet-popup-content { - margin: 13px 19px; - line-height: 1.4; - } -.leaflet-popup-content p { - margin: 18px 0; - } -.leaflet-popup-tip-container { - margin: 0 auto; - width: 40px; - height: 20px; - position: relative; - overflow: hidden; - } -.leaflet-popup-tip { - width: 17px; - height: 17px; - padding: 1px; - - margin: -10px auto 0; - - -webkit-transform: rotate(45deg); - -moz-transform: rotate(45deg); - -ms-transform: rotate(45deg); - -o-transform: rotate(45deg); - transform: rotate(45deg); - } -.leaflet-popup-content-wrapper, -.leaflet-popup-tip { - background: white; - - box-shadow: 0 3px 14px rgba(0,0,0,0.4); - } -.leaflet-container a.leaflet-popup-close-button { - position: absolute; - top: 0; - right: 0; - padding: 4px 4px 0 0; - text-align: center; - width: 18px; - height: 14px; - font: 16px/14px Tahoma, Verdana, sans-serif; - color: #c3c3c3; - text-decoration: none; - font-weight: bold; - background: transparent; - } -.leaflet-container a.leaflet-popup-close-button:hover { - color: #999; - } -.leaflet-popup-scrolled { - overflow: auto; - border-bottom: 1px solid #ddd; - border-top: 1px solid #ddd; - } - -.leaflet-oldie .leaflet-popup-content-wrapper { - zoom: 1; - } -.leaflet-oldie .leaflet-popup-tip { - width: 24px; - margin: 0 auto; - - -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix(M11=0.70710678, M12=0.70710678, M21=-0.70710678, M22=0.70710678)"; - filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix(M11=0.70710678, M12=0.70710678, M21=-0.70710678, M22=0.70710678); - } -.leaflet-oldie .leaflet-popup-tip-container { - margin-top: -1px; - } - -.leaflet-oldie .leaflet-control-zoom, -.leaflet-oldie .leaflet-control-layers, -.leaflet-oldie .leaflet-popup-content-wrapper, -.leaflet-oldie .leaflet-popup-tip { - border: 1px solid #999; - } - - -/* div icon */ - -.leaflet-div-icon { - background: #fff; - border: 1px solid #666; - } diff --git a/assets/stylesheets/vendor/_normalize.scss b/assets/stylesheets/vendor/_normalize.scss deleted file mode 100644 index 7c7bed2..0000000 --- a/assets/stylesheets/vendor/_normalize.scss +++ /dev/null @@ -1,578 +0,0 @@ -/* ========================================================================== - Normalize.scss settings - ========================================================================== */ -/** - * Includes legacy browser support IE6/7 - * - * Set to false if you want to drop support for IE6 and IE7 - */ - -$legacy_browser_support: false !default; - -/* Base - ========================================================================== */ - -/** - * 1. Set default font family to sans-serif. - * 2. Prevent iOS and IE text size adjust after device orientation change, - * without disabling user zoom. - * 3. Corrects text resizing oddly in IE 6/7 when body `font-size` is set using - * `em` units. - */ - -html { - font-family: sans-serif; /* 1 */ - -ms-text-size-adjust: 100%; /* 2 */ - -webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%; /* 2 */ - @if $legacy_browser_support { - *font-size: 100%; /* 3 */ - } -} - -/** - * Remove default margin. - */ - -body { - margin: 0; -} - -/* HTML5 display definitions - ========================================================================== */ - -/** - * Correct `block` display not defined for any HTML5 element in IE 8/9. - * Correct `block` display not defined for `details` or `summary` in IE 10/11 - * and Firefox. - * Correct `block` display not defined for `main` in IE 11. - */ - -article, -aside, -details, -figcaption, -figure, -footer, -header, -hgroup, -main, -menu, -nav, -section, -summary { - display: block; -} - -/** - * 1. Correct `inline-block` display not defined in IE 6/7/8/9 and Firefox 3. - * 2. Normalize vertical alignment of `progress` in Chrome, Firefox, and Opera. - */ - -audio, -canvas, -progress, -video { - display: inline-block; /* 1 */ - vertical-align: baseline; /* 2 */ - @if $legacy_browser_support { - *display: inline; - *zoom: 1; - } -} - -/** - * Prevents modern browsers from displaying `audio` without controls. - * Remove excess height in iOS 5 devices. - */ - -audio:not([controls]) { - display: none; - height: 0; -} - -/** - * Address `[hidden]` styling not present in IE 8/9/10. - * Hide the `template` element in IE 8/9/10/11, Safari, and Firefox < 22. - */ - -[hidden], -template { - display: none; -} - -/* Links - ========================================================================== */ - -/** - * Remove the gray background color from active links in IE 10. - */ - -a { - background-color: transparent; -} - -/** - * Improve readability of focused elements when they are also in an - * active/hover state. - */ - -a { - &:active, &:hover { - outline: 0; - }; -} - -/* Text-level semantics - ========================================================================== */ - -/** - * Address styling not present in IE 8/9/10/11, Safari, and Chrome. - */ - -abbr[title] { - border-bottom: 1px dotted; -} - -/** - * Address style set to `bolder` in Firefox 4+, Safari, and Chrome. - */ - -b, -strong { - font-weight: bold; -} - -@if $legacy_browser_support { - blockquote { - margin: 1em 40px; - } -} - -/** - * Address styling not present in Safari and Chrome. - */ - -dfn { - font-style: italic; -} - -/** - * Address variable `h1` font-size and margin within `section` and `article` - * contexts in Firefox 4+, Safari, and Chrome. - */ - -h1 { - font-size: 2em; - margin: 0.67em 0; -} - -@if $legacy_browser_support { - h2 { - font-size: 1.5em; - margin: 0.83em 0; - } - - h3 { - font-size: 1.17em; - margin: 1em 0; - } - - h4 { - font-size: 1em; - margin: 1.33em 0; - } - - h5 { - font-size: 0.83em; - margin: 1.67em 0; - } - - h6 { - font-size: 0.67em; - margin: 2.33em 0; - } -} - -/** - * Addresses styling not present in IE 8/9. - */ - -mark { - background: #ff0; - color: #000; -} - -@if $legacy_browser_support { - - /** - * Addresses margins set differently in IE 6/7. - */ - - p, - pre { - *margin: 1em 0; - } - - /* - * Addresses CSS quotes not supported in IE 6/7. - */ - - q { - *quotes: none; - } - - /* - * Addresses `quotes` property not supported in Safari 4. - */ - - q:before, - q:after { - content: ''; - content: none; - } -} - -/** - * Address inconsistent and variable font size in all browsers. - */ - -small { - font-size: 80%; -} - -/** - * Prevent `sub` and `sup` affecting `line-height` in all browsers. - */ - -sub, -sup { - font-size: 75%; - line-height: 0; - position: relative; - vertical-align: baseline; -} - -sup { - top: -0.5em; -} - -sub { - bottom: -0.25em; -} - -@if $legacy_browser_support { - - /* ========================================================================== - Lists - ========================================================================== */ - - /* - * Addresses margins set differently in IE 6/7. - */ - - dl, - menu, - ol, - ul { - *margin: 1em 0; - } - - dd { - *margin: 0 0 0 40px; - } - - /* - * Addresses paddings set differently in IE 6/7. - */ - - menu, - ol, - ul { - *padding: 0 0 0 40px; - } - - /* - * Corrects list images handled incorrectly in IE 7. - */ - - nav ul, - nav ol { - *list-style: none; - *list-style-image: none; - } - -} - -/* Embedded content - ========================================================================== */ - -/** - * 1. Remove border when inside `a` element in IE 8/9/10. - * 2. Improves image quality when scaled in IE 7. - */ - -img { - border: 0; - @if $legacy_browser_support { - *-ms-interpolation-mode: bicubic; /* 2 */ - } -} - -/** - * Correct overflow not hidden in IE 9/10/11. - */ - -svg:not(:root) { - overflow: hidden; -} - -/* Grouping content - ========================================================================== */ - -/** - * Address margin not present in IE 8/9 and Safari. - */ - -figure { - margin: 1em 40px; -} - -/** - * Address differences between Firefox and other browsers. - */ - -hr { - box-sizing: content-box; - height: 0; -} - -/** - * Contain overflow in all browsers. - */ - -pre { - overflow: auto; -} - -/** - * Address odd `em`-unit font size rendering in all browsers. - * Correct font family set oddly in IE 6, Safari 4/5, and Chrome. - */ - -code, -kbd, -pre, -samp { - font-family: monospace, monospace; - @if $legacy_browser_support { - _font-family: 'courier new', monospace; - } - font-size: 1em; -} - -/* Forms - ========================================================================== */ - -/** - * Known limitation: by default, Chrome and Safari on OS X allow very limited - * styling of `select`, unless a `border` property is set. - */ - -/** - * 1. Correct color not being inherited. - * Known issue: affects color of disabled elements. - * 2. Correct font properties not being inherited. - * 3. Address margins set differently in Firefox 4+, Safari, and Chrome. - * 4. Improves appearance and consistency in all browsers. - */ - -button, -input, -optgroup, -select, -textarea { - color: inherit; /* 1 */ - font: inherit; /* 2 */ - margin: 0; /* 3 */ - @if $legacy_browser_support { - vertical-align: baseline; /* 3 */ - *vertical-align: middle; /* 3 */ - } -} - -/** - * Address `overflow` set to `hidden` in IE 8/9/10/11. - */ - -button { - overflow: visible; -} - -/** - * Address inconsistent `text-transform` inheritance for `button` and `select`. - * All other form control elements do not inherit `text-transform` values. - * Correct `button` style inheritance in Firefox, IE 8/9/10/11, and Opera. - * Correct `select` style inheritance in Firefox. - */ - -button, -select { - text-transform: none; -} - -/** - * 1. Avoid the WebKit bug in Android 4.0.* where (2) destroys native `audio` - * and `video` controls. - * 2. Correct inability to style clickable `input` types in iOS. - * 3. Improve usability and consistency of cursor style between image-type - * `input` and others. - * 4. Removes inner spacing in IE 7 without affecting normal text inputs. - * Known issue: inner spacing remains in IE 6. - */ - -button, -html input[type="button"], /* 1 */ -input[type="reset"], -input[type="submit"] { - -webkit-appearance: button; /* 2 */ - cursor: pointer; /* 3 */ - @if $legacy_browser_support { - *overflow: visible; /* 4 */ - } -} - -/** - * Re-set default cursor for disabled elements. - */ - -button[disabled], -html input[disabled] { - cursor: default; -} - -/** - * Remove inner padding and border in Firefox 4+. - */ - -button::-moz-focus-inner, -input::-moz-focus-inner { - border: 0; - padding: 0; -} - -/** - * Address Firefox 4+ setting `line-height` on `input` using `!important` in - * the UA stylesheet. - */ - -input { - line-height: normal; -} - -/** - * 1. Address box sizing set to `content-box` in IE 8/9/10. - * 2. Remove excess padding in IE 8/9/10. - * Known issue: excess padding remains in IE 6. - */ - -input[type="checkbox"], -input[type="radio"] { - box-sizing: border-box; /* 1 */ - padding: 0; /* 2 */ - @if $legacy_browser_support { - *height: 13px; /* 3 */ - *width: 13px; /* 3 */ - } -} - -/** - * Fix the cursor style for Chrome's increment/decrement buttons. For certain - * `font-size` values of the `input`, it causes the cursor style of the - * decrement button to change from `default` to `text`. - */ - -input[type="number"]::-webkit-inner-spin-button, -input[type="number"]::-webkit-outer-spin-button { - height: auto; -} - -/** - * 1. Address `appearance` set to `searchfield` in Safari and Chrome. - * 2. Address `box-sizing` set to `border-box` in Safari and Chrome. - */ - -input[type="search"] { - -webkit-appearance: textfield; /* 1 */ - box-sizing: content-box; /* 2 */ -} - -/** - * Remove inner padding and search cancel button in Safari and Chrome on OS X. - * Safari (but not Chrome) clips the cancel button when the search input has - * padding (and `textfield` appearance). - */ - -input[type="search"]::-webkit-search-cancel-button, -input[type="search"]::-webkit-search-decoration { - -webkit-appearance: none; -} - -/** - * Define consistent border, margin, and padding. - */ - -fieldset { - border: 1px solid #c0c0c0; - margin: 0 2px; - padding: 0.35em 0.625em 0.75em; -} - -/** - * 1. Correct `color` not being inherited in IE 8/9/10/11. - * 2. Remove padding so people aren't caught out if they zero out fieldsets. - * 3. Corrects text not wrapping in Firefox 3. - * 4. Corrects alignment displayed oddly in IE 6/7. - */ - -legend { - border: 0; /* 1 */ - padding: 0; /* 2 */ - @if $legacy_browser_support { - white-space: normal; /* 3 */ - *margin-left: -7px; /* 4 */ - } -} - -/** - * Remove default vertical scrollbar in IE 8/9/10/11. - */ - -textarea { - overflow: auto; -} - -/** - * Don't inherit the `font-weight` (applied by a rule above). - * NOTE: the default cannot safely be changed in Chrome and Safari on OS X. - */ - -optgroup { - font-weight: bold; -} - -/* Tables - ========================================================================== */ - -/** - * Remove most spacing between table cells. - */ - -table { - border-collapse: collapse; - border-spacing: 0; -} - -td, -th { - padding: 0; -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/assets/stylesheets/vendor/_pt-sans.scss b/assets/stylesheets/vendor/_pt-sans.scss deleted file mode 100644 index 77e3084..0000000 --- a/assets/stylesheets/vendor/_pt-sans.scss +++ /dev/null @@ -1,154 +0,0 @@ -/* - * Copyright 2009 ParaType, Inc. - * - * FONT LICENSE - * - * PERMISSION and CONDITIONS - * - * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy - * of the font software, to use, study, copy, merge, embed, modify, redistribute, - * and sell modified and unmodified copies of the font software, subject to the - * following conditions: - * - * 1) Neither the font software nor any of its individual components, in original - * or modified versions, may be sold by itself. - * - * 2) Original or modified versions of the font software may be bundled, - * redistributed and/or sold with any software, provided that each copy - * contains the above copyright notice and this license. These can be included - * either as stand-alone text files, human-readable headers or in the - * appropriate machine-readable metadata fields within text or binary files as - * long as those fields can be easily viewed by the user. - * - * 3) No modified version of the font software may use the Reserved Name(s) or - * combinations of Reserved Names with other words unless explicit written - * permission is granted by the ParaType. This restriction only applies to - * the primary font name as presented to the users. - * - * 4) The name of ParaType or the author(s) of the font software shall not be used - * to promote, endorse or advertise any modified version, except to acknowledge - * the contribution(s) of ParaType and the author(s) or with explicit written - * permission of ParaType. - * - * 5) The font software, modified or unmodified, in part or in whole, must be - * distributed entirely under this license, and must not be distributed under - * any other license. The requirement for fonts to remain under this license - * does not apply to any document created using the Font Software. - * - * TERMINATION and TERRITORY - * - * This license has no limits on time and territory, but it becomes null and void - * if any of the above conditions are not met. - * - * DISCLAIMER - * - * THE FONT SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR - * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, - * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT OF COPYRIGHT, PATENT, - * TRADEMARK, OR OTHER RIGHT. IN NO EVENT SHALL PARATYPE BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, - * DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INDIRECT, - * INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR - * OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE FONT SOFTWARE - * OR FROM OTHER DEALINGS IN THE FONT SOFTWARE. - * - * ParaType, Inc. - * http://www.paratype.com - */ - -$pt-sans-font-path: if(variable-exists(fonts-path), "#{$fonts-path}pt-sans/", "fonts/pt-sans"); - -@font-face { - font-family: "PT Sans"; - src: url("#{$pt-sans-font-path}regular/PTS55F-webfont.eot"); - src: local("PT Sans"), - url("#{$pt-sans-font-path}regular/PTS55F-webfont.eot?#iefix") format("embedded-opentype"), - url("#{$pt-sans-font-path}regular/PTS55F-webfont.woff") format("woff"), - url("#{$pt-sans-font-path}regular/PTS55F-webfont.ttf") format("truetype"), - url("#{$pt-sans-font-path}regular/PTS55F-webfont.svg#pt_sansregular") format("svg"); - font-weight: normal; - font-style: normal; -} - -@font-face { - font-family: "PT Sans"; - src: url("#{$pt-sans-font-path}italic/PTS56F-webfont.eot"); - src: local("PT Sans Italic"), - url("#{$pt-sans-font-path}italic/PTS56F-webfont.eot?#iefix") format("embedded-opentype"), - url("#{$pt-sans-font-path}italic/PTS56F-webfont.woff") format("woff"), - url("#{$pt-sans-font-path}italic/PTS56F-webfont.ttf") format("truetype"), - url("#{$pt-sans-font-path}italic/PTS56F-webfont.svg#pt_sansitalic") format("svg"); - font-weight: normal; - font-style: italic; -} - -@font-face { - font-family: "PT Sans"; - src: url("#{$pt-sans-font-path}bold/PTS75F-webfont.eot"); - src: local("PT Sans Bold"), - url("#{$pt-sans-font-path}bold/PTS75F-webfont.eot?#iefix") format("embedded-opentype"), - url("#{$pt-sans-font-path}bold/PTS75F-webfont.woff") format("woff"), - url("#{$pt-sans-font-path}bold/PTS75F-webfont.ttf") format("truetype"), - url("#{$pt-sans-font-path}bold/PTS75F-webfont.svg#pt_sansbold") format("svg"); - font-weight: bold; - font-style: normal; -} - -@font-face { - font-family: "PT Sans"; - src: url("#{$pt-sans-font-path}bold-italic/PTS76F-webfont.eot"); - src: local("PT Sans Bold Italic"), - url("#{$pt-sans-font-path}bold-italic/PTS76F-webfont.eot?#iefix") format("embedded-opentype"), - url("#{$pt-sans-font-path}bold-italic/PTS76F-webfont.woff") format("woff"), - url("#{$pt-sans-font-path}bold-italic/PTS76F-webfont.ttf") format("truetype"), - url("#{$pt-sans-font-path}bold-italic/PTS76F-webfont.svg#pt_sansbold_italic") format("svg"); - font-weight: bold; - font-style: italic; -} - -@font-face { - font-family: "PT Sans Caption"; - src: url("#{$pt-sans-font-path}caption-regular/PTC55F-webfont.eot"); - src: local("PT Sans Caption"), - url("#{$pt-sans-font-path}caption-regular/PTC55F-webfont.eot?#iefix") format("embedded-opentype"), - url("#{$pt-sans-font-path}caption-regular/PTC55F-webfont.woff") format("woff"), - url("#{$pt-sans-font-path}caption-regular/PTC55F-webfont.ttf") format("truetype"), - url("#{$pt-sans-font-path}caption-regular/PTC55F-webfont.svg#pt_sans_captionregular") format("svg"); - font-weight: normal; - font-style: normal; -} - -@font-face { - font-family: "PT Sans Caption"; - src: url("#{$pt-sans-font-path}caption-bold/PTC75F-webfont.eot"); - src: local("PT Sans Caption Bold"), - url("#{$pt-sans-font-path}caption-bold/PTC75F-webfont.eot?#iefix") format("embedded-opentype"), - url("#{$pt-sans-font-path}caption-bold/PTC75F-webfont.woff") format("woff"), - url("#{$pt-sans-font-path}caption-bold/PTC75F-webfont.ttf") format("truetype"), - url("#{$pt-sans-font-path}caption-bold/PTC75F-webfont.svg#pt_sans_captionbold") format("svg"); - font-weight: bold; - font-style: normal; -} - -@font-face { - font-family: "PT Sans Narrow"; - src: url("#{$pt-sans-font-path}narrow-regular/PTN57F-webfont.eot"); - src: local("PT Sans Narrow"), - url("#{$pt-sans-font-path}narrow-regular/PTN57F-webfont.eot?#iefix") format("embedded-opentype"), - url("#{$pt-sans-font-path}narrow-regular/PTN57F-webfont.woff") format("woff"), - url("#{$pt-sans-font-path}narrow-regular/PTN57F-webfont.ttf") format("truetype"), - url("#{$pt-sans-font-path}narrow-regular/PTN57F-webfont.svg#pt_sans_narrowregular") format("svg"); - font-weight: normal; - font-style: normal; -} - -@font-face { - font-family: "PT Sans Narrow"; - src: url("#{$pt-sans-font-path}narrow-bold/PTN77F-webfont.eot"); - src: local("PT Sans Narrow Bold"), - url("#{$pt-sans-font-path}narrow-bold/PTN77F-webfont.eot?#iefix") format("embedded-opentype"), - url("#{$pt-sans-font-path}narrow-bold/PTN77F-webfont.woff") format("woff"), - url("#{$pt-sans-font-path}narrow-bold/PTN77F-webfont.ttf") format("truetype"), - url("#{$pt-sans-font-path}narrow-bold/PTN77F-webfont.svg#pt_sans_narrowbold") format("svg"); - font-weight: bold; - font-style: normal; -} diff --git a/assets/stylesheets/vendor/bootstrap/_alerts.scss b/assets/stylesheets/vendor/bootstrap/_alerts.scss deleted file mode 100644 index 7d1e1fd..0000000 --- a/assets/stylesheets/vendor/bootstrap/_alerts.scss +++ /dev/null @@ -1,73 +0,0 @@ -// -// Alerts -// -------------------------------------------------- - - -// Base styles -// ------------------------- - -.alert { - padding: $alert-padding; - margin-bottom: $line-height-computed; - border: 1px solid transparent; - border-radius: $alert-border-radius; - - // Headings for larger alerts - h4 { - margin-top: 0; - // Specified for the h4 to prevent conflicts of changing $headings-color - color: inherit; - } - - // Provide class for links that match alerts - .alert-link { - font-weight: $alert-link-font-weight; - } - - // Improve alignment and spacing of inner content - > p, - > ul { - margin-bottom: 0; - } - - > p + p { - margin-top: 5px; - } -} - -// Dismissible alerts -// -// Expand the right padding and account for the close button's positioning. - -.alert-dismissable, // The misspelled .alert-dismissable was deprecated in 3.2.0. -.alert-dismissible { - padding-right: ($alert-padding + 20); - - // Adjust close link position - .close { - position: relative; - top: -2px; - right: -21px; - color: inherit; - } -} - -// Alternate styles -// -// Generate contextual modifier classes for colorizing the alert. - -.alert-success { - @include alert-variant($alert-success-bg, $alert-success-border, $alert-success-text); -} - -.alert-info { - @include alert-variant($alert-info-bg, $alert-info-border, $alert-info-text); -} - -.alert-warning { - @include alert-variant($alert-warning-bg, $alert-warning-border, $alert-warning-text); -} - -.alert-danger { - @include alert-variant($alert-danger-bg, $alert-danger-border, $alert-danger-text); -} diff --git a/assets/stylesheets/vendor/bootstrap/_badges.scss b/assets/stylesheets/vendor/bootstrap/_badges.scss deleted file mode 100644 index 70002e0..0000000 --- a/assets/stylesheets/vendor/bootstrap/_badges.scss +++ /dev/null @@ -1,68 +0,0 @@ -// -// Badges -// -------------------------------------------------- - - -// Base class -.badge { - display: inline-block; - min-width: 10px; - padding: 3px 7px; - font-size: $font-size-small; - font-weight: $badge-font-weight; - color: $badge-color; - line-height: $badge-line-height; - vertical-align: middle; - white-space: nowrap; - text-align: center; - background-color: $badge-bg; - border-radius: $badge-border-radius; - - // Empty badges collapse automatically (not available in IE8) - &:empty { - display: none; - } - - // Quick fix for badges in buttons - .btn & { - position: relative; - top: -1px; - } - - .btn-xs &, - .btn-group-xs > .btn & { - top: 0; - padding: 1px 5px; - } - - // [converter] extracted a& to a.badge - - // Account for badges in navs - .list-group-item.active > &, - .nav-pills > .active > a > & { - color: $badge-active-color; - background-color: $badge-active-bg; - } - - .list-group-item > & { - float: right; - } - - .list-group-item > & + & { - margin-right: 5px; - } - - .nav-pills > li > a > & { - margin-left: 3px; - } -} - -// Hover state, but only for links -a.badge { - &:hover, - &:focus { - color: $badge-link-hover-color; - text-decoration: none; - cursor: pointer; - } -} diff --git a/assets/stylesheets/vendor/bootstrap/_breadcrumbs.scss b/assets/stylesheets/vendor/bootstrap/_breadcrumbs.scss deleted file mode 100644 index b61f0c7..0000000 --- a/assets/stylesheets/vendor/bootstrap/_breadcrumbs.scss +++ /dev/null @@ -1,28 +0,0 @@ -// -// Breadcrumbs -// -------------------------------------------------- - - -.breadcrumb { - padding: $breadcrumb-padding-vertical $breadcrumb-padding-horizontal; - margin-bottom: $line-height-computed; - list-style: none; - background-color: $breadcrumb-bg; - border-radius: $border-radius-base; - - > li { - display: inline-block; - - + li:before { - // [converter] Workaround for https://github.com/sass/libsass/issues/1115 - $nbsp: "\00a0"; - content: "#{$breadcrumb-separator}#{$nbsp}"; // Unicode space added since inline-block means non-collapsing white-space - padding: 0 5px; - color: $breadcrumb-color; - } - } - - > .active { - color: $breadcrumb-active-color; - } -} diff --git a/assets/stylesheets/vendor/bootstrap/_button-groups.scss b/assets/stylesheets/vendor/bootstrap/_button-groups.scss deleted file mode 100644 index baaacc4..0000000 --- a/assets/stylesheets/vendor/bootstrap/_button-groups.scss +++ /dev/null @@ -1,244 +0,0 @@ -// -// Button groups -// -------------------------------------------------- - -// Make the div behave like a button -.btn-group, -.btn-group-vertical { - position: relative; - display: inline-block; - vertical-align: middle; // match .btn alignment given font-size hack above - > .btn { - position: relative; - float: left; - // Bring the "active" button to the front - &:hover, - &:focus, - &:active, - &.active { - z-index: 2; - } - } -} - -// Prevent double borders when buttons are next to each other -.btn-group { - .btn + .btn, - .btn + .btn-group, - .btn-group + .btn, - .btn-group + .btn-group { - margin-left: -1px; - } -} - -// Optional: Group multiple button groups together for a toolbar -.btn-toolbar { - margin-left: -5px; // Offset the first child's margin - @include clearfix; - - .btn, - .btn-group, - .input-group { - float: left; - } - > .btn, - > .btn-group, - > .input-group { - margin-left: 5px; - } -} - -.btn-group > .btn:not(:first-child):not(:last-child):not(.dropdown-toggle) { - border-radius: 0; -} - -// Set corners individual because sometimes a single button can be in a .btn-group and we need :first-child and :last-child to both match -.btn-group > .btn:first-child { - margin-left: 0; - &:not(:last-child):not(.dropdown-toggle) { - @include border-right-radius(0); - } -} -// Need .dropdown-toggle since :last-child doesn't apply given a .dropdown-menu immediately after it -.btn-group > .btn:last-child:not(:first-child), -.btn-group > .dropdown-toggle:not(:first-child) { - @include border-left-radius(0); -} - -// Custom edits for including btn-groups within btn-groups (useful for including dropdown buttons within a btn-group) -.btn-group > .btn-group { - float: left; -} -.btn-group > .btn-group:not(:first-child):not(:last-child) > .btn { - border-radius: 0; -} -.btn-group > .btn-group:first-child:not(:last-child) { - > .btn:last-child, - > .dropdown-toggle { - @include border-right-radius(0); - } -} -.btn-group > .btn-group:last-child:not(:first-child) > .btn:first-child { - @include border-left-radius(0); -} - -// On active and open, don't show outline -.btn-group .dropdown-toggle:active, -.btn-group.open .dropdown-toggle { - outline: 0; -} - - -// Sizing -// -// Remix the default button sizing classes into new ones for easier manipulation. - -.btn-group-xs > .btn { @extend .btn-xs; } -.btn-group-sm > .btn { @extend .btn-sm; } -.btn-group-lg > .btn { @extend .btn-lg; } - - -// Split button dropdowns -// ---------------------- - -// Give the line between buttons some depth -.btn-group > .btn + .dropdown-toggle { - padding-left: 8px; - padding-right: 8px; -} -.btn-group > .btn-lg + .dropdown-toggle { - padding-left: 12px; - padding-right: 12px; -} - -// The clickable button for toggling the menu -// Remove the gradient and set the same inset shadow as the :active state -.btn-group.open .dropdown-toggle { - @include box-shadow(inset 0 3px 5px rgba(0,0,0,.125)); - - // Show no shadow for `.btn-link` since it has no other button styles. - &.btn-link { - @include box-shadow(none); - } -} - - -// Reposition the caret -.btn .caret { - margin-left: 0; -} -// Carets in other button sizes -.btn-lg .caret { - border-width: $caret-width-large $caret-width-large 0; - border-bottom-width: 0; -} -// Upside down carets for .dropup -.dropup .btn-lg .caret { - border-width: 0 $caret-width-large $caret-width-large; -} - - -// Vertical button groups -// ---------------------- - -.btn-group-vertical { - > .btn, - > .btn-group, - > .btn-group > .btn { - display: block; - float: none; - width: 100%; - max-width: 100%; - } - - // Clear floats so dropdown menus can be properly placed - > .btn-group { - @include clearfix; - > .btn { - float: none; - } - } - - > .btn + .btn, - > .btn + .btn-group, - > .btn-group + .btn, - > .btn-group + .btn-group { - margin-top: -1px; - margin-left: 0; - } -} - -.btn-group-vertical > .btn { - &:not(:first-child):not(:last-child) { - border-radius: 0; - } - &:first-child:not(:last-child) { - @include border-top-radius($btn-border-radius-base); - @include border-bottom-radius(0); - } - &:last-child:not(:first-child) { - @include border-top-radius(0); - @include border-bottom-radius($btn-border-radius-base); - } -} -.btn-group-vertical > .btn-group:not(:first-child):not(:last-child) > .btn { - border-radius: 0; -} -.btn-group-vertical > .btn-group:first-child:not(:last-child) { - > .btn:last-child, - > .dropdown-toggle { - @include border-bottom-radius(0); - } -} -.btn-group-vertical > .btn-group:last-child:not(:first-child) > .btn:first-child { - @include border-top-radius(0); -} - - -// Justified button groups -// ---------------------- - -.btn-group-justified { - display: table; - width: 100%; - table-layout: fixed; - border-collapse: separate; - > .btn, - > .btn-group { - float: none; - display: table-cell; - width: 1%; - } - > .btn-group .btn { - width: 100%; - } - - > .btn-group .dropdown-menu { - left: auto; - } -} - - -// Checkbox and radio options -// -// In order to support the browser's form validation feedback, powered by the -// `required` attribute, we have to "hide" the inputs via `clip`. We cannot use -// `display: none;` or `visibility: hidden;` as that also hides the popover. -// Simply visually hiding the inputs via `opacity` would leave them clickable in -// certain cases which is prevented by using `clip` and `pointer-events`. -// This way, we ensure a DOM element is visible to position the popover from. -// -// See https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/pull/12794 and -// https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/pull/14559 for more information. - -[data-toggle="buttons"] { - > .btn, - > .btn-group > .btn { - input[type="radio"], - input[type="checkbox"] { - position: absolute; - clip: rect(0,0,0,0); - pointer-events: none; - } - } -} diff --git a/assets/stylesheets/vendor/bootstrap/_buttons.scss b/assets/stylesheets/vendor/bootstrap/_buttons.scss deleted file mode 100644 index 6452b70..0000000 --- a/assets/stylesheets/vendor/bootstrap/_buttons.scss +++ /dev/null @@ -1,168 +0,0 @@ -// -// Buttons -// -------------------------------------------------- - - -// Base styles -// -------------------------------------------------- - -.btn { - display: inline-block; - margin-bottom: 0; // For input.btn - font-weight: $btn-font-weight; - text-align: center; - vertical-align: middle; - touch-action: manipulation; - cursor: pointer; - background-image: none; // Reset unusual Firefox-on-Android default style; see https://github.com/necolas/normalize.css/issues/214 - border: 1px solid transparent; - white-space: nowrap; - @include button-size($padding-base-vertical, $padding-base-horizontal, $font-size-base, $line-height-base, $btn-border-radius-base); - @include user-select(none); - - &, - &:active, - &.active { - &:focus, - &.focus { - @include tab-focus; - } - } - - &:hover, - &:focus, - &.focus { - color: $btn-default-color; - text-decoration: none; - } - - &:active, - &.active { - outline: 0; - background-image: none; - @include box-shadow(inset 0 3px 5px rgba(0,0,0,.125)); - } - - &.disabled, - &[disabled], - fieldset[disabled] & { - cursor: $cursor-disabled; - @include opacity(.65); - @include box-shadow(none); - } - - // [converter] extracted a& to a.btn -} - -a.btn { - &.disabled, - fieldset[disabled] & { - pointer-events: none; // Future-proof disabling of clicks on `` elements - } -} - - -// Alternate buttons -// -------------------------------------------------- - -.btn-default { - @include button-variant($btn-default-color, $btn-default-bg, $btn-default-border); -} -.btn-primary { - @include button-variant($btn-primary-color, $btn-primary-bg, $btn-primary-border); -} -// Success appears as green -.btn-success { - @include button-variant($btn-success-color, $btn-success-bg, $btn-success-border); -} -// Info appears as blue-green -.btn-info { - @include button-variant($btn-info-color, $btn-info-bg, $btn-info-border); -} -// Warning appears as orange -.btn-warning { - @include button-variant($btn-warning-color, $btn-warning-bg, $btn-warning-border); -} -// Danger and error appear as red -.btn-danger { - @include button-variant($btn-danger-color, $btn-danger-bg, $btn-danger-border); -} - - -// Link buttons -// ------------------------- - -// Make a button look and behave like a link -.btn-link { - color: $link-color; - font-weight: normal; - border-radius: 0; - - &, - &:active, - &.active, - &[disabled], - fieldset[disabled] & { - background-color: transparent; - @include box-shadow(none); - } - &, - &:hover, - &:focus, - &:active { - border-color: transparent; - } - &:hover, - &:focus { - color: $link-hover-color; - text-decoration: $link-hover-decoration; - background-color: transparent; - } - &[disabled], - fieldset[disabled] & { - &:hover, - &:focus { - color: $btn-link-disabled-color; - text-decoration: none; - } - } -} - - -// Button Sizes -// -------------------------------------------------- - -.btn-lg { - // line-height: ensure even-numbered height of button next to large input - @include button-size($padding-large-vertical, $padding-large-horizontal, $font-size-large, $line-height-large, $btn-border-radius-large); -} -.btn-sm { - // line-height: ensure proper height of button next to small input - @include button-size($padding-small-vertical, $padding-small-horizontal, $font-size-small, $line-height-small, $btn-border-radius-small); -} -.btn-xs { - @include button-size($padding-xs-vertical, $padding-xs-horizontal, $font-size-small, $line-height-small, $btn-border-radius-small); -} - - -// Block button -// -------------------------------------------------- - -.btn-block { - display: block; - width: 100%; -} - -// Vertically space out multiple block buttons -.btn-block + .btn-block { - margin-top: 5px; -} - -// Specificity overrides -input[type="submit"], -input[type="reset"], -input[type="button"] { - &.btn-block { - width: 100%; - } -} diff --git a/assets/stylesheets/vendor/bootstrap/_carousel.scss b/assets/stylesheets/vendor/bootstrap/_carousel.scss deleted file mode 100644 index 753d881..0000000 --- a/assets/stylesheets/vendor/bootstrap/_carousel.scss +++ /dev/null @@ -1,270 +0,0 @@ -// -// Carousel -// -------------------------------------------------- - - -// Wrapper for the slide container and indicators -.carousel { - position: relative; -} - -.carousel-inner { - position: relative; - overflow: hidden; - width: 100%; - - > .item { - display: none; - position: relative; - @include transition(.6s ease-in-out left); - - // Account for jankitude on images - > img, - > a > img { - @include img-responsive; - line-height: 1; - } - - // WebKit CSS3 transforms for supported devices - @media all and (transform-3d), (-webkit-transform-3d) { - @include transition-transform(0.6s ease-in-out); - @include backface-visibility(hidden); - @include perspective(1000px); - - &.next, - &.active.right { - @include translate3d(100%, 0, 0); - left: 0; - } - &.prev, - &.active.left { - @include translate3d(-100%, 0, 0); - left: 0; - } - &.next.left, - &.prev.right, - &.active { - @include translate3d(0, 0, 0); - left: 0; - } - } - } - - > .active, - > .next, - > .prev { - display: block; - } - - > .active { - left: 0; - } - - > .next, - > .prev { - position: absolute; - top: 0; - width: 100%; - } - - > .next { - left: 100%; - } - > .prev { - left: -100%; - } - > .next.left, - > .prev.right { - left: 0; - } - - > .active.left { - left: -100%; - } - > .active.right { - left: 100%; - } - -} - -// Left/right controls for nav -// --------------------------- - -.carousel-control { - position: absolute; - top: 0; - left: 0; - bottom: 0; - width: $carousel-control-width; - @include opacity($carousel-control-opacity); - font-size: $carousel-control-font-size; - color: $carousel-control-color; - text-align: center; - text-shadow: $carousel-text-shadow; - background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); // Fix IE9 click-thru bug - // We can't have this transition here because WebKit cancels the carousel - // animation if you trip this while in the middle of another animation. - - // Set gradients for backgrounds - &.left { - @include gradient-horizontal($start-color: rgba(0,0,0,.5), $end-color: rgba(0,0,0,.0001)); - } - &.right { - left: auto; - right: 0; - @include gradient-horizontal($start-color: rgba(0,0,0,.0001), $end-color: rgba(0,0,0,.5)); - } - - // Hover/focus state - &:hover, - &:focus { - outline: 0; - color: $carousel-control-color; - text-decoration: none; - @include opacity(.9); - } - - // Toggles - .icon-prev, - .icon-next, - .glyphicon-chevron-left, - .glyphicon-chevron-right { - position: absolute; - top: 50%; - margin-top: -10px; - z-index: 5; - display: inline-block; - } - .icon-prev, - .glyphicon-chevron-left { - left: 50%; - margin-left: -10px; - } - .icon-next, - .glyphicon-chevron-right { - right: 50%; - margin-right: -10px; - } - .icon-prev, - .icon-next { - width: 20px; - height: 20px; - line-height: 1; - font-family: serif; - } - - - .icon-prev { - &:before { - content: '\2039';// SINGLE LEFT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION MARK (U+2039) - } - } - .icon-next { - &:before { - content: '\203a';// SINGLE RIGHT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION MARK (U+203A) - } - } -} - -// Optional indicator pips -// -// Add an unordered list with the following class and add a list item for each -// slide your carousel holds. - -.carousel-indicators { - position: absolute; - bottom: 10px; - left: 50%; - z-index: 15; - width: 60%; - margin-left: -30%; - padding-left: 0; - list-style: none; - text-align: center; - - li { - display: inline-block; - width: 10px; - height: 10px; - margin: 1px; - text-indent: -999px; - border: 1px solid $carousel-indicator-border-color; - border-radius: 10px; - cursor: pointer; - - // IE8-9 hack for event handling - // - // Internet Explorer 8-9 does not support clicks on elements without a set - // `background-color`. We cannot use `filter` since that's not viewed as a - // background color by the browser. Thus, a hack is needed. - // See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Events/click#Internet_Explorer - // - // For IE8, we set solid black as it doesn't support `rgba()`. For IE9, we - // set alpha transparency for the best results possible. - background-color: #000 \9; // IE8 - background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0); // IE9 - } - .active { - margin: 0; - width: 12px; - height: 12px; - background-color: $carousel-indicator-active-bg; - } -} - -// Optional captions -// ----------------------------- -// Hidden by default for smaller viewports -.carousel-caption { - position: absolute; - left: 15%; - right: 15%; - bottom: 20px; - z-index: 10; - padding-top: 20px; - padding-bottom: 20px; - color: $carousel-caption-color; - text-align: center; - text-shadow: $carousel-text-shadow; - & .btn { - text-shadow: none; // No shadow for button elements in carousel-caption - } -} - - -// Scale up controls for tablets and up -@media screen and (min-width: $screen-sm-min) { - - // Scale up the controls a smidge - .carousel-control { - .glyphicon-chevron-left, - .glyphicon-chevron-right, - .icon-prev, - .icon-next { - width: ($carousel-control-font-size * 1.5); - height: ($carousel-control-font-size * 1.5); - margin-top: ($carousel-control-font-size / -2); - font-size: ($carousel-control-font-size * 1.5); - } - .glyphicon-chevron-left, - .icon-prev { - margin-left: ($carousel-control-font-size / -2); - } - .glyphicon-chevron-right, - .icon-next { - margin-right: ($carousel-control-font-size / -2); - } - } - - // Show and left align the captions - .carousel-caption { - left: 20%; - right: 20%; - padding-bottom: 30px; - } - - // Move up the indicators - .carousel-indicators { - bottom: 20px; - } -} diff --git a/assets/stylesheets/vendor/bootstrap/_close.scss b/assets/stylesheets/vendor/bootstrap/_close.scss deleted file mode 100644 index 3b74d8a..0000000 --- a/assets/stylesheets/vendor/bootstrap/_close.scss +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ -// -// Close icons -// -------------------------------------------------- - - -.close { - float: right; - font-size: ($font-size-base * 1.5); - font-weight: $close-font-weight; - line-height: 1; - color: $close-color; - text-shadow: $close-text-shadow; - @include opacity(.2); - - &:hover, - &:focus { - color: $close-color; - text-decoration: none; - cursor: pointer; - @include opacity(.5); - } - - // [converter] extracted button& to button.close -} - -// Additional properties for button version -// iOS requires the button element instead of an anchor tag. -// If you want the anchor version, it requires `href="#"`. -// See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Events/click#Safari_Mobile -button.close { - padding: 0; - cursor: pointer; - background: transparent; - border: 0; - -webkit-appearance: none; -} diff --git a/assets/stylesheets/vendor/bootstrap/_code.scss b/assets/stylesheets/vendor/bootstrap/_code.scss deleted file mode 100644 index caa5f06..0000000 --- a/assets/stylesheets/vendor/bootstrap/_code.scss +++ /dev/null @@ -1,69 +0,0 @@ -// -// Code (inline and block) -// -------------------------------------------------- - - -// Inline and block code styles -code, -kbd, -pre, -samp { - font-family: $font-family-monospace; -} - -// Inline code -code { - padding: 2px 4px; - font-size: 90%; - color: $code-color; - background-color: $code-bg; - border-radius: $border-radius-base; -} - -// User input typically entered via keyboard -kbd { - padding: 2px 4px; - font-size: 90%; - color: $kbd-color; - background-color: $kbd-bg; - border-radius: $border-radius-small; - box-shadow: inset 0 -1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,.25); - - kbd { - padding: 0; - font-size: 100%; - font-weight: bold; - box-shadow: none; - } -} - -// Blocks of code -pre { - display: block; - padding: (($line-height-computed - 1) / 2); - margin: 0 0 ($line-height-computed / 2); - font-size: ($font-size-base - 1); // 14px to 13px - line-height: $line-height-base; - word-break: break-all; - word-wrap: break-word; - color: $pre-color; - background-color: $pre-bg; - border: 1px solid $pre-border-color; - border-radius: $border-radius-base; - - // Account for some code outputs that place code tags in pre tags - code { - padding: 0; - font-size: inherit; - color: inherit; - white-space: pre-wrap; - background-color: transparent; - border-radius: 0; - } -} - -// Enable scrollable blocks of code -.pre-scrollable { - max-height: $pre-scrollable-max-height; - overflow-y: scroll; -} diff --git a/assets/stylesheets/vendor/bootstrap/_component-animations.scss b/assets/stylesheets/vendor/bootstrap/_component-animations.scss deleted file mode 100644 index ca3b43c..0000000 --- a/assets/stylesheets/vendor/bootstrap/_component-animations.scss +++ /dev/null @@ -1,37 +0,0 @@ -// -// Component animations -// -------------------------------------------------- - -// Heads up! -// -// We don't use the `.opacity()` mixin here since it causes a bug with text -// fields in IE7-8. Source: https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/pull/3552. - -.fade { - opacity: 0; - @include transition(opacity .15s linear); - &.in { - opacity: 1; - } -} - -.collapse { - display: none; - - &.in { display: block; } - // [converter] extracted tr&.in to tr.collapse.in - // [converter] extracted tbody&.in to tbody.collapse.in -} - -tr.collapse.in { display: table-row; } - -tbody.collapse.in { display: table-row-group; } - -.collapsing { - position: relative; - height: 0; - overflow: hidden; - @include transition-property(height, visibility); - @include transition-duration(.35s); - @include transition-timing-function(ease); -} diff --git a/assets/stylesheets/vendor/bootstrap/_dropdowns.scss b/assets/stylesheets/vendor/bootstrap/_dropdowns.scss deleted file mode 100644 index aac8459..0000000 --- a/assets/stylesheets/vendor/bootstrap/_dropdowns.scss +++ /dev/null @@ -1,216 +0,0 @@ -// -// Dropdown menus -// -------------------------------------------------- - - -// Dropdown arrow/caret -.caret { - display: inline-block; - width: 0; - height: 0; - margin-left: 2px; - vertical-align: middle; - border-top: $caret-width-base dashed; - border-top: $caret-width-base solid \9; // IE8 - border-right: $caret-width-base solid transparent; - border-left: $caret-width-base solid transparent; -} - -// The dropdown wrapper (div) -.dropup, -.dropdown { - position: relative; -} - -// Prevent the focus on the dropdown toggle when closing dropdowns -.dropdown-toggle:focus { - outline: 0; -} - -// The dropdown menu (ul) -.dropdown-menu { - position: absolute; - top: 100%; - left: 0; - z-index: $zindex-dropdown; - display: none; // none by default, but block on "open" of the menu - float: left; - min-width: 160px; - padding: 5px 0; - margin: 2px 0 0; // override default ul - list-style: none; - font-size: $font-size-base; - text-align: left; // Ensures proper alignment if parent has it changed (e.g., modal footer) - background-color: $dropdown-bg; - border: 1px solid $dropdown-fallback-border; // IE8 fallback - border: 1px solid $dropdown-border; - border-radius: $border-radius-base; - @include box-shadow(0 6px 12px rgba(0,0,0,.175)); - background-clip: padding-box; - - // Aligns the dropdown menu to right - // - // Deprecated as of 3.1.0 in favor of `.dropdown-menu-[dir]` - &.pull-right { - right: 0; - left: auto; - } - - // Dividers (basically an hr) within the dropdown - .divider { - @include nav-divider($dropdown-divider-bg); - } - - // Links within the dropdown menu - > li > a { - display: block; - padding: 3px 20px; - clear: both; - font-weight: normal; - line-height: $line-height-base; - color: $dropdown-link-color; - white-space: nowrap; // prevent links from randomly breaking onto new lines - } -} - -// Hover/Focus state -.dropdown-menu > li > a { - &:hover, - &:focus { - text-decoration: none; - color: $dropdown-link-hover-color; - background-color: $dropdown-link-hover-bg; - } -} - -// Active state -.dropdown-menu > .active > a { - &, - &:hover, - &:focus { - color: $dropdown-link-active-color; - text-decoration: none; - outline: 0; - background-color: $dropdown-link-active-bg; - } -} - -// Disabled state -// -// Gray out text and ensure the hover/focus state remains gray - -.dropdown-menu > .disabled > a { - &, - &:hover, - &:focus { - color: $dropdown-link-disabled-color; - } - - // Nuke hover/focus effects - &:hover, - &:focus { - text-decoration: none; - background-color: transparent; - background-image: none; // Remove CSS gradient - @include reset-filter; - cursor: $cursor-disabled; - } -} - -// Open state for the dropdown -.open { - // Show the menu - > .dropdown-menu { - display: block; - } - - // Remove the outline when :focus is triggered - > a { - outline: 0; - } -} - -// Menu positioning -// -// Add extra class to `.dropdown-menu` to flip the alignment of the dropdown -// menu with the parent. -.dropdown-menu-right { - left: auto; // Reset the default from `.dropdown-menu` - right: 0; -} -// With v3, we enabled auto-flipping if you have a dropdown within a right -// aligned nav component. To enable the undoing of that, we provide an override -// to restore the default dropdown menu alignment. -// -// This is only for left-aligning a dropdown menu within a `.navbar-right` or -// `.pull-right` nav component. -.dropdown-menu-left { - left: 0; - right: auto; -} - -// Dropdown section headers -.dropdown-header { - display: block; - padding: 3px 20px; - font-size: $font-size-small; - line-height: $line-height-base; - color: $dropdown-header-color; - white-space: nowrap; // as with > li > a -} - -// Backdrop to catch body clicks on mobile, etc. -.dropdown-backdrop { - position: fixed; - left: 0; - right: 0; - bottom: 0; - top: 0; - z-index: ($zindex-dropdown - 10); -} - -// Right aligned dropdowns -.pull-right > .dropdown-menu { - right: 0; - left: auto; -} - -// Allow for dropdowns to go bottom up (aka, dropup-menu) -// -// Just add .dropup after the standard .dropdown class and you're set, bro. -// TODO: abstract this so that the navbar fixed styles are not placed here? - -.dropup, -.navbar-fixed-bottom .dropdown { - // Reverse the caret - .caret { - border-top: 0; - border-bottom: $caret-width-base dashed; - border-bottom: $caret-width-base solid \9; // IE8 - content: ""; - } - // Different positioning for bottom up menu - .dropdown-menu { - top: auto; - bottom: 100%; - margin-bottom: 2px; - } -} - - -// Component alignment -// -// Reiterate per navbar.less and the modified component alignment there. - -@media (min-width: $grid-float-breakpoint) { - .navbar-right { - .dropdown-menu { - right: 0; left: auto; - } - // Necessary for overrides of the default right aligned menu. - // Will remove come v4 in all likelihood. - .dropdown-menu-left { - left: 0; right: auto; - } - } -} diff --git a/assets/stylesheets/vendor/bootstrap/_forms.scss b/assets/stylesheets/vendor/bootstrap/_forms.scss deleted file mode 100644 index 11ba109..0000000 --- a/assets/stylesheets/vendor/bootstrap/_forms.scss +++ /dev/null @@ -1,617 +0,0 @@ -// -// Forms -// -------------------------------------------------- - - -// Normalize non-controls -// -// Restyle and baseline non-control form elements. - -fieldset { - padding: 0; - margin: 0; - border: 0; - // Chrome and Firefox set a `min-width: min-content;` on fieldsets, - // so we reset that to ensure it behaves more like a standard block element. - // See https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/issues/12359. - min-width: 0; -} - -legend { - display: block; - width: 100%; - padding: 0; - margin-bottom: $line-height-computed; - font-size: ($font-size-base * 1.5); - line-height: inherit; - color: $legend-color; - border: 0; - border-bottom: 1px solid $legend-border-color; -} - -label { - display: inline-block; - max-width: 100%; // Force IE8 to wrap long content (see https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/issues/13141) - margin-bottom: 5px; - font-weight: bold; -} - - -// Normalize form controls -// -// While most of our form styles require extra classes, some basic normalization -// is required to ensure optimum display with or without those classes to better -// address browser inconsistencies. - -// Override content-box in Normalize (* isn't specific enough) -input[type="search"] { - @include box-sizing(border-box); -} - -// Position radios and checkboxes better -input[type="radio"], -input[type="checkbox"] { - margin: 4px 0 0; - margin-top: 1px \9; // IE8-9 - line-height: normal; -} - -input[type="file"] { - display: block; -} - -// Make range inputs behave like textual form controls -input[type="range"] { - display: block; - width: 100%; -} - -// Make multiple select elements height not fixed -select[multiple], -select[size] { - height: auto; -} - -// Focus for file, radio, and checkbox -input[type="file"]:focus, -input[type="radio"]:focus, -input[type="checkbox"]:focus { - @include tab-focus; -} - -// Adjust output element -output { - display: block; - padding-top: ($padding-base-vertical + 1); - font-size: $font-size-base; - line-height: $line-height-base; - color: $input-color; -} - - -// Common form controls -// -// Shared size and type resets for form controls. Apply `.form-control` to any -// of the following form controls: -// -// select -// textarea -// input[type="text"] -// input[type="password"] -// input[type="datetime"] -// input[type="datetime-local"] -// input[type="date"] -// input[type="month"] -// input[type="time"] -// input[type="week"] -// input[type="number"] -// input[type="email"] -// input[type="url"] -// input[type="search"] -// input[type="tel"] -// input[type="color"] - -.form-control { - display: block; - width: 100%; - height: $input-height-base; // Make inputs at least the height of their button counterpart (base line-height + padding + border) - padding: $padding-base-vertical $padding-base-horizontal; - font-size: $font-size-base; - line-height: $line-height-base; - color: $input-color; - background-color: $input-bg; - background-image: none; // Reset unusual Firefox-on-Android default style; see https://github.com/necolas/normalize.css/issues/214 - border: 1px solid $input-border; - border-radius: $input-border-radius; // Note: This has no effect on s in CSS. - @include box-shadow(inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,.075)); - @include transition(border-color ease-in-out .15s, box-shadow ease-in-out .15s); - - // Customize the `:focus` state to imitate native WebKit styles. - @include form-control-focus; - - // Placeholder - @include placeholder; - - // Unstyle the caret on `` background color -$input-bg: #fff !default; -//** `` background color -$input-bg-disabled: $gray-lighter !default; - -//** Text color for ``s -$input-color: $gray !default; -//** `` border color -$input-border: #ccc !default; - -// TODO: Rename `$input-border-radius` to `$input-border-radius-base` in v4 -//** Default `.form-control` border radius -// This has no effect on ``s in CSS. -$input-border-radius: $border-radius-base !default; -//** Large `.form-control` border radius -$input-border-radius-large: $border-radius-large !default; -//** Small `.form-control` border radius -$input-border-radius-small: $border-radius-small !default; - -//** Border color for inputs on focus -$input-border-focus: #66afe9 !default; - -//** Placeholder text color -$input-color-placeholder: #999 !default; - -//** Default `.form-control` height -$input-height-base: ($line-height-computed + ($padding-base-vertical * 2) + 2) !default; -//** Large `.form-control` height -$input-height-large: (ceil($font-size-large * $line-height-large) + ($padding-large-vertical * 2) + 2) !default; -//** Small `.form-control` height -$input-height-small: (floor($font-size-small * $line-height-small) + ($padding-small-vertical * 2) + 2) !default; - -//** `.form-group` margin -$form-group-margin-bottom: 15px !default; - -$legend-color: $gray-dark !default; -$legend-border-color: #e5e5e5 !default; - -//** Background color for textual input addons -$input-group-addon-bg: $gray-lighter !default; -//** Border color for textual input addons -$input-group-addon-border-color: $input-border !default; - -//** Disabled cursor for form controls and buttons. -$cursor-disabled: not-allowed !default; - - -//== Dropdowns -// -//## Dropdown menu container and contents. - -//** Background for the dropdown menu. -$dropdown-bg: #fff !default; -//** Dropdown menu `border-color`. -$dropdown-border: rgba(0,0,0,.15) !default; -//** Dropdown menu `border-color` **for IE8**. -$dropdown-fallback-border: #ccc !default; -//** Divider color for between dropdown items. -$dropdown-divider-bg: #e5e5e5 !default; - -//** Dropdown link text color. -$dropdown-link-color: $gray-dark !default; -//** Hover color for dropdown links. -$dropdown-link-hover-color: darken($gray-dark, 5%) !default; -//** Hover background for dropdown links. -$dropdown-link-hover-bg: #f5f5f5 !default; - -//** Active dropdown menu item text color. -$dropdown-link-active-color: $component-active-color !default; -//** Active dropdown menu item background color. -$dropdown-link-active-bg: $component-active-bg !default; - -//** Disabled dropdown menu item background color. -$dropdown-link-disabled-color: $gray-light !default; - -//** Text color for headers within dropdown menus. -$dropdown-header-color: $gray-light !default; - -//** Deprecated `$dropdown-caret-color` as of v3.1.0 -$dropdown-caret-color: #000 !default; - - -//-- Z-index master list -// -// Warning: Avoid customizing these values. They're used for a bird's eye view -// of components dependent on the z-axis and are designed to all work together. -// -// Note: These variables are not generated into the Customizer. - -$zindex-navbar: 1000 !default; -$zindex-dropdown: 1000 !default; -$zindex-popover: 1060 !default; -$zindex-tooltip: 1070 !default; -$zindex-navbar-fixed: 1030 !default; -$zindex-modal-background: 1040 !default; -$zindex-modal: 1050 !default; - - -//== Media queries breakpoints -// -//## Define the breakpoints at which your layout will change, adapting to different screen sizes. - -// Extra small screen / phone -//** Deprecated `$screen-xs` as of v3.0.1 -$screen-xs: 480px !default; -//** Deprecated `$screen-xs-min` as of v3.2.0 -$screen-xs-min: $screen-xs !default; -//** Deprecated `$screen-phone` as of v3.0.1 -$screen-phone: $screen-xs-min !default; - -// Small screen / tablet -//** Deprecated `$screen-sm` as of v3.0.1 -$screen-sm: 768px !default; -$screen-sm-min: $screen-sm !default; -//** Deprecated `$screen-tablet` as of v3.0.1 -$screen-tablet: $screen-sm-min !default; - -// Medium screen / desktop -//** Deprecated `$screen-md` as of v3.0.1 -$screen-md: 992px !default; -$screen-md-min: $screen-md !default; -//** Deprecated `$screen-desktop` as of v3.0.1 -$screen-desktop: $screen-md-min !default; - -// Large screen / wide desktop -//** Deprecated `$screen-lg` as of v3.0.1 -$screen-lg: 1200px !default; -$screen-lg-min: $screen-lg !default; -//** Deprecated `$screen-lg-desktop` as of v3.0.1 -$screen-lg-desktop: $screen-lg-min !default; - -// So media queries don't overlap when required, provide a maximum -$screen-xs-max: ($screen-sm-min - 1) !default; -$screen-sm-max: ($screen-md-min - 1) !default; -$screen-md-max: ($screen-lg-min - 1) !default; - - -//== Grid system -// -//## Define your custom responsive grid. - -//** Number of columns in the grid. -$grid-columns: 12 !default; -//** Padding between columns. Gets divided in half for the left and right. -$grid-gutter-width: 30px !default; -// Navbar collapse -//** Point at which the navbar becomes uncollapsed. -$grid-float-breakpoint: $screen-sm-min !default; -//** Point at which the navbar begins collapsing. -$grid-float-breakpoint-max: ($grid-float-breakpoint - 1) !default; - - -//== Container sizes -// -//## Define the maximum width of `.container` for different screen sizes. - -// Small screen / tablet -$container-tablet: (720px + $grid-gutter-width) !default; -//** For `$screen-sm-min` and up. -$container-sm: $container-tablet !default; - -// Medium screen / desktop -$container-desktop: (940px + $grid-gutter-width) !default; -//** For `$screen-md-min` and up. -$container-md: $container-desktop !default; - -// Large screen / wide desktop -$container-large-desktop: (1140px + $grid-gutter-width) !default; -//** For `$screen-lg-min` and up. -$container-lg: $container-large-desktop !default; - - -//== Navbar -// -//## - -// Basics of a navbar -$navbar-height: 50px !default; -$navbar-margin-bottom: $line-height-computed !default; -$navbar-border-radius: $border-radius-base !default; -$navbar-padding-horizontal: floor(($grid-gutter-width / 2)) !default; -$navbar-padding-vertical: (($navbar-height - $line-height-computed) / 2) !default; -$navbar-collapse-max-height: 340px !default; - -$navbar-default-color: #777 !default; -$navbar-default-bg: #f8f8f8 !default; -$navbar-default-border: darken($navbar-default-bg, 6.5%) !default; - -// Navbar links -$navbar-default-link-color: #777 !default; -$navbar-default-link-hover-color: #333 !default; -$navbar-default-link-hover-bg: transparent !default; -$navbar-default-link-active-color: #555 !default; -$navbar-default-link-active-bg: darken($navbar-default-bg, 6.5%) !default; -$navbar-default-link-disabled-color: #ccc !default; -$navbar-default-link-disabled-bg: transparent !default; - -// Navbar brand label -$navbar-default-brand-color: $navbar-default-link-color !default; -$navbar-default-brand-hover-color: darken($navbar-default-brand-color, 10%) !default; -$navbar-default-brand-hover-bg: transparent !default; - -// Navbar toggle -$navbar-default-toggle-hover-bg: #ddd !default; -$navbar-default-toggle-icon-bar-bg: #888 !default; -$navbar-default-toggle-border-color: #ddd !default; - - -//=== Inverted navbar -// Reset inverted navbar basics -$navbar-inverse-color: lighten($gray-light, 15%) !default; -$navbar-inverse-bg: #222 !default; -$navbar-inverse-border: darken($navbar-inverse-bg, 10%) !default; - -// Inverted navbar links -$navbar-inverse-link-color: lighten($gray-light, 15%) !default; -$navbar-inverse-link-hover-color: #fff !default; -$navbar-inverse-link-hover-bg: transparent !default; -$navbar-inverse-link-active-color: $navbar-inverse-link-hover-color !default; -$navbar-inverse-link-active-bg: darken($navbar-inverse-bg, 10%) !default; -$navbar-inverse-link-disabled-color: #444 !default; -$navbar-inverse-link-disabled-bg: transparent !default; - -// Inverted navbar brand label -$navbar-inverse-brand-color: $navbar-inverse-link-color !default; -$navbar-inverse-brand-hover-color: #fff !default; -$navbar-inverse-brand-hover-bg: transparent !default; - -// Inverted navbar toggle -$navbar-inverse-toggle-hover-bg: #333 !default; -$navbar-inverse-toggle-icon-bar-bg: #fff !default; -$navbar-inverse-toggle-border-color: #333 !default; - - -//== Navs -// -//## - -//=== Shared nav styles -$nav-link-padding: 10px 15px !default; -$nav-link-hover-bg: $gray-lighter !default; - -$nav-disabled-link-color: $gray-light !default; -$nav-disabled-link-hover-color: $gray-light !default; - -//== Tabs -$nav-tabs-border-color: #ddd !default; - -$nav-tabs-link-hover-border-color: $gray-lighter !default; - -$nav-tabs-active-link-hover-bg: $body-bg !default; -$nav-tabs-active-link-hover-color: $gray !default; -$nav-tabs-active-link-hover-border-color: #ddd !default; - -$nav-tabs-justified-link-border-color: #ddd !default; -$nav-tabs-justified-active-link-border-color: $body-bg !default; - -//== Pills -$nav-pills-border-radius: $border-radius-base !default; -$nav-pills-active-link-hover-bg: $component-active-bg !default; -$nav-pills-active-link-hover-color: $component-active-color !default; - - -//== Pagination -// -//## - -$pagination-color: $link-color !default; -$pagination-bg: #fff !default; -$pagination-border: #ddd !default; - -$pagination-hover-color: $link-hover-color !default; -$pagination-hover-bg: $gray-lighter !default; -$pagination-hover-border: #ddd !default; - -$pagination-active-color: #fff !default; -$pagination-active-bg: $brand-primary !default; -$pagination-active-border: $brand-primary !default; - -$pagination-disabled-color: $gray-light !default; -$pagination-disabled-bg: #fff !default; -$pagination-disabled-border: #ddd !default; - - -//== Pager -// -//## - -$pager-bg: $pagination-bg !default; -$pager-border: $pagination-border !default; -$pager-border-radius: 15px !default; - -$pager-hover-bg: $pagination-hover-bg !default; - -$pager-active-bg: $pagination-active-bg !default; -$pager-active-color: $pagination-active-color !default; - -$pager-disabled-color: $pagination-disabled-color !default; - - -//== Jumbotron -// -//## - -$jumbotron-padding: 30px !default; -$jumbotron-color: inherit !default; -$jumbotron-bg: $gray-lighter !default; -$jumbotron-heading-color: inherit !default; -$jumbotron-font-size: ceil(($font-size-base * 1.5)) !default; -$jumbotron-heading-font-size: ceil(($font-size-base * 4.5)) !default; - - -//== Form states and alerts -// -//## Define colors for form feedback states and, by default, alerts. - -$state-success-text: #3c763d !default; -$state-success-bg: #dff0d8 !default; -$state-success-border: darken(adjust-hue($state-success-bg, -10), 5%) !default; - -$state-info-text: #31708f !default; -$state-info-bg: #d9edf7 !default; -$state-info-border: darken(adjust-hue($state-info-bg, -10), 7%) !default; - -$state-warning-text: #8a6d3b !default; -$state-warning-bg: #fcf8e3 !default; -$state-warning-border: darken(adjust-hue($state-warning-bg, -10), 5%) !default; - -$state-danger-text: #a94442 !default; -$state-danger-bg: #f2dede !default; -$state-danger-border: darken(adjust-hue($state-danger-bg, -10), 5%) !default; - - -//== Tooltips -// -//## - -//** Tooltip max width -$tooltip-max-width: 200px !default; -//** Tooltip text color -$tooltip-color: #fff !default; -//** Tooltip background color -$tooltip-bg: #000 !default; -$tooltip-opacity: .9 !default; - -//** Tooltip arrow width -$tooltip-arrow-width: 5px !default; -//** Tooltip arrow color -$tooltip-arrow-color: $tooltip-bg !default; - - -//== Popovers -// -//## - -//** Popover body background color -$popover-bg: #fff !default; -//** Popover maximum width -$popover-max-width: 276px !default; -//** Popover border color -$popover-border-color: rgba(0,0,0,.2) !default; -//** Popover fallback border color -$popover-fallback-border-color: #ccc !default; - -//** Popover title background color -$popover-title-bg: darken($popover-bg, 3%) !default; - -//** Popover arrow width -$popover-arrow-width: 10px !default; -//** Popover arrow color -$popover-arrow-color: $popover-bg !default; - -//** Popover outer arrow width -$popover-arrow-outer-width: ($popover-arrow-width + 1) !default; -//** Popover outer arrow color -$popover-arrow-outer-color: fade_in($popover-border-color, 0.05) !default; -//** Popover outer arrow fallback color -$popover-arrow-outer-fallback-color: darken($popover-fallback-border-color, 20%) !default; - - -//== Labels -// -//## - -//** Default label background color -$label-default-bg: $gray-light !default; -//** Primary label background color -$label-primary-bg: $brand-primary !default; -//** Success label background color -$label-success-bg: $brand-success !default; -//** Info label background color -$label-info-bg: $brand-info !default; -//** Warning label background color -$label-warning-bg: $brand-warning !default; -//** Danger label background color -$label-danger-bg: $brand-danger !default; - -//** Default label text color -$label-color: #fff !default; -//** Default text color of a linked label -$label-link-hover-color: #fff !default; - - -//== Modals -// -//## - -//** Padding applied to the modal body -$modal-inner-padding: 15px !default; - -//** Padding applied to the modal title -$modal-title-padding: 15px !default; -//** Modal title line-height -$modal-title-line-height: $line-height-base !default; - -//** Background color of modal content area -$modal-content-bg: #fff !default; -//** Modal content border color -$modal-content-border-color: rgba(0,0,0,.2) !default; -//** Modal content border color **for IE8** -$modal-content-fallback-border-color: #999 !default; - -//** Modal backdrop background color -$modal-backdrop-bg: #000 !default; -//** Modal backdrop opacity -$modal-backdrop-opacity: .5 !default; -//** Modal header border color -$modal-header-border-color: #e5e5e5 !default; -//** Modal footer border color -$modal-footer-border-color: $modal-header-border-color !default; - -$modal-lg: 900px !default; -$modal-md: 600px !default; -$modal-sm: 300px !default; - - -//== Alerts -// -//## Define alert colors, border radius, and padding. - -$alert-padding: 15px !default; -$alert-border-radius: $border-radius-base !default; -$alert-link-font-weight: bold !default; - -$alert-success-bg: $state-success-bg !default; -$alert-success-text: $state-success-text !default; -$alert-success-border: $state-success-border !default; - -$alert-info-bg: $state-info-bg !default; -$alert-info-text: $state-info-text !default; -$alert-info-border: $state-info-border !default; - -$alert-warning-bg: $state-warning-bg !default; -$alert-warning-text: $state-warning-text !default; -$alert-warning-border: $state-warning-border !default; - -$alert-danger-bg: $state-danger-bg !default; -$alert-danger-text: $state-danger-text !default; -$alert-danger-border: $state-danger-border !default; - - -//== Progress bars -// -//## - -//** Background color of the whole progress component -$progress-bg: #f5f5f5 !default; -//** Progress bar text color -$progress-bar-color: #fff !default; -//** Variable for setting rounded corners on progress bar. -$progress-border-radius: $border-radius-base !default; - -//** Default progress bar color -$progress-bar-bg: $brand-primary !default; -//** Success progress bar color -$progress-bar-success-bg: $brand-success !default; -//** Warning progress bar color -$progress-bar-warning-bg: $brand-warning !default; -//** Danger progress bar color -$progress-bar-danger-bg: $brand-danger !default; -//** Info progress bar color -$progress-bar-info-bg: $brand-info !default; - - -//== List group -// -//## - -//** Background color on `.list-group-item` -$list-group-bg: #fff !default; -//** `.list-group-item` border color -$list-group-border: #ddd !default; -//** List group border radius -$list-group-border-radius: $border-radius-base !default; - -//** Background color of single list items on hover -$list-group-hover-bg: #f5f5f5 !default; -//** Text color of active list items -$list-group-active-color: $component-active-color !default; -//** Background color of active list items -$list-group-active-bg: $component-active-bg !default; -//** Border color of active list elements -$list-group-active-border: $list-group-active-bg !default; -//** Text color for content within active list items -$list-group-active-text-color: lighten($list-group-active-bg, 40%) !default; - -//** Text color of disabled list items -$list-group-disabled-color: $gray-light !default; -//** Background color of disabled list items -$list-group-disabled-bg: $gray-lighter !default; -//** Text color for content within disabled list items -$list-group-disabled-text-color: $list-group-disabled-color !default; - -$list-group-link-color: #555 !default; -$list-group-link-hover-color: $list-group-link-color !default; -$list-group-link-heading-color: #333 !default; - - -//== Panels -// -//## - -$panel-bg: #fff !default; -$panel-body-padding: 15px !default; -$panel-heading-padding: 10px 15px !default; -$panel-footer-padding: $panel-heading-padding !default; -$panel-border-radius: $border-radius-base !default; - -//** Border color for elements within panels -$panel-inner-border: #ddd !default; -$panel-footer-bg: #f5f5f5 !default; - -$panel-default-text: $gray-dark !default; -$panel-default-border: #ddd !default; -$panel-default-heading-bg: #f5f5f5 !default; - -$panel-primary-text: #fff !default; -$panel-primary-border: $brand-primary !default; -$panel-primary-heading-bg: $brand-primary !default; - -$panel-success-text: $state-success-text !default; -$panel-success-border: $state-success-border !default; -$panel-success-heading-bg: $state-success-bg !default; - -$panel-info-text: $state-info-text !default; -$panel-info-border: $state-info-border !default; -$panel-info-heading-bg: $state-info-bg !default; - -$panel-warning-text: $state-warning-text !default; -$panel-warning-border: $state-warning-border !default; -$panel-warning-heading-bg: $state-warning-bg !default; - -$panel-danger-text: $state-danger-text !default; -$panel-danger-border: $state-danger-border !default; -$panel-danger-heading-bg: $state-danger-bg !default; - - -//== Thumbnails -// -//## - -//** Padding around the thumbnail image -$thumbnail-padding: 4px !default; -//** Thumbnail background color -$thumbnail-bg: $body-bg !default; -//** Thumbnail border color -$thumbnail-border: #ddd !default; -//** Thumbnail border radius -$thumbnail-border-radius: $border-radius-base !default; - -//** Custom text color for thumbnail captions -$thumbnail-caption-color: $text-color !default; -//** Padding around the thumbnail caption -$thumbnail-caption-padding: 9px !default; - - -//== Wells -// -//## - -$well-bg: #f5f5f5 !default; -$well-border: darken($well-bg, 7%) !default; - - -//== Badges -// -//## - -$badge-color: #fff !default; -//** Linked badge text color on hover -$badge-link-hover-color: #fff !default; -$badge-bg: $gray-light !default; - -//** Badge text color in active nav link -$badge-active-color: $link-color !default; -//** Badge background color in active nav link -$badge-active-bg: #fff !default; - -$badge-font-weight: bold !default; -$badge-line-height: 1 !default; -$badge-border-radius: 10px !default; - - -//== Breadcrumbs -// -//## - -$breadcrumb-padding-vertical: 8px !default; -$breadcrumb-padding-horizontal: 15px !default; -//** Breadcrumb background color -$breadcrumb-bg: #f5f5f5 !default; -//** Breadcrumb text color -$breadcrumb-color: #ccc !default; -//** Text color of current page in the breadcrumb -$breadcrumb-active-color: $gray-light !default; -//** Textual separator for between breadcrumb elements -$breadcrumb-separator: "/" !default; - - -//== Carousel -// -//## - -$carousel-text-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0,0,0,.6) !default; - -$carousel-control-color: #fff !default; -$carousel-control-width: 15% !default; -$carousel-control-opacity: .5 !default; -$carousel-control-font-size: 20px !default; - -$carousel-indicator-active-bg: #fff !default; -$carousel-indicator-border-color: #fff !default; - -$carousel-caption-color: #fff !default; - - -//== Close -// -//## - -$close-font-weight: bold !default; -$close-color: #000 !default; -$close-text-shadow: 0 1px 0 #fff !default; - - -//== Code -// -//## - -$code-color: #c7254e !default; -$code-bg: #f9f2f4 !default; - -$kbd-color: #fff !default; -$kbd-bg: #333 !default; - -$pre-bg: #f5f5f5 !default; -$pre-color: $gray-dark !default; -$pre-border-color: #ccc !default; -$pre-scrollable-max-height: 340px !default; - - -//== Type -// -//## - -//** Horizontal offset for forms and lists. -$component-offset-horizontal: 180px !default; -//** Text muted color -$text-muted: $gray-light !default; -//** Abbreviations and acronyms border color -$abbr-border-color: $gray-light !default; -//** Headings small color -$headings-small-color: $gray-light !default; -//** Blockquote small color -$blockquote-small-color: $gray-light !default; -//** Blockquote font size -$blockquote-font-size: ($font-size-base * 1.25) !default; -//** Blockquote border color -$blockquote-border-color: $gray-lighter !default; -//** Page header border color -$page-header-border-color: $gray-lighter !default; -//** Width of horizontal description list titles -$dl-horizontal-offset: $component-offset-horizontal !default; -//** Point at which .dl-horizontal becomes horizontal -$dl-horizontal-breakpoint: $grid-float-breakpoint !default; -//** Horizontal line color. -$hr-border: $gray-lighter !default; diff --git a/assets/stylesheets/vendor/bootstrap/_wells.scss b/assets/stylesheets/vendor/bootstrap/_wells.scss deleted file mode 100644 index b865711..0000000 --- a/assets/stylesheets/vendor/bootstrap/_wells.scss +++ /dev/null @@ -1,29 +0,0 @@ -// -// Wells -// -------------------------------------------------- - - -// Base class -.well { - min-height: 20px; - padding: 19px; - margin-bottom: 20px; - background-color: $well-bg; - border: 1px solid $well-border; - border-radius: $border-radius-base; - @include box-shadow(inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,.05)); - blockquote { - border-color: #ddd; - border-color: rgba(0,0,0,.15); - } -} - -// Sizes -.well-lg { - padding: 24px; - border-radius: $border-radius-large; -} -.well-sm { - padding: 9px; - border-radius: $border-radius-small; -} diff --git a/assets/stylesheets/vendor/bootstrap/mixins/_alerts.scss b/assets/stylesheets/vendor/bootstrap/mixins/_alerts.scss deleted file mode 100644 index 3faf0b5..0000000 --- a/assets/stylesheets/vendor/bootstrap/mixins/_alerts.scss +++ /dev/null @@ -1,14 +0,0 @@ -// Alerts - -@mixin alert-variant($background, $border, $text-color) { - background-color: $background; - border-color: $border; - color: $text-color; - - hr { - border-top-color: darken($border, 5%); - } - .alert-link { - color: darken($text-color, 10%); - } -} diff --git a/assets/stylesheets/vendor/bootstrap/mixins/_background-variant.scss b/assets/stylesheets/vendor/bootstrap/mixins/_background-variant.scss deleted file mode 100644 index 4c7769e..0000000 --- a/assets/stylesheets/vendor/bootstrap/mixins/_background-variant.scss +++ /dev/null @@ -1,12 +0,0 @@ -// Contextual backgrounds - -// [converter] $parent hack -@mixin bg-variant($parent, $color) { - #{$parent} { - background-color: $color; - } - a#{$parent}:hover, - a#{$parent}:focus { - background-color: darken($color, 10%); - } -} diff --git a/assets/stylesheets/vendor/bootstrap/mixins/_border-radius.scss b/assets/stylesheets/vendor/bootstrap/mixins/_border-radius.scss deleted file mode 100644 index ce19499..0000000 --- a/assets/stylesheets/vendor/bootstrap/mixins/_border-radius.scss +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ -// Single side border-radius - -@mixin border-top-radius($radius) { - border-top-right-radius: $radius; - border-top-left-radius: $radius; -} -@mixin border-right-radius($radius) { - border-bottom-right-radius: $radius; - border-top-right-radius: $radius; -} -@mixin border-bottom-radius($radius) { - border-bottom-right-radius: $radius; - border-bottom-left-radius: $radius; -} -@mixin border-left-radius($radius) { - border-bottom-left-radius: $radius; - border-top-left-radius: $radius; -} diff --git a/assets/stylesheets/vendor/bootstrap/mixins/_buttons.scss b/assets/stylesheets/vendor/bootstrap/mixins/_buttons.scss deleted file mode 100644 index b93f84b..0000000 --- a/assets/stylesheets/vendor/bootstrap/mixins/_buttons.scss +++ /dev/null @@ -1,65 +0,0 @@ -// Button variants -// -// Easily pump out default styles, as well as :hover, :focus, :active, -// and disabled options for all buttons - -@mixin button-variant($color, $background, $border) { - color: $color; - background-color: $background; - border-color: $border; - - &:focus, - &.focus { - color: $color; - background-color: darken($background, 10%); - border-color: darken($border, 25%); - } - &:hover { - color: $color; - background-color: darken($background, 10%); - border-color: darken($border, 12%); - } - &:active, - &.active, - .open > &.dropdown-toggle { - color: $color; - background-color: darken($background, 10%); - border-color: darken($border, 12%); - - &:hover, - &:focus, - &.focus { - color: $color; - background-color: darken($background, 17%); - border-color: darken($border, 25%); - } - } - &:active, - &.active, - .open > &.dropdown-toggle { - background-image: none; - } - &.disabled, - &[disabled], - fieldset[disabled] & { - &:hover, - &:focus, - &.focus { - background-color: $background; - border-color: $border; - } - } - - .badge { - color: $background; - background-color: $color; - } -} - -// Button sizes -@mixin button-size($padding-vertical, $padding-horizontal, $font-size, $line-height, $border-radius) { - padding: $padding-vertical $padding-horizontal; - font-size: $font-size; - line-height: $line-height; - border-radius: $border-radius; -} diff --git a/assets/stylesheets/vendor/bootstrap/mixins/_center-block.scss b/assets/stylesheets/vendor/bootstrap/mixins/_center-block.scss deleted file mode 100644 index e06fb5e..0000000 --- a/assets/stylesheets/vendor/bootstrap/mixins/_center-block.scss +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -// Center-align a block level element - -@mixin center-block() { - display: block; - margin-left: auto; - margin-right: auto; -} diff --git a/assets/stylesheets/vendor/bootstrap/mixins/_clearfix.scss b/assets/stylesheets/vendor/bootstrap/mixins/_clearfix.scss deleted file mode 100644 index dc3e2ab..0000000 --- a/assets/stylesheets/vendor/bootstrap/mixins/_clearfix.scss +++ /dev/null @@ -1,22 +0,0 @@ -// Clearfix -// -// For modern browsers -// 1. The space content is one way to avoid an Opera bug when the -// contenteditable attribute is included anywhere else in the document. -// Otherwise it causes space to appear at the top and bottom of elements -// that are clearfixed. -// 2. The use of `table` rather than `block` is only necessary if using -// `:before` to contain the top-margins of child elements. -// -// Source: http://nicolasgallagher.com/micro-clearfix-hack/ - -@mixin clearfix() { - &:before, - &:after { - content: " "; // 1 - display: table; // 2 - } - &:after { - clear: both; - } -} diff --git a/assets/stylesheets/vendor/bootstrap/mixins/_forms.scss b/assets/stylesheets/vendor/bootstrap/mixins/_forms.scss deleted file mode 100644 index 277aa5f..0000000 --- a/assets/stylesheets/vendor/bootstrap/mixins/_forms.scss +++ /dev/null @@ -1,88 +0,0 @@ -// Form validation states -// -// Used in forms.less to generate the form validation CSS for warnings, errors, -// and successes. - -@mixin form-control-validation($text-color: #555, $border-color: #ccc, $background-color: #f5f5f5) { - // Color the label and help text - .help-block, - .control-label, - .radio, - .checkbox, - .radio-inline, - .checkbox-inline, - &.radio label, - &.checkbox label, - &.radio-inline label, - &.checkbox-inline label { - color: $text-color; - } - // Set the border and box shadow on specific inputs to match - .form-control { - border-color: $border-color; - @include box-shadow(inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,.075)); // Redeclare so transitions work - &:focus { - border-color: darken($border-color, 10%); - $shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,.075), 0 0 6px lighten($border-color, 20%); - @include box-shadow($shadow); - } - } - // Set validation states also for addons - .input-group-addon { - color: $text-color; - border-color: $border-color; - background-color: $background-color; - } - // Optional feedback icon - .form-control-feedback { - color: $text-color; - } -} - - -// Form control focus state -// -// Generate a customized focus state and for any input with the specified color, -// which defaults to the `$input-border-focus` variable. -// -// We highly encourage you to not customize the default value, but instead use -// this to tweak colors on an as-needed basis. This aesthetic change is based on -// WebKit's default styles, but applicable to a wider range of browsers. Its -// usability and accessibility should be taken into account with any change. -// -// Example usage: change the default blue border and shadow to white for better -// contrast against a dark gray background. -@mixin form-control-focus($color: $input-border-focus) { - $color-rgba: rgba(red($color), green($color), blue($color), .6); - &:focus { - border-color: $color; - outline: 0; - @include box-shadow(inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,.075), 0 0 8px $color-rgba); - } -} - -// Form control sizing -// -// Relative text size, padding, and border-radii changes for form controls. For -// horizontal sizing, wrap controls in the predefined grid classes. ` + + + + {this.state.value[0] != null && this.state.selectedFigures !=null ? + (
    + +
    ) + : + (
    ) + } +
    + {this.state.value[0] != null && this.state.selectedFigures !=null? ( +
    + + + + + {this.state.selectedFigures.map(function(state, index){ + return( + + ); + }) + } + + + + + + {this.state.hoverValue ? + ( +
    + {this.state.hoverValue.state} +
    + Fiscal Year : + {this.state.hoverValue.x} +
    + Figure : + {this.state.hoverValue.y} +
    ) + :null + } +
    + ) : + (

    Select states to generate Visualization

    + ) + } +
    + +
    + Source - {this.state.notesText.source} +
    + + ); + } +} + +GraphComponent.propTypes = { + data: React.PropTypes.object, + attrType:React.PropTypes.string, + selectedSector:React.PropTypes.string, + selectedIndicator:React.PropTypes.string +}; + +export default GraphComponent; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/data/StatesTopojson.js b/src/data/StatesTopojson.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..25f1d71 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/data/StatesTopojson.js @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +export let TopojsonData = 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[10,29],[20,15]],[[55609,16285],[8,-8],[-6,-8],[-13,-2],[-8,-9],[-4,-23],[-12,-22],[2,-4],[-5,-2],[-10,37],[22,25],[9,16],[17,0]],[[55519,16325],[-2,1],[0,7],[3,-5],[-1,-3]],[[55501,16337],[15,-14],[-1,-7],[8,-15],[-2,-7],[4,-9],[-2,-14],[15,-34],[-1,-11],[-9,-5],[-8,1],[-14,13],[-6,14],[-1,12],[-25,7],[-6,6],[-14,-12],[-6,2],[-12,-6],[-6,4],[0,10],[-16,15],[1,5],[8,5],[-1,11],[3,4],[39,6],[9,6],[8,-7],[4,14],[14,1],[-2,2],[4,3]],[[55967,17139],[6,-9],[-4,-25],[16,-43],[-3,-20],[-18,-8],[-9,7],[-1,6],[6,46],[-3,43],[7,5],[3,-2]],[[56285,17213],[-3,-2],[-4,4],[1,21],[7,-10],[-1,-13]],[[56323,17403],[-4,-1],[-3,2],[3,3],[4,-4]],[[56284,17471],[5,-19],[19,0],[4,-3],[-8,-5],[-8,2],[-4,-7],[1,-27],[17,-25],[-7,-24],[3,-12],[-4,-9],[1,-22],[-9,-16],[-4,-20],[2,-13],[-8,-7],[3,-12],[-7,-12],[0,10],[-7,9],[-2,9],[-13,5],[-5,10],[6,6],[-1,7],[8,3],[12,33],[-4,42],[-5,11],[2,4],[-16,57],[1,8],[9,2],[12,13],[7,2]],[[56263,17556],[7,-1],[3,-2],[-9,-6],[-6,4],[5,5]],[[56293,17558],[6,-9],[-9,-21],[-4,-4],[-6,6],[-8,1],[-3,12],[10,5],[1,5],[7,0],[6,5]],[[56695,18952],[-3,3],[3,7],[1,-1],[-1,-9]],[[56741,19099],[-5,5],[2,2],[5,-3],[-2,-4]],[[56744,19130],[-4,-1],[-2,4],[4,1],[2,-4]],[[56745,19156],[-1,-5],[-9,6],[3,3],[7,-4]],[[56898,19232],[4,-11],[-13,-16],[-4,-34],[2,-6],[-8,-2],[-23,-19],[-11,-26],[-13,-20],[0,-25],[-5,11],[-2,15],[6,20],[4,44],[16,25],[11,33],[8,7],[8,-2],[20,6]],[[56914,19308],[8,-5],[-3,-7],[-10,13],[5,-1]],[[20884,21635],[11,53],[3,34],[-2,13],[-14,10],[-7,12],[10,70],[-19,8],[-7,20],[1,7],[-15,20],[-3,12],[11,41],[-3,4],[4,12],[7,-1],[8,45],[-22,15],[0,10],[11,31],[12,11],[14,4],[-32,26],[-19,3],[4,25],[-1,50],[-10,26],[10,47],[15,21],[-3,45],[4,16],[16,6],[14,-2],[5,5],[-1,15],[-19,3],[-19,-4],[-11,3],[-2,60],[25,19],[5,24],[41,7],[11,-2],[3,-7],[18,-10],[13,47],[8,10],[49,26],[20,-21],[15,-7],[21,2],[4,8],[-8,13],[5,21],[0,17],[-14,38],[16,22],[-44,-3],[-39,13],[-22,19],[-21,8],[-37,40],[-19,0],[-35,14],[-29,5],[-97,-9],[-23,-22],[-12,-5],[-24,0],[-52,21],[-34,20],[-46,-8],[-21,7],[-23,20],[-58,14],[-49,21],[-45,64],[-14,41],[-52,49],[8,11],[13,-2],[16,-10],[75,9],[15,5],[9,18],[2,24],[27,-5],[34,-20],[43,3],[0,6],[10,2],[8,-5],[33,2],[6,42],[22,20],[49,13],[25,-6],[7,10],[1,62],[-31,6],[-15,27],[-11,4],[3,13],[14,-5],[10,7],[34,-5],[8,3],[35,38],[44,-1],[17,8],[0,7],[-11,11],[3,8],[8,0],[-1,22],[-22,6],[0,16],[4,14],[13,11],[10,27],[12,18],[-4,8],[-18,4],[-39,-30],[-24,4],[7,11],[-13,5],[-5,13],[-25,11],[-1,19],[46,9],[21,18],[34,-4],[7,14],[9,71],[-5,8],[-13,3],[-10,-6],[-24,8],[-19,-15],[-16,10],[-10,0],[-5,6],[2,8],[6,1],[2,7],[-5,14],[13,22],[9,31],[4,32],[-4,34],[5,13],[16,-7],[50,-8],[9,6],[1,40],[-20,20],[-13,45],[8,48],[0,25],[-6,58],[-12,6],[4,10],[4,44],[-6,10],[27,12],[5,8],[1,16],[-7,2],[-3,10],[5,13],[-3,12],[-1,31],[12,2],[22,34],[2,17],[-4,35],[11,20],[23,17],[13,3],[-3,19],[-13,15],[2,27],[-3,14],[-11,13],[-20,39],[-5,21],[5,6],[-2,9],[-19,11],[-18,28],[5,27],[-23,8],[-9,9],[-22,8],[-10,-8],[-23,6],[-44,22],[-11,21],[-51,14],[-2,25],[-19,6],[-15,24],[11,9],[-3,10],[10,17],[-1,15],[7,17],[24,8],[22,-3],[4,34],[13,5],[0,6],[-32,4],[-8,8],[-2,8],[35,31],[7,-3],[14,13],[21,-17],[7,6],[6,40],[5,9],[32,19],[12,17],[16,3],[11,14],[-4,26],[-13,5],[-29,-2],[9,20],[6,3],[20,40],[4,29],[8,26],[3,16],[-15,12],[0,31],[4,17],[62,-2],[-9,-3],[-6,-12],[5,-9],[18,-11],[21,2],[15,-3],[24,12],[25,7],[16,23],[5,14],[-8,2],[-12,18],[27,29],[5,13],[-5,5],[-15,-1],[-36,16],[-1,35],[30,22],[22,10],[34,-14],[20,0],[34,-13],[1,58],[38,-14],[13,-13],[32,4],[1,60],[52,6],[14,8],[8,45],[19,20],[-8,-28],[-2,-24],[80,-20],[2,29],[5,15],[2,17],[-5,16],[-6,-3],[-2,6],[-7,-4],[-29,12],[-21,27],[-15,-1],[-10,-5],[-27,10],[-27,-2],[-10,17],[-30,3],[-9,7],[-17,-3],[2,39],[-6,32],[-10,-1],[0,-9],[-55,-11],[-27,-10],[-10,12],[-17,39],[-20,5],[-31,-38],[-9,-19],[-18,-19],[-11,6],[-15,54],[-36,-3],[-4,9],[-7,-2],[-8,15],[-9,6],[-48,11],[5,33],[-3,20],[2,6],[11,1],[-2,12],[7,25],[10,19],[-5,4],[-8,34],[-5,3],[1,22],[8,20],[4,35],[-1,25],[9,6],[7,12],[31,12],[6,-7],[10,4],[5,9],[8,-7],[11,7],[11,22],[24,-3],[10,12],[29,10],[11,7],[26,-4],[11,19],[17,2],[6,16],[17,14],[9,41],[-26,-7],[-39,21],[-6,11],[-25,11],[-31,1],[-10,6],[14,45],[16,14],[18,10],[0,35],[39,-1],[2,-21],[11,2],[11,29],[11,20],[9,7],[-3,17],[9,1],[3,39],[12,16],[11,-4],[8,11],[25,-14],[9,2],[3,15],[-12,6],[-21,45],[4,23],[33,-11],[11,4],[27,-6],[5,25],[1,39],[-6,19],[7,15],[10,-2],[10,12],[0,12],[-11,10],[13,12],[5,-22],[8,-8],[11,-2],[8,-7],[7,16],[-10,10],[3,12],[18,4],[3,12],[-14,2],[-8,8],[12,11],[2,18],[-5,3],[-3,14],[-18,8],[-21,-9],[-16,13],[5,7],[-3,8],[-15,4],[-13,10],[-7,18],[-17,-6],[-16,-13],[-11,8],[-5,27],[-23,14],[-38,10],[-10,-1],[-2,29],[-9,3],[-5,13],[3,24],[21,-4],[8,21],[16,12],[22,2],[28,8],[17,9],[7,36],[-9,51],[-7,16],[10,57],[-19,3],[-23,21],[-15,40],[-5,24],[-13,2],[0,25],[22,-2],[24,40],[-28,56],[20,37],[24,13],[24,38],[-11,8],[-31,4],[-22,9],[1,6],[-9,3],[-21,-18],[-25,20],[11,16],[34,24],[-7,23],[-30,31],[-59,19],[-17,24],[4,36],[20,26],[25,23],[18,6],[13,71],[-45,7],[2,6],[-23,9],[6,31],[13,4],[27,-4],[31,-13],[15,9],[16,1],[25,15],[-5,4],[1,15],[-55,10],[-20,0],[-9,13],[1,6],[26,-2],[5,6],[23,-2],[13,40],[32,-6],[5,-18],[18,2],[6,26],[-2,14],[-20,6],[-17,21],[2,17],[21,12],[11,16],[-2,7],[-16,-4],[0,12],[11,16],[-2,30],[30,0],[5,-13],[6,2],[1,13],[29,5],[11,-13],[14,21],[19,-3],[1,-7],[6,0],[-6,-20],[-9,-12],[27,-21],[10,14],[31,19],[15,-1],[66,32],[35,-7],[19,8],[-2,20],[26,61],[2,38],[-11,38],[-30,50],[3,30],[5,1],[0,15],[-11,5],[10,28],[26,19],[12,13],[0,19],[18,22],[15,2],[9,-15],[2,-26],[38,-15],[0,24],[35,51],[1,31],[17,27],[29,66],[10,42],[22,50],[156,52],[48,-18],[30,1],[6,23],[-2,24],[-32,10],[6,11],[-18,7],[2,12],[-43,19],[-16,2],[-1,37],[-24,3],[-12,27],[-2,29],[-27,4],[-28,-10],[-36,12],[1,24],[7,21],[10,3],[11,49],[-52,-5],[-7,-11],[-32,9],[5,23],[-5,2],[9,53],[-67,4],[-12,-18],[-32,12],[3,42],[-6,19],[-1,19],[-3,10],[-9,7],[-6,14],[8,53],[-3,19],[5,7],[20,-14],[16,-4],[11,1],[18,-10],[14,1],[-4,23],[4,10],[-8,14],[8,9],[9,23],[-3,24],[1,10],[5,7],[28,4],[16,-17],[14,-27],[30,4],[14,8],[0,6],[-9,8],[2,43],[-15,11],[-10,33],[-7,7],[15,6],[26,40],[3,29],[7,4],[-1,18],[12,9],[-31,18],[4,20],[14,18],[-1,12],[14,21],[7,18],[1,19],[7,9],[6,19],[-1,22],[38,12],[16,-8],[19,-2],[12,26],[-11,24],[-57,6],[-30,10],[-2,8],[4,19],[-4,16],[23,8],[9,8],[29,8],[11,21],[28,-13],[15,5],[22,19],[9,14],[25,9],[7,16],[19,-3],[62,-48],[19,-28],[59,-19],[14,-11],[20,-42],[13,-11],[29,-7],[8,-19],[-4,-17],[1,-19],[7,-14],[14,-5],[40,16],[15,20],[29,-12],[9,-10],[62,2],[27,-16],[24,-23],[45,15],[30,13],[7,18],[-7,28],[0,42],[22,57],[5,27],[-1,24],[5,17],[-23,16],[-10,16],[-6,18],[10,35],[7,65],[-12,38],[36,-10],[16,16],[22,30],[20,17],[21,-3],[27,-9],[14,2],[48,57],[19,-2],[21,-10],[13,0],[26,18],[7,22],[0,32],[-4,17],[-14,17],[-10,24],[-10,79],[-35,49],[14,5],[25,-5],[6,7],[1,13],[14,2],[11,10],[2,16],[-4,19],[2,42],[-5,17],[-22,28],[-14,49],[-11,24],[-34,14],[-6,7],[36,62],[42,-3],[25,5],[15,31],[50,24],[-2,25],[3,24],[17,8],[17,38],[16,64],[-2,32],[-15,26],[-19,11],[-28,7],[-7,13],[12,33],[-6,15],[-80,16],[-20,9],[8,56],[23,83],[5,10],[41,8],[15,-14],[-1,-14],[-18,-12],[-8,-10],[5,-11],[24,-17],[24,-4],[42,3],[20,-8],[21,0],[0,-37],[4,-26],[8,-15],[18,-23],[26,-16],[44,-16],[80,-16],[26,0],[39,-54],[22,-2],[13,20],[6,31],[16,14],[16,4],[131,-24],[22,14],[19,0],[24,-10],[11,-11],[36,-11],[29,-6],[85,-27],[21,-1],[13,-9],[17,-31],[16,-14],[19,6],[15,9],[15,15],[55,-9],[23,9],[26,-2],[27,-24],[14,-20],[10,-5],[21,6],[47,4],[17,-9],[25,-64],[1,-27],[13,-54],[0,-41],[-9,-25],[-1,-29],[43,1],[29,-4],[28,22],[27,8],[43,-14],[19,7],[24,-4],[16,-11],[17,-22],[-14,-75],[7,-31],[28,-33],[5,-13],[-6,-12],[-53,-40],[-10,-13],[11,-13],[42,-5],[11,3],[32,26],[16,-6],[27,-37],[14,-9],[46,12],[28,0],[19,-15],[8,-18],[23,-6],[51,5],[14,-6],[-1,-21],[5,-15],[79,-28],[38,-36],[27,-43],[19,-16],[25,-5],[66,14],[10,7],[-5,19],[-27,22],[-4,16],[3,16],[17,29],[17,15],[19,8],[10,15],[6,36],[-2,21],[4,20],[22,43],[-3,22],[-24,29],[-1,24],[15,7],[25,-3],[28,-11],[57,-23],[26,-16],[10,-19],[11,-39],[16,15],[18,4],[88,-5],[5,-23],[68,-51],[26,-15],[22,-2],[16,6],[24,-4],[38,-35],[15,-23],[12,-27],[22,15],[29,3],[45,30],[6,10],[-2,47],[25,9],[37,6],[11,-53],[11,-14],[29,-22],[38,-18],[19,-3],[15,5],[7,9],[14,75],[19,45],[12,15],[41,24],[29,4],[57,-1],[15,7],[63,9],[61,47],[58,-7],[25,-6],[18,-10],[2,-9],[15,-22],[27,-8],[25,-18],[15,-59],[11,-17],[63,-47],[16,-8],[15,-21],[18,-10],[53,-10],[20,-10],[28,-34],[37,-31],[11,-14],[2,-42],[30,-35],[24,-39],[7,-20],[-6,-45],[-7,-17],[-7,-57],[-16,-38],[1,-24],[13,-42],[-4,-21],[-28,-21],[-9,-11],[-29,-59],[-27,-77],[-1,-27],[7,-27],[28,-47],[16,-18],[2,-13],[-6,-14],[-32,-9],[-45,-45],[-78,-45],[-18,-16],[-11,-28],[4,-31],[3,-73],[-10,-42],[6,-18],[26,3],[44,23],[27,6],[29,-2],[22,-11],[16,-31],[3,-18],[-7,-111],[22,-88],[0,-142],[-4,-43],[-13,-33],[-18,-18],[-47,-6],[-23,-10],[34,-57],[16,-22],[35,-30],[111,-24],[25,-2],[43,-16],[14,-37],[25,-6],[7,-5],[30,-60],[16,-8],[19,-3],[28,-33],[10,-2],[7,2],[5,-4],[50,-55],[9,-3],[12,-1],[11,13],[22,10],[25,2],[15,17],[21,6],[8,-5],[6,-9],[6,-24],[8,-6],[41,-4],[11,30],[17,21],[14,8],[14,1],[25,-12],[23,11],[24,2],[31,30],[16,9],[7,-11],[16,-6],[41,-59],[52,-151],[27,-60],[23,-24],[25,11],[6,7],[9,20],[6,3],[10,2],[8,-3],[24,-23],[27,22],[19,10],[31,4],[4,5],[73,37],[28,-9],[11,0],[35,13],[11,-3],[22,-22],[28,-5],[7,-6],[3,-13],[6,-9],[24,-23],[7,-18],[19,-8],[39,-24],[23,-27],[30,-9],[31,-20],[12,-9],[22,-28],[7,-17],[17,-7],[13,-12],[12,2],[5,-9],[3,-18],[-6,-10],[2,-11],[31,-46],[6,-16],[42,-26],[10,-12],[14,-6],[6,-21],[19,-10],[7,0],[9,-11],[-8,-3],[-10,-36],[50,-32],[11,9],[19,-1],[5,-13],[-11,-20],[-18,-19],[1,-10],[14,-17],[3,-9],[-3,-25],[8,-26],[19,-27],[18,-39],[4,-13],[0,-35],[15,-11],[4,-14],[9,-16],[14,-7],[7,-8],[24,-44],[17,-4],[7,-9],[-2,-18],[-6,-8],[-114,-57],[-2,-58],[5,-53],[23,-17],[39,-4],[54,3],[25,5],[29,28],[-1,12],[17,9],[1,75],[-3,15],[4,14],[12,6],[12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8],[5,1],[-2,-14],[4,-17],[11,-4],[-3,-25],[10,-10],[3,-13],[5,-3],[6,-13],[9,-6],[14,-4],[3,7],[-6,18],[-3,32],[-11,20],[-5,30],[-13,28],[-11,42],[1,5],[6,1],[33,-3],[-2,14],[4,27],[-14,22],[-37,37],[-7,5],[-9,-3],[-17,17],[-12,-7],[-35,17],[-43,12],[-49,11],[-49,3],[-7,3],[-19,-5],[-77,-7],[-12,-5],[-87,-14],[-73,-21],[-48,-20],[-8,0],[-10,6],[-10,-8],[-7,1],[9,-6],[-3,-4],[-69,-24],[-157,-75],[-11,-10],[-36,-19],[-110,-72],[-27,-25],[-20,-11],[-18,-21],[-44,-42],[-86,-109],[-7,-3],[-16,-36],[-1,-11],[-34,-65],[-22,-59],[-25,-102],[3,-37],[-6,-10],[0,-13],[-21,-37],[0,-7],[-6,-6],[4,-6],[-4,-14],[-9,7],[-7,-12],[-5,-2],[1,-4],[-8,0],[0,-7],[25,2],[-9,-38],[-15,-34],[-50,-67],[-68,-80],[-44,-61],[-38,-67],[-13,-36],[-1,-15],[-6,-6],[-7,0],[5,-13],[-7,-11],[-6,-3],[-35,7],[14,-9],[29,-6],[-18,-38],[-17,-63],[-1,-31],[10,-39],[2,-43],[-11,-58],[-12,-13],[-18,8],[-8,12],[-26,22],[-20,6],[40,-41],[-5,-1],[-1,-3],[36,-20],[9,10],[-33,-67],[-28,-95],[-12,-54],[-1,-41],[6,-117],[9,-67],[18,-88],[13,-82],[15,-28],[21,-86],[8,-135],[-4,3],[-5,-3],[7,-2],[3,-22],[-18,-3],[-28,22],[-12,4],[-8,-4],[17,-2],[14,-13],[4,0],[-1,-7],[16,-6],[11,1],[10,7],[5,-2],[2,-33],[15,-63],[24,-60],[4,0],[4,-6],[-2,-25],[6,6],[1,8],[-4,4],[2,2],[20,-22],[2,-9],[14,-16],[9,-21],[2,-16],[-18,-28],[11,2],[3,12],[10,12],[-3,17],[-9,19],[2,1],[13,-25],[7,-22],[1,-16],[11,-35],[0,-10],[13,-37],[5,-31],[31,-82],[25,-18],[10,-4],[10,1],[6,-13],[5,-3],[4,-16],[-34,-119],[-17,-8],[-5,6],[-3,-2],[3,-8],[10,1],[5,4],[4,-8],[-6,-42],[-7,-89],[-8,-116],[-1,-93],[-6,-60],[-11,-48],[-8,-13],[-33,-84],[-18,-64],[-2,-44],[-5,-7],[-4,-18],[3,-8],[-6,-12],[-9,-54],[-3,-51],[1,-71],[-3,-4],[4,-14],[4,-68],[-8,-2],[0,11],[3,-1],[1,6],[-4,11],[-1,-32],[-8,-14],[8,10],[2,-17],[5,1],[3,5],[-5,-2],[-2,17],[7,2],[18,-116],[8,-10],[-1,-18],[2,-2],[8,-44],[6,-13],[-1,-18],[5,-9],[-1,-12],[8,7],[-7,14],[3,6],[9,-23],[-3,-18],[8,-15],[0,-15],[5,-3],[3,-11],[0,-8],[-3,-1],[3,-6],[6,-1],[-4,-8],[4,-13],[11,-14],[1,-21],[5,1],[3,-10],[1,8],[-9,23],[2,6],[-6,5],[2,2],[-2,9],[-3,1],[-1,-6],[-3,3],[5,12],[-14,44],[-7,11],[-4,18],[54,-120],[3,-14],[5,-6],[32,-95],[24,-41],[1,-8],[4,-2],[21,-46],[15,-58],[19,-47],[9,-17],[12,-13],[9,-45],[-3,-5],[6,-8],[5,-35],[-7,-42],[-22,-74],[-12,-80],[-3,-65],[3,-6],[-2,-8],[2,-1],[5,-56],[13,-55],[38,-76],[0,-7],[27,-56],[27,-73],[29,-96],[12,-25],[-1,-6],[14,-13],[6,-14],[4,-17],[-1,-7],[4,-2],[4,-13],[0,-26],[-12,-3],[-8,4],[-10,15],[-19,16],[-12,28],[-5,19],[4,-5],[2,22],[-3,6],[-5,-2],[-1,19],[-6,7],[1,30],[-9,22],[0,27],[-5,11],[1,-19],[-4,-7],[-4,5],[-2,17],[-4,2],[-5,-6],[-7,4],[13,12],[-7,18],[0,18],[-6,11],[0,30],[-21,21],[-11,4],[2,16],[-15,16],[-7,27],[-33,25],[2,3],[-5,3],[-15,32],[-9,9],[-34,15],[-20,21],[-5,13],[5,28],[-2,16],[-13,18],[-24,22],[-4,14],[-3,-1],[-2,-6],[-5,0],[-27,39],[-11,-1],[-4,4],[-2,-7],[-6,0],[-9,20],[5,0],[-1,6],[-8,1],[-5,14],[10,-11],[1,11],[7,-1],[7,5],[0,9],[-14,-4],[-1,4],[3,2],[-16,2],[-10,-6],[2,-25],[11,-3],[1,5],[9,-31],[6,3],[-7,-27],[6,-24],[1,-26],[10,-23],[-4,-19],[3,-12],[-7,-4],[-2,-17],[4,-18],[-14,-40],[-13,-7],[-15,4],[-17,22],[1,17],[-16,18],[-7,15],[2,15],[-4,13],[5,10],[18,1],[0,-7],[-2,-2],[0,3],[-4,0],[-1,-3],[11,-10],[-2,-6],[-16,-14],[20,8],[3,17],[-5,7],[-1,17],[6,3],[9,15],[-4,17],[-9,1],[4,-8],[-2,-10],[-9,4],[-6,9],[-7,-11],[-6,0],[-4,6],[4,16],[-5,8],[5,1],[0,12],[7,7],[-11,18],[6,18],[-6,3],[-5,-4],[-1,-12],[-8,-1],[5,-15],[7,-1],[4,-5],[-7,-13],[-8,-1],[-1,-22],[9,-41],[-2,-15],[-5,-3],[-8,0],[2,20],[-3,1],[-10,-18],[-9,0],[18,25],[-3,10],[-12,-10],[-5,2],[-9,-16],[-10,-7],[4,-13],[22,2],[0,-6],[8,-3],[-7,-4],[-22,-2],[-20,-18],[-5,-15],[3,-12],[-1,-26],[8,-2],[3,-7],[-3,-6],[-10,-4],[-1,-10],[-8,1],[-8,-7],[-4,-11],[-5,-2],[-6,4],[-4,-3],[3,-10],[-8,0],[-3,-5],[16,-26],[19,-11],[15,-34],[7,-4],[2,-6],[24,-7],[6,-19],[14,-5],[2,-11],[4,-1],[-2,-11],[3,-5],[8,-4],[12,-19],[7,-2],[-1,-5],[7,3],[9,-6],[1,-7],[-7,0],[-1,-7],[-3,0],[2,-4],[5,-1],[-1,9],[2,0],[1,-11],[16,-1],[3,13],[-5,10],[9,4],[24,-14],[8,-10],[12,-24],[29,-17],[15,0],[14,10],[12,2],[11,-7],[60,-12],[57,-6],[-6,7],[5,2],[10,-14],[14,-11],[0,-11],[13,-1],[4,5],[16,-4],[11,-14],[-1,-19],[5,-4],[11,-29],[8,-10],[-3,-2],[11,-3],[-12,-1],[0,-15],[-13,-20],[-3,-14],[20,44],[12,0],[5,-8],[11,6],[10,-10],[1,-8],[12,-1],[3,-6],[-4,-13],[6,-7],[-2,14],[4,7],[11,7],[11,0],[-4,-23],[11,-99],[-3,-4],[1,-7],[-7,-5],[-43,33],[-24,5],[-14,9],[-5,20],[13,4],[1,6],[-5,13],[-14,13],[-8,3],[-4,9],[-4,41],[-10,28],[-30,43],[-36,27],[-42,13],[-18,-10],[-21,-5],[-41,7],[-28,-4],[-25,4],[-54,47],[-16,8],[-45,7],[-11,11],[-18,39],[-18,7],[-7,-8],[-15,27],[-9,-7],[-32,-10],[-13,-20],[-25,0],[-37,8],[-22,17],[-31,-7],[-9,-6],[1,-40],[36,12],[4,-16],[12,-10],[12,-6],[15,6],[16,-5],[9,-6],[-2,-35],[-67,8],[-4,-23],[-20,-44],[-10,-1],[0,7],[-7,0],[-43,-13],[-15,-13],[3,-25],[-4,-30],[5,-24],[-11,-11],[-17,-11],[-15,6],[-18,-3],[-8,-12],[7,-46],[33,-7],[7,-19],[-12,-16],[-19,4],[1,-26],[-25,-34],[-8,-18],[-33,18],[-10,-11],[-5,-13],[-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[27,8],[16,0],[21,-6],[18,4],[41,-11],[24,1],[18,-6],[36,-26],[34,-7],[3,24],[27,8],[12,13],[49,-4],[33,0],[21,4],[4,-13],[-17,-43],[84,-13],[7,52],[14,2],[6,11],[42,2],[4,23],[10,4],[5,25],[16,42],[5,60],[26,14],[19,18],[14,31],[-3,26],[-39,11],[-7,16],[11,15],[19,3],[27,-4],[4,8],[-1,13],[9,8],[3,17],[-14,60],[-5,1],[-13,32],[-6,2],[-13,23],[-46,7],[6,28],[20,4],[17,39],[15,-3],[41,2],[-2,19],[-15,3],[-17,16],[-11,-2],[0,7],[7,4],[-1,35],[-20,0],[-52,10],[-5,69],[-7,4],[-1,15],[-23,-2],[-68,-16],[-16,5],[3,15],[0,23],[-12,13],[-34,21],[-10,15],[13,59],[-6,19],[-18,11],[-10,12],[-4,15],[9,25],[-1,19],[-7,21],[-8,8],[-19,6],[-20,17],[-9,17],[-3,14],[-11,14],[-44,34],[-13,21],[3,37],[22,-4],[32,-12],[21,7],[48,-6],[4,20],[1,39],[-12,121],[2,19],[10,33],[-4,73],[5,11],[7,-5],[8,1],[73,20],[28,29],[32,-21],[18,-24],[28,-21],[10,29],[9,51],[-13,7],[-41,40],[-55,28],[13,11],[5,32],[-18,3],[0,26],[-65,9],[1,19],[-9,3],[7,40],[12,-3],[3,21],[-11,4],[3,8],[9,-1],[14,36],[6,-1],[10,41],[-12,5],[5,60],[-26,2],[-5,-10],[-19,4],[-7,9],[-10,-3],[-13,3],[-13,15],[24,50],[43,55],[30,54],[24,25],[63,35],[56,14],[30,24],[31,9],[30,2],[22,11],[50,0],[74,6],[29,12],[32,-15],[43,-9],[39,7],[33,-13],[45,-4],[42,1],[50,-25],[37,9],[33,-3],[42,16],[58,-26],[33,-9],[36,1],[31,-4],[28,-13]],[[20884,21635],[49,-11],[89,-9]],[[27307,24189],[4,26]],[[27263,24316],[52,46]],[[29372,25067],[29,37],[13,3]],[[30369,26291],[54,38],[8,9],[18,38],[15,15],[73,36],[30,-1],[61,22],[24,14],[32,6],[32,27],[24,2],[26,8],[35,19],[12,11],[15,7],[49,34],[7,14],[29,8],[6,25],[-7,25],[34,25],[18,6],[11,-3],[6,-12],[28,-14],[33,-1],[13,9],[0,5],[-10,7],[-5,10],[12,0],[13,5],[5,12],[17,-12],[21,-7],[7,-11],[35,3],[6,8],[5,1],[14,-16],[17,0],[5,-6],[7,-31],[22,19],[11,-7],[30,7],[7,-5],[30,-48],[-6,-13],[7,-12],[17,-7],[26,3],[48,-34],[42,-5],[3,-20],[7,-9],[26,0],[17,6],[14,9],[8,27],[0,30],[-10,36],[-18,22],[14,9],[6,22],[36,18],[4,9],[29,6],[-4,-11],[-8,-7],[9,-20],[10,-5],[12,2],[-5,-12],[3,-4],[9,1],[8,-9],[8,3],[-9,22],[10,8],[10,4],[10,-9],[-3,-9],[11,-5],[15,16],[15,48],[-3,9],[4,8],[-1,18],[-6,11],[-13,7],[-6,10],[1,30],[-5,28],[11,20],[-4,35],[54,-40],[9,9],[8,25],[-37,52],[-35,4],[-18,7],[-13,12],[-20,7],[-4,16],[2,19],[-7,15],[31,13],[29,35],[-14,1],[-12,14],[3,14],[17,7],[2,5],[1,32],[12,46],[15,13],[52,-2],[11,7],[30,36],[4,27],[13,14],[-10,11],[-9,17],[-9,2],[-34,-7],[-16,-19],[-8,2],[-13,-7],[-13,3],[-19,23],[5,7],[20,4],[11,17],[14,11],[8,23],[36,23],[7,10],[-2,10],[6,12],[7,5],[0,8],[-21,25],[0,23],[-6,13],[-14,12],[-11,16],[11,7],[2,10],[24,11],[10,23],[34,47],[51,43],[15,17],[5,19],[17,29],[37,46],[46,47],[17,4],[8,-11],[-17,-5],[-4,-5],[12,-34],[38,-21],[2,-10],[6,-1],[13,16],[15,-11],[7,5],[13,-4],[1,-11],[-4,-6],[6,-17],[-10,-6],[-2,-11],[11,1],[8,-12],[-15,-13],[14,-10],[-22,-21],[-3,-8],[16,-7],[-6,-5],[1,-8],[5,-3],[8,3],[5,-10],[2,-21],[7,0],[13,9],[-1,12],[13,-4],[7,1],[6,-7],[8,-3],[-6,-9],[-2,-17],[-9,-6],[-2,-16],[-12,-1],[-9,-20],[2,-10],[9,-2],[-1,-3],[-17,-12],[-1,-8],[6,-9],[17,-2],[15,-13],[5,9],[10,3],[20,-10],[13,0],[15,-16],[7,3],[19,-4],[10,-15],[12,2],[3,-6],[1,-7],[-7,-8],[4,-6],[-4,-9],[2,-5],[23,-7],[5,-11],[-7,-11],[-20,1],[-5,-3],[2,-17],[6,-7],[8,-25],[-4,-7],[-14,-3],[-14,8],[-14,-19],[-12,-5],[-3,-6],[7,-13],[18,2],[7,-24],[-1,-9],[-11,-17],[6,-6],[0,-7],[-17,-12],[6,-9],[9,-2],[4,-21],[20,-5],[6,-6],[19,-6],[6,-7],[-2,-6],[5,-11],[16,-7],[14,-18],[11,0],[12,15],[18,13],[5,10],[-6,29],[26,51],[6,19],[13,9],[38,5],[19,10],[17,-2],[5,9],[5,20],[19,11],[14,4],[18,-7],[20,4],[-3,11],[11,4],[19,0],[9,8],[1,12],[8,4],[9,-6],[19,9],[10,20],[29,34],[-15,40],[22,17],[0,28],[13,11],[-13,12],[-14,-1],[1,11],[-13,27],[1,10],[24,17],[27,29],[43,-2],[1,-12],[38,-22],[2,-23],[18,-11],[8,13],[32,-17],[16,-4],[21,20],[12,-4],[13,-34],[1,-15],[-14,-32],[16,-28],[24,-26],[13,9],[15,-7],[11,7],[17,3],[11,-22],[28,-2],[32,16],[20,0],[18,-6],[10,26],[11,0],[13,21],[44,8],[12,15],[7,-3],[8,-16],[30,-16],[43,18],[21,28],[2,7],[-17,16],[-7,13],[-1,8],[11,13],[1,14],[3,4],[-5,18],[-26,-9],[-13,-16],[-11,2],[-9,10],[10,9],[2,12],[-3,7],[-28,4],[-16,9],[-6,9],[3,8],[23,22],[23,14],[15,22],[18,12],[7,25],[31,33],[10,30],[20,30],[14,13],[2,12],[-5,7],[-35,4],[-32,-19],[-14,1],[-24,23],[-17,8],[2,24],[-18,14],[3,9],[15,18],[7,4],[18,2],[21,19],[-5,16],[-7,5],[-17,4],[-7,-19],[-23,-15],[-26,5],[-18,9],[27,40],[3,12],[-9,31],[-14,10],[-4,9],[1,12],[4,5],[25,13],[30,8],[33,15],[1,22],[10,9],[33,52],[-3,11],[3,8],[16,19],[23,17],[10,22],[15,12],[15,27],[23,23],[2,6],[-11,18],[8,9],[38,24],[13,-3],[14,-10],[13,-19],[12,-3],[27,4],[19,-11],[19,-24],[14,-6],[22,1],[4,-4],[-2,-19],[9,-9],[-6,-12],[-1,-9],[4,-9],[17,44],[22,25],[-1,16],[-11,17],[0,11],[5,5],[22,-4],[23,-13],[35,0],[24,-4],[13,15],[-6,17],[2,11],[12,24],[9,10],[28,7],[27,15],[22,-8],[10,1],[10,5],[7,-8],[16,-5],[6,1],[4,6],[3,18],[39,-7],[8,10],[0,7],[-22,34],[7,13],[12,11],[8,0],[24,-26],[52,23],[5,7],[-4,37],[2,8],[25,4],[6,11],[-13,15],[-26,6],[-19,12],[0,5],[-15,12],[-11,13],[-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a/src/data/expenditure_data.js b/src/data/expenditure_data.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..386f948 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/data/expenditure_data.js @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +export let expenditure_data = [{"sector": " Agriculture & Allied Activities", "subIndicators": [{"stateFigures": [{"state": "Andhra Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "3576.4"}, {"2014-15": ""}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "8437.6"}, {"2015-16": "8400.6"}, {"2016-17": "8046.6"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "8476.6"}, {"2015-16": "7298.1"}]}}, {"state": "Assam", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "1212.8"}, {"2014-15": "1430"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "2198.2"}, {"2015-16": "3832.4"}, {"2016-17": "2319.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "2307.9"}, {"2015-16": "2902.8"}]}}, {"state": "Bihar", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "2248.2"}, {"2014-15": "2345.6"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "3357.9"}, {"2015-16": "3363.3"}, {"2016-17": "3262.3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "4175.9"}, {"2015-16": "3471.2"}]}}, {"state": "Chhattisgarh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "1340.4"}, {"2014-15": "4043.1"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "4603.7"}, {"2015-16": "2184.1"}, {"2016-17": "2658.6"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "4528.9"}, {"2015-16": "2219.4"}]}}, {"state": "Delhi", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "40.8"}, {"2014-15": "39.3"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "41.7"}, {"2015-16": "50.6"}, {"2016-17": "64.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "42.4"}, {"2015-16": "54.9"}]}}, {"state": "Gujarat", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "3255.3"}, {"2014-15": "3215.1"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "4059.8"}, {"2015-16": "4251.7"}, {"2016-17": "5082.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "3955.3"}, {"2015-16": "3847.5"}]}}, {"state": "Haryana", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "1279.4"}, {"2014-15": "1349.2"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1867.4"}, {"2015-16": "1987.2"}, {"2016-17": "2792.2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1635.6"}, {"2015-16": "2141.7"}]}}, {"state": "Himachal Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "655.1"}, {"2014-15": "773.7"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "695.4"}, {"2015-16": "915"}, {"2016-17": "949.9"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "777"}, {"2015-16": "882.5"}]}}, {"state": "Jammu and Kashmir", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "1052.1"}, {"2014-15": "1017.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1679.9"}, {"2015-16": "1939.9"}, {"2016-17": "2537.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1632.9"}, {"2015-16": "2026.8"}]}}, {"state": "Jharkhand", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "662.6"}, {"2014-15": "704"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1305.3"}, {"2015-16": "1352.5"}, {"2016-17": "2580"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1382.3"}, {"2015-16": "1425.5"}]}}, {"state": "Karnataka", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "5002.2"}, {"2014-15": "5917.6"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "6897.1"}, {"2015-16": "6646.9"}, {"2016-17": "7159.6"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "6406.9"}, {"2015-16": "6799"}]}}, {"state": "Kerala", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "2939.4"}, {"2014-15": "3192.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "3724.4"}, {"2015-16": "4064.4"}, {"2016-17": "4726.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "3262.6"}, {"2015-16": "3614.6"}]}}, {"state": "Madhya Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "2089.4"}, {"2014-15": "3569.9"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "4649.4"}, {"2015-16": "4196.7"}, {"2016-17": "4633"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "4486.1"}, {"2015-16": "5106.7"}]}}, {"state": "Maharashtra", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "4960.5"}, {"2014-15": "5528"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "5478.5"}, {"2015-16": "5244.5"}, {"2016-17": "7685.7"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "6318.2"}, {"2015-16": "7116.2"}]}}, {"state": "Meghalaya", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "386.6"}, {"2014-15": "406.7"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "792.4"}, {"2015-16": "667.5"}, {"2016-17": "688.7"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "792.4"}, {"2015-16": "667.5"}]}}, {"state": "Mizoram", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "541.3"}, {"2014-15": "574.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "634.5"}, {"2015-16": "445.1"}, {"2016-17": "332.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "636.8"}, {"2015-16": "446.6"}]}}, {"state": "Odisha", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "2310.1"}, {"2014-15": "3126.3"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "3248.1"}, {"2015-16": "3749.2"}, {"2016-17": "4118.5"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "3481.1"}, {"2015-16": "3812.9"}]}}, {"state": "Punjab", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "1400.3"}, {"2014-15": "3715.2"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "6462.2"}, {"2015-16": "4262.9"}, {"2016-17": "6917"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "4305.7"}, {"2015-16": "6966.4"}]}}, {"state": "Rajasthan", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "2624.8"}, {"2014-15": "2993.1"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "3876.5"}, {"2015-16": "3590.1"}, {"2016-17": "4862.3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "3604.6"}, {"2015-16": "3433.4"}]}}, {"state": "Sikkim", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "118.9"}, {"2014-15": "151.7"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "205"}, {"2015-16": "246.4"}, {"2016-17": "247.5"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "212.7"}, {"2015-16": "265"}]}}, {"state": "Tamil Nadu", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "6708.8"}, {"2014-15": "7046.1"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "7012.1"}, {"2015-16": "8540"}, {"2016-17": "8995.7"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "7767"}, {"2015-16": "8395.3"}]}}, {"state": "Telangana", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": ""}, {"2014-15": "5544.6"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "7875.6"}, {"2015-16": "7735.5"}, {"2016-17": "7311.5"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "7875.6"}, {"2015-16": "6926.1"}]}}, {"state": "Tripura", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "282.2"}, {"2014-15": "353.5"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "480.5"}, {"2015-16": "569.4"}, {"2016-17": "499.1"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "476"}, {"2015-16": "470.4"}]}}, {"state": "Uttar Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "4548.5"}, {"2014-15": "6073.9"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "6248.5"}, {"2015-16": "8084.8"}, {"2016-17": "8881.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "7058.3"}, {"2015-16": "9913.1"}]}}, {"state": "Uttarakhand", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "790.6"}, {"2014-15": "917.7"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "816.6"}, {"2015-16": "920.8"}, {"2016-17": "1443"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "983.2"}, {"2015-16": "1030.4"}]}}, {"state": "West Bengal", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "1801.7"}, {"2014-15": "2346.2"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "3402.1"}, {"2015-16": "3850.5"}, {"2016-17": "4480"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "2944"}, {"2015-16": "3772.2"}]}}], "indicator": "Total Sector Expenditure", "slugIndicator": "total_sector_expenditure", "unit": "INR (in Crores)"}, {"stateFigures": [{"state": "Andhra Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "2.6"}, {"2014-15": ""}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "7.5"}, {"2015-16": "7.4"}, {"2016-17": "5.9"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "7.6"}, {"2015-16": "6.5"}]}}, {"state": "Assam", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "3.3"}, {"2014-15": "3.1"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "3.8"}, {"2015-16": "5.8"}, {"2016-17": "3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "3.6"}, {"2015-16": "3.9"}]}}, {"state": "Bihar", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "2.8"}, {"2014-15": "2.5"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "2.9"}, {"2015-16": "2.8"}, {"2016-17": "2.3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "3.2"}, {"2015-16": "2.6"}]}}, {"state": "Chhattisgarh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "3.5"}, {"2014-15": "8.8"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "8.4"}, {"2015-16": "3.4"}, {"2016-17": "3.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "8.2"}, {"2015-16": "3.4"}]}}, {"state": "Delhi", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "0.1"}, {"2014-15": ""}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "0.1"}, {"2015-16": "0.1"}, {"2016-17": "0.1"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "0.1"}, {"2015-16": ""}]}}, {"state": "Gujarat", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "3.1"}, {"2014-15": "2.8"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "3.1"}, {"2015-16": "3.1"}, {"2016-17": "3.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "3.2"}, {"2015-16": "2.9"}]}}, {"state": "Haryana", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "2.7"}, {"2014-15": "2.5"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "3.1"}, {"2015-16": "2.9"}, {"2016-17": "3.1"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "2.7"}, {"2015-16": "2.5"}]}}, {"state": "Himachal Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "3"}, {"2014-15": "3.1"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "2.9"}, {"2015-16": "3.2"}, {"2016-17": "2.9"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "3.2"}, {"2015-16": "3.2"}]}}, {"state": "Jammu and Kashmir", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "3.2"}, {"2014-15": "2.9"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "3.9"}, {"2015-16": "4.2"}, {"2016-17": "4.5"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "3.8"}, {"2015-16": "4.1"}]}}, {"state": "Jharkhand", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "2.2"}, {"2014-15": "1.8"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "2.6"}, {"2015-16": "2.4"}, {"2016-17": "4.1"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "2.7"}, {"2015-16": "2.5"}]}}, {"state": "Karnataka", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "4.7"}, {"2014-15": "4.8"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "5.3"}, {"2015-16": "4.9"}, {"2016-17": "4.6"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "5"}, {"2015-16": "4.9"}]}}, {"state": "Kerala", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "4.4"}, {"2014-15": "4.2"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "4.7"}, {"2015-16": "4.3"}, {"2016-17": "4.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "4.1"}, {"2015-16": "4.1"}]}}, {"state": "Madhya Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "2.4"}, {"2014-15": "3.6"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "4"}, {"2015-16": "3.2"}, {"2016-17": "3.1"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "3.8"}, {"2015-16": "3.8"}]}}, {"state": "Maharashtra", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "2.8"}, {"2014-15": "2.8"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "2.6"}, {"2015-16": "2.3"}, {"2016-17": "3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "2.9"}, {"2015-16": "3"}]}}, {"state": "Meghalaya", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "5.5"}, {"2014-15": "5.3"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "6.7"}, {"2015-16": "7"}, {"2016-17": "6.6"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "6.7"}, {"2015-16": "7"}]}}, {"state": "Mizoram", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "9.6"}, {"2014-15": "7.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "9.5"}, {"2015-16": "5.7"}, {"2016-17": "4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "8.5"}, {"2015-16": "5.3"}]}}, {"state": "Odisha", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "4.1"}, {"2014-15": "4.7"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "4.1"}, {"2015-16": "4.4"}, {"2016-17": "4.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "4.5"}, {"2015-16": "4.5"}]}}, {"state": "Punjab", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "2.3"}, {"2014-15": "5.1"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "8.8"}, {"2015-16": "5.4"}, {"2016-17": "8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "5.7"}, {"2015-16": "8.9"}]}}, {"state": "Rajasthan", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "2.8"}, {"2014-15": "2.6"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "2.9"}, {"2015-16": "2.6"}, {"2016-17": "3.2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "2.9"}, {"2015-16": "2.5"}]}}, {"state": "Sikkim", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "2.7"}, {"2014-15": "3.2"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "3.2"}, {"2015-16": "4.6"}, {"2016-17": "4.5"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "3.2"}, {"2015-16": "4.9"}]}}, {"state": "Tamil Nadu", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "5.2"}, {"2014-15": "4.7"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "4.6"}, {"2015-16": "4.9"}, {"2016-17": "4.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "4.8"}, {"2015-16": "4.9"}]}}, {"state": "Telangana", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": ""}, {"2014-15": "8.9"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "8.1"}, {"2015-16": "6.7"}, {"2016-17": "5.6"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "8.1"}, {"2015-16": "6.9"}]}}, {"state": "Tripura", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "3.6"}, {"2014-15": "3.3"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "3.9"}, {"2015-16": "3.8"}, {"2016-17": "3.3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "3.8"}, {"2015-16": "3.6"}]}}, {"state": "Uttar Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "2.3"}, {"2014-15": "2.6"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "2.3"}, {"2015-16": "2.7"}, {"2016-17": "2.6"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "2.7"}, {"2015-16": "3"}]}}, {"state": "Uttarakhand", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "3.6"}, {"2014-15": "3.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "2.7"}, {"2015-16": "2.8"}, {"2016-17": "3.6"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "3"}, {"2015-16": "3.1"}]}}, {"state": "West Bengal", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "1.7"}, {"2014-15": "1.9"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "2.6"}, {"2015-16": "2.8"}, {"2016-17": "2.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "2.3"}, {"2015-16": "2.6"}]}}], "indicator": "Total Sector Expenditure as % of State Budget", "slugIndicator": "total_sector_expenditure_as_of_state_budget", "unit": "Percentage"}, {"stateFigures": [{"state": "Andhra Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "414.8"}, {"2014-15": ""}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "970.4"}, {"2015-16": "958.3"}, {"2016-17": "910.7"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "974.9"}, {"2015-16": "832.5"}]}}, {"state": "Assam", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "387.2"}, {"2014-15": "451.2"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "693.6"}, {"2015-16": "1195"}, {"2016-17": "714.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "728.2"}, {"2015-16": "905.2"}]}}, {"state": "Bihar", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "224.2"}, {"2014-15": "231"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "330.7"}, {"2015-16": "327.4"}, {"2016-17": "314"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "411.3"}, {"2015-16": "337.9"}]}}, {"state": "Chhattisgarh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "538.1"}, {"2014-15": "1602.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1824.6"}, {"2015-16": "854.7"}, {"2016-17": "1027.3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1794.9"}, {"2015-16": "868.5"}]}}, {"state": "Delhi", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "20.9"}, {"2014-15": "19.6"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "20.7"}, {"2015-16": "24.5"}, {"2016-17": "30.2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "21.1"}, {"2015-16": "26.6"}]}}, {"state": "Gujarat", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "537.5"}, {"2014-15": "524.2"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "662"}, {"2015-16": "684.9"}, {"2016-17": "809"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "644.9"}, {"2015-16": "619.7"}]}}, {"state": "Haryana", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "487.1"}, {"2014-15": "505.8"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "700"}, {"2015-16": "733.9"}, {"2016-17": "1016.2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "613.2"}, {"2015-16": "790.9"}]}}, {"state": "Himachal Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "946.9"}, {"2014-15": "1108.8"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "996.5"}, {"2015-16": "1300.2"}, {"2016-17": "1338.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1113.4"}, {"2015-16": "1254.1"}]}}, {"state": "Jammu and Kashmir", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "876"}, {"2014-15": "837.2"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1382.4"}, {"2015-16": "1578.6"}, {"2016-17": "2043.5"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1343.7"}, {"2015-16": "1649.3"}]}}, {"state": "Jharkhand", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "204.9"}, {"2014-15": "214.9"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "398.4"}, {"2015-16": "407.3"}, {"2016-17": "766.7"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "421.9"}, {"2015-16": "429.3"}]}}, {"state": "Karnataka", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "825.1"}, {"2014-15": "966.7"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1126.7"}, {"2015-16": "1075.6"}, {"2016-17": "1147.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1046.6"}, {"2015-16": "1100.2"}]}}, {"state": "Kerala", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "839"}, {"2014-15": "905.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1056.3"}, {"2015-16": "1145.8"}, {"2016-17": "1324.9"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "925.4"}, {"2015-16": "1019"}]}}, {"state": "Madhya Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "242.3"}, {"2014-15": "410.6"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "534.7"}, {"2015-16": "478.7"}, {"2016-17": "524.3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "515.9"}, {"2015-16": "582.5"}]}}, {"state": "Maharashtra", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "428.7"}, {"2014-15": "471.7"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "467.5"}, {"2015-16": "442"}, {"2016-17": "640.1"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "539.1"}, {"2015-16": "599.8"}]}}, {"state": "Meghalaya", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "1441.4"}, {"2014-15": "1499.5"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "2921.7"}, {"2015-16": "2433.5"}, {"2016-17": "2483.7"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "2921.7"}, {"2015-16": "2433.5"}]}}, {"state": "Mizoram", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "5265.9"}, {"2014-15": "5528.7"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "6106.5"}, {"2015-16": "4235.5"}, {"2016-17": "3127.2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "6128.5"}, {"2015-16": "4249.2"}]}}, {"state": "Odisha", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "557.3"}, {"2014-15": "748"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "777.1"}, {"2015-16": "889.7"}, {"2016-17": "969.5"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "832.9"}, {"2015-16": "904.9"}]}}, {"state": "Punjab", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "495.2"}, {"2014-15": "1300.5"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "2262"}, {"2015-16": "1477.8"}, {"2016-17": "2376"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1507.2"}, {"2015-16": "2415"}]}}, {"state": "Rajasthan", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "375.3"}, {"2014-15": "421.7"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "546.2"}, {"2015-16": "498.8"}, {"2016-17": "666.5"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "507.9"}, {"2015-16": "477"}]}}, {"state": "Sikkim", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "1899.4"}, {"2014-15": "2396.8"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "3238.6"}, {"2015-16": "3849.5"}, {"2016-17": "3826"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "3360.1"}, {"2015-16": "4139.9"}]}}, {"state": "Tamil Nadu", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "982.8"}, {"2014-15": "1026.3"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1021.4"}, {"2015-16": "1237.1"}, {"2016-17": "1296.3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1131.3"}, {"2015-16": "1216.2"}]}}, {"state": "Telangana", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": ""}, {"2014-15": ""}], "BE": [{"2014-15": ""}, {"2015-16": ""}, {"2016-17": ""}], "RE": [{"2014-15": ""}, {"2015-16": ""}]}}, {"state": "Tripura", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "762.7"}, {"2014-15": "944.6"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1284.1"}, {"2015-16": "1504.7"}, {"2016-17": "1304.6"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1272"}, {"2015-16": "1243.2"}]}}, {"state": "Uttar Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "219"}, {"2014-15": "287.6"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "295.8"}, {"2015-16": "376.6"}, {"2016-17": "407.3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "334.2"}, {"2015-16": "461.8"}]}}, {"state": "Uttarakhand", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "773.3"}, {"2014-15": "885.7"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "788.1"}, {"2015-16": "877"}, {"2016-17": "1357.3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "948.9"}, {"2015-16": "981.4"}]}}, {"state": "West Bengal", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "197.7"}, {"2014-15": "255.2"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "370.1"}, {"2015-16": "415.3"}, {"2016-17": "478.9"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "320.3"}, {"2015-16": "406.8"}]}}], "indicator": "Per Capita Expenditure on Sector ", "slugIndicator": "per_capita_expenditure_on_sector", "unit": "INR Rs."}, {"stateFigures": [{"state": "Andhra Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "99.3"}, {"2014-15": ""}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "98.6"}, {"2015-16": "98.1"}, {"2016-17": "98.2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "98.6"}, {"2015-16": "98.7"}]}}, {"state": "Assam", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "99.9"}, {"2014-15": "99.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "98.3"}, {"2015-16": "65.3"}, {"2016-17": "92.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "98.4"}, {"2015-16": "92.5"}]}}, {"state": "Bihar", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "99.7"}, {"2014-15": "99.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "99.2"}, {"2015-16": "87.6"}, {"2016-17": "99.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "99.1"}, {"2015-16": "97.1"}]}}, {"state": "Chhattisgarh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "88.2"}, {"2014-15": "99.5"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "97.7"}, {"2015-16": "94"}, {"2016-17": "97.5"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "99.2"}, {"2015-16": "96.8"}]}}, {"state": "Delhi", 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{"2015-16": "70.7"}]}}, {"state": "Jharkhand", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "97.7"}, {"2014-15": "89.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "91.3"}, {"2015-16": "90.8"}, {"2016-17": "72.1"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "91.4"}, {"2015-16": "91"}]}}, {"state": "Karnataka", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "95"}, {"2014-15": "96.8"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "95.9"}, {"2015-16": "97.3"}, {"2016-17": "97.7"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "95.9"}, {"2015-16": "98.1"}]}}, {"state": "Kerala", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "89.1"}, {"2014-15": "91"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "89.6"}, {"2015-16": "87.2"}, {"2016-17": "85.2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "88"}, {"2015-16": "84.3"}]}}, {"state": "Madhya Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "98.9"}, {"2014-15": "98.9"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "99.6"}, {"2015-16": "99.1"}, {"2016-17": "99.5"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "99.1"}, {"2015-16": "99.4"}]}}, {"state": "Maharashtra", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "98.2"}, {"2014-15": "98.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "98.2"}, {"2015-16": "97.9"}, {"2016-17": "98.1"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "98.5"}, {"2015-16": "98.5"}]}}, {"state": "Meghalaya", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "97.4"}, {"2014-15": "88.7"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "78.7"}, {"2015-16": "82.3"}, {"2016-17": "86.3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "78.7"}, {"2015-16": "82.3"}]}}, {"state": "Mizoram", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "97.4"}, {"2014-15": "99.1"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "99.2"}, {"2015-16": "98.4"}, {"2016-17": "100"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "99.2"}, {"2015-16": "98.1"}]}}, {"state": "Odisha", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "98.9"}, {"2014-15": "93.1"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "93.2"}, {"2015-16": "93.3"}, {"2016-17": "95.9"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "94.2"}, {"2015-16": "93.8"}]}}, {"state": "Punjab", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "95.7"}, {"2014-15": "99.7"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "99.3"}, {"2015-16": "99"}, {"2016-17": "99.3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "99.6"}, {"2015-16": "99.4"}]}}, {"state": "Rajasthan", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "91.8"}, {"2014-15": "89.1"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "88.9"}, {"2015-16": "92.6"}, {"2016-17": "88.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "90.1"}, {"2015-16": "92.1"}]}}, {"state": "Sikkim", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "94.8"}, {"2014-15": "98.2"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "98.1"}, {"2015-16": "97.5"}, {"2016-17": "91"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "97.9"}, {"2015-16": "97.7"}]}}, {"state": "Tamil Nadu", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "92.5"}, {"2014-15": "92.9"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "92.4"}, {"2015-16": "89.8"}, {"2016-17": "89.1"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "91.2"}, {"2015-16": "90"}]}}, {"state": "Telangana", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": ""}, {"2014-15": "99"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "98.5"}, {"2015-16": "92.7"}, {"2016-17": "95.7"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "98.5"}, {"2015-16": "91.9"}]}}, {"state": "Tripura", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "85.1"}, {"2014-15": "87.5"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "69.1"}, {"2015-16": "72.1"}, {"2016-17": "78.1"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "73.8"}, {"2015-16": "77.6"}]}}, {"state": "Uttar Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "75.4"}, {"2014-15": "75.6"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "78.2"}, {"2015-16": "76.7"}, {"2016-17": "76.5"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "75.5"}, {"2015-16": "76.4"}]}}, {"state": "Uttarakhand", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "71"}, {"2014-15": "84.8"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "99.2"}, {"2015-16": "98.3"}, {"2016-17": "92.9"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "85.6"}, {"2015-16": "96"}]}}, {"state": "West Bengal", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "80.2"}, {"2014-15": "73.9"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "67.2"}, {"2015-16": "75.2"}, {"2016-17": "70.7"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "67.5"}, {"2015-16": "71.8"}]}}], "indicator": "Revenue Expenditure as % of Total Sector Expenditure", "slugIndicator": "revenue_expenditure_as_of_total_sector_expenditure", "unit": "Percentage"}, {"stateFigures": [{"state": "Andhra Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "0.7"}, {"2014-15": ""}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1.4"}, {"2015-16": "1.9"}, {"2016-17": "1.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1.4"}, {"2015-16": "1.3"}]}}, {"state": "Assam", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "0.1"}, {"2014-15": "0.6"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1.7"}, {"2015-16": "34.7"}, {"2016-17": "7.2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1.6"}, {"2015-16": "7.5"}]}}, {"state": "Bihar", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "0.3"}, {"2014-15": "0.6"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "0.8"}, {"2015-16": "12.4"}, {"2016-17": "0.6"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "0.9"}, {"2015-16": "2.9"}]}}, {"state": "Chhattisgarh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "11.8"}, {"2014-15": "0.5"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "2.3"}, {"2015-16": "6"}, {"2016-17": "2.5"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "0.8"}, {"2015-16": "3.2"}]}}, {"state": "Delhi", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "3.2"}, {"2014-15": "6"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "6"}, {"2015-16": "5.9"}, {"2016-17": "4.7"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "7.1"}, {"2015-16": "5.5"}]}}, {"state": "Gujarat", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "6.3"}, {"2014-15": "3.5"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "8.4"}, {"2015-16": "7.9"}, {"2016-17": "11.6"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "3.7"}, {"2015-16": "7.6"}]}}, {"state": "Haryana", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "0.8"}, {"2014-15": "0.3"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1.1"}, {"2015-16": "1.1"}, {"2016-17": "2.3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1.2"}, {"2015-16": "9.5"}]}}, {"state": "Himachal Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "11.5"}, {"2014-15": "9.9"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "8.7"}, {"2015-16": "8.1"}, {"2016-17": "7.9"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "9.8"}, {"2015-16": "12.5"}]}}, {"state": "Jammu and Kashmir", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "3.2"}, {"2014-15": "2"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "26.6"}, {"2015-16": "29.5"}, {"2016-17": "40.6"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "29.3"}, {"2015-16": "29.3"}]}}, {"state": "Jharkhand", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "2.3"}, {"2014-15": "10.6"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "8.7"}, {"2015-16": "9.2"}, {"2016-17": "27.9"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "8.6"}, {"2015-16": "9"}]}}, {"state": "Karnataka", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "5"}, {"2014-15": "3.2"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "4.1"}, {"2015-16": "2.7"}, {"2016-17": "2.3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "4.1"}, {"2015-16": "1.9"}]}}, {"state": "Kerala", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "10.9"}, {"2014-15": "9"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "10.4"}, {"2015-16": "12.8"}, {"2016-17": "14.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "12"}, {"2015-16": "15.7"}]}}, {"state": "Madhya Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "1.1"}, {"2014-15": "1.1"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "0.4"}, {"2015-16": "0.9"}, {"2016-17": "0.5"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "0.9"}, {"2015-16": "0.6"}]}}, {"state": "Maharashtra", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "1.8"}, {"2014-15": "1.6"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1.8"}, {"2015-16": "2.1"}, {"2016-17": "1.9"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1.5"}, {"2015-16": "1.5"}]}}, {"state": "Meghalaya", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "2.6"}, {"2014-15": "11.3"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "21.3"}, {"2015-16": "17.7"}, {"2016-17": "13.7"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "21.3"}, {"2015-16": "17.7"}]}}, {"state": "Mizoram", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "2.6"}, {"2014-15": "0.9"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "0.8"}, {"2015-16": "1.6"}, {"2016-17": "0"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "0.8"}, {"2015-16": "1.9"}]}}, {"state": "Odisha", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "1.1"}, {"2014-15": "6.9"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "6.8"}, {"2015-16": "6.7"}, {"2016-17": "4.1"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "5.8"}, {"2015-16": "6.2"}]}}, {"state": "Punjab", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "4.3"}, {"2014-15": "0.3"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "0.7"}, {"2015-16": "1"}, {"2016-17": "0.7"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "0.4"}, {"2015-16": "0.6"}]}}, {"state": "Rajasthan", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "8.2"}, {"2014-15": "10.9"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "11.1"}, {"2015-16": "7.4"}, {"2016-17": "11.2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "9.9"}, {"2015-16": "7.9"}]}}, {"state": "Sikkim", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "5.2"}, {"2014-15": "1.8"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1.9"}, {"2015-16": "2.5"}, {"2016-17": "9"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "2.1"}, {"2015-16": "2.3"}]}}, {"state": "Tamil Nadu", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "7.5"}, {"2014-15": "7.1"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "7.6"}, {"2015-16": "10.2"}, {"2016-17": "10.9"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "8.8"}, {"2015-16": "10"}]}}, {"state": "Telangana", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": ""}, {"2014-15": "1"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1.5"}, {"2015-16": "7.3"}, {"2016-17": "4.3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1.5"}, {"2015-16": "8.1"}]}}, {"state": "Tripura", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "14.9"}, {"2014-15": "12.5"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "30.9"}, {"2015-16": "27.9"}, {"2016-17": "21.9"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "26.2"}, {"2015-16": "22.4"}]}}, {"state": "Uttar Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "24.6"}, {"2014-15": "24.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "21.8"}, {"2015-16": "23.3"}, {"2016-17": "23.5"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "24.5"}, {"2015-16": "23.6"}]}}, {"state": "Uttarakhand", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "29"}, {"2014-15": "15.2"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "0.8"}, {"2015-16": "1.7"}, {"2016-17": "7.1"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "14.4"}, {"2015-16": "4"}]}}, {"state": "West Bengal", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "19.8"}, {"2014-15": "26.1"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "32.8"}, {"2015-16": "24.8"}, {"2016-17": "29.3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "32.5"}, {"2015-16": "28.2"}]}}], "indicator": "Capital Expenditure (including Loans & Advances ) as % of Total Sector Expenditure", "slugIndicator": "capital_expenditure_including_loans_advances_as_of_total_sector_expenditure", "unit": "Percentage"}], "slugSector": "agriculture_allied_activities"}, {"sector": " Cooperation & Food, Civil Supplies ", "subIndicators": [{"stateFigures": [{"state": "Andhra Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "3426.5"}, {"2014-15": ""}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "2499.7"}, {"2015-16": "2634.1"}, {"2016-17": "2899.7"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "2455.8"}, {"2015-16": "2632.4"}]}}, {"state": "Assam", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "76.7"}, {"2014-15": "171.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "498.7"}, {"2015-16": "314.1"}, {"2016-17": "902.9"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "518.5"}, {"2015-16": "479"}]}}, {"state": "Bihar", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "1153.7"}, {"2014-15": "1335.5"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1270.4"}, {"2015-16": "2879.8"}, {"2016-17": "2816"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "2012.2"}, {"2015-16": "3309.3"}]}}, {"state": "Chhattisgarh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "6014.4"}, {"2014-15": "2810.9"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "4631.7"}, {"2015-16": "8320.8"}, {"2016-17": "5020.9"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "3949.6"}, {"2015-16": "7432.6"}]}}, {"state": "Delhi", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "209.9"}, {"2014-15": "139.5"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "209.3"}, {"2015-16": "181.2"}, {"2016-17": "249.7"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "145.2"}, {"2015-16": "161"}]}}, {"state": "Gujarat", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "350.8"}, {"2014-15": "477.8"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "511.3"}, {"2015-16": "626.2"}, {"2016-17": "903.5"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "493"}, {"2015-16": "585"}]}}, {"state": "Haryana", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "-711.2321"}, {"2014-15": "-397.4314"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "570.3572"}, {"2015-16": "361.3772"}, {"2016-17": "671.9539"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "431.7655"}, {"2015-16": "522.8522"}]}}, {"state": "Himachal Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "330.8"}, {"2014-15": "287.5"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "269"}, {"2015-16": "263.9"}, {"2016-17": "272.7"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "287.5"}, {"2015-16": "218.9"}]}}, {"state": "Jammu and Kashmir", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "883.7"}, {"2014-15": "957.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1004.3"}, {"2015-16": "994"}, {"2016-17": "769.5"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1022"}, {"2015-16": "1072"}]}}, {"state": "Jharkhand", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "656.1"}, {"2014-15": "959"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1152.4"}, {"2015-16": "1369.6"}, {"2016-17": "1594.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1064.2"}, {"2015-16": "1037.5"}]}}, {"state": "Karnataka", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "6339.2"}, {"2014-15": "3735.1"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "4953.6"}, {"2015-16": "3441.8"}, {"2016-17": "3558.6"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "3437.5"}, {"2015-16": "3509.1"}]}}, {"state": "Kerala", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "1336.2"}, {"2014-15": "1608.9"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1278.7"}, {"2015-16": "1185.7"}, {"2016-17": "1378.3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1423.3"}, {"2015-16": "1526.8"}]}}, {"state": "Madhya Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "2542.6"}, {"2014-15": "2919.2"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "2987.6"}, {"2015-16": "2145"}, {"2016-17": "2360.5"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "3391.6"}, {"2015-16": "3737.9"}]}}, {"state": "Maharashtra", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "4741.6"}, {"2014-15": "8610.2"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "4574.4"}, {"2015-16": "7797.3"}, {"2016-17": "7474.7"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "7509.4"}, {"2015-16": "7722.5"}]}}, {"state": "Meghalaya", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "42.7"}, {"2014-15": "42"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "57.2"}, {"2015-16": "41.2"}, {"2016-17": "150.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "57.2"}, {"2015-16": "41.2"}]}}, {"state": "Mizoram", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "207.9"}, {"2014-15": "232.8"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "281.8"}, {"2015-16": "305.5"}, {"2016-17": "272.7"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "402.4"}, {"2015-16": "381"}]}}, {"state": "Odisha", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "2042.4"}, {"2014-15": "2173.2"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "2512.6"}, {"2015-16": "2451.7"}, {"2016-17": "2776.3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "2604.4"}, {"2015-16": "2302.9"}]}}, {"state": "Punjab", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "677.5"}, {"2014-15": "611.5"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "900"}, {"2015-16": "1342.6"}, {"2016-17": "1306.1"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "686.2"}, {"2015-16": "1101.3"}]}}, {"state": "Rajasthan", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "1499.1"}, {"2014-15": "1598.7"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1426.1"}, {"2015-16": "1185.1"}, {"2016-17": "1284.3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1667.2"}, {"2015-16": "1049.3"}]}}, {"state": "Sikkim", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "42.7"}, {"2014-15": "48.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "51.6"}, {"2015-16": "44.4"}, {"2016-17": "43.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "53.8"}, {"2015-16": "44.8"}]}}, {"state": "Tamil Nadu", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "5606.2"}, {"2014-15": "5870.1"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "6619.2"}, {"2015-16": "6716.1"}, {"2016-17": "8622.6"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "6466.8"}, {"2015-16": "6419.8"}]}}, {"state": "Telangana", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": ""}, {"2014-15": "867.6"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1347.3"}, {"2015-16": "2579.5"}, {"2016-17": "2514.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1347.3"}, {"2015-16": "1945.3"}]}}, {"state": "Tripura", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "100.8"}, {"2014-15": "121.7"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "77.6"}, {"2015-16": "135.5"}, {"2016-17": "126"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "134.4"}, {"2015-16": "112"}]}}, {"state": "Uttar Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "6245.6"}, {"2014-15": "7339.8"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "9550.7"}, {"2015-16": "9311.8"}, {"2016-17": "8460.9"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "9599.7"}, {"2015-16": "10093"}]}}, {"state": "Uttarakhand", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "594.9"}, {"2014-15": "374.2"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "283.2"}, {"2015-16": "386.4"}, {"2016-17": "414.2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "356.4"}, {"2015-16": "330.5"}]}}, {"state": "West Bengal", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "2796"}, {"2014-15": "1504.5"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "3439.1"}, {"2015-16": "1825.4"}, {"2016-17": "6090.9"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "3362.1"}, {"2015-16": "3744.2"}]}}], "indicator": "Total Sector Expenditure", "slugIndicator": "total_sector_expenditure", "unit": "INR (in Crores)"}, {"stateFigures": [{"state": "Andhra Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "2.5"}, {"2014-15": ""}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "2.2"}, {"2015-16": "2.3"}, {"2016-17": "2.1"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "2.2"}, {"2015-16": "2.3"}]}}, {"state": "Assam", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "0.2"}, {"2014-15": "0.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "0.9"}, {"2015-16": "0.5"}, {"2016-17": "1.2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "0.8"}, {"2015-16": "0.6"}]}}, {"state": "Bihar", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "1.4"}, {"2014-15": "1.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1.1"}, {"2015-16": "2.4"}, {"2016-17": "1.9"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1.5"}, {"2015-16": "2.5"}]}}, {"state": "Chhattisgarh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "15.5"}, {"2014-15": "6.1"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "8.5"}, {"2015-16": "12.8"}, {"2016-17": "7.2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "7.2"}, {"2015-16": "11.3"}]}}, {"state": "Delhi", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "0.6"}, {"2014-15": ""}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "0.6"}, {"2015-16": "0.4"}, {"2016-17": "0.5"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "0.4"}, {"2015-16": ""}]}}, {"state": "Gujarat", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "0.3"}, {"2014-15": "0.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "0.4"}, {"2015-16": "0.5"}, {"2016-17": "0.6"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "0.4"}, {"2015-16": "0.4"}]}}, {"state": "Haryana", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "-1.5"}, {"2014-15": "-0.7"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1"}, {"2015-16": "0.5"}, {"2016-17": "0.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "0.7"}, {"2015-16": "0.6"}]}}, {"state": "Himachal Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "1.5"}, {"2014-15": "1.1"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1.1"}, {"2015-16": "0.9"}, {"2016-17": "0.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1.2"}, {"2015-16": "0.8"}]}}, {"state": "Jammu and Kashmir", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "2.7"}, {"2014-15": "2.7"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "2.3"}, {"2015-16": "2.1"}, {"2016-17": "1.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "2.4"}, {"2015-16": "2.2"}]}}, {"state": "Jharkhand", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "2.2"}, {"2014-15": "2.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "2.3"}, {"2015-16": "2.5"}, {"2016-17": "2.5"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "2.1"}, {"2015-16": "1.8"}]}}, {"state": "Karnataka", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "5.9"}, {"2014-15": "3"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "3.8"}, {"2015-16": "2.5"}, {"2016-17": "2.3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "2.7"}, {"2015-16": "2.5"}]}}, {"state": "Kerala", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "2"}, {"2014-15": "2.1"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1.6"}, {"2015-16": "1.2"}, {"2016-17": "1.3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1.8"}, {"2015-16": "1.7"}]}}, {"state": "Madhya Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "3"}, {"2014-15": "2.9"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "2.6"}, {"2015-16": "1.6"}, {"2016-17": "1.6"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "2.9"}, {"2015-16": "2.8"}]}}, {"state": "Maharashtra", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "2.7"}, {"2014-15": "4.3"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "2.2"}, {"2015-16": "3.4"}, {"2016-17": "2.9"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "3.4"}, {"2015-16": "3.3"}]}}, {"state": "Meghalaya", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "0.6"}, {"2014-15": "0.6"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "0.5"}, {"2015-16": "0.4"}, {"2016-17": "1.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "0.5"}, {"2015-16": "0.4"}]}}, {"state": "Mizoram", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "3.7"}, {"2014-15": "3"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "4.2"}, {"2015-16": "3.9"}, {"2016-17": "3.3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "5.3"}, {"2015-16": "4.5"}]}}, {"state": "Odisha", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "3.6"}, {"2014-15": "3.3"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "3.1"}, {"2015-16": "2.9"}, {"2016-17": "3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "3.4"}, {"2015-16": "2.7"}]}}, {"state": "Punjab", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "1.1"}, {"2014-15": "0.8"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1.2"}, {"2015-16": "1.7"}, {"2016-17": "1.5"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "0.9"}, {"2015-16": "1.4"}]}}, {"state": "Rajasthan", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "1.6"}, {"2014-15": "1.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1.1"}, {"2015-16": "0.9"}, {"2016-17": "0.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1.3"}, {"2015-16": "0.8"}]}}, {"state": "Sikkim", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "1"}, {"2014-15": "1"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "0.8"}, {"2015-16": "0.8"}, {"2016-17": "0.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "0.8"}, {"2015-16": "0.8"}]}}, {"state": "Tamil Nadu", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "4.4"}, {"2014-15": "3.9"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "4.3"}, {"2015-16": "3.8"}, {"2016-17": "4.6"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "4"}, {"2015-16": "3.8"}]}}, {"state": "Telangana", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": ""}, {"2014-15": "1.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1.4"}, {"2015-16": "2.2"}, {"2016-17": "1.9"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1.4"}, {"2015-16": "1.9"}]}}, {"state": "Tripura", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "1.3"}, {"2014-15": "1.1"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "0.6"}, {"2015-16": "0.9"}, {"2016-17": "0.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1.1"}, {"2015-16": "0.9"}]}}, {"state": "Uttar Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "3.1"}, {"2014-15": "3.1"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "3.5"}, {"2015-16": "3.1"}, {"2016-17": "2.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "3.6"}, {"2015-16": "3.1"}]}}, {"state": "Uttarakhand", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "2.7"}, {"2014-15": "1.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "0.9"}, {"2015-16": "1.2"}, {"2016-17": "1"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1.1"}, {"2015-16": "1"}]}}, {"state": "West Bengal", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "2.6"}, {"2014-15": "1.2"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "2.6"}, {"2015-16": "1.3"}, {"2016-17": "3.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "2.6"}, {"2015-16": "2.6"}]}}], "indicator": "Total Sector Expenditure as % of State Budget", "slugIndicator": "total_sector_expenditure_as_of_state_budget", "unit": "Percentage"}, {"stateFigures": [{"state": "Andhra Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "397.4"}, {"2014-15": ""}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "287.5"}, {"2015-16": "300.5"}, {"2016-17": "328.2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "282.4"}, {"2015-16": "300.3"}]}}, {"state": "Assam", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "24.5"}, {"2014-15": "54.1"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "157.4"}, {"2015-16": "98"}, {"2016-17": "278.2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "163.6"}, {"2015-16": "149.4"}]}}, {"state": "Bihar", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "115"}, {"2014-15": "131.5"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "125.1"}, {"2015-16": "280.3"}, {"2016-17": "271"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "198.2"}, {"2015-16": "322.1"}]}}, {"state": "Chhattisgarh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "2414.6"}, {"2014-15": "1114"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1835.6"}, {"2015-16": "3256"}, {"2016-17": "1940.1"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1565.3"}, {"2015-16": "2908.5"}]}}, {"state": "Delhi", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "107.5"}, {"2014-15": "69.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "104.1"}, {"2015-16": "87.6"}, {"2016-17": "117.3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "72.3"}, {"2015-16": "77.9"}]}}, {"state": "Gujarat", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "57.9"}, {"2014-15": "77.9"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "83.4"}, {"2015-16": "100.9"}, {"2016-17": "143.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "80.4"}, {"2015-16": "94.2"}]}}, {"state": "Haryana", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "-270.8"}, {"2014-15": "-149"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "213.8"}, {"2015-16": "133.5"}, {"2016-17": "244.6"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "161.9"}, {"2015-16": "193.1"}]}}, {"state": "Himachal Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "478.2"}, {"2014-15": "412"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "385.5"}, {"2015-16": "375.1"}, {"2016-17": "384.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "411.9"}, {"2015-16": "311.1"}]}}, {"state": "Jammu and Kashmir", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "735.8"}, {"2014-15": "787.9"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "826.5"}, {"2015-16": "808.9"}, {"2016-17": "619.6"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "841"}, {"2015-16": "872.3"}]}}, {"state": "Jharkhand", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "202.9"}, {"2014-15": "292.7"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "351.7"}, {"2015-16": "412.5"}, {"2016-17": "473.9"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "324.8"}, {"2015-16": "312.5"}]}}, {"state": "Karnataka", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "1045.7"}, {"2014-15": "610.2"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "809.2"}, {"2015-16": "557"}, {"2016-17": "570.5"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "561.5"}, {"2015-16": "567.8"}]}}, {"state": "Kerala", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "381.4"}, {"2014-15": "456.3"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "362.7"}, {"2015-16": "334.3"}, {"2016-17": "386.3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "403.7"}, {"2015-16": "430.4"}]}}, {"state": "Madhya Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "294.9"}, {"2014-15": "335.7"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "343.6"}, {"2015-16": "244.7"}, {"2016-17": "267.1"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "390.1"}, {"2015-16": "426.4"}]}}, {"state": "Maharashtra", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "409.8"}, {"2014-15": "734.7"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "390.3"}, {"2015-16": "657.2"}, {"2016-17": "622.5"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "640.8"}, {"2015-16": "650.9"}]}}, {"state": "Meghalaya", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "159"}, {"2014-15": "154.8"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "211.1"}, {"2015-16": "150.3"}, {"2016-17": "542.3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "210.8"}, {"2015-16": "150.3"}]}}, {"state": "Mizoram", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "2022"}, {"2014-15": "2240.9"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "2712.5"}, {"2015-16": "2906.5"}, {"2016-17": "2565.6"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "3873.3"}, {"2015-16": "3624.9"}]}}, {"state": "Odisha", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "492.7"}, {"2014-15": "519.9"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "601.1"}, {"2015-16": "581.8"}, {"2016-17": "653.6"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "623.1"}, {"2015-16": "546.5"}]}}, {"state": "Punjab", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "239.6"}, {"2014-15": "214"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "315.1"}, {"2015-16": "465.4"}, {"2016-17": "448.6"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "240.2"}, {"2015-16": "381.8"}]}}, {"state": "Rajasthan", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "214.3"}, {"2014-15": "225.3"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "200.9"}, {"2015-16": "164.7"}, {"2016-17": "176.1"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "234.9"}, {"2015-16": "145.8"}]}}, {"state": "Sikkim", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "681.6"}, {"2014-15": "765.3"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "815.7"}, {"2015-16": "693.3"}, {"2016-17": "677.3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "849.3"}, {"2015-16": "699.9"}]}}, {"state": "Tamil Nadu", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "821.2"}, {"2014-15": "855"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "964.1"}, {"2015-16": "972.9"}, {"2016-17": "1242.5"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "941.9"}, {"2015-16": "930"}]}}, {"state": "Telangana", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": ""}, {"2014-15": ""}], "BE": [{"2014-15": ""}, {"2015-16": ""}, {"2016-17": ""}], "RE": [{"2014-15": ""}, {"2015-16": ""}]}}, {"state": "Tripura", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "272.3"}, {"2014-15": "325.2"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "207.4"}, {"2015-16": "358"}, {"2016-17": "329.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "359.2"}, {"2015-16": "296"}]}}, {"state": "Uttar Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "300.6"}, {"2014-15": "347.5"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "452.2"}, {"2015-16": "433.8"}, {"2016-17": "388"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "454.5"}, {"2015-16": "470.2"}]}}, {"state": "Uttarakhand", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "581.8"}, {"2014-15": "361.1"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "273.3"}, {"2015-16": "368"}, {"2016-17": "389.6"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "344"}, {"2015-16": "314.8"}]}}, {"state": "West Bengal", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "306.8"}, {"2014-15": "163.7"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "374.1"}, {"2015-16": "196.9"}, {"2016-17": "651.1"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "365.8"}, {"2015-16": "403.8"}]}}], "indicator": "Per Capita Expenditure on Sector ", "slugIndicator": "per_capita_expenditure_on_sector", "unit": "INR Rs."}, {"stateFigures": [{"state": "Andhra Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "100"}, {"2014-15": ""}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "100"}, {"2015-16": "99.8"}, {"2016-17": "99.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "100"}, {"2015-16": "99.8"}]}}, {"state": "Assam", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "91.2"}, {"2014-15": "99.1"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "99.3"}, {"2015-16": "96.8"}, {"2016-17": "99.7"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "97.8"}, {"2015-16": "97.9"}]}}, {"state": "Bihar", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "94.4"}, {"2014-15": "90.7"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "95.4"}, {"2015-16": "94.3"}, {"2016-17": "95.1"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "92"}, {"2015-16": "94.1"}]}}, {"state": "Chhattisgarh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "80.1"}, {"2014-15": "97.9"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "97.8"}, {"2015-16": "98.1"}, {"2016-17": "97"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "96.5"}, {"2015-16": "97.5"}]}}, {"state": "Delhi", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "98.8"}, {"2014-15": "96.2"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "94.1"}, {"2015-16": "97.2"}, {"2016-17": "98.7"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "96.3"}, {"2015-16": "100"}]}}, {"state": "Gujarat", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "97.1"}, {"2014-15": "98.5"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "75.4"}, {"2015-16": "77.2"}, {"2016-17": "85"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "96.2"}, {"2015-16": "81.3"}]}}, {"state": "Haryana", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "-46.9"}, {"2014-15": "-110"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "74.8"}, {"2015-16": "147"}, {"2016-17": "87"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "101"}, {"2015-16": "126.7"}]}}, {"state": "Himachal Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "85.9"}, {"2014-15": "84.6"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "100"}, {"2015-16": "99"}, {"2016-17": "99.3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "84.6"}, {"2015-16": "98.5"}]}}, {"state": "Jammu and Kashmir", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "0.8"}, {"2014-15": "0.8"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "2.8"}, {"2015-16": "0.9"}, {"2016-17": "20.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "0.8"}, {"2015-16": "0.9"}]}}, 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"29.3"}, {"2015-16": "39.7"}]}}, {"state": "Meghalaya", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "80.6"}, {"2014-15": "86.3"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "73.7"}, {"2015-16": "77.5"}, {"2016-17": "88.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "73.7"}, {"2015-16": "77.5"}]}}, {"state": "Mizoram", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "44.8"}, {"2014-15": "37.9"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "30.1"}, {"2015-16": "29.2"}, {"2016-17": "31.5"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "27"}, {"2015-16": "27.5"}]}}, {"state": "Odisha", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "93.3"}, {"2014-15": "97.2"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "88.8"}, {"2015-16": "90.1"}, {"2016-17": "89.2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "88.7"}, {"2015-16": "92"}]}}, {"state": "Punjab", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "81.5"}, {"2014-15": "56.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "76.9"}, {"2015-16": "49.3"}, {"2016-17": "73.2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "53.9"}, {"2015-16": "58.6"}]}}, {"state": "Rajasthan", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "88"}, {"2014-15": "90.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "85.3"}, {"2015-16": "90.1"}, {"2016-17": "85.1"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "88.9"}, {"2015-16": "90.9"}]}}, {"state": "Sikkim", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "91.1"}, {"2014-15": "83"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "80.9"}, {"2015-16": "86.2"}, {"2016-17": "92.1"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "78.8"}, {"2015-16": "85.7"}]}}, {"state": "Tamil Nadu", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "97.4"}, {"2014-15": "95.3"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "89.4"}, {"2015-16": "89.6"}, {"2016-17": "92.7"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "91.3"}, {"2015-16": "93.7"}]}}, {"state": "Telangana", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": ""}, {"2014-15": "100"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "99.6"}, {"2015-16": "100"}, {"2016-17": "100"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "99.6"}, {"2015-16": "100"}]}}, {"state": "Tripura", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "88.2"}, {"2014-15": "94.2"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "94.8"}, {"2015-16": "93.1"}, {"2016-17": "88"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "93.4"}, {"2015-16": "91.1"}]}}, {"state": "Uttar Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "16.6"}, {"2014-15": "17.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "13.3"}, {"2015-16": "7.5"}, {"2016-17": "9.2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "13.6"}, {"2015-16": "6.6"}]}}, {"state": "Uttarakhand", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "10.5"}, {"2014-15": "64.9"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "95.8"}, {"2015-16": "94.8"}, {"2016-17": "95.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "96.2"}, {"2015-16": "93"}]}}, {"state": "West Bengal", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "95.9"}, {"2014-15": "89.3"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "95.4"}, {"2015-16": "89.7"}, {"2016-17": "96.3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "94.8"}, {"2015-16": "93.4"}]}}], "indicator": "Revenue Expenditure as % of Total Sector Expenditure", "slugIndicator": "revenue_expenditure_as_of_total_sector_expenditure", "unit": "Percentage"}, {"stateFigures": [{"state": "Andhra Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "0.044"}, {"2014-15": ""}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "0"}, {"2015-16": "0.204"}, {"2016-17": "0.169"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "0"}, {"2015-16": "0.228"}]}}, {"state": "Assam", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "10.428"}, {"2014-15": "0.916"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "0.702"}, {"2015-16": "3.17"}, {"2016-17": "0.338"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "2.193"}, {"2015-16": "2.125"}]}}, {"state": "Bihar", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "5.557"}, {"2014-15": "9.265"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "4.587"}, {"2015-16": "5.709"}, {"2016-17": "4.9"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "7.98"}, {"2015-16": "5.86"}]}}, {"state": "Chhattisgarh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "19.948"}, {"2014-15": "2.055"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "2.198"}, {"2015-16": "1.945"}, {"2016-17": "2.958"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "3.468"}, {"2015-16": "2.475"}]}}, {"state": "Delhi", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "1.166"}, {"2014-15": "3.811"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "5.902"}, {"2015-16": "2.76"}, {"2016-17": "1.281"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "3.718"}, {"2015-16": "0"}]}}, {"state": "Gujarat", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "2.876"}, {"2014-15": "1.483"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "24.641"}, {"2015-16": "22.825"}, {"2016-17": "15.013"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "3.76"}, {"2015-16": "18.714"}]}}, {"state": "Haryana", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "146.908"}, {"2014-15": "210.038"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "25.198"}, {"2015-16": "-47.026"}, {"2016-17": "13.014"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "-1.037"}, {"2015-16": "-26.717"}]}}, {"state": "Himachal Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "14.131"}, {"2014-15": "15.406"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "0"}, {"2015-16": "0.997"}, {"2016-17": "0.719"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "15.407"}, {"2015-16": "1.452"}]}}, {"state": "Jammu and Kashmir", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "99.181"}, {"2014-15": "99.221"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "97.239"}, {"2015-16": "99.073"}, {"2016-17": "79.552"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "99.188"}, {"2015-16": "99.123"}]}}, {"state": "Jharkhand", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "1.623"}, {"2014-15": "2.112"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "3.121"}, {"2015-16": "2.468"}, {"2016-17": "6.348"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "3.004"}, {"2015-16": "3.258"}]}}, {"state": "Karnataka", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "0.589"}, {"2014-15": "0.664"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "0.609"}, {"2015-16": "3.715"}, {"2016-17": "1.725"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "0.733"}, {"2015-16": "3.034"}]}}, {"state": "Kerala", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "8.968"}, {"2014-15": "16.926"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "9.271"}, {"2015-16": "11.799"}, {"2016-17": "10.763"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "13.67"}, {"2015-16": "9.567"}]}}, {"state": "Madhya Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "13.396"}, {"2014-15": "14.559"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "10.306"}, {"2015-16": "16.331"}, {"2016-17": "16.549"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "13.413"}, {"2015-16": "25.689"}]}}, {"state": "Maharashtra", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "71.947"}, {"2014-15": "75.989"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "56.754"}, {"2015-16": "71.156"}, {"2016-17": "63.248"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "70.721"}, {"2015-16": "60.334"}]}}, {"state": "Meghalaya", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "19.436"}, {"2014-15": "13.693"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "26.292"}, {"2015-16": "22.509"}, {"2016-17": "11.245"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "26.334"}, {"2015-16": "22.509"}]}}, {"state": "Mizoram", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "55.213"}, {"2014-15": "62.117"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "69.853"}, {"2015-16": "70.773"}, {"2016-17": "68.452"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "73.044"}, {"2015-16": "72.524"}]}}, {"state": "Odisha", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "6.704"}, {"2014-15": "2.787"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "11.168"}, {"2015-16": "9.889"}, {"2016-17": "10.788"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "11.259"}, {"2015-16": "7.996"}]}}, {"state": "Punjab", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "18.548"}, {"2014-15": "43.588"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "23.132"}, {"2015-16": "50.652"}, {"2016-17": "26.802"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "46.129"}, {"2015-16": "41.431"}]}}, {"state": "Rajasthan", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "12.012"}, {"2014-15": "9.639"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "14.668"}, {"2015-16": "9.933"}, {"2016-17": "14.908"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "11.107"}, {"2015-16": "9.138"}]}}, {"state": "Sikkim", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "8.945"}, {"2014-15": "16.991"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "19.105"}, {"2015-16": "13.803"}, {"2016-17": "7.872"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "21.188"}, {"2015-16": "14.335"}]}}, {"state": "Tamil Nadu", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "2.618"}, {"2014-15": "4.729"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "10.63"}, {"2015-16": "10.375"}, {"2016-17": "7.292"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "8.691"}, {"2015-16": "6.254"}]}}, {"state": "Telangana", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": ""}, {"2014-15": "0"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "0.404"}, {"2015-16": "0"}, {"2016-17": "0"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "0.404"}, {"2015-16": "0"}]}}, {"state": "Tripura", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "11.798"}, {"2014-15": "5.787"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "5.169"}, {"2015-16": "6.94"}, {"2016-17": "12.048"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "6.561"}, {"2015-16": "8.907"}]}}, {"state": "Uttar Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "83.423"}, {"2014-15": "82.603"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "86.716"}, {"2015-16": "92.511"}, {"2016-17": "90.77"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "86.417"}, {"2015-16": "93.412"}]}}, {"state": "Uttarakhand", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "89.485"}, {"2014-15": "35.149"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "4.237"}, {"2015-16": "5.177"}, {"2016-17": "4.585"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "3.775"}, {"2015-16": "7.02"}]}}, {"state": "West Bengal", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "6.225"}, {"2014-15": "10.706"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "4.605"}, {"2015-16": "10.286"}, {"2016-17": "3.711"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "5.19"}, {"2015-16": "6.572"}]}}], "indicator": "Capital Expenditure (including Loans & Advances ) as % of Total Sector Expenditure", "slugIndicator": "capital_expenditure_including_loans_advances_as_of_total_sector_expenditure", "unit": "Percentage"}], "slugSector": "cooperation_food_civil_supplies"}, {"sector": " Rural Development", "subIndicators": [{"stateFigures": [{"state": "Andhra Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "4157.1"}, {"2014-15": ""}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "6094.4"}, {"2015-16": "8185.9"}, {"2016-17": "10434.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "6269"}, {"2015-16": "14388.2"}]}}, {"state": "Assam", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "332.3"}, {"2014-15": "1691"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "2806.2"}, {"2015-16": "3286.5"}, {"2016-17": "4069.9"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "2806.5"}, {"2015-16": "3298.7"}]}}, {"state": "Bihar", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "4052.4"}, {"2014-15": "7411.8"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "12048.7"}, {"2015-16": "12037.2"}, {"2016-17": "12660.6"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "12438.3"}, {"2015-16": "14433.7"}]}}, {"state": "Chhattisgarh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "3264.3"}, {"2014-15": "5704.3"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "7583.3"}, {"2015-16": "8126.9"}, {"2016-17": "6007.3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "8138.9"}, {"2015-16": "8479.5"}]}}, {"state": "Delhi", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "164"}, {"2014-15": "11.5"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "203"}, {"2015-16": "177"}, {"2016-17": "170.1"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "100.3"}, {"2015-16": "102"}]}}, {"state": "Gujarat", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "3021.8"}, {"2014-15": "3251.3"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "4424.9"}, {"2015-16": "4646.1"}, {"2016-17": "5212.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "4010.6"}, {"2015-16": "5011.7"}]}}, {"state": "Haryana", "figures": 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{"2016-17": "14574"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "13841.9"}, {"2015-16": "11577"}]}}, {"state": "Kerala", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "399.9"}, {"2014-15": "2071.3"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "339.1"}, {"2015-16": "2456.5"}, {"2016-17": "3032.7"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "357.6"}, {"2015-16": "1763"}]}}, {"state": "Madhya Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "915.9"}, {"2014-15": "1522.2"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "3195.3"}, {"2015-16": "3224.6"}, {"2016-17": "3065.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "2733.7"}, {"2015-16": "2715.7"}]}}, {"state": "Maharashtra", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "8500.1"}, {"2014-15": "11002"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "12165.4"}, {"2015-16": "12187.8"}, {"2016-17": "14734.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "14239.6"}, {"2015-16": "13907"}]}}, {"state": "Meghalaya", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "350.6"}, {"2014-15": "568.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "351.1"}, {"2015-16": "612.4"}, {"2016-17": "910"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "672.9"}, {"2015-16": "612.4"}]}}, {"state": "Mizoram", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "120.8"}, {"2014-15": "301.8"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "370.7"}, {"2015-16": "383.1"}, {"2016-17": "358"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "299.9"}, {"2015-16": "369.4"}]}}, {"state": "Odisha", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "1988.8"}, {"2014-15": "3837.9"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "4677.4"}, {"2015-16": "5975"}, {"2016-17": "6489.9"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "4890.2"}, {"2015-16": "6705.5"}]}}, {"state": "Punjab", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "1239.9"}, {"2014-15": "1493.6"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1938"}, {"2015-16": "1113"}, {"2016-17": "1569.1"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1395"}, {"2015-16": "1324.6"}]}}, {"state": "Rajasthan", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "5600.5"}, {"2014-15": "11123.2"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "14298.2"}, {"2015-16": "13298.8"}, {"2016-17": "15124.7"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "12618.1"}, {"2015-16": "14363.6"}]}}, {"state": "Sikkim", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "184.6"}, {"2014-15": "379.3"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "461.1"}, {"2015-16": "341.4"}, {"2016-17": "330"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "486.2"}, {"2015-16": "350"}]}}, {"state": "Tamil Nadu", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "10149.7"}, {"2014-15": "14068.9"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "12636.7"}, {"2015-16": "18089.9"}, {"2016-17": "20830.1"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "16925.4"}, {"2015-16": "17114.6"}]}}, {"state": "Telangana", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": ""}, {"2014-15": "3725.7"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "5415.5"}, {"2015-16": "6256.7"}, {"2016-17": "6344.5"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "5415.5"}, {"2015-16": "6736.4"}]}}, {"state": "Tripura", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "150.2"}, {"2014-15": "394.8"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "728.6"}, {"2015-16": "584.9"}, {"2016-17": "542.7"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "391.2"}, {"2015-16": "528.1"}]}}, {"state": "Uttar Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "3857.2"}, {"2014-15": "9980.8"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "10999.9"}, {"2015-16": "12038.6"}, {"2016-17": "13213"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "11595.4"}, {"2015-16": "11919.3"}]}}, {"state": "Uttarakhand", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "551"}, {"2014-15": "1671.7"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1075.5"}, {"2015-16": "1471.2"}, {"2016-17": "1884.9"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1872.4"}, {"2015-16": "1470.7"}]}}, {"state": "West Bengal", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "6607.1"}, {"2014-15": "13902.1"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "9970.5"}, {"2015-16": "10938.9"}, {"2016-17": "14287.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "14180.9"}, {"2015-16": "18089.7"}]}}], "indicator": "Total Sector Expenditure", "slugIndicator": "total_sector_expenditure", "unit": "INR (in Crores)"}, {"stateFigures": [{"state": "Andhra Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "3"}, {"2014-15": ""}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "5.5"}, {"2015-16": "7.2"}, {"2016-17": "7.7"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "5.6"}, {"2015-16": "12.8"}]}}, {"state": "Assam", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "0.9"}, {"2014-15": "3.6"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "4.8"}, {"2015-16": "5"}, {"2016-17": "5.2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "4.3"}, {"2015-16": "4.4"}]}}, {"state": "Bihar", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "5"}, {"2014-15": "7.8"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "10.3"}, {"2015-16": "10"}, {"2016-17": "8.7"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "9.4"}, {"2015-16": "10.9"}]}}, {"state": "Chhattisgarh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "8.4"}, {"2014-15": "12.3"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "13.9"}, {"2015-16": "12.5"}, {"2016-17": "8.6"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "14.8"}, {"2015-16": "12.9"}]}}, {"state": "Delhi", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "0.5"}, {"2014-15": ""}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "0.6"}, {"2015-16": "0.4"}, {"2016-17": "0.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "0.3"}, {"2015-16": ""}]}}, {"state": "Gujarat", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "2.9"}, {"2014-15": "2.8"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "3.4"}, {"2015-16": "3.4"}, {"2016-17": "3.5"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "3.2"}, {"2015-16": "3.8"}]}}, {"state": "Haryana", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "3.7"}, {"2014-15": "3.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "3.9"}, {"2015-16": "4"}, {"2016-17": "3.2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "3.7"}, {"2015-16": "3"}]}}, {"state": "Himachal Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "1.8"}, {"2014-15": "3.3"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "2.1"}, {"2015-16": "4.1"}, {"2016-17": "3.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "3.5"}, {"2015-16": "3.6"}]}}, {"state": "Jammu and Kashmir", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "2.8"}, {"2014-15": "1.8"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "4.9"}, {"2015-16": "4.9"}, {"2016-17": "5.5"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "5.9"}, {"2015-16": "5.1"}]}}, {"state": "Jharkhand", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "6"}, {"2014-15": "8.1"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "9.4"}, {"2015-16": "8.4"}, {"2016-17": "9.9"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "9.8"}, {"2015-16": "10"}]}}, {"state": "Karnataka", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "7.6"}, {"2014-15": "8.2"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "10"}, {"2015-16": "8.4"}, {"2016-17": "9.3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "10.8"}, {"2015-16": "8.3"}]}}, {"state": "Kerala", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "0.6"}, {"2014-15": "2.7"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "0.4"}, {"2015-16": "2.6"}, {"2016-17": "2.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "0.4"}, {"2015-16": "2"}]}}, {"state": "Madhya Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "1.1"}, {"2014-15": "1.5"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "2.7"}, {"2015-16": "2.5"}, {"2016-17": "2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "2.3"}, {"2015-16": "2"}]}}, {"state": "Maharashtra", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "4.8"}, {"2014-15": "5.6"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "5.7"}, {"2015-16": "5.3"}, {"2016-17": "5.7"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "6.5"}, {"2015-16": "5.9"}]}}, {"state": "Meghalaya", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "5"}, {"2014-15": "7.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "3"}, {"2015-16": "6.4"}, {"2016-17": "8.7"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "5.7"}, {"2015-16": "6.4"}]}}, {"state": "Mizoram", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "2.1"}, {"2014-15": "3.9"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "5.6"}, {"2015-16": "4.9"}, {"2016-17": "4.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "4"}, {"2015-16": "4.4"}]}}, {"state": "Odisha", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "3.5"}, {"2014-15": "5.8"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "5.8"}, {"2015-16": "7.1"}, {"2016-17": "6.9"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "6.3"}, {"2015-16": "7.9"}]}}, {"state": "Punjab", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "2"}, {"2014-15": "2"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "2.6"}, {"2015-16": "1.4"}, {"2016-17": "1.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1.9"}, {"2015-16": "1.7"}]}}, {"state": "Rajasthan", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "6"}, {"2014-15": "9.5"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "10.9"}, {"2015-16": "9.7"}, {"2016-17": "10"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "10"}, {"2015-16": "10.4"}]}}, {"state": "Sikkim", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "4.2"}, {"2014-15": "8"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "7.1"}, {"2015-16": "6.4"}, {"2016-17": "6"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "7.3"}, {"2015-16": "6.4"}]}}, {"state": "Tamil Nadu", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "7.9"}, {"2014-15": "9.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "8.3"}, {"2015-16": "10.4"}, {"2016-17": "11"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "10.5"}, {"2015-16": "10"}]}}, {"state": "Telangana", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": ""}, {"2014-15": "6"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "5.6"}, {"2015-16": "5.4"}, {"2016-17": "4.9"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "5.6"}, {"2015-16": "6.7"}]}}, {"state": "Tripura", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "1.9"}, {"2014-15": "3.7"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "5.9"}, {"2015-16": "3.9"}, {"2016-17": "3.6"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "3.2"}, {"2015-16": "4.1"}]}}, {"state": "Uttar Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "1.9"}, {"2014-15": "4.2"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "4"}, {"2015-16": "4"}, {"2016-17": "3.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "4.4"}, {"2015-16": "3.6"}]}}, {"state": "Uttarakhand", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "2.5"}, {"2014-15": "6.1"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "3.5"}, {"2015-16": "4.5"}, {"2016-17": "4.7"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "5.8"}, {"2015-16": "4.4"}]}}, {"state": "West Bengal", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "6.1"}, {"2014-15": "11.3"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "7.7"}, {"2015-16": "7.9"}, {"2016-17": "9"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "10.9"}, {"2015-16": "12.5"}]}}], "indicator": "Total Sector Expenditure as % of State Budget", "slugIndicator": "total_sector_expenditure_as_of_state_budget", "unit": "Percentage"}, {"stateFigures": [{"state": "Andhra Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "482.1"}, {"2014-15": ""}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "700.9"}, {"2015-16": "933.8"}, {"2016-17": "1180.9"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "721"}, {"2015-16": "1641.3"}]}}, {"state": "Assam", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "106.1"}, {"2014-15": "533.6"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "885.4"}, {"2015-16": "1024.8"}, {"2016-17": "1254.2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "885.5"}, {"2015-16": "1028.6"}]}}, {"state": "Bihar", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "404.1"}, {"2014-15": "730"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1186.8"}, {"2015-16": "1171.7"}, {"2016-17": "1218.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1225.1"}, {"2015-16": "1405"}]}}, {"state": "Chhattisgarh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "1310.5"}, {"2014-15": "2260.8"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "3005.4"}, {"2015-16": "3180.2"}, {"2016-17": "2321.3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "3225.6"}, {"2015-16": "3318.1"}]}}, {"state": "Delhi", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "84"}, {"2014-15": "5.7"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "101"}, {"2015-16": "85.6"}, {"2016-17": "79.9"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "49.9"}, {"2015-16": "49.3"}]}}, {"state": "Gujarat", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "498.9"}, {"2014-15": "530.1"}], 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"2232.7"}, {"2016-17": "3281.7"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "2481.1"}, {"2015-16": "2232.7"}]}}, {"state": "Mizoram", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "1175.4"}, {"2014-15": "2904.5"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "3567.9"}, {"2015-16": "3644.9"}, {"2016-17": "3367.9"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "2886.2"}, {"2015-16": "3514.8"}]}}, {"state": "Odisha", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "479.8"}, {"2014-15": "918.2"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1119.1"}, {"2015-16": "1418"}, {"2016-17": "1527.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1170"}, {"2015-16": "1591.3"}]}}, {"state": "Punjab", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "438.5"}, {"2014-15": "522.8"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "678.4"}, {"2015-16": "385.8"}, {"2016-17": "539"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "488.3"}, {"2015-16": "459.2"}]}}, {"state": "Rajasthan", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "800.8"}, {"2014-15": "1567.3"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "2014.7"}, {"2015-16": "1847.8"}, {"2016-17": "2073.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1778"}, {"2015-16": "1995.7"}]}}, {"state": "Sikkim", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "2948.1"}, {"2014-15": "5991.7"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "7284.4"}, {"2015-16": "5334.5"}, {"2016-17": "5101"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "7680.7"}, {"2015-16": "5468.5"}]}}, {"state": "Tamil Nadu", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "1486.8"}, {"2014-15": "2049.2"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1840.6"}, {"2015-16": "2620.6"}, {"2016-17": "3001.6"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "2465.3"}, {"2015-16": "2479.3"}]}}, {"state": "Telangana", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": ""}, {"2014-15": ""}], "BE": [{"2014-15": ""}, {"2015-16": ""}, {"2016-17": ""}], "RE": [{"2014-15": ""}, {"2015-16": ""}]}}, {"state": "Tripura", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "406"}, {"2014-15": "1055"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1947.1"}, {"2015-16": "1545.6"}, {"2016-17": "1418.5"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1045.4"}, {"2015-16": "1395.5"}]}}, {"state": "Uttar Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "185.7"}, {"2014-15": "472.5"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "520.8"}, {"2015-16": "560.8"}, {"2016-17": "605.9"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "549"}, {"2015-16": "555.2"}]}}, 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"99.7"}, {"2015-16": "100"}]}}, {"state": "Madhya Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "71.8"}, {"2014-15": "38.5"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "28.8"}, {"2015-16": "23.1"}, {"2016-17": "27.7"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "34"}, {"2015-16": "23.4"}]}}, {"state": "Maharashtra", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "93.7"}, {"2014-15": "92"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "80.5"}, {"2015-16": "78.3"}, {"2016-17": "84"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "83.5"}, {"2015-16": "78.3"}]}}, {"state": "Meghalaya", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "99.9"}, {"2014-15": "100"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "99.8"}, {"2015-16": "99.9"}, {"2016-17": "99.7"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "99.9"}, {"2015-16": "99.9"}]}}, {"state": "Mizoram", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "63.7"}, {"2014-15": "82.6"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "89.3"}, {"2015-16": "89.4"}, {"2016-17": "88.7"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "81"}, {"2015-16": "88.1"}]}}, {"state": "Odisha", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "61.5"}, {"2014-15": "42.3"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "36.2"}, {"2015-16": "40"}, {"2016-17": "39.6"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "48.5"}, {"2015-16": "36.6"}]}}, {"state": "Punjab", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "89.5"}, {"2014-15": "93.8"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "85.8"}, {"2015-16": "88.8"}, {"2016-17": "91"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "87.7"}, {"2015-16": "92.4"}]}}, {"state": "Rajasthan", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "85.8"}, {"2014-15": "93.5"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "94.6"}, {"2015-16": "93.7"}, {"2016-17": "94.3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "94"}, {"2015-16": "94.4"}]}}, {"state": "Sikkim", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "64.8"}, {"2014-15": "44.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "54.6"}, {"2015-16": "57.7"}, {"2016-17": "60"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "50.5"}, {"2015-16": "55.7"}]}}, {"state": "Tamil Nadu", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "68.9"}, {"2014-15": "93.2"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "74.9"}, {"2015-16": "90.2"}, {"2016-17": "95.6"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "89.3"}, {"2015-16": "92.5"}]}}, {"state": "Telangana", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": ""}, {"2014-15": "99.6"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "100"}, {"2015-16": "100"}, {"2016-17": "100"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "100"}, {"2015-16": "100"}]}}, {"state": "Tripura", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "44.3"}, {"2014-15": "23.8"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "16.1"}, {"2015-16": "20.2"}, {"2016-17": "19.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "27.8"}, {"2015-16": "25"}]}}, {"state": "Uttar Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "35.5"}, {"2014-15": "15.8"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "17.9"}, {"2015-16": "15.2"}, {"2016-17": "15.1"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "16"}, {"2015-16": "14.3"}]}}, {"state": "Uttarakhand", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "56.8"}, {"2014-15": "61.7"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "75.8"}, {"2015-16": "56.6"}, {"2016-17": "59"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "57.8"}, {"2015-16": "55.4"}]}}, {"state": "West Bengal", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "99"}, {"2014-15": "100"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "99.5"}, {"2015-16": "99.9"}, {"2016-17": "99.9"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "99.4"}, {"2015-16": "99.8"}]}}], "indicator": "Revenue Expenditure as % of Total Sector Expenditure", "slugIndicator": "revenue_expenditure_as_of_total_sector_expenditure", "unit": "Percentage"}, {"stateFigures": [{"state": "Andhra Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "0"}, {"2014-15": ""}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "0"}, {"2015-16": "0"}, {"2016-17": "0"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "0"}, {"2015-16": "0"}]}}, {"state": "Assam", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "0"}, {"2014-15": "0"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "0"}, {"2015-16": "0"}, {"2016-17": "0"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "0"}, {"2015-16": "0"}]}}, {"state": "Bihar", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "41.2"}, {"2014-15": "54.1"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "34.9"}, {"2015-16": "47"}, {"2016-17": "46.3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "0.2"}, {"2015-16": "49.7"}]}}, {"state": "Chhattisgarh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "20.9"}, {"2014-15": "24.5"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "22.2"}, {"2015-16": "32"}, {"2016-17": "36.9"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "23.3"}, {"2015-16": "31.6"}]}}, {"state": "Delhi", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "98.8"}, {"2014-15": "85"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "98.8"}, {"2015-16": "98.9"}, {"2016-17": "99.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "98.2"}, {"2015-16": "98.1"}]}}, {"state": "Gujarat", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "0.1"}, {"2014-15": "0.1"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "0.1"}, {"2015-16": "0.1"}, {"2016-17": "0.1"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "0"}, {"2015-16": "0.1"}]}}, {"state": "Haryana", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "0.1"}, {"2014-15": "0"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "0"}, {"2015-16": "0.1"}, {"2016-17": "0.1"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "0"}, {"2015-16": "0"}]}}, {"state": "Himachal Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "0"}, {"2014-15": "0.2"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "0.3"}, {"2015-16": "0.1"}, {"2016-17": "0.2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "0.2"}, {"2015-16": "0.6"}]}}, {"state": "Jammu and Kashmir", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "25.6"}, {"2014-15": "0.1"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "61.2"}, {"2015-16": "61.8"}, {"2016-17": "67.2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "68.4"}, {"2015-16": "60.5"}]}}, {"state": "Jharkhand", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "63.3"}, {"2014-15": "40.8"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "24.1"}, 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"0.2"}, {"2015-16": "0.1"}, {"2016-17": "0.3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "0.1"}, {"2015-16": "0.1"}]}}, {"state": "Mizoram", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "36.3"}, {"2014-15": "17.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "10.7"}, {"2015-16": "10.6"}, {"2016-17": "11.3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "19"}, {"2015-16": "11.9"}]}}, {"state": "Odisha", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "38.5"}, {"2014-15": "57.7"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "63.8"}, {"2015-16": "60"}, {"2016-17": "60.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "51.5"}, {"2015-16": "63.4"}]}}, {"state": "Punjab", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "10.5"}, {"2014-15": "6.2"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "14.2"}, {"2015-16": "11.2"}, {"2016-17": "9"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "12.3"}, {"2015-16": "7.6"}]}}, {"state": "Rajasthan", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "14.2"}, {"2014-15": "6.5"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "5.4"}, {"2015-16": "6.3"}, {"2016-17": "5.7"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "6"}, {"2015-16": "5.6"}]}}, {"state": "Sikkim", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "35.2"}, {"2014-15": "55.6"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "45.4"}, {"2015-16": "42.3"}, {"2016-17": "40"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "49.5"}, {"2015-16": "44.3"}]}}, {"state": "Tamil Nadu", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "31.1"}, {"2014-15": "6.8"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "25.1"}, {"2015-16": "9.8"}, {"2016-17": "4.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "10.7"}, {"2015-16": "7.5"}]}}, {"state": "Telangana", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": ""}, {"2014-15": "0.367"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "0"}, {"2015-16": "0"}, {"2016-17": "0"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "0"}, {"2015-16": "0"}]}}, {"state": "Tripura", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "55.7"}, {"2014-15": "76.2"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "83.9"}, {"2015-16": "79.8"}, {"2016-17": "80.2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "72.2"}, {"2015-16": "75"}]}}, {"state": "Uttar Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "64.5"}, {"2014-15": "84.2"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "82.1"}, {"2015-16": "84.8"}, {"2016-17": "84.9"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "84"}, {"2015-16": "85.7"}]}}, {"state": "Uttarakhand", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "43.2"}, {"2014-15": 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{"2016-17": "2801.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "3359.1"}, {"2015-16": "2756.5"}]}}, {"state": "Bihar", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "2974.9"}, {"2014-15": "2373.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "4325.8"}, {"2015-16": "4364.3"}, {"2016-17": "7183.9"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "4471.2"}, {"2015-16": "4531.1"}]}}, {"state": "Chhattisgarh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": ""}, {"2014-15": ""}], "BE": [{"2014-15": ""}, {"2015-16": ""}, {"2016-17": ""}], "RE": [{"2014-15": ""}, {"2015-16": ""}]}}, {"state": "Delhi", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": ""}, {"2014-15": ""}], "BE": [{"2014-15": ""}, {"2015-16": ""}, {"2016-17": ""}], "RE": [{"2014-15": ""}, {"2015-16": ""}]}}, {"state": "Gujarat", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": ""}, {"2014-15": ""}], "BE": [{"2014-15": ""}, {"2015-16": ""}, {"2016-17": ""}], "RE": [{"2014-15": ""}, {"2015-16": ""}]}}, {"state": "Haryana", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "136.2"}, {"2014-15": "144.6"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "193.7"}, {"2015-16": "213.2"}, {"2016-17": "247.6"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "246.6"}, {"2015-16": "307.8"}]}}, {"state": "Himachal Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": ""}, {"2014-15": ""}], "BE": [{"2014-15": ""}, {"2015-16": ""}, {"2016-17": ""}], "RE": [{"2014-15": ""}, {"2015-16": ""}]}}, {"state": "Jammu and Kashmir", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": ""}, {"2014-15": ""}], "BE": [{"2014-15": ""}, {"2015-16": ""}, {"2016-17": ""}], "RE": [{"2014-15": ""}, {"2015-16": ""}]}}, {"state": "Jharkhand", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "832.1"}, {"2014-15": "1461.6"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1750.9"}, {"2015-16": "1526.7"}, {"2016-17": "1422.1"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "2111.4"}, {"2015-16": "1243"}]}}, {"state": "Karnataka", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": ""}, {"2014-15": ""}], "BE": [{"2014-15": ""}, {"2015-16": ""}, {"2016-17": ""}], "RE": [{"2014-15": ""}, {"2015-16": ""}]}}, {"state": "Kerala", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "5284.2"}, {"2014-15": "6926.8"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "6759.6"}, {"2015-16": "7381.2"}, {"2016-17": "8445.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": 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{"2016-17": ""}], "RE": [{"2014-15": ""}, {"2015-16": ""}]}}, {"state": "Jharkhand", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "0.3"}, {"2014-15": "0.2"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "0.3"}, {"2015-16": "0.3"}, {"2016-17": "0.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "0.2"}, {"2015-16": "0.3"}]}}, {"state": "Karnataka", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": ""}, {"2014-15": ""}], "BE": [{"2014-15": ""}, {"2015-16": ""}, {"2016-17": ""}], "RE": [{"2014-15": ""}, {"2015-16": ""}]}}, {"state": "Kerala", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "0.5"}, {"2014-15": "3.1"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "2.2"}, {"2015-16": "4.6"}, {"2016-17": "6.3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "2.8"}, {"2015-16": "3.9"}]}}, {"state": "Madhya Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "1.3"}, {"2014-15": "0.1"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "0.7"}, {"2015-16": "0.7"}, {"2016-17": "0.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "0.7"}, {"2015-16": "0.4"}]}}, {"state": "Maharashtra", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": ""}, {"2014-15": ""}], "BE": [{"2014-15": ""}, {"2015-16": ""}, {"2016-17": ""}], "RE": [{"2014-15": 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"496.3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "409.5"}, {"2015-16": "179.5"}]}}, {"state": "West Bengal", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "2054.3"}, {"2014-15": "1660.6"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1863.4"}, {"2015-16": "1984"}, {"2016-17": "2217.2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "2462.5"}, {"2015-16": "2264.3"}]}}], "indicator": "Total Sector Expenditure", "slugIndicator": "total_sector_expenditure", "unit": "INR (in Crores)"}, {"stateFigures": [{"state": "Andhra Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "5.5"}, {"2014-15": ""}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "6.4"}, {"2015-16": "4"}, {"2016-17": "3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "6.4"}, {"2015-16": "4.3"}]}}, {"state": "Assam", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "2.4"}, {"2014-15": "2"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1.8"}, {"2015-16": "1.9"}, {"2016-17": "1.5"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "2"}, {"2015-16": "1.7"}]}}, {"state": "Bihar", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "7.3"}, {"2014-15": "8.7"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "5.4"}, {"2015-16": "7"}, {"2016-17": "9.9"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "6.3"}, {"2015-16": 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{"2015-16": "9.1"}]}}, {"state": "Maharashtra", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "6.1"}, {"2014-15": "7.8"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "6.9"}, {"2015-16": "4.9"}, {"2016-17": "3.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "7.2"}, {"2015-16": "6.1"}]}}, {"state": "Meghalaya", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "2.6"}, {"2014-15": "2.7"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1.5"}, {"2015-16": "1.5"}, {"2016-17": "1.9"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1.5"}, {"2015-16": "1.5"}]}}, {"state": "Mizoram", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "6.8"}, {"2014-15": "6.2"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "5"}, {"2015-16": "4.6"}, {"2016-17": "3.9"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "6.5"}, {"2015-16": "5.2"}]}}, {"state": "Odisha", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "2.1"}, {"2014-15": "1.2"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1.7"}, {"2015-16": "1.5"}, {"2016-17": "3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1.2"}, {"2015-16": "2"}]}}, {"state": "Punjab", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "7.9"}, {"2014-15": "3.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1.1"}, {"2015-16": "3.8"}, {"2016-17": "0.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "3.3"}, {"2015-16": "0.8"}]}}, {"state": "Rajasthan", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "11.9"}, {"2014-15": "11.7"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "11.3"}, {"2015-16": "12.2"}, {"2016-17": "8.6"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "11.3"}, {"2015-16": "15"}]}}, {"state": "Sikkim", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "4.2"}, {"2014-15": "3.5"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "3"}, {"2015-16": "5.9"}, {"2016-17": "5.9"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "3.1"}, {"2015-16": "5.8"}]}}, {"state": "Tamil Nadu", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "3.9"}, {"2014-15": "6.6"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "4.8"}, {"2015-16": "5.1"}, {"2016-17": "4.9"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "4.8"}, {"2015-16": "4.9"}]}}, {"state": "Telangana", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": ""}, {"2014-15": "5.7"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "5"}, {"2015-16": "6.4"}, {"2016-17": "4.1"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "5"}, {"2015-16": "5.6"}]}}, {"state": "Tripura", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "1.2"}, {"2014-15": "0.9"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "0.6"}, {"2015-16": "1.1"}, {"2016-17": "0.7"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "0.9"}, {"2015-16": "1"}]}}, 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"Assam", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "283.1"}, {"2014-15": "291.1"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "325.4"}, {"2015-16": "393.9"}, {"2016-17": "360.7"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "406.6"}, {"2015-16": "395.8"}]}}, {"state": "Bihar", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "587.1"}, {"2014-15": "807.9"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "625.9"}, {"2015-16": "821.3"}, {"2016-17": "1382.7"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "823"}, {"2015-16": "967.1"}]}}, {"state": "Chhattisgarh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "320.6"}, {"2014-15": "545.1"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "391.6"}, {"2015-16": "1043.8"}, {"2016-17": "980.1"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "674.4"}, {"2015-16": "1465.7"}]}}, {"state": "Delhi", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "2416.8"}, {"2014-15": "617.1"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "675.8"}, {"2015-16": "1018.5"}, {"2016-17": "1028.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "676.3"}, {"2015-16": "1052.2"}]}}, {"state": "Gujarat", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "974.5"}, {"2014-15": "1245.8"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1043.4"}, {"2015-16": "1161.5"}, {"2016-17": "1156.9"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1267.3"}, {"2015-16": "1365.8"}]}}, {"state": "Haryana", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "2133.2"}, {"2014-15": "1991.2"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "2009.4"}, {"2015-16": "2196.1"}, {"2016-17": "3187.3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "2241.4"}, {"2015-16": "2979.6"}]}}, {"state": "Himachal Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "695.4"}, {"2014-15": "1205.5"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1020.9"}, {"2015-16": "1178.7"}, {"2016-17": "1244.5"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1080.3"}, {"2015-16": "1783.9"}]}}, {"state": "Jammu and Kashmir", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "3261.4"}, {"2014-15": "3976.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "3918.6"}, {"2015-16": "4056.6"}, {"2016-17": "10663.2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "4357.8"}, {"2015-16": "6327.4"}]}}, {"state": "Jharkhand", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "529.5"}, {"2014-15": "959.6"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "570.3"}, {"2015-16": "756.5"}, {"2016-17": "676.6"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1029.9"}, {"2015-16": "1019.9"}]}}, {"state": "Karnataka", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "1052.8"}, {"2014-15": "1152.1"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1248.3"}, {"2015-16": "1321.4"}, {"2016-17": "1271.7"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1165"}, {"2015-16": "1524.5"}]}}, {"state": "Kerala", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "69.3"}, {"2014-15": "30"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "46.7"}, {"2015-16": "50.7"}, {"2016-17": "56.3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "55"}, {"2015-16": "44.7"}]}}, {"state": "Madhya Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "933.5"}, {"2014-15": "2030.2"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "924.1"}, {"2015-16": "1110.3"}, {"2016-17": "2278.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1272.2"}, {"2015-16": "1381.9"}]}}, {"state": "Maharashtra", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "928.2"}, {"2014-15": "1320"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1247.1"}, {"2015-16": "954.5"}, {"2016-17": "819.5"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1353.2"}, {"2015-16": "1229"}]}}, {"state": "Meghalaya", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "684.3"}, {"2014-15": "765.2"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "654.4"}, {"2015-16": "511.8"}, {"2016-17": "710.5"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "654.4"}, {"2015-16": "511.8"}]}}, {"state": "Mizoram", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "3719.5"}, {"2014-15": "4621.3"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "3233.3"}, {"2015-16": "3365.3"}, {"2016-17": "3024.1"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "4693.9"}, {"2015-16": "4203.9"}]}}, {"state": "Odisha", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "286.5"}, {"2014-15": "190.2"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "322.2"}, {"2015-16": "294.2"}, {"2016-17": "673.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "226.5"}, {"2015-16": "392.7"}]}}, {"state": "Punjab", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "1702.7"}, {"2014-15": "876.8"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "280"}, {"2015-16": "1037"}, {"2016-17": "228.3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "876.8"}, {"2015-16": "230.8"}]}}, {"state": "Rajasthan", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "1597.4"}, {"2014-15": "1917.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "2093"}, {"2015-16": "2341.6"}, {"2016-17": "1787.7"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "2009.7"}, {"2015-16": "2863.2"}]}}, {"state": "Sikkim", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "2967.7"}, {"2014-15": "2650.2"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "3114.7"}, {"2015-16": "4887.9"}, {"2016-17": "5006.9"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "3203.5"}, {"2015-16": "4922.6"}]}}, {"state": "Tamil Nadu", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "737.5"}, {"2014-15": "1439.7"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1076.8"}, {"2015-16": "1299.4"}, {"2016-17": "1332.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1125.1"}, {"2015-16": "1221.6"}]}}, {"state": "Telangana", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": ""}, {"2014-15": ""}], "BE": [{"2014-15": ""}, {"2015-16": ""}, {"2016-17": ""}], "RE": [{"2014-15": ""}, {"2015-16": ""}]}}, {"state": "Tripura", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "247.5"}, {"2014-15": "267.3"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "204.3"}, {"2015-16": "427.3"}, {"2016-17": "298.1"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "300.2"}, {"2015-16": "359.1"}]}}, {"state": "Uttar Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "618.1"}, {"2014-15": "1228.6"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1090.8"}, {"2015-16": "1150.6"}, {"2016-17": "895.6"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1305"}, {"2015-16": "1168.6"}]}}, {"state": "Uttarakhand", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "293.9"}, {"2014-15": "146.8"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "501.4"}, {"2015-16": "193.4"}, {"2016-17": "466.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "395.2"}, {"2015-16": "171"}]}}, {"state": "West Bengal", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "225.4"}, {"2014-15": "180.7"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "202.7"}, {"2015-16": "214"}, {"2016-17": "237"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "267.9"}, {"2015-16": "244.2"}]}}], "indicator": "Per Capita Expenditure on Sector ", "slugIndicator": "per_capita_expenditure_on_sector", "unit": "INR Rs."}, {"stateFigures": [{"state": "Andhra Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "97.1"}, {"2014-15": ""}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "98.9"}, {"2015-16": "94.5"}, {"2016-17": "93.6"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "98.9"}, {"2015-16": "93.5"}]}}, {"state": "Assam", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "20.8"}, {"2014-15": "15.1"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "2.7"}, {"2015-16": "11.7"}, {"2016-17": "19.7"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "11.6"}, {"2015-16": "12.1"}]}}, {"state": "Bihar", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "55.4"}, {"2014-15": "46.1"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "48.8"}, {"2015-16": "50.9"}, {"2016-17": "37.2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "37.2"}, {"2015-16": "62.3"}]}}, {"state": "Chhattisgarh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "97.2"}, {"2014-15": "80.6"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "77.4"}, {"2015-16": "89.3"}, {"2016-17": "58.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "72.2"}, {"2015-16": "90.9"}]}}, {"state": "Delhi", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "22.7"}, {"2014-15": "69.3"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "65.4"}, {"2015-16": "80.9"}, {"2016-17": "86"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "68.2"}, {"2015-16": "77.2"}]}}, {"state": "Gujarat", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "61.3"}, {"2014-15": "70.3"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "65.3"}, {"2015-16": "66.2"}, {"2016-17": "68.7"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "69.2"}, {"2015-16": "70.1"}]}}, {"state": "Haryana", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "93"}, {"2014-15": "98.7"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "84.1"}, {"2015-16": "95"}, {"2016-17": "77.9"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "89.5"}, {"2015-16": "80.2"}]}}, {"state": "Himachal Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "1.4"}, {"2014-15": "46.8"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "47.3"}, {"2015-16": "53.6"}, {"2016-17": "53.9"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "52.2"}, {"2015-16": "77.4"}]}}, {"state": "Jammu and Kashmir", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "100"}, {"2014-15": "100"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "91.9"}, {"2015-16": "92.3"}, {"2016-17": "78.3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "92.6"}, {"2015-16": "87.1"}]}}, {"state": "Jharkhand", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "89.8"}, {"2014-15": "75.2"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "68.2"}, {"2015-16": "56.3"}, {"2016-17": "32.2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "70.6"}, {"2015-16": "67"}]}}, {"state": "Karnataka", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "93.9"}, {"2014-15": "95.6"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "88.2"}, {"2015-16": "99.1"}, {"2016-17": "98.3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "94.6"}, {"2015-16": "90.5"}]}}, {"state": "Kerala", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "98.6"}, {"2014-15": "99.2"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "77.1"}, {"2015-16": "73.8"}, {"2016-17": "69.2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "86.2"}, {"2015-16": "69.5"}]}}, {"state": "Madhya Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "38.6"}, {"2014-15": "28.5"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "49.2"}, {"2015-16": "59.2"}, {"2016-17": "34.7"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "48.3"}, {"2015-16": "70.9"}]}}, {"state": "Maharashtra", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "77.7"}, {"2014-15": "89.3"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "87.1"}, {"2015-16": "91.7"}, {"2016-17": "88.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "89.6"}, {"2015-16": "89"}]}}, {"state": "Meghalaya", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "85.8"}, {"2014-15": "81.2"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "73.2"}, {"2015-16": "93.2"}, {"2016-17": "93.9"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "73.2"}, {"2015-16": "93.2"}]}}, {"state": "Mizoram", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "82.9"}, {"2014-15": "70.5"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "85.7"}, {"2015-16": "87.8"}, {"2016-17": "99.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "70.8"}, {"2015-16": "84.8"}]}}, {"state": "Odisha", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "4.6"}, {"2014-15": "8.6"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "7.1"}, {"2015-16": "6.7"}, {"2016-17": "3.2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "10"}, {"2015-16": "4.5"}]}}, {"state": "Punjab", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "100"}, {"2014-15": "100"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "100"}, {"2015-16": "99.8"}, {"2016-17": "98.6"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "100"}, {"2015-16": "98.4"}]}}, {"state": "Rajasthan", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "64.6"}, {"2014-15": "67"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "70.3"}, {"2015-16": "60.3"}, {"2016-17": "68.1"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "64.7"}, {"2015-16": "54.1"}]}}, {"state": "Sikkim", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "64.9"}, {"2014-15": "81.3"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "68"}, {"2015-16": "71.4"}, {"2016-17": "69.5"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "66.1"}, {"2015-16": "69"}]}}, {"state": "Tamil Nadu", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "37.4"}, {"2014-15": "35.5"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "58.5"}, {"2015-16": "61.3"}, {"2016-17": "77.9"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "45.5"}, {"2015-16": "51.1"}]}}, {"state": "Telangana", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": ""}, {"2014-15": "90.2"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "71.9"}, {"2015-16": "83.9"}, {"2016-17": "96.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "72"}, {"2015-16": "86.3"}]}}, {"state": "Tripura", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "45.5"}, {"2014-15": "72.9"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "54.5"}, {"2015-16": "44.1"}, {"2016-17": "88.6"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "65.8"}, {"2015-16": "62.8"}]}}, {"state": "Uttar Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "52.5"}, {"2014-15": "54.5"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "51.7"}, {"2015-16": "45.6"}, {"2016-17": "60.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "51.3"}, {"2015-16": "45.7"}]}}, {"state": "Uttarakhand", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "2.1"}, {"2014-15": "3.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "5.2"}, {"2015-16": "3"}, {"2016-17": "3.2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "6.5"}, {"2015-16": "13.1"}]}}, {"state": "West Bengal", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "51.9"}, {"2014-15": "23.5"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "38.7"}, {"2015-16": "38.1"}, {"2016-17": "35.7"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "33.3"}, {"2015-16": "51.3"}]}}], "indicator": "Revenue Expenditure as % of Total Sector Expenditure", "slugIndicator": "revenue_expenditure_as_of_total_sector_expenditure", "unit": "Percentage"}, {"stateFigures": [{"state": "Andhra Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "2.9"}, {"2014-15": ""}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1.1"}, {"2015-16": "5.5"}, {"2016-17": "6.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1.1"}, {"2015-16": "6.5"}]}}, {"state": "Assam", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "79.2"}, {"2014-15": "84.9"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "97.3"}, {"2015-16": "88.3"}, {"2016-17": "80.3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "88.4"}, {"2015-16": "87.9"}]}}, {"state": "Bihar", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "44.6"}, {"2014-15": "53.9"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "51.2"}, {"2015-16": "49.1"}, {"2016-17": "62.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "62.8"}, {"2015-16": "37.7"}]}}, {"state": "Chhattisgarh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "2.8"}, {"2014-15": "19.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "22.6"}, {"2015-16": "10.7"}, {"2016-17": "41.6"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "27.8"}, {"2015-16": "9.1"}]}}, {"state": "Delhi", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "77.3"}, {"2014-15": "30.7"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "34.6"}, {"2015-16": "19.1"}, {"2016-17": "14"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "31.8"}, {"2015-16": "22.8"}]}}, {"state": "Gujarat", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "38.7"}, {"2014-15": "29.7"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "34.7"}, {"2015-16": "33.8"}, {"2016-17": "31.3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "30.8"}, {"2015-16": "29.9"}]}}, {"state": "Haryana", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "7"}, {"2014-15": "1.3"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "15.9"}, {"2015-16": "5"}, {"2016-17": "22.1"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "10.5"}, {"2015-16": "19.8"}]}}, {"state": "Himachal Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "98.6"}, {"2014-15": "53.2"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "52.7"}, {"2015-16": "46.4"}, {"2016-17": "46.1"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "47.8"}, {"2015-16": "22.6"}]}}, {"state": "Jammu and Kashmir", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "0"}, {"2014-15": "0"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "8.1"}, {"2015-16": "7.7"}, {"2016-17": "21.7"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "7.4"}, {"2015-16": "12.9"}]}}, {"state": "Jharkhand", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "10.2"}, 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"2266.4"}, {"2014-15": "2708.6"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "3361.2"}, {"2015-16": "4001.2"}, {"2016-17": "10808"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "4685"}, {"2015-16": "4540.4"}]}}, {"state": "Bihar", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "6171.2"}, {"2014-15": "6583.3"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "7221.3"}, {"2015-16": "8508.1"}, {"2016-17": "9670.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "9501.8"}, {"2015-16": "8752.6"}]}}, {"state": "Chhattisgarh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "2822"}, {"2014-15": "2963.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "3631.5"}, {"2015-16": "5183.3"}, {"2016-17": "6804.5"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "3532.4"}, {"2015-16": "4495.1"}]}}, {"state": "Delhi", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "3766.9"}, {"2014-15": "4000.7"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "4163.4"}, {"2015-16": "5269.9"}, {"2016-17": "5398.6"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "4145.8"}, {"2015-16": "4210.5"}]}}, {"state": "Gujarat", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "8544.9"}, {"2014-15": "9122.1"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "10481.9"}, {"2015-16": "10506.1"}, {"2016-17": "10672.3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "9853.2"}, {"2015-16": "9329.4"}]}}, {"state": "Haryana", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "3134.3"}, {"2014-15": "2800.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "3170.7"}, {"2015-16": "3430"}, {"2016-17": "4637.9"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "3294.7"}, {"2015-16": "3708"}]}}, {"state": "Himachal Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "2799"}, {"2014-15": "3073.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "2960.7"}, {"2015-16": "3337"}, {"2016-17": "3670.2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "2820.6"}, {"2015-16": "3212.3"}]}}, {"state": "Jammu and Kashmir", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "692.3"}, {"2014-15": "612.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1816.6"}, {"2015-16": "2298.1"}, {"2016-17": "2539.1"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "2191.7"}, {"2015-16": "2660.2"}]}}, {"state": "Jharkhand", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "2104"}, {"2014-15": "2797.8"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "2951.1"}, {"2015-16": "3401.4"}, {"2016-17": "4721"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "2986.1"}, {"2015-16": "3809.5"}]}}, {"state": "Karnataka", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "8221.3"}, {"2014-15": "7329.2"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "7588"}, {"2015-16": "5962.8"}, {"2016-17": "6424.6"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "8128.7"}, {"2015-16": "7692"}]}}, {"state": "Kerala", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "3645.2"}, {"2014-15": "3786.5"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "3653.6"}, {"2015-16": "4805.1"}, {"2016-17": "4795.7"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "3932.6"}, {"2015-16": "5410.7"}]}}, {"state": "Madhya Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "4160"}, {"2014-15": "4537.7"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "4278.6"}, {"2015-16": "5967.8"}, {"2016-17": "7218.7"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "4886.7"}, {"2015-16": "6032.4"}]}}, {"state": "Maharashtra", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "9453.4"}, {"2014-15": "9274.8"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "8220.2"}, {"2015-16": "8699.3"}, {"2016-17": "10175.9"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "10132.7"}, {"2015-16": "11077.6"}]}}, {"state": "Meghalaya", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "631.9"}, {"2014-15": "624.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "705.9"}, {"2015-16": "728.5"}, {"2016-17": "656"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "705.9"}, {"2015-16": "728.5"}]}}, {"state": "Mizoram", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "310.9"}, {"2014-15": "469.5"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "461.2"}, {"2015-16": "467.4"}, {"2016-17": "486"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "572.2"}, {"2015-16": "529.4"}]}}, {"state": "Odisha", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "2718.6"}, {"2014-15": "3776.9"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "3736.4"}, {"2015-16": "4145.1"}, {"2016-17": "4524.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "3783.7"}, {"2015-16": "5218.9"}]}}, {"state": "Punjab", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "1763.6"}, {"2014-15": "2306.5"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "3110.1"}, {"2015-16": "2955.5"}, {"2016-17": "2558.3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "2606.3"}, {"2015-16": "2730.5"}]}}, {"state": "Rajasthan", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "3898.2"}, {"2014-15": "4759.9"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "5981.5"}, {"2015-16": "5378.2"}, {"2016-17": "6259.3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "5866.7"}, {"2015-16": "4981.7"}]}}, {"state": "Sikkim", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "42.5"}, {"2014-15": "239.7"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "57.7"}, {"2015-16": "297.1"}, {"2016-17": "233.7"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "58"}, {"2015-16": "368"}]}}, {"state": "Tamil Nadu", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "6676.8"}, {"2014-15": "7509.2"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "9068.5"}, {"2015-16": "9305.1"}, {"2016-17": "9507"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "8175.8"}, {"2015-16": "7852.3"}]}}, {"state": "Telangana", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": ""}, {"2014-15": "2514"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "3806"}, {"2015-16": "5920.8"}, {"2016-17": "4371.7"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "3806"}, {"2015-16": "3690.5"}]}}, {"state": "Tripura", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "808.6"}, {"2014-15": "1017.6"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1211.9"}, {"2015-16": "1236"}, {"2016-17": "1250"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1212.7"}, {"2015-16": "1249.3"}]}}, {"state": "Uttar Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "14969.7"}, {"2014-15": "18478.1"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "15143.7"}, {"2015-16": "15952"}, {"2016-17": "19139.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "15672.5"}, {"2015-16": "16257.9"}]}}, {"state": 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[{"2013-14": "7.7"}, {"2014-15": "7"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "6.2"}, {"2015-16": "7"}, {"2016-17": "6.7"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "7.2"}, {"2015-16": "6.6"}]}}, {"state": "Chhattisgarh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "7.3"}, {"2014-15": "6.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "6.6"}, {"2015-16": "8"}, {"2016-17": "9.7"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "6.4"}, {"2015-16": "6.8"}]}}, {"state": "Delhi", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "11.1"}, {"2014-15": ""}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "11.3"}, {"2015-16": "12.8"}, {"2016-17": "11.6"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "11.9"}, {"2015-16": ""}]}}, {"state": "Gujarat", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "8.2"}, {"2014-15": "7.8"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "8"}, {"2015-16": "7.6"}, {"2016-17": "7.1"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "7.9"}, {"2015-16": "7"}]}}, {"state": "Haryana", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "6.7"}, {"2014-15": "5.2"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "5.3"}, {"2015-16": "5"}, {"2016-17": "5.2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "5.4"}, {"2015-16": "4.4"}]}}, {"state": "Himachal Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "12.9"}, {"2014-15": "12.2"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "12.3"}, {"2015-16": "11.6"}, {"2016-17": "11.3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "11.6"}, {"2015-16": "11.8"}]}}, {"state": "Jammu and Kashmir", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "2.1"}, {"2014-15": "1.7"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "4.2"}, {"2015-16": "4.9"}, {"2016-17": "4.5"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "5.1"}, {"2015-16": "5.4"}]}}, {"state": "Jharkhand", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "6.9"}, {"2014-15": "7"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "5.9"}, {"2015-16": "6.1"}, {"2016-17": "7.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "5.9"}, {"2015-16": "6.8"}]}}, {"state": "Karnataka", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "7.7"}, {"2014-15": "5.9"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "5.8"}, {"2015-16": "4.4"}, {"2016-17": "4.1"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "6.3"}, {"2015-16": "5.5"}]}}, {"state": "Kerala", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "5.5"}, {"2014-15": "4.9"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "4.6"}, {"2015-16": "5"}, {"2016-17": "4.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "4.9"}, {"2015-16": "6.1"}]}}, {"state": "Madhya Pradesh", 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[{"2013-14": "10.3"}, {"2014-15": "9.6"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "9.8"}, {"2015-16": "8.3"}, {"2016-17": "8.2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "9.8"}, {"2015-16": "9.6"}]}}, {"state": "Uttar Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "7.5"}, {"2014-15": "7.8"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "5.5"}, {"2015-16": "5.3"}, {"2016-17": "5.5"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "6"}, {"2015-16": "4.9"}]}}, {"state": "Uttarakhand", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "6.6"}, {"2014-15": "7.2"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "4.6"}, {"2015-16": "4.7"}, {"2016-17": "5.7"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "6.6"}, {"2015-16": "5.7"}]}}, {"state": "West Bengal", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "3"}, {"2014-15": "3"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "3.4"}, {"2015-16": "3.6"}, {"2016-17": "3.1"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "3.6"}, {"2015-16": "4.5"}]}}], "indicator": "Total Sector Expenditure as % of State Budget", "slugIndicator": "total_sector_expenditure_as_of_state_budget", "unit": "Percentage"}, {"stateFigures": [{"state": "Andhra Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "721.5"}, {"2014-15": ""}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "272"}, {"2015-16": "305.1"}, {"2016-17": "342.5"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "271.7"}, {"2015-16": "329"}]}}, {"state": "Assam", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "723.6"}, {"2014-15": "854.6"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1060.5"}, {"2015-16": "1247.7"}, {"2016-17": "3330.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1478.2"}, {"2015-16": "1415.8"}]}}, {"state": "Bihar", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "615.3"}, {"2014-15": "648.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "711.3"}, {"2015-16": "828.2"}, {"2016-17": "930.7"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "935.9"}, {"2015-16": "852"}]}}, {"state": "Chhattisgarh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "1132.9"}, {"2014-15": "1174.5"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1439.2"}, {"2015-16": "2028.3"}, {"2016-17": "2629.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1400"}, {"2015-16": "1759"}]}}, {"state": "Delhi", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "1928.9"}, {"2014-15": "1991.2"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "2072.2"}, {"2015-16": "2548.8"}, {"2016-17": "2536.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "2063.4"}, {"2015-16": "2036.4"}]}}, {"state": "Gujarat", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "1410.8"}, {"2014-15": "1487.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1709.1"}, {"2015-16": "1692.3"}, {"2016-17": "1698.7"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1606.6"}, {"2015-16": "1502.8"}]}}, {"state": "Haryana", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "1193.3"}, {"2014-15": "1049.8"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1188.6"}, {"2015-16": "1266.7"}, {"2016-17": "1687.9"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1235.1"}, {"2015-16": "1369.3"}]}}, {"state": "Himachal Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "4046"}, {"2014-15": "4404.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "4242.9"}, {"2015-16": "4742"}, {"2016-17": "5172.9"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "4042.1"}, {"2015-16": "4564.9"}]}}, {"state": "Jammu and Kashmir", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "576.4"}, {"2014-15": "503.9"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1494.9"}, {"2015-16": "1870.1"}, {"2016-17": "2044.5"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1803.5"}, {"2015-16": "2164.7"}]}}, {"state": "Jharkhand", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "650.7"}, {"2014-15": "853.9"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "900.7"}, {"2015-16": "1024.4"}, {"2016-17": "1402.9"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "911.3"}, {"2015-16": "1147.3"}]}}, {"state": "Karnataka", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "1356.1"}, {"2014-15": "1197.3"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1239.6"}, {"2015-16": "964.9"}, {"2016-17": "1030"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1327.9"}, {"2015-16": "1244.7"}]}}, {"state": "Kerala", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "1040.5"}, {"2014-15": "1073.9"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1036.2"}, {"2015-16": "1354.6"}, {"2016-17": "1344.2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1115.4"}, {"2015-16": "1525.3"}]}}, {"state": "Madhya Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "482.4"}, {"2014-15": "521.9"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "492.1"}, {"2015-16": "680.8"}, {"2016-17": "817"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "562"}, {"2015-16": "688.1"}]}}, {"state": "Maharashtra", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "817.1"}, {"2014-15": "791.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "701.4"}, {"2015-16": "733.2"}, {"2016-17": "847.5"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "864.6"}, {"2015-16": "933.6"}]}}, 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{"2016-17": "858"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "826.7"}, {"2015-16": "692.2"}]}}, {"state": "Sikkim", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "678.1"}, {"2014-15": "3787.2"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "911.3"}, {"2015-16": "4641.5"}, {"2016-17": "3611.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "915.9"}, {"2015-16": "5750.3"}]}}, {"state": "Tamil Nadu", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "978.1"}, {"2014-15": "1093.8"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1320.9"}, {"2015-16": "1348"}, {"2016-17": "1370"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1190.9"}, {"2015-16": "1137.5"}]}}, {"state": "Telangana", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": ""}, {"2014-15": ""}], "BE": [{"2014-15": ""}, {"2015-16": ""}, {"2016-17": ""}], "RE": [{"2014-15": ""}, {"2015-16": ""}]}}, {"state": "Tripura", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "2185.4"}, {"2014-15": "2719.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "3238.7"}, {"2015-16": "3266.5"}, {"2016-17": "3267"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "3240.9"}, {"2015-16": "3301.6"}]}}, {"state": "Uttar Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "720.6"}, {"2014-15": "874.8"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "717"}, {"2015-16": "743.1"}, {"2016-17": "877.6"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "742"}, {"2015-16": "757.3"}]}}, {"state": "Uttarakhand", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "1418.3"}, {"2014-15": "1880.3"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1360.9"}, {"2015-16": "1475.9"}, {"2016-17": "2176"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "2049"}, {"2015-16": "1814.7"}]}}, {"state": "West Bengal", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "356.4"}, {"2014-15": "408.2"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "483"}, {"2015-16": "536.4"}, {"2016-17": "532.5"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "501.4"}, {"2015-16": "699.8"}]}}], "indicator": "Per Capita Expenditure on Sector ", "slugIndicator": "per_capita_expenditure_on_sector", "unit": "INR Rs."}, {"stateFigures": [{"state": "Andhra Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "51.1"}, {"2014-15": ""}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "35.5"}, {"2015-16": "33"}, {"2016-17": "33.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "35.4"}, {"2015-16": "30.6"}]}}, {"state": "Assam", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "57.7"}, {"2014-15": "63.6"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "50.6"}, {"2015-16": "42.4"}, {"2016-17": "75.5"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "41.6"}, {"2015-16": "39.7"}]}}, {"state": "Bihar", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "19.6"}, {"2014-15": "19.6"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "19.1"}, {"2015-16": "17.7"}, {"2016-17": "16.2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "18.3"}, {"2015-16": "18.3"}]}}, {"state": "Chhattisgarh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "46.3"}, {"2014-15": "30.2"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "28.2"}, {"2015-16": "29.9"}, {"2016-17": "23.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "32.7"}, {"2015-16": "32.7"}]}}, {"state": "Delhi", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "21.5"}, {"2014-15": "23.8"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "21.6"}, {"2015-16": "20.4"}, {"2016-17": "23.7"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "23.5"}, {"2015-16": "25.2"}]}}, {"state": "Gujarat", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "58"}, {"2014-15": "63"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "59.6"}, {"2015-16": "60.6"}, {"2016-17": "61.2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "62.9"}, {"2015-16": "67.4"}]}}, {"state": "Haryana", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "39.5"}, {"2014-15": "44.8"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "44.2"}, {"2015-16": "43.2"}, {"2016-17": "35"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "39.8"}, {"2015-16": "38"}]}}, {"state": "Himachal Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "82.7"}, {"2014-15": "79.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "82.6"}, {"2015-16": "73.3"}, {"2016-17": "76.1"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "77.5"}, {"2015-16": "66.9"}]}}, {"state": "Jammu and Kashmir", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "100"}, {"2014-15": "100"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "52.9"}, {"2015-16": "41.6"}, {"2016-17": "26.9"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "40.8"}, {"2015-16": "36.6"}]}}, {"state": "Jharkhand", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "14.6"}, {"2014-15": "13.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "14.1"}, {"2015-16": "10.6"}, {"2016-17": "8.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "14.9"}, {"2015-16": "11"}]}}, {"state": "Karnataka", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "31.7"}, {"2014-15": "30.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "44.5"}, {"2015-16": "33.3"}, {"2016-17": "30"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "42"}, {"2015-16": "25.5"}]}}, {"state": "Kerala", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "55.5"}, {"2014-15": "56.3"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "63.6"}, {"2015-16": "48"}, {"2016-17": "51.1"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "62.1"}, {"2015-16": "55.2"}]}}, {"state": "Madhya Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "40.5"}, {"2014-15": "34.8"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "37.8"}, {"2015-16": "30.8"}, {"2016-17": "32.3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "37.4"}, {"2015-16": "34.1"}]}}, {"state": "Maharashtra", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "53.9"}, {"2014-15": "64.2"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "67.2"}, {"2015-16": "60.9"}, {"2016-17": "58"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "62.8"}, {"2015-16": "53.7"}]}}, {"state": "Meghalaya", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "23.2"}, {"2014-15": "19.5"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "21.8"}, {"2015-16": "20.5"}, {"2016-17": "25"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "21.8"}, {"2015-16": "20.5"}]}}, {"state": "Mizoram", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "50.6"}, {"2014-15": "48.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "47.7"}, {"2015-16": "51.7"}, {"2016-17": "48"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "43.2"}, {"2015-16": "47.7"}]}}, 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{"2015-16": "19.8"}]}}, {"state": "Telangana", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": ""}, {"2014-15": "42"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "25.1"}, {"2015-16": "15.3"}, {"2016-17": "12.7"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "25.1"}, {"2015-16": "23.4"}]}}, {"state": "Tripura", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "63.2"}, {"2014-15": "52.9"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "47.8"}, {"2015-16": "49.2"}, {"2016-17": "57.2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "50.7"}, {"2015-16": "47.9"}]}}, {"state": "Uttar Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "26"}, {"2014-15": "28.6"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "35.5"}, {"2015-16": "38.8"}, {"2016-17": "37.2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "38.2"}, {"2015-16": "36.9"}]}}, {"state": "Uttarakhand", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "34"}, {"2014-15": "29.7"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "51.7"}, {"2015-16": "41.4"}, {"2016-17": "30.2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "37.2"}, {"2015-16": "32.4"}]}}, {"state": "West Bengal", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "43.2"}, {"2014-15": "40"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "37.9"}, {"2015-16": "30.3"}, {"2016-17": "29.5"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "31.7"}, {"2015-16": "21.2"}]}}], "indicator": "Revenue Expenditure as % of Total Sector Expenditure", "slugIndicator": "revenue_expenditure_as_of_total_sector_expenditure", "unit": "Percentage"}, {"stateFigures": [{"state": "Andhra Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "48.9"}, {"2014-15": ""}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "64.5"}, {"2015-16": "67"}, {"2016-17": "66.6"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "64.6"}, {"2015-16": "69.4"}]}}, {"state": "Assam", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "42.3"}, {"2014-15": "36.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "49.4"}, {"2015-16": "57.6"}, {"2016-17": "24.5"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "58.4"}, {"2015-16": "60.3"}]}}, {"state": "Bihar", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "80.4"}, {"2014-15": "80.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "80.9"}, {"2015-16": "82.3"}, {"2016-17": "83.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "81.7"}, {"2015-16": "81.7"}]}}, {"state": "Chhattisgarh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "53.7"}, {"2014-15": "69.8"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "71.8"}, {"2015-16": "70.1"}, {"2016-17": "76.6"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "67.3"}, {"2015-16": "67.3"}]}}, {"state": "Delhi", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "78.5"}, {"2014-15": "76.2"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "78.4"}, {"2015-16": "79.6"}, {"2016-17": "76.3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "76.5"}, {"2015-16": "74.8"}]}}, {"state": "Gujarat", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "42"}, {"2014-15": "37"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "40.4"}, {"2015-16": "39.4"}, {"2016-17": "38.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "37.1"}, {"2015-16": "32.6"}]}}, {"state": "Haryana", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "60.5"}, {"2014-15": "55.2"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "55.8"}, {"2015-16": "56.8"}, {"2016-17": "65"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "60.2"}, {"2015-16": "62"}]}}, {"state": "Himachal Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "17.3"}, {"2014-15": "20.6"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "17.4"}, {"2015-16": "26.7"}, {"2016-17": "23.9"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "22.5"}, {"2015-16": "33.1"}]}}, {"state": "Jammu and Kashmir", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "0"}, {"2014-15": "0"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "47.1"}, {"2015-16": "58.4"}, {"2016-17": "73.1"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "59.2"}, {"2015-16": "63.4"}]}}, {"state": "Jharkhand", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "85.4"}, {"2014-15": "86.6"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "85.9"}, {"2015-16": "89.4"}, {"2016-17": "91.2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "85.1"}, {"2015-16": "89"}]}}, {"state": "Karnataka", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "68.3"}, {"2014-15": "69.6"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "55.5"}, {"2015-16": "66.7"}, {"2016-17": "70"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "58"}, {"2015-16": "74.5"}]}}, {"state": "Kerala", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "44.5"}, {"2014-15": "43.7"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "36.4"}, {"2015-16": "52"}, {"2016-17": "48.9"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "37.9"}, {"2015-16": "44.8"}]}}, {"state": "Madhya Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "59.5"}, {"2014-15": "65.2"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "62.2"}, {"2015-16": "69.2"}, {"2016-17": "67.7"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "62.6"}, {"2015-16": "65.9"}]}}, {"state": "Maharashtra", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "46.1"}, {"2014-15": "35.8"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "32.8"}, {"2015-16": "39.1"}, {"2016-17": "42"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "37.2"}, {"2015-16": "46.3"}]}}, {"state": "Meghalaya", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "76.8"}, {"2014-15": "80.5"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "78.2"}, {"2015-16": "79.5"}, {"2016-17": "75"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "78.2"}, {"2015-16": "79.5"}]}}, {"state": "Mizoram", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "49.4"}, {"2014-15": "51.6"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "52.3"}, {"2015-16": "48.3"}, {"2016-17": "52"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "56.8"}, {"2015-16": "52.3"}]}}, {"state": "Odisha", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "49.8"}, {"2014-15": "58"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "55.7"}, {"2015-16": "56.5"}, {"2016-17": "52.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "55.9"}, {"2015-16": "66.8"}]}}, {"state": "Punjab", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "40.5"}, {"2014-15": "59.2"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "51.5"}, {"2015-16": "64.5"}, {"2016-17": "63.7"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "60.7"}, {"2015-16": "64.2"}]}}, {"state": "Rajasthan", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "61.3"}, {"2014-15": "65.9"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "72"}, {"2015-16": "66"}, {"2016-17": "78.2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "73.9"}, {"2015-16": "70.9"}]}}, {"state": "Sikkim", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "54.7"}, {"2014-15": "62.7"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "64.6"}, {"2015-16": "69.7"}, {"2016-17": "56"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "64.3"}, {"2015-16": "75.5"}]}}, {"state": "Tamil Nadu", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "71.1"}, {"2014-15": "73.5"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "77.8"}, {"2015-16": "83"}, {"2016-17": "83"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "75.2"}, {"2015-16": "80.2"}]}}, {"state": "Telangana", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": ""}, {"2014-15": "58"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "74.9"}, {"2015-16": "84.7"}, {"2016-17": "87.3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "74.9"}, {"2015-16": "76.6"}]}}, {"state": "Tripura", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "36.8"}, {"2014-15": "47.1"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "52.2"}, {"2015-16": "50.8"}, {"2016-17": "42.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "49.3"}, {"2015-16": "52.1"}]}}, {"state": "Uttar Pradesh", "figures": 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""}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "8486.1"}, {"2015-16": "5290.5"}, {"2016-17": "8014.5"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "8477.2"}, {"2015-16": "8892"}]}}, {"state": "Assam", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "1287.6"}, {"2014-15": "1979.1"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "2260.8"}, {"2015-16": "3726.3"}, {"2016-17": "4517.3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "3866.3"}, {"2015-16": "4233.2"}]}}, {"state": "Bihar", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "2853.8"}, {"2014-15": "2464"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "3405.7"}, {"2015-16": "3196.8"}, {"2016-17": "2872"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "4217.8"}, {"2015-16": "3499.2"}]}}, {"state": "Chhattisgarh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "2045.3"}, {"2014-15": "1943.8"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "2443"}, {"2015-16": "2758"}, {"2016-17": "2924.1"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "2214.9"}, {"2015-16": "2247.6"}]}}, {"state": "Delhi", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "193.2"}, {"2014-15": "229.7"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "230.2"}, {"2015-16": "229"}, {"2016-17": "266.2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "236.2"}, {"2015-16": "224.1"}]}}, 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"2344.8"}, {"2015-16": "2459"}, {"2016-17": "2325.2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "2327.8"}, {"2015-16": "1678.1"}]}}, {"state": "Karnataka", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "7116.1"}, {"2014-15": "8644.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "9367.3"}, {"2015-16": "10628.1"}, {"2016-17": "11389.3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "7826.5"}, {"2015-16": "8723.5"}]}}, {"state": "Kerala", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "521.6"}, {"2014-15": "448.6"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1178.4"}, {"2015-16": "835.5"}, {"2016-17": "734.2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "932.7"}, {"2015-16": "663.9"}]}}, {"state": "Madhya Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "5364.9"}, {"2014-15": "4836.9"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "5516.3"}, {"2015-16": "7107.9"}, {"2016-17": "8871"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "5949.9"}, {"2015-16": "7277"}]}}, {"state": "Maharashtra", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "8839.2"}, {"2014-15": "9824.1"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "10061.5"}, {"2015-16": "8994.2"}, {"2016-17": "11720.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "11281.8"}, {"2015-16": "11651.6"}]}}, 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{"2016-17": "4131.2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "3184"}, {"2015-16": "3246.6"}]}}, {"state": "Sikkim", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "44.4"}, {"2014-15": "22.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "154.5"}, {"2015-16": "115.6"}, {"2016-17": "164.6"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "154.5"}, {"2015-16": "116.1"}]}}, {"state": "Tamil Nadu", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "2778.6"}, {"2014-15": "3036"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "3669.8"}, {"2015-16": "3727.4"}, {"2016-17": "3406.7"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "3262.5"}, {"2015-16": "2769.4"}]}}, {"state": "Telangana", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": ""}, {"2014-15": "8052.9"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "9407.2"}, {"2015-16": "11733.9"}, {"2016-17": "26652.3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "9407.2"}, {"2015-16": "11281.2"}]}}, {"state": "Tripura", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "102.6"}, {"2014-15": "73.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "165.9"}, {"2015-16": "197.8"}, {"2016-17": "151.9"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "149.4"}, {"2015-16": "155.2"}]}}, {"state": "Uttar Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "7684.8"}, {"2014-15": "9612.8"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "10808.2"}, {"2015-16": "11118.9"}, {"2016-17": "12831.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "10954"}, {"2015-16": "10820.5"}]}}, {"state": "Uttarakhand", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "755"}, {"2014-15": "1094.3"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1229.2"}, {"2015-16": "1009.7"}, {"2016-17": "1231.5"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1322.3"}, {"2015-16": "1202.7"}]}}, {"state": "West Bengal", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "1817.6"}, {"2014-15": "2482"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "3705.8"}, {"2015-16": "3679.4"}, {"2016-17": "4115.6"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "3018.9"}, {"2015-16": "3347.8"}]}}], "indicator": "Total Sector Expenditure", "slugIndicator": "total_sector_expenditure", "unit": "INR (in Crores)"}, {"stateFigures": [{"state": "Andhra Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "13.7"}, {"2014-15": ""}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "7.6"}, {"2015-16": "4.7"}, {"2016-17": "5.9"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "7.6"}, {"2015-16": "7.9"}]}}, {"state": "Assam", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "3.5"}, {"2014-15": "4.2"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "3.9"}, {"2015-16": "5.6"}, {"2016-17": "5.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "6"}, {"2015-16": "5.7"}]}}, {"state": "Bihar", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "3.5"}, {"2014-15": "2.6"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "2.9"}, {"2015-16": "2.6"}, {"2016-17": "2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "3.2"}, {"2015-16": "2.6"}]}}, {"state": "Chhattisgarh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "5.3"}, {"2014-15": "4.2"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "4.5"}, {"2015-16": "4.2"}, {"2016-17": "4.2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "4"}, {"2015-16": "3.4"}]}}, {"state": "Delhi", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "0.6"}, {"2014-15": ""}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "0.6"}, {"2015-16": "0.6"}, {"2016-17": "0.6"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "0.7"}, {"2015-16": ""}]}}, {"state": "Gujarat", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "8"}, {"2014-15": "8.8"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "8.6"}, {"2015-16": "8.4"}, {"2016-17": "7.1"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "9.3"}, {"2015-16": "8.1"}]}}, {"state": "Haryana", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "4.4"}, {"2014-15": "4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "3.8"}, {"2015-16": "3.4"}, {"2016-17": "3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "3.6"}, {"2015-16": "2.6"}]}}, {"state": "Himachal Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "9.2"}, {"2014-15": "10.7"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "8.2"}, {"2015-16": "8.5"}, {"2016-17": "8.6"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "9"}, {"2015-16": "7.6"}]}}, {"state": "Jammu and Kashmir", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "1.2"}, {"2014-15": "1.2"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1.5"}, {"2015-16": "2"}, {"2016-17": "2.3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1.9"}, {"2015-16": "1.8"}]}}, {"state": "Jharkhand", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "3.2"}, {"2014-15": "2.6"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "4.7"}, {"2015-16": "4.4"}, {"2016-17": "3.7"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "4.6"}, {"2015-16": "3"}]}}, {"state": "Karnataka", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "6.7"}, {"2014-15": "7"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "7.1"}, {"2015-16": "7.8"}, {"2016-17": "7.3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "6.1"}, {"2015-16": "6.3"}]}}, {"state": "Kerala", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "0.8"}, {"2014-15": "0.6"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1.5"}, {"2015-16": "0.9"}, {"2016-17": "0.7"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1.2"}, {"2015-16": "0.7"}]}}, {"state": "Madhya Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "6.3"}, {"2014-15": "4.8"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "4.7"}, {"2015-16": "5.4"}, {"2016-17": "5.9"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "5"}, {"2015-16": "5.5"}]}}, {"state": "Maharashtra", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "5"}, {"2014-15": "5"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "4.7"}, {"2015-16": "3.9"}, {"2016-17": "4.6"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "5.1"}, {"2015-16": "4.9"}]}}, {"state": "Meghalaya", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "1.8"}, {"2014-15": "3.6"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "2.9"}, {"2015-16": "3.6"}, {"2016-17": "2.5"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "2.9"}, {"2015-16": "3.6"}]}}, {"state": "Mizoram", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "0.2"}, {"2014-15": "0.1"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1.2"}, {"2015-16": "1.3"}, {"2016-17": "0.6"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1"}, {"2015-16": "1.1"}]}}, {"state": "Odisha", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "6.5"}, {"2014-15": "6.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "6.3"}, {"2015-16": "7.4"}, {"2016-17": "7.7"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "5.7"}, {"2015-16": "7.1"}]}}, {"state": "Punjab", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "2.8"}, {"2014-15": "2.6"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "3.6"}, {"2015-16": "3"}, {"2016-17": "3.1"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "2.7"}, {"2015-16": "3.2"}]}}, {"state": "Rajasthan", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "2.9"}, {"2014-15": "2.6"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "2.6"}, {"2015-16": "2.5"}, {"2016-17": "2.7"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "2.5"}, {"2015-16": "2.4"}]}}, {"state": "Sikkim", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "1"}, {"2014-15": "0.5"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "2.4"}, {"2015-16": "2.2"}, {"2016-17": "3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "2.3"}, {"2015-16": "2.1"}]}}, {"state": "Tamil Nadu", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "2.2"}, {"2014-15": "2"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "2.4"}, {"2015-16": "2.1"}, {"2016-17": "1.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "2"}, {"2015-16": "1.6"}]}}, {"state": "Telangana", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": ""}, {"2014-15": "12.9"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "9.6"}, {"2015-16": "10.1"}, {"2016-17": "20.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "9.6"}, {"2015-16": "11.3"}]}}, {"state": "Tripura", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "1.3"}, {"2014-15": "0.7"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1.3"}, {"2015-16": "1.3"}, {"2016-17": "1"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1.2"}, {"2015-16": "1.2"}]}}, {"state": "Uttar Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "3.8"}, {"2014-15": "4.1"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "3.9"}, {"2015-16": "3.7"}, {"2016-17": "3.7"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "4.2"}, {"2015-16": "3.3"}]}}, {"state": "Uttarakhand", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "3.4"}, {"2014-15": "4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "4"}, {"2015-16": "3.1"}, {"2016-17": "3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "4.1"}, {"2015-16": "3.6"}]}}, {"state": "West Bengal", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "1.7"}, {"2014-15": "2"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "2.9"}, {"2015-16": "2.7"}, {"2016-17": "2.6"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "2.3"}, {"2015-16": "2.3"}]}}], "indicator": "Total Sector Expenditure as % of State Budget", "slugIndicator": "total_sector_expenditure_as_of_state_budget", "unit": "Percentage"}, {"stateFigures": [{"state": "Andhra Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "2177.7"}, {"2014-15": ""}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "976"}, {"2015-16": "603.5"}, {"2016-17": "907"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "974.9"}, {"2015-16": "1014.4"}]}}, {"state": "Assam", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "411.1"}, {"2014-15": "624.5"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "713.4"}, {"2015-16": "1162"}, {"2016-17": "1392.1"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1219.9"}, {"2015-16": "1320"}]}}, {"state": "Bihar", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "284.6"}, {"2014-15": "242.7"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "335.5"}, {"2015-16": "311.2"}, {"2016-17": "276.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "415.4"}, {"2015-16": "340.6"}]}}, {"state": "Chhattisgarh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "821.1"}, {"2014-15": "770.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "968.2"}, {"2015-16": "1079.2"}, {"2016-17": "1129.9"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "877.8"}, {"2015-16": "879.5"}]}}, {"state": "Delhi", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "98.9"}, {"2014-15": "114.3"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "114.6"}, {"2015-16": "110.8"}, {"2016-17": "125"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "117.5"}, {"2015-16": "108.4"}]}}, {"state": "Gujarat", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "1390"}, {"2014-15": "1674.1"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1845.2"}, {"2015-16": "1867.4"}, {"2016-17": "1704.1"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1904.3"}, {"2015-16": "1735.4"}]}}, {"state": "Haryana", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "788.1"}, {"2014-15": "796.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "835.9"}, {"2015-16": "875.9"}, {"2016-17": "965.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "835.7"}, {"2015-16": "807.4"}]}}, {"state": "Himachal Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "2892.2"}, {"2014-15": "3865"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "2810.7"}, {"2015-16": "3484.9"}, {"2016-17": "3947.3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "3115.4"}, {"2015-16": "2941.3"}]}}, {"state": "Jammu and Kashmir", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "332.9"}, {"2014-15": "339.8"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "540.9"}, {"2015-16": "742.5"}, {"2016-17": "1075.6"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "658.7"}, {"2015-16": "724.3"}]}}, {"state": "Jharkhand", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "298.4"}, {"2014-15": "317.5"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "715.6"}, {"2015-16": "740.6"}, {"2016-17": "691"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "710.4"}, {"2015-16": "505.4"}]}}, {"state": "Karnataka", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "1173.8"}, {"2014-15": "1412.2"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1530.3"}, {"2015-16": "1719.8"}, {"2016-17": "1826"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1278.5"}, {"2015-16": "1411.6"}]}}, {"state": "Kerala", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "148.9"}, {"2014-15": "127.2"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "334.2"}, {"2015-16": "235.5"}, {"2016-17": "205.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "264.5"}, {"2015-16": "187.2"}]}}, {"state": "Madhya Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "622.2"}, {"2014-15": "556.3"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "634.4"}, {"2015-16": "810.8"}, {"2016-17": "1003.9"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "684.3"}, {"2015-16": "830.1"}]}}, {"state": "Maharashtra", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "764"}, {"2014-15": "838.3"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "858.6"}, {"2015-16": "758"}, {"2016-17": "976.1"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "962.7"}, {"2015-16": "982"}]}}, {"state": "Meghalaya", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "465.3"}, {"2014-15": "1021.6"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1267.5"}, {"2015-16": "1254.4"}, {"2016-17": "931.2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1267.5"}, {"2015-16": "1254.4"}]}}, {"state": "Mizoram", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "99.7"}, {"2014-15": "110"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "742.2"}, {"2015-16": "924.7"}, {"2016-17": "483"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "745.3"}, {"2015-16": "921.2"}]}}, {"state": "Odisha", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "882.4"}, {"2014-15": "1023.7"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1217.2"}, {"2015-16": "1474.2"}, {"2016-17": "1704.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1053"}, {"2015-16": "1428.4"}]}}, {"state": "Punjab", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "599.3"}, {"2014-15": "658.5"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "918"}, {"2015-16": "828.1"}, {"2016-17": "926.1"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "720.1"}, {"2015-16": "874.1"}]}}, {"state": "Rajasthan", 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"410.3"}]}}, {"state": "Uttar Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "369.9"}, {"2014-15": "455.1"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "511.7"}, {"2015-16": "517.9"}, {"2016-17": "588.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "518.6"}, {"2015-16": "504.1"}]}}, {"state": "Uttarakhand", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "738.5"}, {"2014-15": "1056.1"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1186.3"}, {"2015-16": "961.7"}, {"2016-17": "1158.3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1276.1"}, {"2015-16": "1145.6"}]}}, {"state": "West Bengal", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "199.5"}, {"2014-15": "270"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "403.2"}, {"2015-16": "396.8"}, {"2016-17": "439.9"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "328.4"}, {"2015-16": "361"}]}}], "indicator": "Per Capita Expenditure on Sector ", "slugIndicator": "per_capita_expenditure_on_sector", "unit": "INR Rs."}, {"stateFigures": [{"state": "Andhra Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "47.9"}, {"2014-15": ""}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "63.2"}, {"2015-16": "13.4"}, {"2016-17": "9"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "62.2"}, {"2015-16": "7.1"}]}}, {"state": "Assam", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "48.6"}, {"2014-15": "37"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "38.7"}, {"2015-16": "26"}, {"2016-17": "29.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "22.5"}, {"2015-16": "23"}]}}, {"state": "Bihar", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "37"}, {"2014-15": "42.2"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "43.4"}, {"2015-16": "48.5"}, {"2016-17": "41"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "35.7"}, {"2015-16": "44.5"}]}}, {"state": "Chhattisgarh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "17.6"}, {"2014-15": "41"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "18.4"}, {"2015-16": "40.2"}, {"2016-17": "42.2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "20.2"}, {"2015-16": "43"}]}}, {"state": "Delhi", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "61.6"}, {"2014-15": "62.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "61.5"}, {"2015-16": "69.4"}, {"2016-17": "74.3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "62.3"}, {"2015-16": "74.6"}]}}, {"state": "Gujarat", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "14.1"}, {"2014-15": "11.9"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "11.7"}, {"2015-16": "11.8"}, {"2016-17": "12.6"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "10.9"}, {"2015-16": "10.9"}]}}, {"state": "Haryana", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "56.1"}, {"2014-15": "54.6"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "74.9"}, {"2015-16": "74.7"}, {"2016-17": "72.6"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "75"}, {"2015-16": "75.4"}]}}, {"state": "Himachal Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "88.8"}, {"2014-15": "80.6"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "86.7"}, {"2015-16": "77.1"}, {"2016-17": "80.7"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "75.9"}, {"2015-16": "86.4"}]}}, {"state": "Jammu and Kashmir", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "100"}, {"2014-15": "100"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "79.2"}, {"2015-16": "58"}, {"2016-17": "41.2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "59.5"}, {"2015-16": "55.3"}]}}, {"state": "Jharkhand", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "32.1"}, {"2014-15": "32.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "18.8"}, {"2015-16": "18.5"}, {"2016-17": "21.2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "18.3"}, {"2015-16": "24.3"}]}}, {"state": "Karnataka", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "10.3"}, {"2014-15": "10.7"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "14.4"}, {"2015-16": "15"}, {"2016-17": "15"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "15.4"}, {"2015-16": "15.5"}]}}, {"state": "Kerala", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "58.9"}, {"2014-15": "60.1"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "31.2"}, {"2015-16": "45.9"}, {"2016-17": "54.7"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "39"}, {"2015-16": "54.3"}]}}, {"state": "Madhya Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "15"}, {"2014-15": "17.5"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "19"}, {"2015-16": "13.8"}, {"2016-17": "12.2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "17.1"}, {"2015-16": "12.5"}]}}, {"state": "Maharashtra", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "5.2"}, {"2014-15": "21.3"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "21.3"}, {"2015-16": "25.7"}, {"2016-17": "21"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "21"}, {"2015-16": "20.5"}]}}, {"state": "Meghalaya", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "97.3"}, {"2014-15": "99.8"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "98.7"}, {"2015-16": "98.7"}, {"2016-17": "98.9"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "98.7"}, {"2015-16": "98.7"}]}}, {"state": "Mizoram", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "100"}, {"2014-15": "98.7"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "16.8"}, {"2015-16": "12.2"}, {"2016-17": "43.5"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "17.1"}, {"2015-16": "12.8"}]}}, {"state": "Odisha", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "39.5"}, {"2014-15": "33.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "33.1"}, {"2015-16": "30.1"}, {"2016-17": "27.3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "32.2"}, {"2015-16": "32.6"}]}}, {"state": "Punjab", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "78.7"}, {"2014-15": "65"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "47.8"}, {"2015-16": "55.2"}, {"2016-17": "52"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "62.5"}, {"2015-16": "54.1"}]}}, {"state": "Rajasthan", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "61.8"}, {"2014-15": "57.5"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "53.6"}, {"2015-16": "53.9"}, {"2016-17": "47.5"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "55.9"}, {"2015-16": "57.3"}]}}, {"state": "Sikkim", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "91.4"}, {"2014-15": "81"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "96.3"}, {"2015-16": "90"}, {"2016-17": "93.9"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "96.3"}, {"2015-16": "90"}]}}, {"state": "Tamil Nadu", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "61.2"}, {"2014-15": "57.2"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "39.8"}, {"2015-16": "48.3"}, {"2016-17": "50.7"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "51.7"}, {"2015-16": "60.1"}]}}, {"state": "Telangana", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": ""}, {"2014-15": "35.5"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "37.7"}, {"2015-16": "40.3"}, {"2016-17": "31"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "37.7"}, {"2015-16": "25.9"}]}}, {"state": "Tripura", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "78.1"}, {"2014-15": "77.6"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "63.5"}, {"2015-16": "59"}, {"2016-17": "86.1"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "70.2"}, {"2015-16": "79.8"}]}}, {"state": "Uttar Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "56"}, {"2014-15": "51"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "53.1"}, {"2015-16": "55.7"}, {"2016-17": "48.5"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "55.7"}, {"2015-16": "50.1"}]}}, {"state": "Uttarakhand", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "42.3"}, {"2014-15": "32.6"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "33.9"}, {"2015-16": "38.9"}, {"2016-17": "37.5"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "30"}, {"2015-16": "32.5"}]}}, {"state": "West Bengal", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "60.2"}, {"2014-15": "43.5"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "41"}, {"2015-16": "32"}, {"2016-17": "30.6"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "39.7"}, {"2015-16": "35"}]}}], "indicator": "Revenue Expenditure as % of Total Sector Expenditure", "slugIndicator": "revenue_expenditure_as_of_total_sector_expenditure", "unit": "Percentage"}, {"stateFigures": [{"state": "Andhra Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "52.1"}, {"2014-15": ""}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "36.8"}, {"2015-16": "86.6"}, {"2016-17": "91"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "37.8"}, {"2015-16": "92.9"}]}}, {"state": "Assam", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "51.4"}, {"2014-15": "63"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "61.3"}, {"2015-16": "74"}, {"2016-17": "70.6"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "77.5"}, {"2015-16": "77"}]}}, {"state": "Bihar", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "63"}, {"2014-15": "57.8"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "56.6"}, {"2015-16": "51.5"}, {"2016-17": "59"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "64.3"}, {"2015-16": "55.5"}]}}, {"state": "Chhattisgarh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "82.4"}, {"2014-15": "59"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "81.6"}, {"2015-16": "59.8"}, {"2016-17": "57.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "79.8"}, {"2015-16": "57"}]}}, {"state": "Delhi", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "38.4"}, {"2014-15": "37.6"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "38.5"}, {"2015-16": "30.6"}, {"2016-17": "25.7"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "37.7"}, {"2015-16": "25.4"}]}}, {"state": "Gujarat", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "85.9"}, {"2014-15": "88.1"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "88.3"}, {"2015-16": "88.2"}, {"2016-17": "87.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "89.1"}, {"2015-16": "89.1"}]}}, {"state": "Haryana", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "43.9"}, {"2014-15": "45.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "25.1"}, {"2015-16": "25.3"}, {"2016-17": "27.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "25"}, {"2015-16": "24.6"}]}}, {"state": "Himachal Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "11.2"}, {"2014-15": "19.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "13.3"}, {"2015-16": "22.9"}, {"2016-17": "19.3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "24.1"}, {"2015-16": "13.6"}]}}, {"state": "Jammu and Kashmir", 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"45.9"}]}}, {"state": "Rajasthan", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "38.2"}, {"2014-15": "42.5"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "46.4"}, {"2015-16": "46.1"}, {"2016-17": "52.5"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "44.1"}, {"2015-16": "42.7"}]}}, {"state": "Sikkim", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "8.6"}, {"2014-15": "19"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "3.7"}, {"2015-16": "10"}, {"2016-17": "6.1"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "3.7"}, {"2015-16": "10"}]}}, {"state": "Tamil Nadu", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "38.8"}, {"2014-15": "42.8"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "60.2"}, {"2015-16": "51.7"}, {"2016-17": "49.3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "48.3"}, {"2015-16": "39.9"}]}}, {"state": "Telangana", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": ""}, {"2014-15": "64.5"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "62.3"}, {"2015-16": "59.7"}, {"2016-17": "69"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "62.3"}, {"2015-16": "74.1"}]}}, {"state": "Tripura", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "21.9"}, {"2014-15": "22.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "36.5"}, {"2015-16": "41"}, {"2016-17": "13.9"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "29.8"}, {"2015-16": "20.2"}]}}, {"state": "Uttar Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "44"}, {"2014-15": "49"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "46.9"}, {"2015-16": "44.3"}, {"2016-17": "51.5"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "44.3"}, {"2015-16": "49.9"}]}}, {"state": "Uttarakhand", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "57.7"}, {"2014-15": "67.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "66.1"}, {"2015-16": "61.1"}, {"2016-17": "62.5"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "70"}, {"2015-16": "67.5"}]}}, {"state": "West Bengal", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "39.8"}, {"2014-15": "56.5"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "59"}, {"2015-16": "68"}, {"2016-17": "69.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "60.3"}, {"2015-16": "65"}]}}], "indicator": "Capital Expenditure (including Loans & Advances ) as % of Total Sector Expenditure", "slugIndicator": "capital_expenditure_including_loans_advances_as_of_total_sector_expenditure", "unit": "Percentage"}], "slugSector": "irrigation_water_resources"}, {"sector": " Forests & Environment", "subIndicators": [{"stateFigures": [{"state": "Andhra 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[{"2014-15": "80.3"}, {"2015-16": "80.1"}]}}, {"state": "Gujarat", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "741"}, {"2014-15": "888.3"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "714.4"}, {"2015-16": "824.3"}, {"2016-17": "938.2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "807.2"}, {"2015-16": "1369.9"}]}}, {"state": "Haryana", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "251.9"}, {"2014-15": "306.3"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "308.3"}, {"2015-16": "387.4"}, {"2016-17": "356.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "337.9"}, {"2015-16": "349.3"}]}}, {"state": "Himachal Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "376.3"}, {"2014-15": "390.1"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "384.4"}, {"2015-16": "410.9"}, {"2016-17": "462.9"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "398.4"}, {"2015-16": "382.7"}]}}, {"state": "Jammu and Kashmir", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "465.8"}, {"2014-15": "487.5"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "657.3"}, {"2015-16": "717.6"}, {"2016-17": "787.2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "621.5"}, {"2015-16": "657.6"}]}}, {"state": "Jharkhand", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "271.1"}, {"2014-15": "379.6"}], 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"2016.2"}]}}, {"state": "Meghalaya", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "122.1"}, {"2014-15": "146.3"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "219.9"}, {"2015-16": "160.2"}, {"2016-17": "131.9"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "219.9"}, {"2015-16": "160.2"}]}}, {"state": "Mizoram", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "25"}, {"2014-15": "149.6"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "36.6"}, {"2015-16": "101.6"}, {"2016-17": "93.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "51.9"}, {"2015-16": "106.5"}]}}, {"state": "Odisha", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "601.5"}, {"2014-15": "645.9"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "716"}, {"2015-16": "718.6"}, {"2016-17": "603.2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "738.6"}, {"2015-16": "642.3"}]}}, {"state": "Punjab", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "110.6"}, {"2014-15": "111.3"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "127.3"}, {"2015-16": "112.4"}, {"2016-17": "162.2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "130.5"}, {"2015-16": "146"}]}}, {"state": "Rajasthan", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "854.7"}, {"2014-15": "973"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1253.2"}, {"2015-16": "1070.6"}, {"2016-17": "1058.9"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1108.8"}, {"2015-16": "1094.4"}]}}, {"state": "Sikkim", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "126.2"}, {"2014-15": "198"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "246.7"}, {"2015-16": "215"}, {"2016-17": "164.5"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "286.2"}, {"2015-16": "215"}]}}, {"state": "Tamil Nadu", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "686.8"}, {"2014-15": "635.7"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "782.5"}, {"2015-16": "754.2"}, {"2016-17": "652.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "775.7"}, {"2015-16": "653.5"}]}}, {"state": "Telangana", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": ""}, {"2014-15": "306.2"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "584.3"}, {"2015-16": "553.7"}, {"2016-17": "272.3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "584.3"}, {"2015-16": "411.6"}]}}, {"state": "Tripura", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "69.1"}, {"2014-15": "85.9"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "89.4"}, {"2015-16": "95.2"}, {"2016-17": "102.2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "110.8"}, {"2015-16": "93.4"}]}}, {"state": "Uttar Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "4.2"}, {"2014-15": "9.6"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "5.2"}, {"2015-16": "10.8"}, {"2016-17": "10.6"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "10"}, {"2015-16": "10.5"}]}}, {"state": "Uttarakhand", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "419.8"}, {"2014-15": "527.5"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "526.3"}, {"2015-16": "626.6"}, {"2016-17": "801.5"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "654.7"}, {"2015-16": "579.8"}]}}, {"state": "West Bengal", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "470"}, {"2014-15": "454.6"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "633.5"}, {"2015-16": "677.7"}, {"2016-17": "730.5"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "579.4"}, {"2015-16": "672.6"}]}}], "indicator": "Total Sector Expenditure", "slugIndicator": "total_sector_expenditure", "unit": "INR (in Crores)"}, {"stateFigures": [{"state": "Andhra Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "0.3"}, {"2014-15": ""}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "0.4"}, {"2015-16": "0.3"}, {"2016-17": "0.3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "0.3"}, {"2015-16": "0.3"}]}}, {"state": "Assam", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "1.2"}, {"2014-15": "0.9"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1"}, {"2015-16": "1.1"}, {"2016-17": "1.2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "0.9"}, {"2015-16": "1"}]}}, {"state": "Bihar", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "0.3"}, {"2014-15": "0.3"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "0.2"}, {"2015-16": "0.2"}, {"2016-17": "0.2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "0.3"}, {"2015-16": "0.3"}]}}, {"state": "Chhattisgarh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "2.7"}, {"2014-15": "2.2"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "2.1"}, {"2015-16": "2"}, {"2016-17": "2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "2.2"}, {"2015-16": "2"}]}}, {"state": "Delhi", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "0.2"}, {"2014-15": ""}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "0.3"}, {"2015-16": "0.2"}, {"2016-17": "0.2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "0.2"}, {"2015-16": ""}]}}, {"state": "Gujarat", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "0.7"}, {"2014-15": "0.8"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "0.5"}, {"2015-16": "0.6"}, {"2016-17": "0.6"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "0.6"}, {"2015-16": "1"}]}}, {"state": "Haryana", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "0.5"}, {"2014-15": "0.6"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "0.5"}, {"2015-16": "0.6"}, {"2016-17": "0.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "0.5"}, {"2015-16": "0.4"}]}}, {"state": "Himachal Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "1.7"}, {"2014-15": "1.6"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1.6"}, {"2015-16": "1.4"}, {"2016-17": "1.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1.6"}, {"2015-16": "1.4"}]}}, {"state": "Jammu and Kashmir", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "1.4"}, {"2014-15": "1.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1.5"}, {"2015-16": "1.5"}, {"2016-17": "1.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1.4"}, {"2015-16": "1.3"}]}}, {"state": "Jharkhand", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "0.9"}, {"2014-15": "0.9"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "0.9"}, {"2015-16": "0.9"}, {"2016-17": "0.9"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "0.9"}, {"2015-16": "0.9"}]}}, {"state": "Karnataka", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "1.5"}, {"2014-15": "1.1"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1"}, {"2015-16": "1"}, {"2016-17": "0.6"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1.2"}, {"2015-16": "1"}]}}, {"state": "Kerala", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "0.6"}, {"2014-15": "0.6"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "0.7"}, {"2015-16": "0.6"}, {"2016-17": "0.6"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "0.6"}, {"2015-16": "0.6"}]}}, {"state": "Madhya Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "2.4"}, {"2014-15": "2.3"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "2.3"}, {"2015-16": "2"}, {"2016-17": "1.7"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "2.2"}, {"2015-16": "1.8"}]}}, {"state": "Maharashtra", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "0.6"}, {"2014-15": "0.6"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "0.6"}, {"2015-16": "0.7"}, {"2016-17": "0.9"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "0.6"}, {"2015-16": "0.8"}]}}, {"state": "Meghalaya", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "1.8"}, {"2014-15": "1.9"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1.8"}, {"2015-16": "1.7"}, {"2016-17": "1.3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1.8"}, {"2015-16": "1.7"}]}}, {"state": "Mizoram", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "0.4"}, {"2014-15": "1.9"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "0.5"}, {"2015-16": "1.3"}, {"2016-17": "1.1"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "0.7"}, {"2015-16": "1.3"}]}}, {"state": "Odisha", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "1.1"}, {"2014-15": "1"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "0.9"}, {"2015-16": "0.9"}, {"2016-17": "0.6"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1"}, {"2015-16": "0.8"}]}}, {"state": "Punjab", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "0.2"}, {"2014-15": "0.2"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "0.2"}, {"2015-16": "0.1"}, {"2016-17": "0.2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "0.2"}, {"2015-16": "0.2"}]}}, {"state": "Rajasthan", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "0.9"}, {"2014-15": "0.8"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1"}, {"2015-16": "0.8"}, {"2016-17": "0.7"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "0.9"}, {"2015-16": "0.8"}]}}, {"state": "Sikkim", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "2.9"}, {"2014-15": "4.2"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "3.8"}, {"2015-16": "4"}, {"2016-17": "3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "4.3"}, {"2015-16": "4"}]}}, {"state": "Tamil Nadu", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "0.5"}, {"2014-15": "0.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "0.5"}, {"2015-16": "0.4"}, {"2016-17": "0.3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "0.5"}, {"2015-16": "0.4"}]}}, {"state": "Telangana", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": ""}, {"2014-15": "0.5"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "0.6"}, {"2015-16": "0.5"}, {"2016-17": "0.2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "0.6"}, {"2015-16": "0.4"}]}}, {"state": "Tripura", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "0.9"}, {"2014-15": "0.8"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "0.7"}, {"2015-16": "0.6"}, {"2016-17": "0.7"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "0.9"}, {"2015-16": "0.7"}]}}, {"state": "Uttar Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "0"}, {"2014-15": "0"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "0"}, {"2015-16": "0"}, {"2016-17": "0"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "0"}, {"2015-16": "0"}]}}, {"state": "Uttarakhand", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "1.9"}, {"2014-15": "1.9"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1.7"}, {"2015-16": "1.9"}, {"2016-17": "2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "2"}, {"2015-16": "1.7"}]}}, {"state": "West Bengal", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "0.4"}, {"2014-15": "0.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "0.5"}, {"2015-16": "0.5"}, {"2016-17": "0.5"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "0.4"}, {"2015-16": "0.5"}]}}], "indicator": "Total Sector Expenditure as % of State Budget", "slugIndicator": "total_sector_expenditure_as_of_state_budget", "unit": "Percentage"}, {"stateFigures": [{"state": "Andhra Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "46.3"}, {"2014-15": ""}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "48.1"}, {"2015-16": "32.4"}, {"2016-17": "40.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "44.1"}, {"2015-16": "32.6"}]}}, {"state": "Assam", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "140.6"}, {"2014-15": "135.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "178"}, {"2015-16": "222.3"}, {"2016-17": "282.9"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "189.7"}, {"2015-16": "233.4"}]}}, {"state": "Bihar", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "25.4"}, {"2014-15": "32.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "21.1"}, {"2015-16": "22.6"}, {"2016-17": "23.3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "34.2"}, {"2015-16": "32.5"}]}}, {"state": "Chhattisgarh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "417.1"}, {"2014-15": "401.5"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "461.8"}, {"2015-16": "498.2"}, {"2016-17": "543.7"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "470.1"}, {"2015-16": "521.4"}]}}, {"state": "Delhi", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "36.1"}, {"2014-15": "35.6"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "46.3"}, {"2015-16": "43.1"}, {"2016-17": "48.5"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "40"}, {"2015-16": "38.7"}]}}, {"state": "Gujarat", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "122.3"}, {"2014-15": "144.8"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "116.5"}, {"2015-16": "132.8"}, {"2016-17": "149.3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "131.6"}, {"2015-16": "220.7"}]}}, {"state": "Haryana", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "95.9"}, {"2014-15": "114.8"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "115.6"}, {"2015-16": "143.1"}, {"2016-17": "129.7"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "126.7"}, {"2015-16": "129"}]}}, {"state": "Himachal Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "543.9"}, {"2014-15": "559"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "550.9"}, {"2015-16": "584"}, {"2016-17": "652.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "570.9"}, {"2015-16": "543.8"}]}}, {"state": "Jammu and Kashmir", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "387.9"}, {"2014-15": "401.1"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "540.9"}, {"2015-16": "583.9"}, {"2016-17": "633.9"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "511.5"}, {"2015-16": "535.1"}]}}, {"state": "Jharkhand", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "83.8"}, {"2014-15": "115.8"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "137.9"}, {"2015-16": "148.3"}, {"2016-17": "177.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "142.6"}, {"2015-16": "148.4"}]}}, {"state": "Karnataka", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "261"}, {"2014-15": "231.7"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "212.3"}, {"2015-16": "212.6"}, {"2016-17": "160.1"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "247.7"}, {"2015-16": "214.2"}]}}, {"state": "Kerala", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "122.4"}, {"2014-15": "138.9"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "152.9"}, {"2015-16": "160.9"}, {"2016-17": "188.3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "135.3"}, {"2015-16": "143.5"}]}}, {"state": "Madhya Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "235"}, {"2014-15": "262.9"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "311"}, {"2015-16": "305.2"}, {"2016-17": "285.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "298.5"}, {"2015-16": "266"}]}}, {"state": "Maharashtra", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "96.5"}, {"2014-15": "108"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "115.8"}, {"2015-16": "143.8"}, {"2016-17": "184.6"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "115"}, {"2015-16": "169.9"}]}}, {"state": 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[{"2014-15": "156.2"}, {"2015-16": "152.1"}]}}, {"state": "Sikkim", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "2016.3"}, {"2014-15": "3128.3"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "3897.3"}, {"2015-16": "3360.1"}, {"2016-17": "2542.3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "4521.9"}, {"2015-16": "3360.1"}]}}, {"state": "Tamil Nadu", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "100.6"}, {"2014-15": "92.6"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "114"}, {"2015-16": "109.3"}, {"2016-17": "94.1"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "113"}, {"2015-16": "94.7"}]}}, {"state": "Telangana", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": ""}, {"2014-15": ""}], "BE": [{"2014-15": ""}, {"2015-16": ""}, {"2016-17": ""}], "RE": [{"2014-15": ""}, {"2015-16": ""}]}}, {"state": "Tripura", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "186.9"}, {"2014-15": "229.6"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "238.8"}, {"2015-16": "251.5"}, {"2016-17": "267.1"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "296"}, {"2015-16": "246.8"}]}}, {"state": "Uttar Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "0.2"}, {"2014-15": "0.5"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "0.2"}, {"2015-16": "0.5"}, {"2016-17": "0.5"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "0.5"}, {"2015-16": "0.5"}]}}, {"state": "Uttarakhand", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "410.6"}, {"2014-15": "509"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "507.9"}, {"2015-16": "596.8"}, {"2016-17": "753.9"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "631.8"}, {"2015-16": "552.3"}]}}, {"state": "West Bengal", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "51.6"}, {"2014-15": "49.5"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "68.9"}, {"2015-16": "73.1"}, {"2016-17": "78.1"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "63"}, {"2015-16": "72.5"}]}}], "indicator": "Per Capita Expenditure on Sector ", "slugIndicator": "per_capita_expenditure_on_sector", "unit": "INR Rs."}, {"stateFigures": [{"state": "Andhra Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "99.7"}, {"2014-15": ""}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "100"}, {"2015-16": "99.8"}, {"2016-17": "99.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "100"}, {"2015-16": "93.3"}]}}, {"state": "Assam", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "99.8"}, {"2014-15": "99.8"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "100"}, {"2015-16": "100"}, {"2016-17": "100"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "100"}, {"2015-16": "100"}]}}, {"state": "Bihar", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "91.3"}, {"2014-15": "93"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "95.8"}, {"2015-16": "99.1"}, {"2016-17": "99"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "92.9"}, {"2015-16": "93.4"}]}}, {"state": "Chhattisgarh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "96.7"}, {"2014-15": "97.9"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "96.5"}, {"2015-16": "97.4"}, {"2016-17": "97.1"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "96.4"}, {"2015-16": "97.5"}]}}, {"state": "Delhi", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "80.4"}, {"2014-15": "78.5"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "77.6"}, {"2015-16": "80.8"}, {"2016-17": "80.1"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "79.5"}, {"2015-16": "77.1"}]}}, {"state": "Gujarat", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "45.6"}, {"2014-15": "52.1"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "52.3"}, {"2015-16": "52.9"}, {"2016-17": "55.5"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "59.6"}, {"2015-16": "28"}]}}, {"state": "Haryana", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "100"}, {"2014-15": "100"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "100"}, {"2015-16": "100"}, {"2016-17": "100"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "100"}, {"2015-16": "100"}]}}, {"state": "Himachal Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "99.3"}, {"2014-15": "99.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "99.4"}, {"2015-16": "99.5"}, {"2016-17": "98.2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "99.4"}, {"2015-16": "98.1"}]}}, {"state": "Jammu and Kashmir", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "100"}, {"2014-15": "100"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "94.4"}, {"2015-16": "95.3"}, {"2016-17": "91.2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "93.9"}, {"2015-16": "94.7"}]}}, {"state": "Jharkhand", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "100"}, {"2014-15": "99.2"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "98.9"}, {"2015-16": "100"}, {"2016-17": "100"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "98.9"}, {"2015-16": "100"}]}}, {"state": "Karnataka", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "99.2"}, {"2014-15": "99.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "99"}, {"2015-16": "99.1"}, {"2016-17": "97.3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "99.2"}, {"2015-16": "99.1"}]}}, {"state": "Kerala", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "91.8"}, {"2014-15": "91.3"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "87.9"}, {"2015-16": "85.6"}, {"2016-17": "83.7"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "94.2"}, {"2015-16": "87.7"}]}}, {"state": "Madhya Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "95.4"}, {"2014-15": "97.6"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "97"}, {"2015-16": "97.8"}, {"2016-17": "72.9"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "96.9"}, {"2015-16": "97.6"}]}}, {"state": "Maharashtra", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "98.7"}, {"2014-15": "96"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "97.8"}, {"2015-16": "95"}, {"2016-17": "85.6"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "96.2"}, {"2015-16": "93.7"}]}}, {"state": "Meghalaya", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "99.5"}, {"2014-15": "99.8"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "98.6"}, {"2015-16": "93.6"}, {"2016-17": "99.5"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "98.6"}, {"2015-16": "93.6"}]}}, {"state": "Mizoram", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "100"}, {"2014-15": "100"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "100"}, {"2015-16": "100"}, {"2016-17": "100"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "100"}, {"2015-16": "100"}]}}, {"state": "Odisha", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "99.6"}, {"2014-15": 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[{"2013-14": ""}, {"2014-15": "100"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "100"}, {"2015-16": "100"}, {"2016-17": "100"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "100"}, {"2015-16": "100"}]}}, {"state": "Tripura", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "81.3"}, {"2014-15": "82.3"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "82.1"}, {"2015-16": "75.1"}, {"2016-17": "74.7"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "77.6"}, {"2015-16": "82.9"}]}}, {"state": "Uttar Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "100"}, {"2014-15": "100"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "100"}, {"2015-16": "100"}, {"2016-17": "100"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "100"}, {"2015-16": "100"}]}}, {"state": "Uttarakhand", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "88.3"}, {"2014-15": "90.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "93.8"}, {"2015-16": "79.8"}, {"2016-17": "80.6"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "91"}, {"2015-16": "79.7"}]}}, {"state": "West Bengal", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "97.9"}, {"2014-15": "97.2"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "97.5"}, {"2015-16": "96.3"}, {"2016-17": "96.6"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "97.3"}, {"2015-16": "96.3"}]}}], "indicator": "Revenue Expenditure as % of Total Sector Expenditure", "slugIndicator": "revenue_expenditure_as_of_total_sector_expenditure", "unit": "Percentage"}, {"stateFigures": [{"state": "Andhra Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "0.3"}, {"2014-15": ""}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "0"}, {"2015-16": "0.2"}, {"2016-17": "0.2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "0"}, {"2015-16": "6.7"}]}}, {"state": "Assam", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "0.2"}, {"2014-15": "0.2"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "0"}, {"2015-16": "0"}, {"2016-17": "0"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "0"}, {"2015-16": "0"}]}}, {"state": "Bihar", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "8.7"}, {"2014-15": "7"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "4.2"}, {"2015-16": "0.9"}, {"2016-17": "1"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "7.1"}, {"2015-16": "6.6"}]}}, {"state": "Chhattisgarh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "3.3"}, {"2014-15": "2.1"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "3.5"}, {"2015-16": "2.6"}, {"2016-17": "2.9"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "3.6"}, {"2015-16": "2.5"}]}}, {"state": "Delhi", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "19.6"}, {"2014-15": "21.5"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "22.4"}, {"2015-16": "19.2"}, {"2016-17": "19.9"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "20.5"}, {"2015-16": "22.9"}]}}, {"state": "Gujarat", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "54.4"}, {"2014-15": "47.9"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "47.7"}, {"2015-16": "47.1"}, {"2016-17": "44.5"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "40.4"}, {"2015-16": "28.2"}]}}, {"state": "Haryana", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "0"}, {"2014-15": "0"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "0"}, {"2015-16": "0"}, {"2016-17": "0"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "0"}, {"2015-16": "0"}]}}, {"state": "Himachal Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "0.7"}, {"2014-15": "0.6"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "0.6"}, {"2015-16": "0.5"}, {"2016-17": "1.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "0.6"}, {"2015-16": "1.9"}]}}, {"state": "Jammu and Kashmir", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "0"}, {"2014-15": "0"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "5.6"}, {"2015-16": "4.7"}, {"2016-17": "8.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "6.1"}, {"2015-16": "5.3"}]}}, {"state": "Jharkhand", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "0"}, {"2014-15": "0.8"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1.1"}, {"2015-16": "0"}, {"2016-17": "0"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1.1"}, {"2015-16": "0"}]}}, {"state": "Karnataka", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "0.8"}, {"2014-15": "0.6"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1"}, {"2015-16": "0.9"}, {"2016-17": "2.7"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "0.8"}, {"2015-16": "0.9"}]}}, {"state": "Kerala", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "8.2"}, {"2014-15": "8.7"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "12.1"}, {"2015-16": "14.4"}, {"2016-17": "16.3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "5.8"}, {"2015-16": "12.3"}]}}, {"state": "Madhya Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "4.6"}, {"2014-15": "2.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "3"}, {"2015-16": "2.2"}, {"2016-17": "27.1"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "3.1"}, {"2015-16": "2.4"}]}}, {"state": "Maharashtra", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "1.3"}, {"2014-15": "4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "2.2"}, {"2015-16": "5"}, {"2016-17": "14.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "3.8"}, {"2015-16": "6.3"}]}}, {"state": "Meghalaya", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "0.5"}, {"2014-15": "0.2"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1.4"}, {"2015-16": "6.4"}, {"2016-17": "0.5"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1.4"}, {"2015-16": "6.4"}]}}, {"state": "Mizoram", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "0"}, {"2014-15": "0"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "0"}, {"2015-16": "0"}, {"2016-17": "0"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "0"}, {"2015-16": "0"}]}}, {"state": "Odisha", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "0.4"}, {"2014-15": "0.5"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "0.5"}, {"2015-16": "0.5"}, {"2016-17": "0.7"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "0.5"}, {"2015-16": "0.6"}]}}, {"state": "Punjab", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "0"}, {"2014-15": "0"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1.6"}, {"2015-16": "0"}, {"2016-17": "3.6"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1.5"}, {"2015-16": "1.7"}]}}, {"state": "Rajasthan", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "28.4"}, {"2014-15": "22.3"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "27.1"}, {"2015-16": "15.3"}, {"2016-17": "11.2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "22.4"}, {"2015-16": "20.3"}]}}, {"state": "Sikkim", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "1.9"}, {"2014-15": "0.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "0.7"}, {"2015-16": "3"}, {"2016-17": "3.3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "0.6"}, {"2015-16": "3"}]}}, {"state": "Tamil Nadu", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "51.6"}, {"2014-15": "45.3"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "48.8"}, {"2015-16": "32.9"}, {"2016-17": "23.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "42.5"}, {"2015-16": "30.3"}]}}, {"state": "Telangana", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": ""}, {"2014-15": "0"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "0"}, {"2015-16": "0"}, {"2016-17": "0"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "0"}, {"2015-16": "0"}]}}, {"state": "Tripura", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "18.7"}, {"2014-15": "17.7"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "17.9"}, {"2015-16": "24.9"}, {"2016-17": "25.3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "22.4"}, {"2015-16": "17.1"}]}}, {"state": "Uttar Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "0"}, {"2014-15": "0"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "0"}, {"2015-16": "0"}, {"2016-17": "0"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "0"}, {"2015-16": "0"}]}}, {"state": "Uttarakhand", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "11.7"}, {"2014-15": 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{"2015-16": "893.9"}, {"2016-17": "1590.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1158.5"}, {"2015-16": "1150"}]}}, {"state": "Bihar", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "1718"}, {"2014-15": "1745.9"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "2420.9"}, {"2015-16": "2169.9"}, {"2016-17": "3409.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "3301.6"}, {"2015-16": "2662.4"}]}}, {"state": "Chhattisgarh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "1867.1"}, {"2014-15": "1946.7"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "2772.2"}, {"2015-16": "2991.8"}, {"2016-17": "3819.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "2449.5"}, {"2015-16": "3196.2"}]}}, {"state": "Delhi", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "6333.1"}, {"2014-15": "5884.6"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "7536.1"}, {"2015-16": "6639.2"}, {"2016-17": "7900.6"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "6474.8"}, {"2015-16": "6997"}]}}, {"state": "Gujarat", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "7308.8"}, {"2014-15": "7557.9"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "8662.2"}, {"2015-16": "9361.1"}, {"2016-17": "10018.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "8516.2"}, {"2015-16": "9239.2"}]}}, {"state": "Haryana", 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"280.9"}, {"2015-16": "131"}]}}, {"state": "Tamil Nadu", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "10169.3"}, {"2014-15": "10058"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "11677"}, {"2015-16": "12926.6"}, {"2016-17": "14009.6"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "12248.5"}, {"2015-16": "11834.9"}]}}, {"state": "Telangana", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": ""}, {"2014-15": "2557.6"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "6478"}, {"2015-16": "4897.5"}, {"2016-17": "5675.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "6478"}, {"2015-16": "3557.6"}]}}, {"state": "Tripura", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "143.5"}, {"2014-15": "212.5"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "238.2"}, {"2015-16": "322.4"}, {"2016-17": "240.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "340.7"}, {"2015-16": "204.3"}]}}, {"state": "Uttar Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "3236.4"}, {"2014-15": "5689.6"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "7824.6"}, {"2015-16": "8125.3"}, {"2016-17": "11276.6"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "8261.6"}, {"2015-16": "9001.3"}]}}, {"state": "Uttarakhand", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "180.3"}, {"2014-15": "189.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "787.5"}, {"2015-16": "496.7"}, {"2016-17": "868.9"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "382"}, {"2015-16": "742.5"}]}}, {"state": "West Bengal", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "2610.9"}, {"2014-15": "2492.1"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "3018"}, {"2015-16": "3457.7"}, {"2016-17": "3640.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "3114.2"}, {"2015-16": "3182.7"}]}}], "indicator": "Total Sector Expenditure", "slugIndicator": "total_sector_expenditure", "unit": "INR (in Crores)"}, {"stateFigures": [{"state": "Andhra Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "3.7"}, {"2014-15": ""}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "3.5"}, {"2015-16": "3.6"}, {"2016-17": "4.3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "3.5"}, {"2015-16": "2.5"}]}}, {"state": "Assam", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "1.1"}, {"2014-15": "0.8"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1.7"}, {"2015-16": "1.4"}, {"2016-17": "2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1.8"}, {"2015-16": "1.5"}]}}, {"state": "Bihar", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "2.1"}, {"2014-15": "1.8"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "2.1"}, {"2015-16": "1.8"}, {"2016-17": "2.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "2.5"}, {"2015-16": "2"}]}}, {"state": "Chhattisgarh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "4.8"}, {"2014-15": "4.2"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "5.1"}, {"2015-16": "4.6"}, {"2016-17": "5.5"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "4.5"}, {"2015-16": "4.9"}]}}, {"state": "Delhi", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "18.6"}, {"2014-15": ""}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "20.5"}, {"2015-16": "16.1"}, {"2016-17": "17"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "18.6"}, {"2015-16": ""}]}}, {"state": "Gujarat", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "7"}, {"2014-15": "6.5"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "6.6"}, {"2015-16": "6.8"}, {"2016-17": "6.7"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "6.8"}, {"2015-16": "6.9"}]}}, {"state": "Haryana", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "4.4"}, {"2014-15": "3.9"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "5.1"}, {"2015-16": "5.2"}, {"2016-17": "4.3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "4.2"}, {"2015-16": "3.9"}]}}, {"state": "Himachal Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "1.3"}, {"2014-15": "0.8"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "0.8"}, {"2015-16": "0.8"}, {"2016-17": "0.9"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "0.8"}, {"2015-16": "1.2"}]}}, {"state": "Jammu and Kashmir", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "1.1"}, {"2014-15": "1.7"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "2.8"}, {"2015-16": "2.5"}, {"2016-17": "2.5"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "2.1"}, {"2015-16": "1.9"}]}}, {"state": "Jharkhand", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "1.7"}, {"2014-15": "2.7"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "3.7"}, {"2015-16": "3.1"}, {"2016-17": "3.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "2.4"}, {"2015-16": "2.9"}]}}, {"state": "Karnataka", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "2.4"}, {"2014-15": "7.5"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "2.9"}, {"2015-16": "8.8"}, {"2016-17": "9.5"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "3.9"}, {"2015-16": "8.4"}]}}, {"state": "Kerala", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "1"}, {"2014-15": "0.6"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1.9"}, {"2015-16": "1.1"}, {"2016-17": "1.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1.2"}, {"2015-16": "0.8"}]}}, {"state": "Madhya Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "6.8"}, {"2014-15": "5.8"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "6"}, {"2015-16": "5.7"}, {"2016-17": "7.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "6"}, {"2015-16": "7.9"}]}}, {"state": "Maharashtra", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "3.7"}, {"2014-15": "3.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "3.5"}, {"2015-16": "3.3"}, {"2016-17": "7.1"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "4.2"}, {"2015-16": "5.2"}]}}, {"state": "Meghalaya", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "2.2"}, {"2014-15": "1.1"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "3"}, {"2015-16": "1.1"}, {"2016-17": "1.5"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "3"}, {"2015-16": "1.1"}]}}, {"state": "Mizoram", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "3.3"}, {"2014-15": "3.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "4.8"}, {"2015-16": "3.1"}, {"2016-17": "2.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "5"}, {"2015-16": "3.4"}]}}, {"state": "Odisha", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "4.4"}, {"2014-15": "3.5"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "3.8"}, {"2015-16": "3.5"}, {"2016-17": "3.6"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "3.6"}, {"2015-16": "2.9"}]}}, {"state": "Punjab", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "1.1"}, {"2014-15": "1.5"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "2.8"}, {"2015-16": "1.2"}, {"2016-17": "2.6"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1.8"}, {"2015-16": "1.7"}]}}, {"state": "Rajasthan", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "4"}, {"2014-15": "2.9"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "3.7"}, {"2015-16": "3.1"}, {"2016-17": "4.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "3.2"}, {"2015-16": "3.6"}]}}, {"state": "Sikkim", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "2.4"}, {"2014-15": "2.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "4.2"}, {"2015-16": "2.3"}, {"2016-17": "3.2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "4.2"}, {"2015-16": "2.4"}]}}, {"state": "Tamil Nadu", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "7.9"}, {"2014-15": "6.7"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "7.6"}, {"2015-16": "7.4"}, {"2016-17": "7.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "7.6"}, {"2015-16": "6.9"}]}}, {"state": "Telangana", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": ""}, {"2014-15": "4.1"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "6.6"}, {"2015-16": "4.2"}, {"2016-17": "4.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "6.6"}, {"2015-16": "3.6"}]}}, {"state": "Tripura", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "1.8"}, {"2014-15": "2"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1.9"}, {"2015-16": "2.2"}, {"2016-17": "1.6"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "2.7"}, {"2015-16": "1.6"}]}}, {"state": "Uttar Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "1.6"}, {"2014-15": "2.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "2.8"}, {"2015-16": "2.7"}, {"2016-17": "3.3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "3.1"}, {"2015-16": "2.7"}]}}, {"state": "Uttarakhand", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "0.8"}, {"2014-15": "0.7"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "2.6"}, {"2015-16": "1.5"}, {"2016-17": "2.1"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1.2"}, {"2015-16": "2.2"}]}}, {"state": "West Bengal", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "2.4"}, {"2014-15": "2"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "2.3"}, {"2015-16": "2.5"}, {"2016-17": "2.3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "2.4"}, {"2015-16": "2.2"}]}}], "indicator": "Total Sector Expenditure as % of State Budget", "slugIndicator": "total_sector_expenditure_as_of_state_budget", "unit": "Percentage"}, {"stateFigures": [{"state": "Andhra Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "593.9"}, {"2014-15": ""}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "453.4"}, {"2015-16": "463.9"}, {"2016-17": "663.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "449.1"}, {"2015-16": "314.6"}]}}, {"state": "Assam", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "135.4"}, {"2014-15": "125.1"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "316.9"}, {"2015-16": "278.7"}, {"2016-17": "490.3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "365.5"}, {"2015-16": "358.6"}]}}, {"state": "Bihar", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "171.3"}, {"2014-15": "172"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "238.5"}, {"2015-16": "211.2"}, {"2016-17": "328.1"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "325.2"}, {"2015-16": "259.2"}]}}, {"state": "Chhattisgarh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "749.6"}, {"2014-15": "771.5"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1098.7"}, {"2015-16": "1170.7"}, {"2016-17": "1476"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "970.8"}, {"2015-16": "1250.7"}]}}, {"state": "Delhi", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "3242.9"}, {"2014-15": "2928.8"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "3750.8"}, {"2015-16": "3211"}, {"2016-17": "3711.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "3222.6"}, {"2015-16": "3384.1"}]}}, {"state": "Gujarat", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "1206.7"}, {"2014-15": "1232.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1412.4"}, {"2015-16": "1507.9"}, {"2016-17": "1594.6"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1388.6"}, {"2015-16": "1488.3"}]}}, {"state": "Haryana", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "781.9"}, {"2014-15": "794.8"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1147"}, {"2015-16": "1316.2"}, {"2016-17": "1384.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "970.3"}, {"2015-16": "1233.1"}]}}, {"state": "Himachal Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "414.1"}, {"2014-15": "288"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "281.3"}, {"2015-16": "327.5"}, {"2016-17": "402"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "293.7"}, {"2015-16": "448.7"}]}}, {"state": "Jammu and Kashmir", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "305.3"}, {"2014-15": "487.3"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "986.2"}, {"2015-16": "929.7"}, {"2016-17": "1126.5"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "739.2"}, {"2015-16": "784.6"}]}}, {"state": "Jharkhand", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "159.5"}, {"2014-15": "326.1"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "570.5"}, {"2015-16": "519.9"}, {"2016-17": "717.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "377.7"}, {"2015-16": "483.5"}]}}, 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{"2016-17": "568.6"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1296.4"}, {"2015-16": "367.2"}]}}, {"state": "Mizoram", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "1799.4"}, {"2014-15": "2573.7"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "3068.3"}, {"2015-16": "2279.1"}, {"2016-17": "1823.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "3622.4"}, {"2015-16": "2728.3"}]}}, {"state": "Odisha", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "601.4"}, {"2014-15": "559.8"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "725.3"}, {"2015-16": "694.2"}, {"2016-17": "790.3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "668.5"}, {"2015-16": "572.9"}]}}, {"state": "Punjab", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "234.4"}, {"2014-15": "383"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "710.9"}, {"2015-16": "332.2"}, {"2016-17": "779.1"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "477.6"}, {"2015-16": "450.2"}]}}, {"state": "Rajasthan", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "539.9"}, {"2014-15": "479.3"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "682.5"}, {"2015-16": "596.9"}, {"2016-17": "912.7"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "561.2"}, {"2015-16": "691.7"}]}}, {"state": "Sikkim", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "1699.8"}, {"2014-15": "1762.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "4267.1"}, {"2015-16": "1931.1"}, {"2016-17": "2676"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "4437"}, {"2015-16": "2046.8"}]}}, {"state": "Tamil Nadu", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "1489.7"}, {"2014-15": "1465"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1700.9"}, {"2015-16": "1872.6"}, {"2016-17": "2018.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1784.1"}, {"2015-16": "1714.5"}]}}, {"state": "Telangana", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": ""}, {"2014-15": ""}], "BE": [{"2014-15": ""}, {"2015-16": ""}, {"2016-17": ""}], "RE": [{"2014-15": ""}, {"2015-16": ""}]}}, {"state": "Tripura", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "387.8"}, {"2014-15": "567.8"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "636.5"}, {"2015-16": "852"}, {"2016-17": "629.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "910.5"}, {"2015-16": "540"}]}}, {"state": "Uttar Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "155.8"}, {"2014-15": "269.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "370.5"}, {"2015-16": "378.5"}, {"2016-17": "517.1"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "391.1"}, {"2015-16": "419.3"}]}}, {"state": 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"89"}, {"2015-16": "87.2"}]}}, {"state": "Madhya Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "97.7"}, {"2014-15": "98.5"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "98.7"}, {"2015-16": "93.3"}, {"2016-17": "92.3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "98.6"}, {"2015-16": "92.5"}]}}, {"state": "Maharashtra", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "90.6"}, {"2014-15": "95.9"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "99.6"}, {"2015-16": "99.8"}, {"2016-17": "98.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "96.9"}, {"2015-16": "95.8"}]}}, {"state": "Meghalaya", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "27.7"}, {"2014-15": "33.3"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "41.1"}, {"2015-16": "80"}, {"2016-17": "68"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "41.1"}, {"2015-16": "80"}]}}, {"state": "Mizoram", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "54"}, {"2014-15": "46.3"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "46.6"}, {"2015-16": "37.4"}, {"2016-17": "41.6"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "47.3"}, {"2015-16": "43.9"}]}}, {"state": "Odisha", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "75.4"}, {"2014-15": "76"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "71.4"}, {"2015-16": "91.4"}, {"2016-17": "86.2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "72.9"}, {"2015-16": "87.3"}]}}, {"state": "Punjab", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "58.4"}, {"2014-15": "75.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "41.4"}, {"2015-16": "92.7"}, {"2016-17": "76.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "76.4"}, {"2015-16": "74.2"}]}}, {"state": "Rajasthan", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "65.6"}, {"2014-15": "76.7"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "68.4"}, {"2015-16": "74.4"}, {"2016-17": "69.2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "75.6"}, {"2015-16": "78.6"}]}}, {"state": "Sikkim", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "43"}, {"2014-15": "36.8"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "18.8"}, {"2015-16": "42.4"}, {"2016-17": "65.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "18.1"}, {"2015-16": "40"}]}}, {"state": "Tamil Nadu", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "62.9"}, {"2014-15": "62.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "66.6"}, {"2015-16": "56.7"}, {"2016-17": "57.2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "65.1"}, {"2015-16": "61.2"}]}}, {"state": "Telangana", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": ""}, {"2014-15": "56.7"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "71.2"}, {"2015-16": "64.9"}, {"2016-17": "95.9"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "71.2"}, {"2015-16": "82"}]}}, {"state": "Tripura", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "82.2"}, {"2014-15": "69"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "87.8"}, {"2015-16": "51.2"}, {"2016-17": "49.5"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "56.1"}, {"2015-16": "59.7"}]}}, {"state": "Uttar Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "45.7"}, {"2014-15": "57.8"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "70.2"}, {"2015-16": "65.8"}, {"2016-17": "69.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "73.1"}, {"2015-16": "66.1"}]}}, {"state": "Uttarakhand", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "29"}, {"2014-15": "26.3"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "20.4"}, {"2015-16": "29.4"}, {"2016-17": "71.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "25"}, {"2015-16": "55.4"}]}}, {"state": "West Bengal", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "77.4"}, {"2014-15": "24.6"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "25.2"}, {"2015-16": "31.2"}, {"2016-17": "22"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "31.5"}, {"2015-16": "38.5"}]}}], "indicator": "Revenue Expenditure as % of Total Sector Expenditure", "slugIndicator": "revenue_expenditure_as_of_total_sector_expenditure", "unit": "Percentage"}, {"stateFigures": [{"state": "Andhra Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "50.4"}, {"2014-15": ""}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "13.7"}, {"2015-16": "23.5"}, {"2016-17": "33.5"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "13.8"}, {"2015-16": "14.5"}]}}, {"state": "Assam", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "6.9"}, {"2014-15": "4.7"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "3.9"}, {"2015-16": "50.3"}, {"2016-17": "43"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "5.6"}, {"2015-16": "43.7"}]}}, {"state": "Bihar", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "0.1"}, {"2014-15": "0"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "0"}, {"2015-16": "0"}, {"2016-17": "0"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "0"}, {"2015-16": "1.4"}]}}, {"state": "Chhattisgarh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "2.9"}, {"2014-15": "29.6"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "24.5"}, {"2015-16": "30"}, {"2016-17": "26.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "21.8"}, {"2015-16": "41.2"}]}}, {"state": "Delhi", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "34.1"}, {"2014-15": "26.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "21.1"}, {"2015-16": "20.2"}, {"2016-17": "16.5"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "24.9"}, {"2015-16": "24.4"}]}}, {"state": "Gujarat", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "13.9"}, {"2014-15": "2"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "2.9"}, {"2015-16": "8.5"}, {"2016-17": "7.3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "2.9"}, {"2015-16": "3.7"}]}}, {"state": "Haryana", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "20.6"}, {"2014-15": "21.6"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "27.1"}, {"2015-16": "32.4"}, {"2016-17": "3.5"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "21.9"}, {"2015-16": "9.5"}]}}, {"state": "Himachal Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "6.6"}, {"2014-15": "6.5"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "6.9"}, {"2015-16": "8.3"}, {"2016-17": "8.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "6.3"}, {"2015-16": "5.9"}]}}, {"state": "Jammu and Kashmir", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "0"}, {"2014-15": "0"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "61.3"}, {"2015-16": "46.3"}, {"2016-17": "55.6"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "32.4"}, {"2015-16": "36.2"}]}}, {"state": "Jharkhand", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "4"}, {"2014-15": "1.9"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1.5"}, {"2015-16": "2.5"}, {"2016-17": "2.3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "2.2"}, {"2015-16": "2.7"}]}}, {"state": "Karnataka", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "16.9"}, {"2014-15": "7.3"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "12.7"}, {"2015-16": "7.9"}, {"2016-17": "16.7"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "7.5"}, {"2015-16": "7.9"}]}}, {"state": "Kerala", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "49.6"}, {"2014-15": "19.3"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "7.7"}, {"2015-16": "10.9"}, {"2016-17": "3.9"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "11"}, {"2015-16": "12.8"}]}}, {"state": "Madhya Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "2.3"}, {"2014-15": "1.5"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1.3"}, {"2015-16": "6.7"}, {"2016-17": "7.7"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1.4"}, {"2015-16": "7.5"}]}}, {"state": "Maharashtra", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "9.4"}, {"2014-15": "4.1"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "0.4"}, {"2015-16": "0.2"}, {"2016-17": "1.6"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "3.1"}, {"2015-16": "4.2"}]}}, {"state": "Meghalaya", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "72.3"}, {"2014-15": "66.7"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "58.9"}, {"2015-16": "20"}, {"2016-17": "32"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "58.9"}, {"2015-16": "20"}]}}, {"state": "Mizoram", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "46"}, {"2014-15": "53.7"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "53.4"}, {"2015-16": "62.6"}, {"2016-17": "58.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "52.7"}, {"2015-16": "56.1"}]}}, {"state": "Odisha", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "24.6"}, {"2014-15": "24"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "28.6"}, {"2015-16": "8.6"}, {"2016-17": "13.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "27.1"}, {"2015-16": "12.7"}]}}, {"state": "Punjab", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "41.6"}, {"2014-15": "24.6"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "58.6"}, {"2015-16": "7.3"}, {"2016-17": "23.6"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "23.6"}, {"2015-16": "25.8"}]}}, {"state": "Rajasthan", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "34.4"}, {"2014-15": "23.3"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "31.6"}, {"2015-16": "25.6"}, {"2016-17": "30.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "24.4"}, {"2015-16": "21.4"}]}}, {"state": "Sikkim", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "57"}, {"2014-15": "63.2"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "81.2"}, {"2015-16": "57.6"}, {"2016-17": "34.2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "81.9"}, {"2015-16": "60"}]}}, {"state": "Tamil Nadu", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "37.1"}, {"2014-15": "37.6"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "33.4"}, {"2015-16": "43.3"}, {"2016-17": "42.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "34.9"}, {"2015-16": "38.8"}]}}, {"state": "Telangana", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": ""}, {"2014-15": "43.3"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "28.8"}, {"2015-16": "35.1"}, {"2016-17": "4.1"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "28.8"}, {"2015-16": "18"}]}}, {"state": "Tripura", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "17.8"}, {"2014-15": "31"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "12.2"}, {"2015-16": "48.8"}, {"2016-17": "50.5"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "43.9"}, {"2015-16": "40.3"}]}}, {"state": "Uttar Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "54.3"}, {"2014-15": "42.2"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "29.8"}, {"2015-16": "34.2"}, {"2016-17": "30.2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "26.9"}, {"2015-16": "33.9"}]}}, {"state": "Uttarakhand", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "71"}, {"2014-15": "73.7"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "79.6"}, {"2015-16": "70.6"}, {"2016-17": "28.6"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "75"}, {"2015-16": "44.6"}]}}, {"state": "West Bengal", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "22.6"}, {"2014-15": "75.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "74.8"}, {"2015-16": "68.8"}, {"2016-17": "78"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "68.5"}, {"2015-16": "61.5"}]}}], "indicator": "Capital Expenditure (including Loans & Advances ) as % of Total Sector Expenditure", "slugIndicator": "capital_expenditure_including_loans_advances_as_of_total_sector_expenditure", "unit": "Percentage"}], "slugSector": "urban_development_housing"}, {"sector": " Social Welfare", "subIndicators": [{"stateFigures": [{"state": "Andhra Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "9814.5"}, {"2014-15": ""}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "8440.1"}, {"2015-16": "8555.7"}, {"2016-17": "11271.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "8384.9"}, {"2015-16": "6612.3"}]}}, {"state": "Assam", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "2382"}, {"2014-15": "2881.1"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "2622.5"}, {"2015-16": "4057.9"}, {"2016-17": "5437.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "4017.7"}, {"2015-16": "6177.2"}]}}, {"state": "Bihar", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "6788.7"}, {"2014-15": "7913.2"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "8071.8"}, {"2015-16": "8508.8"}, {"2016-17": "9513.6"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "11077.6"}, {"2015-16": "10775.3"}]}}, {"state": "Chhattisgarh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "4718.9"}, {"2014-15": "5049.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "6002.5"}, {"2015-16": "7101.8"}, {"2016-17": "4700.7"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "6827.8"}, {"2015-16": "6011.8"}]}}, {"state": "Delhi", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "1724.9"}, {"2014-15": "1699.5"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "2053.2"}, {"2015-16": "2066.9"}, {"2016-17": "2152.2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1929.7"}, {"2015-16": "2045.4"}]}}, {"state": "Gujarat", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "13345"}, {"2014-15": "13922.6"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "17396.9"}, {"2015-16": "18647.2"}, {"2016-17": "20586.2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "16531.8"}, {"2015-16": "18535.8"}]}}, {"state": "Haryana", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "3239.5"}, {"2014-15": "4687.8"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "5011.5"}, {"2015-16": "5961.4"}, {"2016-17": "6877.1"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "5293.2"}, {"2015-16": "6443.1"}]}}, {"state": "Himachal Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "2418.3"}, {"2014-15": "2949.5"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "2640.4"}, {"2015-16": "3050"}, {"2016-17": "4183.5"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "2934.6"}, {"2015-16": "3193.4"}]}}, {"state": "Jammu and Kashmir", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "279.9"}, {"2014-15": "623.5"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1052.8"}, {"2015-16": "904.9"}, {"2016-17": "1776.7"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "921.1"}, {"2015-16": "1038.6"}]}}, {"state": "Jharkhand", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "2101.8"}, {"2014-15": "2381.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "3107.3"}, {"2015-16": "3692.2"}, {"2016-17": "5872.3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "3228.8"}, {"2015-16": "4677"}]}}, {"state": "Karnataka", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "10339.2"}, {"2014-15": "13103.2"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "12892"}, {"2015-16": "14968.4"}, {"2016-17": "17467.5"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "13714.4"}, {"2015-16": "15474.6"}]}}, {"state": "Kerala", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "4501.7"}, {"2014-15": "5317.1"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "5572.1"}, {"2015-16": "6795.2"}, {"2016-17": "6930.6"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "5888.4"}, {"2015-16": "6675.5"}]}}, {"state": "Madhya Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "8124.3"}, {"2014-15": "6809.7"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "10492.6"}, {"2015-16": "11803.9"}, {"2016-17": "11927.3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "9983.2"}, {"2015-16": "10919.6"}]}}, {"state": "Maharashtra", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "16327.6"}, {"2014-15": "17260.6"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "20376.3"}, {"2015-16": "22211.7"}, {"2016-17": "21603.5"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "19780.6"}, {"2015-16": "22190.3"}]}}, {"state": "Meghalaya", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "227.1"}, {"2014-15": "305.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "858"}, {"2015-16": "176.2"}, {"2016-17": "394.7"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "858"}, {"2015-16": "176.2"}]}}, {"state": "Mizoram", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "145"}, {"2014-15": "116.2"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "126.8"}, {"2015-16": "128.1"}, {"2016-17": "131.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "149.3"}, {"2015-16": "175.6"}]}}, {"state": "Odisha", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "7379.6"}, {"2014-15": "7253.7"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "8860.6"}, {"2015-16": "8049.1"}, {"2016-17": "9884.7"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "7253.4"}, {"2015-16": "9954.3"}]}}, {"state": "Punjab", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "2123.1"}, {"2014-15": "2504.9"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "3287.9"}, {"2015-16": "3502.4"}, {"2016-17": "3603.9"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "3146.7"}, {"2015-16": "3243.2"}]}}, {"state": "Rajasthan", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "5411.6"}, {"2014-15": "6670.9"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "7370.7"}, {"2015-16": "7816.9"}, {"2016-17": "7653.6"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "7090.1"}, {"2015-16": "7372.2"}]}}, {"state": "Sikkim", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "740.2"}, {"2014-15": "396"}], 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"22576.6"}]}}, {"state": "Uttarakhand", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "2178"}, {"2014-15": "2628.7"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "4597.7"}, {"2015-16": "4604.7"}, {"2016-17": "5636.1"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "4349.3"}, {"2015-16": "4479.8"}]}}, {"state": "West Bengal", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "5532.2"}, {"2014-15": "6424.5"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "7103.6"}, {"2015-16": "8249.8"}, {"2016-17": "9193.2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "7092.7"}, {"2015-16": "6965"}]}}], "indicator": "Total Sector Expenditure", "slugIndicator": "total_sector_expenditure", "unit": "INR (in Crores)"}, {"stateFigures": [{"state": "Andhra Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "7.2"}, {"2014-15": ""}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "7.5"}, {"2015-16": "7.6"}, {"2016-17": "8.3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "7.5"}, {"2015-16": "5.9"}]}}, {"state": "Assam", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "6.4"}, {"2014-15": "6.2"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "4.5"}, {"2015-16": "6.1"}, {"2016-17": "6.9"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "6.2"}, {"2015-16": "8.3"}]}}, {"state": 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"Andhra Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "1138.2"}, {"2014-15": ""}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "970.7"}, {"2015-16": "976"}, {"2016-17": "1275.7"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "964.3"}, {"2015-16": "754.3"}]}}, {"state": "Assam", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "760.6"}, {"2014-15": "909.1"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "827.5"}, {"2015-16": "1265.4"}, {"2016-17": "1675.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1267.7"}, {"2015-16": "1926.2"}]}}, {"state": "Bihar", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "676.9"}, {"2014-15": "779.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "795"}, {"2015-16": "828.3"}, {"2016-17": "915.6"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1091.1"}, {"2015-16": "1048.9"}]}}, {"state": "Chhattisgarh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "1894.5"}, {"2014-15": "2001.2"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "2378.9"}, {"2015-16": "2779"}, {"2016-17": "1816.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "2706"}, {"2015-16": "2352.5"}]}}, {"state": "Delhi", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "883.3"}, {"2014-15": "845.9"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1021.9"}, {"2015-16": "999.7"}, {"2016-17": "1011.1"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "960.4"}, {"2015-16": "989.3"}]}}, {"state": "Gujarat", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "2203.3"}, {"2014-15": "2270.2"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "2836.7"}, {"2015-16": "3003.7"}, {"2016-17": "3276.7"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "2695.6"}, {"2015-16": "2985.7"}]}}, {"state": "Haryana", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "1233.3"}, {"2014-15": "1757.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1878.7"}, {"2015-16": "2201.5"}, {"2016-17": "2502.9"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1984.3"}, {"2015-16": "2379.4"}]}}, {"state": "Himachal Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "3495.7"}, {"2014-15": "4226.9"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "3783.9"}, {"2015-16": "4334.2"}, {"2016-17": "5896.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "4205.5"}, {"2015-16": "4538"}]}}, {"state": "Jammu and Kashmir", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "233.1"}, {"2014-15": "513.1"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "866.4"}, {"2015-16": "736.3"}, {"2016-17": "1430.6"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "757.9"}, {"2015-16": "845.1"}]}}, {"state": "Jharkhand", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "650"}, {"2014-15": "726.8"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "948.3"}, {"2015-16": "1112"}, {"2016-17": "1745"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "985.4"}, {"2015-16": "1408.6"}]}}, {"state": "Karnataka", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "1705.5"}, {"2014-15": "2140.6"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "2106"}, {"2015-16": "2422.2"}, {"2016-17": "2800.5"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "2240.4"}, {"2015-16": "2504.1"}]}}, {"state": "Kerala", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "1285"}, {"2014-15": "1508"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1580.4"}, {"2015-16": "1915.6"}, {"2016-17": "1942.6"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1670.1"}, {"2015-16": "1881.8"}]}}, {"state": "Madhya Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "942.2"}, {"2014-15": "783.2"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1206.7"}, {"2015-16": "1346.5"}, {"2016-17": "1349.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1148.1"}, {"2015-16": "1245.6"}]}}, {"state": "Maharashtra", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "1411.2"}, {"2014-15": "1472.9"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1738.8"}, {"2015-16": "1872"}, {"2016-17": "1799.2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1687.9"}, {"2015-16": "1870.2"}]}}, {"state": "Meghalaya", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "846.8"}, {"2014-15": "1126.3"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "3163.6"}, {"2015-16": "642.3"}, {"2016-17": "1423.3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "3163.6"}, {"2015-16": "642.3"}]}}, {"state": "Mizoram", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "1410.8"}, {"2014-15": "1118.5"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1220.7"}, {"2015-16": "1218.5"}, {"2016-17": "1236.2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1436.5"}, {"2015-16": "1670.9"}]}}, {"state": "Odisha", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "1780.2"}, {"2014-15": "1735.5"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "2119.9"}, {"2015-16": "1910.2"}, {"2016-17": "2327"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1735.4"}, {"2015-16": "2362.3"}]}}, {"state": "Punjab", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "750.8"}, {"2014-15": "876.8"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1150.9"}, {"2015-16": "1214.2"}, {"2016-17": "1237.9"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1101.5"}, {"2015-16": "1124.3"}]}}, {"state": "Rajasthan", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "773.7"}, {"2014-15": "940"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1038.6"}, {"2015-16": "1086.1"}, {"2016-17": "1049.2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "999"}, {"2015-16": "1024.3"}]}}, {"state": "Sikkim", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "11823.9"}, {"2014-15": "6255.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "9503.1"}, {"2015-16": "7469.4"}, {"2016-17": "6350.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "9672.1"}, {"2015-16": "7540.8"}]}}, {"state": "Tamil Nadu", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "1299"}, {"2014-15": "1146.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1107.9"}, {"2015-16": "1211.3"}, {"2016-17": "1460.1"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1206"}, {"2015-16": "1862.8"}]}}, {"state": "Telangana", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": ""}, {"2014-15": ""}], "BE": [{"2014-15": ""}, {"2015-16": ""}, {"2016-17": ""}], "RE": [{"2014-15": ""}, {"2015-16": ""}]}}, {"state": "Tripura", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "5360.6"}, {"2014-15": "8166"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "10357.4"}, {"2015-16": "14302.3"}, {"2016-17": "11889.1"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "10649.9"}, {"2015-16": "10388.6"}]}}, {"state": "Uttar 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{"2015-16": "75"}]}}, {"state": "Haryana", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "96.5"}, {"2014-15": "95.1"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "94"}, {"2015-16": "93.8"}, {"2016-17": "96"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "92.4"}, {"2015-16": "95.9"}]}}, {"state": "Himachal Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "72.5"}, {"2014-15": "71"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "70.8"}, {"2015-16": "71.3"}, {"2016-17": "73.5"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "70"}, {"2015-16": "75.3"}]}}, {"state": "Jammu and Kashmir", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "100"}, {"2014-15": "100"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "72.3"}, {"2015-16": "87.4"}, {"2016-17": "74.2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "92.9"}, {"2015-16": "88.7"}]}}, {"state": "Jharkhand", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "84.8"}, {"2014-15": "86"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "87.9"}, {"2015-16": "84.6"}, {"2016-17": "92.3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "87.5"}, {"2015-16": "90.1"}]}}, {"state": "Karnataka", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "90.3"}, {"2014-15": "89.3"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "86.8"}, {"2015-16": "86.8"}, {"2016-17": "85.1"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "87.3"}, {"2015-16": "86.4"}]}}, {"state": "Kerala", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "98.4"}, {"2014-15": "98.3"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "93.8"}, {"2015-16": "94.6"}, {"2016-17": "96.7"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "96.5"}, {"2015-16": "96.7"}]}}, {"state": "Madhya Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "84.4"}, {"2014-15": "84"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "84.4"}, {"2015-16": "86.1"}, {"2016-17": "82.9"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "83.3"}, {"2015-16": "87.8"}]}}, {"state": "Maharashtra", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "89.6"}, {"2014-15": "90.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "84.6"}, {"2015-16": "86.2"}, {"2016-17": "89.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "89"}, {"2015-16": "89.5"}]}}, {"state": "Meghalaya", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "98.3"}, {"2014-15": "94.7"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "96.3"}, {"2015-16": "95.4"}, {"2016-17": "97.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "96.3"}, {"2015-16": "95.4"}]}}, {"state": "Mizoram", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "94.8"}, {"2014-15": "100"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "100"}, {"2015-16": "100"}, {"2016-17": "100"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "86.6"}, {"2015-16": "100"}]}}, {"state": "Odisha", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "91.7"}, {"2014-15": "92"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "91.6"}, {"2015-16": "89.1"}, {"2016-17": "94.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "91.1"}, {"2015-16": "93.5"}]}}, {"state": "Punjab", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "99.6"}, {"2014-15": "97.1"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "93.1"}, {"2015-16": "94.2"}, {"2016-17": "94.3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "96.6"}, {"2015-16": "97.2"}]}}, {"state": "Rajasthan", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "96"}, {"2014-15": "96.7"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "90.3"}, {"2015-16": "92.8"}, {"2016-17": "93.5"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "96.2"}, {"2015-16": "93.6"}]}}, {"state": "Sikkim", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "64.9"}, {"2014-15": "78.2"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "66.2"}, {"2015-16": "69.7"}, {"2016-17": "81.2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "66.7"}, {"2015-16": "69.9"}]}}, {"state": "Tamil Nadu", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "94.2"}, {"2014-15": "96.8"}], "BE": 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"93.3"}, {"2014-15": "87.7"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "84.2"}, {"2015-16": "79.9"}, {"2016-17": "79.5"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "85.3"}, {"2015-16": "88.8"}]}}], "indicator": "Revenue Expenditure as % of Total Sector Expenditure", "slugIndicator": "revenue_expenditure_as_of_total_sector_expenditure", "unit": "Percentage"}, {"stateFigures": [{"state": "Andhra Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "10.1"}, {"2014-15": ""}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "17.5"}, {"2015-16": "9.8"}, {"2016-17": "10.6"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "17.6"}, {"2015-16": "7.8"}]}}, {"state": "Assam", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "0"}, {"2014-15": "0"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "0"}, {"2015-16": "0"}, {"2016-17": "0"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "0"}, {"2015-16": "0"}]}}, {"state": "Bihar", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "1.2"}, {"2014-15": "2.7"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "2.8"}, {"2015-16": "1.6"}, {"2016-17": "3.9"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "2"}, {"2015-16": "2.1"}]}}, {"state": "Chhattisgarh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "5.6"}, {"2014-15": "6.9"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "7.7"}, {"2015-16": "7.1"}, {"2016-17": "11.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "7.4"}, {"2015-16": "10.6"}]}}, {"state": "Delhi", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "3.4"}, {"2014-15": "3.2"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "4.9"}, {"2015-16": "3.9"}, {"2016-17": "3.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "4.4"}, {"2015-16": "2.8"}]}}, {"state": "Gujarat", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "27.4"}, {"2014-15": "30.3"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "26.8"}, {"2015-16": "28.3"}, {"2016-17": "24.2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "27.9"}, {"2015-16": "25"}]}}, {"state": "Haryana", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "3.5"}, {"2014-15": "4.9"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "6"}, {"2015-16": "6.2"}, {"2016-17": "4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "7.6"}, {"2015-16": "4.1"}]}}, {"state": "Himachal Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "27.5"}, {"2014-15": "29"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "29.2"}, {"2015-16": "28.7"}, {"2016-17": "26.5"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "30"}, {"2015-16": "24.7"}]}}, {"state": "Jammu and Kashmir", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "0"}, {"2014-15": "0"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "27.7"}, {"2015-16": "12.6"}, {"2016-17": "25.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "7.1"}, {"2015-16": "11.3"}]}}, {"state": "Jharkhand", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "15.2"}, {"2014-15": "14"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "12.1"}, {"2015-16": "15.4"}, {"2016-17": "7.7"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "12.5"}, {"2015-16": "9.9"}]}}, {"state": "Karnataka", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "9.7"}, {"2014-15": "10.7"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "13.2"}, {"2015-16": "13.2"}, {"2016-17": "14.9"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "12.7"}, {"2015-16": "13.6"}]}}, {"state": "Kerala", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "1.6"}, {"2014-15": "1.7"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "6.2"}, {"2015-16": "5.4"}, {"2016-17": "3.3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "3.5"}, {"2015-16": "3.3"}]}}, {"state": "Madhya Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "15.6"}, {"2014-15": "16"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "15.6"}, {"2015-16": "13.9"}, {"2016-17": "17.1"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "16.7"}, {"2015-16": "12.2"}]}}, {"state": "Maharashtra", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "10.4"}, {"2014-15": "9.6"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "15.4"}, {"2015-16": "13.8"}, {"2016-17": "10.6"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "11"}, {"2015-16": "10.5"}]}}, {"state": "Meghalaya", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "1.7"}, {"2014-15": "5.3"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "3.7"}, {"2015-16": "4.6"}, {"2016-17": "2.6"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "3.7"}, {"2015-16": "4.6"}]}}, {"state": "Mizoram", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "5.2"}, {"2014-15": "0"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "0"}, {"2015-16": "0"}, {"2016-17": "0"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "13.4"}, {"2015-16": "0"}]}}, {"state": "Odisha", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "8.3"}, {"2014-15": "8"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "8.4"}, {"2015-16": "10.9"}, {"2016-17": "5.2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "8.9"}, {"2015-16": "6.5"}]}}, {"state": "Punjab", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "0.4"}, {"2014-15": "2.9"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "6.9"}, {"2015-16": "5.8"}, {"2016-17": "5.7"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "3.4"}, {"2015-16": "2.8"}]}}, {"state": "Rajasthan", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "4"}, {"2014-15": "3.3"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "9.7"}, {"2015-16": "7.2"}, {"2016-17": "6.5"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "3.8"}, {"2015-16": "6.4"}]}}, {"state": "Sikkim", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "35.1"}, {"2014-15": "21.8"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "33.8"}, {"2015-16": "30.3"}, {"2016-17": "18.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "33.3"}, {"2015-16": "30.1"}]}}, {"state": "Tamil Nadu", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "5.8"}, {"2014-15": "3.2"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "4.8"}, {"2015-16": "3.4"}, {"2016-17": "3.6"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "4.5"}, {"2015-16": "1.8"}]}}, {"state": "Telangana", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": ""}, {"2014-15": "8.6"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "9.3"}, {"2015-16": "6.5"}, {"2016-17": "16.6"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "9.2"}, {"2015-16": "9.6"}]}}, {"state": "Tripura", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "45.4"}, {"2014-15": "53"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "50.9"}, {"2015-16": "57.5"}, {"2016-17": "59.2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "52.8"}, {"2015-16": "58.6"}]}}, {"state": "Uttar Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "7.6"}, {"2014-15": "4.7"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "8.8"}, {"2015-16": "8.8"}, {"2016-17": "6.2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "8"}, {"2015-16": "6.3"}]}}, {"state": "Uttarakhand", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "14.8"}, {"2014-15": "15.6"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "16.8"}, {"2015-16": "9.1"}, {"2016-17": "8.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "15.1"}, {"2015-16": "7.8"}]}}, {"state": "West Bengal", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "6.7"}, {"2014-15": "12.3"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "15.8"}, {"2015-16": "20.1"}, {"2016-17": "20.5"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "14.7"}, {"2015-16": "11.2"}]}}], "indicator": "Capital Expenditure (including Loans & Advances ) as % of Total Sector Expenditure", "slugIndicator": "capital_expenditure_including_loans_advances_as_of_total_sector_expenditure", "unit": "Percentage"}], "slugSector": "social_welfare"}, {"sector": " Health", "subIndicators": [{"stateFigures": [{"state": "Andhra Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "5737.4"}, {"2014-15": ""}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "4387.9"}, {"2015-16": "5728.2"}, {"2016-17": "6103.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "4362.9"}, {"2015-16": "4697.6"}]}}, {"state": "Assam", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "269.5"}, {"2014-15": "1917.5"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "3011.2"}, {"2015-16": "3252.2"}, {"2016-17": "3984.1"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "3090.1"}, {"2015-16": "4399"}]}}, {"state": "Bihar", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "2592"}, {"2014-15": "3609.6"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "4805.7"}, {"2015-16": "4971.7"}, {"2016-17": "8234.7"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "5263.4"}, {"2015-16": "4984.9"}]}}, {"state": "Chhattisgarh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "1544.5"}, {"2014-15": "2322.6"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "2900.1"}, {"2015-16": "3208.5"}, {"2016-17": "4016.2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "2870.3"}, {"2015-16": "3398.3"}]}}, {"state": "Delhi", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "2603.9"}, {"2014-15": "3115.8"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "3713.9"}, {"2015-16": "3933.9"}, {"2016-17": "4613.2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "3584.3"}, {"2015-16": "3625.5"}]}}, {"state": "Gujarat", 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"2919.5"}, {"2016-17": "3049.7"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "2442.9"}, {"2015-16": "2947.4"}]}}, {"state": "Karnataka", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "4533.5"}, {"2014-15": "5699.9"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "5900.8"}, {"2015-16": "5825.6"}, {"2016-17": "6303.1"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "6276.4"}, {"2015-16": "6448"}]}}, {"state": "Kerala", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "3652"}, {"2014-15": "4239.6"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "4530.6"}, {"2015-16": "5600.8"}, {"2016-17": "5696"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "5043.7"}, {"2015-16": "5165.2"}]}}, {"state": "Madhya Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "3486.9"}, {"2014-15": "4717.1"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "6153"}, {"2015-16": "6076.5"}, {"2016-17": "7953.9"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "5493.4"}, {"2015-16": "5522.2"}]}}, {"state": "Maharashtra", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "6537"}, {"2014-15": "7995.6"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "9269.5"}, {"2015-16": "8712.7"}, {"2016-17": "9320"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "9687.2"}, {"2015-16": "10370.5"}]}}, {"state": "Meghalaya", 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"9537.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "7449.4"}, {"2015-16": "8241.4"}]}}, {"state": "Sikkim", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "256.4"}, {"2014-15": "261.5"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "354"}, {"2015-16": "343.4"}, {"2016-17": "285"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "361.2"}, {"2015-16": "307.8"}]}}, {"state": "Tamil Nadu", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "6320.8"}, {"2014-15": "7670.3"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "7005"}, {"2015-16": "8245.4"}, {"2016-17": "9072.7"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "8027.5"}, {"2015-16": "8610.8"}]}}, {"state": "Telangana", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": ""}, {"2014-15": "2431.7"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "4062.9"}, {"2015-16": "4931.5"}, {"2016-17": "5966.9"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "4062.9"}, {"2015-16": "4148.8"}]}}, {"state": "Tripura", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "304.4"}, {"2014-15": "496.8"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "417.3"}, {"2015-16": "517.7"}, {"2016-17": "474.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "648.1"}, {"2015-16": "668.2"}]}}, {"state": "Uttar Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "8974.1"}, {"2014-15": "11117.1"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "13090.1"}, {"2015-16": "14657.8"}, {"2016-17": "17828.5"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "12809.7"}, {"2015-16": "14393.3"}]}}, {"state": "Uttarakhand", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "996.3"}, {"2014-15": "1454.1"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1422.9"}, {"2015-16": "1669.6"}, {"2016-17": "1872.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1757.4"}, {"2015-16": "1752.9"}]}}, {"state": "West Bengal", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "4731.1"}, {"2014-15": "6259.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "5641.3"}, {"2015-16": "6124.9"}, {"2016-17": "6936.2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "5931"}, {"2015-16": "6967.4"}]}}], "indicator": "Total Sector Expenditure", "slugIndicator": "total_sector_expenditure", "unit": "INR (in Crores)"}, {"stateFigures": [{"state": "Andhra Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "4.2"}, {"2014-15": ""}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "3.9"}, {"2015-16": "5.1"}, {"2016-17": "4.5"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "3.9"}, {"2015-16": "4.2"}]}}, {"state": "Assam", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "0.7"}, 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"5.5"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "5.7"}, {"2015-16": "5.9"}, {"2016-17": "5.3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "6.3"}, {"2015-16": "5.8"}]}}, {"state": "Madhya Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "4.1"}, {"2014-15": "4.7"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "5.3"}, {"2015-16": "4.6"}, {"2016-17": "5.3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "4.6"}, {"2015-16": "4.2"}]}}, {"state": "Maharashtra", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "3.7"}, {"2014-15": "4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "4.4"}, {"2015-16": "3.8"}, {"2016-17": "3.6"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "4.4"}, {"2015-16": "4.4"}]}}, {"state": "Meghalaya", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "6.5"}, {"2014-15": "7.5"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "5.1"}, {"2015-16": "6.1"}, {"2016-17": "6.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "5.1"}, {"2015-16": "6.1"}]}}, {"state": "Mizoram", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "4.7"}, {"2014-15": "4.5"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "5.1"}, {"2015-16": "5.2"}, {"2016-17": "5"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "6"}, {"2015-16": "6.5"}]}}, {"state": "Odisha", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "3.5"}, {"2014-15": 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"total_sector_expenditure_as_of_state_budget", "unit": "Percentage"}, {"stateFigures": [{"state": "Andhra Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "665.4"}, {"2014-15": ""}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "504.6"}, {"2015-16": "653.4"}, {"2016-17": "690.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "501.8"}, {"2015-16": "535.9"}]}}, {"state": "Assam", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "86.1"}, {"2014-15": "605"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "950.1"}, {"2015-16": "1014.1"}, {"2016-17": "1227.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "975"}, {"2015-16": "1371.7"}]}}, {"state": "Bihar", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "258.5"}, {"2014-15": "355.5"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "473.3"}, {"2015-16": "483.9"}, {"2016-17": "792.5"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "518.4"}, {"2015-16": "485.2"}]}}, {"state": "Chhattisgarh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "620"}, {"2014-15": "920.5"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1149.4"}, {"2015-16": "1255.5"}, {"2016-17": "1551.9"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1137.6"}, {"2015-16": "1329.8"}]}}, {"state": "Delhi", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "1333.3"}, {"2014-15": "1550.7"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1848.4"}, {"2015-16": "1902.6"}, {"2016-17": "2167.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1783.9"}, {"2015-16": "1753.5"}]}}, {"state": "Gujarat", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "699.4"}, {"2014-15": "846.1"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "915"}, {"2015-16": "991.2"}, {"2016-17": "1085.7"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "917.8"}, {"2015-16": "977.2"}]}}, {"state": "Haryana", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "667.2"}, {"2014-15": "839.3"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1051.3"}, {"2015-16": "1118.4"}, {"2016-17": "1425.5"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "992"}, {"2015-16": "1055.2"}]}}, {"state": "Himachal Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "1400"}, {"2014-15": "1634.3"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1669.7"}, {"2015-16": "2215.2"}, {"2016-17": "2356.1"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1635.3"}, {"2015-16": "1774.5"}]}}, {"state": "Jammu and Kashmir", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "1117.2"}, {"2014-15": "1180.6"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1809.9"}, {"2015-16": "2155.7"}, {"2016-17": "2445.1"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1902"}, {"2015-16": "2350"}]}}, {"state": "Jharkhand", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "350.3"}, {"2014-15": "477.9"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "799.3"}, {"2015-16": "879.3"}, {"2016-17": "906.2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "745.5"}, {"2015-16": "887.7"}]}}, {"state": "Karnataka", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "747.8"}, {"2014-15": "931.1"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "964"}, {"2015-16": "942.7"}, {"2016-17": "1010.5"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1025.3"}, {"2015-16": "1043.4"}]}}, {"state": "Kerala", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "1042.4"}, {"2014-15": "1202.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1285"}, {"2015-16": "1578.9"}, {"2016-17": "1596.5"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1430.5"}, {"2015-16": "1456.1"}]}}, {"state": "Madhya Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "404.4"}, {"2014-15": "542.5"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "707.6"}, {"2015-16": "693.2"}, {"2016-17": "900.2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "631.8"}, {"2015-16": "629.9"}]}}, {"state": "Maharashtra", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "565"}, {"2014-15": "682.3"}], "BE": 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"figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "620.1"}, {"2014-15": "910.6"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1227.1"}, {"2015-16": "1308.3"}, {"2016-17": "1307.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1049.7"}, {"2015-16": "1145.1"}]}}, {"state": "Sikkim", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "4096.2"}, {"2014-15": "4131"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "5592.4"}, {"2015-16": "5365.8"}, {"2016-17": "4404.5"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "5705.6"}, {"2015-16": "4809.9"}]}}, {"state": "Tamil Nadu", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "925.9"}, {"2014-15": "1117.2"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1020.3"}, {"2015-16": "1194.5"}, {"2016-17": "1307.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1169.3"}, {"2015-16": "1247.4"}]}}, {"state": "Telangana", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": ""}, {"2014-15": ""}], "BE": [{"2014-15": ""}, {"2015-16": ""}, {"2016-17": ""}], "RE": [{"2014-15": ""}, {"2015-16": ""}]}}, {"state": "Tripura", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "822.8"}, {"2014-15": "1327.7"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1115.3"}, {"2015-16": "1368.1"}, {"2016-17": "1241"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1732"}, {"2015-16": "1765.8"}]}}, {"state": "Uttar Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "432"}, {"2014-15": "526.3"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "619.7"}, {"2015-16": "682.8"}, {"2016-17": "817.5"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "606.5"}, {"2015-16": "670.5"}]}}, {"state": "Uttarakhand", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "974.5"}, {"2014-15": "1403.3"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1373.2"}, {"2015-16": "1590.3"}, {"2016-17": "1761.1"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1696"}, {"2015-16": "1669.6"}]}}, {"state": "West Bengal", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "519.2"}, {"2014-15": "681"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "613.7"}, {"2015-16": "660.5"}, {"2016-17": "741.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "645.2"}, {"2015-16": "751.4"}]}}], "indicator": "Per Capita Expenditure on Sector ", "slugIndicator": "per_capita_expenditure_on_sector", "unit": "INR Rs."}, {"stateFigures": [{"state": "Andhra Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "95.9"}, {"2014-15": ""}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "93.9"}, {"2015-16": "91.6"}, {"2016-17": "92.1"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "94"}, {"2015-16": "94.8"}]}}, {"state": "Assam", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "100"}, {"2014-15": "99.3"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "100"}, {"2015-16": "95.9"}, {"2016-17": "97.1"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "99.6"}, {"2015-16": "96.7"}]}}, {"state": "Bihar", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "82.2"}, {"2014-15": "91.6"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "85.3"}, {"2015-16": "70.6"}, {"2016-17": "88.9"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "79.4"}, {"2015-16": "80.8"}]}}, {"state": "Chhattisgarh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "92"}, {"2014-15": "90.2"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "90"}, {"2015-16": "90.5"}, {"2016-17": "89.6"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "91.2"}, {"2015-16": "86.9"}]}}, {"state": "Delhi", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "100"}, {"2014-15": "100"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "100"}, {"2015-16": "95.8"}, {"2016-17": "95"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "99.7"}, {"2015-16": "96.3"}]}}, {"state": "Gujarat", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "69.8"}, {"2014-15": "71.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "71.9"}, {"2015-16": "72.7"}, {"2016-17": "77.4"}], "RE": 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"8"}, {"2014-15": "9.8"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "10"}, {"2015-16": "9.5"}, {"2016-17": "10.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "8.8"}, {"2015-16": "13.1"}]}}, {"state": "Delhi", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "0"}, {"2014-15": "0"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "0"}, {"2015-16": "4.2"}, {"2016-17": "5"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "0.3"}, {"2015-16": "3.7"}]}}, {"state": "Gujarat", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "30.2"}, {"2014-15": "28.6"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "28.1"}, {"2015-16": "27.3"}, {"2016-17": "22.6"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "28"}, {"2015-16": "23.4"}]}}, {"state": "Haryana", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "2.8"}, {"2014-15": "2.9"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "3.7"}, {"2015-16": "1.3"}, {"2016-17": "14.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "3.6"}, {"2015-16": "1.3"}]}}, {"state": "Himachal Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "6"}, {"2014-15": "3.9"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "3.9"}, {"2015-16": "3.3"}, {"2016-17": "3.2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "4"}, {"2015-16": "7.6"}]}}, {"state": "Jammu and Kashmir", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "0"}, {"2014-15": "0"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "15.3"}, {"2015-16": "27.8"}, {"2016-17": "19.9"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "26.2"}, {"2015-16": "25.1"}]}}, {"state": "Jharkhand", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "14.7"}, {"2014-15": "16.7"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "15"}, {"2015-16": "14.7"}, {"2016-17": "21.2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "13.6"}, {"2015-16": "16.1"}]}}, {"state": "Karnataka", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "9.7"}, {"2014-15": "13.9"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "8.8"}, {"2015-16": "10"}, {"2016-17": "10"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "9.9"}, {"2015-16": "10.9"}]}}, {"state": "Kerala", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "3.6"}, {"2014-15": "4.6"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "5.3"}, {"2015-16": "4.7"}, {"2016-17": "6.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "6.3"}, {"2015-16": "5.9"}]}}, {"state": "Madhya Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "4.6"}, {"2014-15": "4.9"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "4.1"}, {"2015-16": "4.9"}, {"2016-17": "7.3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "3.8"}, {"2015-16": "3.7"}]}}, {"state": "Maharashtra", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "0.9"}, {"2014-15": "0.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "0.9"}, {"2015-16": "1.2"}, {"2016-17": "1.3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1"}, {"2015-16": "1.3"}]}}, {"state": "Meghalaya", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "21.4"}, {"2014-15": "15.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "16.5"}, {"2015-16": "16.9"}, {"2016-17": "11.7"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "16.5"}, {"2015-16": "16.9"}]}}, {"state": "Mizoram", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "5.5"}, {"2014-15": "5.1"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "3.6"}, {"2015-16": "2.9"}, {"2016-17": "0"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "4.2"}, {"2015-16": "4.3"}]}}, {"state": "Odisha", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "9"}, {"2014-15": "13.9"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "13.6"}, {"2015-16": "16.7"}, {"2016-17": "15.5"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "14"}, {"2015-16": "14.1"}]}}, {"state": "Punjab", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "4.1"}, {"2014-15": "0"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "4.8"}, {"2015-16": "0.1"}, {"2016-17": "0.2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "0.1"}, {"2015-16": "0.2"}]}}, {"state": "Rajasthan", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "7.9"}, {"2014-15": "7.6"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "12.4"}, {"2015-16": "11.3"}, {"2016-17": "13.2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "8.4"}, {"2015-16": "8.9"}]}}, {"state": "Sikkim", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "36.5"}, {"2014-15": "23.5"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "21.8"}, {"2015-16": "35.2"}, {"2016-17": "21.7"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "23.2"}, {"2015-16": "26"}]}}, {"state": "Tamil Nadu", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "5.5"}, {"2014-15": "3.6"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "3.5"}, {"2015-16": "1.5"}, {"2016-17": "1.3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "3.1"}, {"2015-16": "2.7"}]}}, {"state": "Telangana", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": ""}, {"2014-15": "3.9"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "15.2"}, {"2015-16": "14.3"}, {"2016-17": "5.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "15.2"}, {"2015-16": "9.8"}]}}, {"state": "Tripura", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "15"}, {"2014-15": "10.1"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "6"}, {"2015-16": "19.7"}, {"2016-17": "5.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "20.3"}, {"2015-16": "34.7"}]}}, {"state": "Uttar Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "14.4"}, {"2014-15": "15.7"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "21"}, {"2015-16": "13"}, {"2016-17": "19.1"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "21.8"}, {"2015-16": "15.6"}]}}, {"state": "Uttarakhand", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "14.4"}, {"2014-15": "17.3"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "16.2"}, {"2015-16": "1.8"}, {"2016-17": "5.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "15.2"}, {"2015-16": "8.9"}]}}, {"state": "West Bengal", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "12.1"}, {"2014-15": "17"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "23.9"}, {"2015-16": "20"}, {"2016-17": "20.5"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "13.7"}, {"2015-16": "25.9"}]}}], "indicator": "Capital Expenditure (including Loans & Advances ) as % of Total Sector Expenditure", "slugIndicator": "capital_expenditure_including_loans_advances_as_of_total_sector_expenditure", "unit": "Percentage"}], "slugSector": "health"}, {"sector": " Education", "subIndicators": [{"stateFigures": [{"state": "Andhra Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "18731.4"}, {"2014-15": ""}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "15884.5"}, {"2015-16": "18560.1"}, {"2016-17": "21099.1"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "15285.4"}, {"2015-16": "17159.9"}]}}, {"state": "Assam", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "8659.9"}, {"2014-15": "11343.9"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "12924.2"}, {"2015-16": "14572.4"}, {"2016-17": "15875"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "13634.5"}, {"2015-16": "17420.9"}]}}, {"state": "Bihar", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "14955.8"}, {"2014-15": "16459.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "24922.7"}, {"2015-16": "22279.3"}, {"2016-17": "22250.3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "26083.6"}, {"2015-16": "24880.8"}]}}, {"state": "Chhattisgarh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "5631.7"}, {"2014-15": "5701.6"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "7600.4"}, {"2015-16": "8388"}, {"2016-17": "11940.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "7666.5"}, {"2015-16": "8974.7"}]}}, {"state": "Delhi", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "4783.6"}, {"2014-15": "5196.9"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "5955.2"}, {"2015-16": "7526.1"}, {"2016-17": "8641.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "5533.4"}, {"2015-16": "6509.1"}]}}, {"state": "Gujarat", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "17947.5"}, {"2014-15": "20388.5"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "21461.4"}, {"2015-16": "20883.8"}, {"2016-17": "22069.3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "20695.6"}, {"2015-16": "22333.7"}]}}, {"state": "Haryana", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "7532.5"}, {"2014-15": "9479.2"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "10380.9"}, {"2015-16": "12451.8"}, {"2016-17": "13891.5"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "10991.8"}, {"2015-16": "11518.3"}]}}, {"state": "Himachal Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "3295.6"}, {"2014-15": "3749.5"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "3952.8"}, {"2015-16": "4695.9"}, {"2016-17": "5345.1"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "3749.5"}, {"2015-16": "3756.4"}]}}, {"state": "Jammu and Kashmir", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "3215.1"}, {"2014-15": "3075.1"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "6285.6"}, {"2015-16": "6031.1"}, {"2016-17": "9198"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "5563.8"}, {"2015-16": "7293.3"}]}}, {"state": "Jharkhand", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "3951"}, {"2014-15": "5747.8"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "8554.8"}, {"2015-16": "8655.3"}, {"2016-17": "9541.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "7194"}, {"2015-16": "8428.6"}]}}, {"state": "Karnataka", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "16731.9"}, {"2014-15": "18613.9"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "21155.6"}, {"2015-16": "20546.8"}, {"2016-17": "20825.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "21249.6"}, {"2015-16": "20658.1"}]}}, {"state": "Kerala", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "12046.2"}, {"2014-15": "13230"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "14213.9"}, {"2015-16": "16657.4"}, {"2016-17": "17351.2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "13627.6"}, {"2015-16": "14387.6"}]}}, {"state": "Madhya Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "8421.2"}, {"2014-15": "10420.9"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "12966.5"}, {"2015-16": "14443.5"}, {"2016-17": "15465.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "12374.3"}, {"2015-16": "12065.7"}]}}, {"state": "Maharashtra", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "40259.9"}, {"2014-15": "41789.5"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "43678.2"}, {"2015-16": "47913.7"}, {"2016-17": "49948.2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "43892.8"}, {"2015-16": "48218.3"}]}}, {"state": "Meghalaya", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "1109.7"}, {"2014-15": "1298.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "3292.3"}, {"2015-16": "1453.6"}, {"2016-17": "1586.9"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "3292.3"}, {"2015-16": "1453.6"}]}}, {"state": "Mizoram", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "965.2"}, {"2014-15": "1163.7"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1068.1"}, {"2015-16": "1169.2"}, {"2016-17": "1173"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1233.2"}, {"2015-16": "1309.9"}]}}, {"state": "Odisha", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "8500.4"}, {"2014-15": "10261"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "12039"}, {"2015-16": "12680.1"}, {"2016-17": "14026"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "11506.6"}, {"2015-16": "12104.4"}]}}, {"state": "Punjab", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "7144.9"}, {"2014-15": "8002.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "8559.1"}, {"2015-16": "9684.7"}, {"2016-17": "10384.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "8686.8"}, {"2015-16": "9587.5"}]}}, {"state": "Rajasthan", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "15138.3"}, {"2014-15": "19419.3"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "22873.4"}, {"2015-16": "23824.6"}, {"2016-17": "25461.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "20573"}, {"2015-16": "22391.3"}]}}, {"state": "Sikkim", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "439.3"}, {"2014-15": "505.5"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "587.9"}, {"2015-16": "576.4"}, {"2016-17": "645.1"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "590"}, {"2015-16": "596.7"}]}}, {"state": "Tamil Nadu", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "20101.4"}, {"2014-15": "23760.8"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "21723.8"}, {"2015-16": "25080.3"}, {"2016-17": "28130.5"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "23710.2"}, {"2015-16": "26418.6"}]}}, {"state": "Telangana", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": ""}, {"2014-15": "7192.9"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "11250.5"}, {"2015-16": "11506.5"}, {"2016-17": "10916.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "11250.5"}, {"2015-16": "10418.2"}]}}, {"state": "Tripura", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "1425.5"}, {"2014-15": "1755.5"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1846.4"}, {"2015-16": "2107.1"}, {"2016-17": "1432.9"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1842.3"}, {"2015-16": "2061"}]}}, {"state": "Uttar Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "29424.8"}, {"2014-15": "32166"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "38198.8"}, {"2015-16": "44092.5"}, {"2016-17": "50411.7"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "34558.8"}, {"2015-16": "41336.2"}]}}, {"state": "Uttarakhand", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "4270.5"}, {"2014-15": "5104.5"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "5308.8"}, {"2015-16": "5675.5"}, {"2016-17": "6919.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "5503.1"}, {"2015-16": "5840.5"}]}}, {"state": "West Bengal", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "18457.8"}, {"2014-15": "20318.8"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "23269.8"}, {"2015-16": "24930.2"}, {"2016-17": "26777.2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "20006.4"}, {"2015-16": "21424.7"}]}}], "indicator": "Total Sector Expenditure", "slugIndicator": "total_sector_expenditure", "unit": "INR (in Crores)"}, {"stateFigures": [{"state": "Andhra Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "13.7"}, {"2014-15": ""}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "14.2"}, {"2015-16": "16.4"}, {"2016-17": "15.5"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "13.6"}, {"2015-16": "15.3"}]}}, {"state": "Assam", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "23.3"}, {"2014-15": "24.2"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "22.3"}, {"2015-16": "22"}, {"2016-17": "20.3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "21"}, {"2015-16": "23.3"}]}}, {"state": "Bihar", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "18.6"}, {"2014-15": "17.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "21.3"}, {"2015-16": "18.5"}, {"2016-17": "15.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "19.7"}, {"2015-16": "18.7"}]}}, {"state": "Chhattisgarh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "14.5"}, {"2014-15": "12.3"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "13.9"}, {"2015-16": "12.9"}, {"2016-17": "17"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "13.9"}, {"2015-16": "13.6"}]}}, {"state": "Delhi", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "14"}, {"2014-15": ""}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "16.2"}, {"2015-16": "18.3"}, {"2016-17": "18.5"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "15.9"}, {"2015-16": ""}]}}, {"state": "Gujarat", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "17.1"}, {"2014-15": "17.5"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "16.3"}, {"2015-16": "15.2"}, {"2016-17": "14.7"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "16.5"}, {"2015-16": "16.8"}]}}, {"state": "Haryana", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "16.2"}, {"2014-15": "17.7"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "17.5"}, {"2015-16": "18"}, {"2016-17": "15.6"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "17.9"}, {"2015-16": "13.5"}]}}, {"state": "Himachal Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "15.2"}, {"2014-15": "14.9"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "16.4"}, {"2015-16": "16.4"}, {"2016-17": "16.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "15.5"}, {"2015-16": "13.8"}]}}, {"state": "Jammu and Kashmir", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "9.8"}, {"2014-15": "8.6"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "14.4"}, {"2015-16": "13"}, {"2016-17": "16.2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "12.9"}, {"2015-16": "14.7"}]}}, {"state": "Jharkhand", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "13"}, {"2014-15": "14.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "17"}, {"2015-16": "15.6"}, {"2016-17": "15"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "14.2"}, {"2015-16": "15"}]}}, {"state": "Karnataka", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "15.7"}, {"2014-15": "15"}], "BE": 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{"2014-15": "15"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "16"}, {"2015-16": "15.1"}, {"2016-17": "14.3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "16.4"}, {"2015-16": "15.5"}]}}, {"state": "Odisha", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "15.1"}, {"2014-15": "15.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "15"}, {"2015-16": "15"}, {"2016-17": "14.9"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "14.8"}, {"2015-16": "14.3"}]}}, {"state": "Punjab", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "11.8"}, {"2014-15": "11"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "11.6"}, {"2015-16": "12.2"}, {"2016-17": "12"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "11.6"}, {"2015-16": "12.2"}]}}, {"state": "Rajasthan", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "16.1"}, {"2014-15": "16.7"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "17.4"}, {"2015-16": "17.3"}, {"2016-17": "16.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "16.3"}, {"2015-16": "16.3"}]}}, {"state": "Sikkim", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "10"}, {"2014-15": "10.7"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "9.1"}, {"2015-16": "10.8"}, {"2016-17": "11.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "8.9"}, {"2015-16": "11"}]}}, {"state": "Tamil Nadu", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "15.6"}, {"2014-15": "15.9"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "14.2"}, {"2015-16": "14.4"}, {"2016-17": "14.9"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "14.8"}, {"2015-16": "15.5"}]}}, {"state": "Telangana", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": ""}, {"2014-15": "11.5"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "11.5"}, {"2015-16": "9.9"}, {"2016-17": "8.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "11.5"}, {"2015-16": "10.4"}]}}, {"state": "Tripura", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "18.2"}, {"2014-15": "16.6"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "14.9"}, {"2015-16": "14.1"}, {"2016-17": "9.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "14.9"}, {"2015-16": "15.9"}]}}, {"state": "Uttar Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "14.7"}, {"2014-15": "13.7"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "13.9"}, {"2015-16": "14.6"}, {"2016-17": "14.5"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "13.1"}, {"2015-16": "12.5"}]}}, {"state": "Uttarakhand", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "19.3"}, {"2014-15": "18.8"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "17.5"}, {"2015-16": "17.4"}, {"2016-17": "17.1"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "17"}, {"2015-16": "17.4"}]}}, {"state": "West 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"2421.9"}]}}, {"state": "Chhattisgarh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "2260.9"}, {"2014-15": "2259.7"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "3012.2"}, {"2015-16": "3282.3"}, {"2016-17": "4613.9"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "3038.4"}, {"2015-16": "3511.9"}]}}, {"state": "Delhi", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "2449.5"}, {"2014-15": "2586.6"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "2964"}, {"2015-16": "3640"}, {"2016-17": "4060"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "2754"}, {"2015-16": "3148.1"}]}}, {"state": "Gujarat", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "2963.2"}, {"2014-15": "3324.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "3499.4"}, {"2015-16": "3364"}, {"2016-17": "3512.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "3374.5"}, {"2015-16": "3597.5"}]}}, {"state": "Haryana", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "2867.8"}, {"2014-15": "3553.6"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "3891.6"}, {"2015-16": "4598.3"}, {"2016-17": "5055.7"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "4120.6"}, {"2015-16": "4253.6"}]}}, {"state": "Himachal Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "4763.8"}, {"2014-15": "5373.3"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "5664.6"}, {"2015-16": "6673.2"}, {"2016-17": "7533.6"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "5373.3"}, {"2015-16": "5338.1"}]}}, {"state": "Jammu and Kashmir", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "2677"}, {"2014-15": "2530.5"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "5172.4"}, {"2015-16": "4907.7"}, {"2016-17": "7406.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "4578.5"}, {"2015-16": "5934.8"}]}}, {"state": "Jharkhand", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "1221.9"}, {"2014-15": "1754.2"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "2610.9"}, {"2015-16": "2606.8"}, {"2016-17": "2835.3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "2195.6"}, {"2015-16": "2538.5"}]}}, {"state": "Karnataka", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "2759.9"}, {"2014-15": "3040.8"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "3456"}, {"2015-16": "3324.9"}, {"2016-17": "3338.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "3471.4"}, {"2015-16": "3342.9"}]}}, {"state": "Kerala", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "3438.4"}, {"2014-15": "3752.3"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "4031.4"}, {"2015-16": "4695.8"}, {"2016-17": "4863.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "3865.1"}, {"2015-16": "4055.9"}]}}, 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"2880.4"}, {"2015-16": "3009.2"}, {"2016-17": "3301.9"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "2753"}, {"2015-16": "2872.6"}]}}, {"state": "Punjab", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "2526.6"}, {"2014-15": "2801.2"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "2996"}, {"2015-16": "3357.4"}, {"2016-17": "3567"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "3040.7"}, {"2015-16": "3323.7"}]}}, {"state": "Rajasthan", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "2164.5"}, {"2014-15": "2736.3"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "3223"}, {"2015-16": "3310.2"}, {"2016-17": "3490.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "2898.9"}, {"2015-16": "3111.1"}]}}, {"state": "Sikkim", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "7018.2"}, {"2014-15": "7985.3"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "9287.1"}, {"2015-16": "9006"}, {"2016-17": "9970.5"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "9320.9"}, {"2015-16": "9323"}]}}, {"state": "Tamil Nadu", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "2944.6"}, {"2014-15": "3460.9"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "3164.2"}, {"2015-16": "3633.2"}, {"2016-17": "4053.6"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "3453.6"}, {"2015-16": "3827.1"}]}}, {"state": "Telangana", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": ""}, {"2014-15": ""}], "BE": [{"2014-15": ""}, {"2015-16": ""}, {"2016-17": ""}], "RE": [{"2014-15": ""}, {"2015-16": ""}]}}, {"state": "Tripura", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "3852.8"}, {"2014-15": "4691.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "4934.4"}, {"2015-16": "5568.4"}, {"2016-17": "3745.2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "4923.4"}, {"2015-16": "5446.6"}]}}, {"state": "Uttar Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "1416.4"}, {"2014-15": "1522.9"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1808.5"}, {"2015-16": "2054"}, {"2016-17": "2311.5"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1636.2"}, {"2015-16": "1925.6"}]}}, {"state": "Uttarakhand", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "4176.9"}, {"2014-15": "4926.1"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "5123.4"}, {"2015-16": "5405.8"}, {"2016-17": "6508.5"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "5310.9"}, {"2015-16": "5562.9"}]}}, {"state": "West Bengal", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "2025.6"}, {"2014-15": "2210.5"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "2531.5"}, {"2015-16": "2688.6"}, {"2016-17": "2862.3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "2176.5"}, {"2015-16": "2310.6"}]}}], "indicator": "Per Capita Expenditure on Sector ", "slugIndicator": "per_capita_expenditure_on_sector", "unit": "INR Rs."}, {"stateFigures": [{"state": "Andhra Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "98.7"}, {"2014-15": ""}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "98"}, {"2015-16": "98.8"}, {"2016-17": "97.2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "98"}, {"2015-16": "99"}]}}, {"state": "Assam", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "100"}, {"2014-15": "100"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "100"}, {"2015-16": "100"}, {"2016-17": "100"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "100"}, {"2015-16": "100"}]}}, {"state": "Bihar", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "95.5"}, {"2014-15": "98.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "95.6"}, {"2015-16": "94.2"}, {"2016-17": "97.5"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "95.5"}, {"2015-16": "96"}]}}, {"state": "Chhattisgarh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "96"}, {"2014-15": "94.9"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "93.8"}, {"2015-16": "91.9"}, {"2016-17": "93.9"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "93.8"}, {"2015-16": "91.6"}]}}, {"state": "Delhi", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "98.9"}, {"2014-15": "99.3"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "96.4"}, {"2015-16": "90.4"}, {"2016-17": "91.7"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "98.7"}, {"2015-16": "91.5"}]}}, {"state": "Gujarat", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "95.8"}, {"2014-15": "95.5"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "88.4"}, {"2015-16": "94.2"}, {"2016-17": "95.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "94.5"}, {"2015-16": "95.7"}]}}, {"state": "Haryana", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "97.9"}, {"2014-15": "98"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "97.9"}, {"2015-16": "98"}, {"2016-17": "98.2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "98"}, {"2015-16": "98.2"}]}}, {"state": "Himachal Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "97.1"}, {"2014-15": "98.7"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "98.9"}, {"2015-16": "98.9"}, {"2016-17": "98.5"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "98.7"}, {"2015-16": "96.7"}]}}, {"state": "Jammu and Kashmir", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "100"}, {"2014-15": "99.8"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "86.1"}, {"2015-16": "89.7"}, {"2016-17": "81"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "89.1"}, {"2015-16": "90.8"}]}}, {"state": "Jharkhand", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "96.4"}, {"2014-15": "99"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "98"}, {"2015-16": "98.1"}, {"2016-17": "98"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "97.6"}, {"2015-16": "98"}]}}, {"state": "Karnataka", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "97.7"}, {"2014-15": "98.3"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "96.7"}, {"2015-16": "96.6"}, {"2016-17": "96"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "96.5"}, {"2015-16": "96.4"}]}}, {"state": "Kerala", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "98.3"}, {"2014-15": "97.7"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "97.7"}, {"2015-16": "97.9"}, {"2016-17": "97.9"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "97.4"}, {"2015-16": "96.8"}]}}, {"state": "Madhya Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "99.1"}, {"2014-15": "97.8"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "98"}, {"2015-16": "95.6"}, {"2016-17": "93.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "97.5"}, {"2015-16": "92.3"}]}}, {"state": "Maharashtra", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "99.9"}, {"2014-15": "99.9"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "99.6"}, {"2015-16": "99.6"}, {"2016-17": "99.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "99.6"}, {"2015-16": "99.6"}]}}, {"state": "Meghalaya", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "100"}, {"2014-15": "100"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "99.1"}, {"2015-16": "97.9"}, {"2016-17": "100"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "99.1"}, {"2015-16": "97.9"}]}}, {"state": "Mizoram", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "97"}, {"2014-15": "98.1"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "98.6"}, {"2015-16": "98.8"}, {"2016-17": "100"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "98"}, {"2015-16": "98.2"}]}}, {"state": "Odisha", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "97.7"}, {"2014-15": "95.8"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "96"}, {"2015-16": "94.9"}, {"2016-17": "96.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "95.1"}, {"2015-16": "94.5"}]}}, {"state": "Punjab", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "94.9"}, {"2014-15": "98.1"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "93.1"}, {"2015-16": "95.9"}, {"2016-17": "96.3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "96.4"}, {"2015-16": "96.5"}]}}, {"state": "Rajasthan", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "99.7"}, {"2014-15": "99.7"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "99.4"}, {"2015-16": "99.5"}, {"2016-17": "99.1"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "99.6"}, {"2015-16": "99.2"}]}}, {"state": "Sikkim", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "89"}, {"2014-15": "93.1"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "87.7"}, {"2015-16": "90.4"}, {"2016-17": "92.4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "87.6"}, {"2015-16": "91.6"}]}}, {"state": "Tamil Nadu", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "98.5"}, {"2014-15": "97.9"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "97.2"}, {"2015-16": "96.9"}, {"2016-17": "96.2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "97.8"}, {"2015-16": "95.5"}]}}, {"state": "Telangana", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": ""}, {"2014-15": "97.3"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "96.5"}, {"2015-16": "97.2"}, {"2016-17": "97.7"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "96.5"}, {"2015-16": "98.2"}]}}, {"state": "Tripura", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "93.2"}, {"2014-15": "94.9"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "95"}, {"2015-16": "95.4"}, {"2016-17": "93.2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "93"}, {"2015-16": "95"}]}}, {"state": "Uttar Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "98.6"}, {"2014-15": "97.3"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "96.6"}, {"2015-16": "95.8"}, {"2016-17": "95.2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "96.7"}, {"2015-16": "95.3"}]}}, {"state": "Uttarakhand", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "93.2"}, {"2014-15": "91.9"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "93.2"}, {"2015-16": "92.3"}, {"2016-17": "92.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "89.4"}, {"2015-16": "90.6"}]}}, {"state": "West Bengal", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "96.6"}, {"2014-15": "97.6"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "90.1"}, {"2015-16": "97.1"}, {"2016-17": "95.7"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "97.3"}, {"2015-16": "96.8"}]}}], "indicator": "Revenue Expenditure as % of Total Sector Expenditure", "slugIndicator": "revenue_expenditure_as_of_total_sector_expenditure", "unit": "Percentage"}, {"stateFigures": [{"state": "Andhra Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "1.3"}, {"2014-15": ""}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "2"}, {"2015-16": "1.2"}, {"2016-17": "2.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "2"}, {"2015-16": "1"}]}}, {"state": "Assam", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "0"}, {"2014-15": "0"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "0"}, {"2015-16": "0"}, {"2016-17": "0"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "0"}, {"2015-16": "0"}]}}, {"state": "Bihar", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "4.5"}, {"2014-15": "1.6"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "4.2"}, {"2015-16": "5.8"}, {"2016-17": "2.5"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "4.2"}, {"2015-16": "4"}]}}, {"state": "Chhattisgarh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "4"}, {"2014-15": "5.1"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "6.2"}, {"2015-16": "8.1"}, {"2016-17": "6.1"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "6.2"}, {"2015-16": "8.4"}]}}, {"state": "Delhi", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "1.1"}, {"2014-15": "0.7"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "3.6"}, {"2015-16": "9.6"}, {"2016-17": "8.3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1.3"}, {"2015-16": "8.5"}]}}, {"state": "Gujarat", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "4.2"}, {"2014-15": "4.5"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "11.6"}, {"2015-16": "5.8"}, {"2016-17": "4.6"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "5.5"}, {"2015-16": "4.3"}]}}, {"state": "Haryana", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "2.1"}, {"2014-15": "2"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "2.1"}, {"2015-16": "2"}, {"2016-17": "1.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "2"}, {"2015-16": "1.8"}]}}, {"state": "Himachal Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "2.9"}, {"2014-15": "1.3"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1.1"}, {"2015-16": "1.1"}, {"2016-17": "1.5"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "1.3"}, {"2015-16": "3.3"}]}}, {"state": "Jammu and Kashmir", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "0"}, {"2014-15": "0.2"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "13.9"}, {"2015-16": "10.3"}, {"2016-17": "19"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "10.9"}, {"2015-16": "9.2"}]}}, {"state": "Jharkhand", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "3.6"}, {"2014-15": "1"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "2"}, {"2015-16": "1.9"}, {"2016-17": "2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "2.4"}, {"2015-16": "2"}]}}, {"state": "Karnataka", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "2.3"}, {"2014-15": "1.7"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "3.3"}, {"2015-16": "3.4"}, {"2016-17": "4"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "3.5"}, {"2015-16": "3.6"}]}}, {"state": "Kerala", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "1.7"}, {"2014-15": "2.3"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "2.3"}, {"2015-16": "2.1"}, {"2016-17": "2.1"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "2.6"}, {"2015-16": "3.2"}]}}, {"state": "Madhya Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "0.9"}, {"2014-15": "2.2"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "2"}, {"2015-16": "4.4"}, {"2016-17": "6.6"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "2.5"}, {"2015-16": "7.7"}]}}, {"state": "Maharashtra", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "0.1"}, {"2014-15": "0.1"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "0.4"}, {"2015-16": "0.4"}, {"2016-17": "0.2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "0.4"}, {"2015-16": "0.4"}]}}, {"state": "Meghalaya", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "0"}, {"2014-15": "0"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "0.9"}, {"2015-16": "2.1"}, {"2016-17": "0"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "0.9"}, {"2015-16": "2.1"}]}}, {"state": "Mizoram", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "3"}, {"2014-15": "1.9"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "1.4"}, {"2015-16": "1.2"}, {"2016-17": "0"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "2"}, {"2015-16": "1.8"}]}}, {"state": "Odisha", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "2.3"}, {"2014-15": "4.2"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "4"}, {"2015-16": "5.1"}, {"2016-17": "3.6"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "4.9"}, {"2015-16": "5.5"}]}}, {"state": "Punjab", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "5.1"}, {"2014-15": "1.9"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "6.9"}, {"2015-16": "4.1"}, {"2016-17": "3.7"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "3.6"}, {"2015-16": "3.5"}]}}, {"state": "Rajasthan", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "0.3"}, {"2014-15": "0.3"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "0.6"}, {"2015-16": "0.5"}, {"2016-17": "0.9"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "0.4"}, {"2015-16": "0.8"}]}}, {"state": "Sikkim", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "11"}, {"2014-15": "6.9"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "12.3"}, {"2015-16": "9.6"}, {"2016-17": "7.6"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "12.4"}, {"2015-16": "8.4"}]}}, {"state": "Tamil Nadu", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "1.5"}, {"2014-15": "2.1"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "2.8"}, {"2015-16": "3.1"}, {"2016-17": "3.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "2.2"}, {"2015-16": "4.5"}]}}, {"state": "Telangana", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": ""}, {"2014-15": "2.7"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "3.5"}, {"2015-16": "2.8"}, {"2016-17": "2.3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "3.5"}, {"2015-16": "1.8"}]}}, {"state": "Tripura", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "6.8"}, {"2014-15": "5.1"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "5"}, {"2015-16": "4.6"}, {"2016-17": "6.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "7"}, {"2015-16": "5"}]}}, {"state": "Uttar Pradesh", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "1.4"}, {"2014-15": "2.7"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "3.4"}, {"2015-16": "4.2"}, {"2016-17": "4.8"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "3.3"}, {"2015-16": "4.7"}]}}, {"state": "Uttarakhand", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "6.8"}, {"2014-15": "8.1"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "6.8"}, {"2015-16": "7.7"}, {"2016-17": "7.2"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "10.6"}, {"2015-16": "9.4"}]}}, {"state": "West Bengal", "figures": {"A": [{"2013-14": "3.4"}, {"2014-15": "2.4"}], "BE": [{"2014-15": "9.9"}, {"2015-16": "2.9"}, {"2016-17": "4.3"}], "RE": [{"2014-15": "2.7"}, {"2015-16": "3.2"}]}}], "indicator": "Capital Expenditure (including Loans & Advances ) as % of Total Sector Expenditure", "slugIndicator": "capital_expenditure_including_loans_advances_as_of_total_sector_expenditure", "unit": "Percentage"}], "slugSector": "education"}]; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/data/expenditure_data_metadata.js b/src/data/expenditure_data_metadata.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fb67835 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/data/expenditure_data_metadata.js @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +export let expenditure_metadata = [{"sector": "Agriculture & Allied Activities", "indicator": "Total Sector Expenditure", "notes": "The data are compiled and aggregated from data of demand for grants documents. Thus, data compiled pertain to expenditure made through Dpartments/ Ministries of the respective States. These data may not, and usually should not match precisely with those of compiled as per Major Head ( major functions of the government).", "slugSector": "agriculture_allied_activities", "slugIndicator": "total_sector_expenditure", "source": "Expenditure Data for the Sector have been compiled from from Detailed Demand for Grants documents of the respective departments of the State Budgets of concerned States", "unit": "INR (in Crores)"}, {"sector": "Agriculture & Allied Activities", "indicator": "Total Sector Expenditure as % of State Budget", "notes": "", "slugSector": "agriculture_allied_activities", "slugIndicator": "total_sector_expenditure_as_of_state_budget", "source": "Total State Budget data have been compiled from Annual Financial Statement/ Budget-in-Brief/ Budget at a Glance documents for the respective States.", "unit": "Percentage"}, {"sector": "Agriculture & Allied Activities", "indicator": "Per Capita Expenditure on Sector", "notes": "Population figures are projections, not the actual numbers based on 2011 Census data.", "slugSector": "agriculture_allied_activities", "slugIndicator": "per_capita_expenditure_on_sector", "source": "Population data have been compiled from Census of India, 2011 from the document - Population Projections for India & States 2011-2016; OFFICE OF THE REGISTRAR GENERAL & CENSUS COMMISSIONER, INDIA.", "unit": "INR (in Crores)"}, {"sector": "Agriculture & Allied Activities", "indicator": "Revenue Expenditure as % of Total Sector Expenditure", "notes": "", "slugSector": "agriculture_allied_activities", "slugIndicator": "revenue_expenditure_as_of_total_sector_expenditure", "source": "State Budgets; Detailed Demand for Grants ( Plan and Non Plan Documents) ; Various Years. Revenue Expenditure and Total Sector I expenditure data have been collected from Detailed Demand for Grants of the relevant Departments/ Demand Nos for the concerned States.", "unit": "Percentage"}, {"sector": "Agriculture & Allied Activities", "indicator": "Capital Expenditure (including Loans & Advances ) as % of Total Sector Expenditure", "notes": "", "slugSector": "agriculture_allied_activities", "slugIndicator": "capital_expenditure_including_loans_advances_as_of_total_sector_expenditure", "source": "Capital Expenditure (including loans & advances) and Total Sector- I expenditure data have been compiled from Detailed Demand for Grants of the relevant Departments/ Demand Nos for the concerned States.", "unit": "Percentage"}, {"sector": "Cooperation & Food, Civil Supplies", "indicator": "Total Sector Expenditure", "notes": "The data are compiled and aggregated from data of demand for grants documents. Thus, data compiled pertain to expenditure made through Dpartments/ Ministries of the respective States. These data may not, and usually should not match precisely with those of compiled as per Major Head ( major functions of the government).", "slugSector": "cooperation_food_civil_supplies", "slugIndicator": "total_sector_expenditure", "source": "State Budgets; Detailed Demand for Grants ( Plan and Non Plan Documents) ; Various Years. Expenditure Data for the Sector have been taken from from Detailed Demand for Grants documents of the respective departments of Food & Civil Supplies and Department of Cooperation of the State.", "unit": "INR (in Crores)"}, {"sector": "Cooperation & Food, Civil Supplies", "indicator": "Total Sector Expenditure as % of State Budget", "notes": "", "slugSector": "cooperation_food_civil_supplies", "slugIndicator": "total_sector_expenditure_as_of_state_budget", "source": "Total State Budget data have been compiled from Annual Financial Statement/ Budget-in-Brief/ Budget at a Glance documents for the respective States.", "unit": "Percentage"}, {"sector": "Cooperation & Food, Civil Supplies", "indicator": "Per Capita Expenditure on Sector", "notes": "Population figures are projections, not the actual numbers based on 2011 Census data.", "slugSector": "cooperation_food_civil_supplies", "slugIndicator": "per_capita_expenditure_on_sector", "source": "Population data have been collected from Census of India, 2011 from the document - Population Projections for India & States 2011-2016; OFFICE OF THE REGISTRAR GENERAL & CENSUS COMMISSIONER, INDIA.", "unit": "INR (in Crores)"}, {"sector": "Cooperation & Food, Civil Supplies", "indicator": "Revenue Expenditure as % of Total Sector Expenditure", "notes": "", "slugSector": "cooperation_food_civil_supplies", "slugIndicator": "revenue_expenditure_as_of_total_sector_expenditure", "source": "State Budgets; Detailed Demand for Grants ( Plan and Non Plan Documents) ; Various Years. Revenue Expenditure and Total Sector II expenditure data have been noted from Detailed Demand for Grants of the relevant Departments/ Demand Nos for the concerned States.", "unit": "Percentage"}, {"sector": "Cooperation & Food, Civil Supplies", "indicator": "Capital Expenditure (including Loans & Advances ) as % of Total Sector Expenditure", "notes": "", "slugSector": "cooperation_food_civil_supplies", "slugIndicator": "capital_expenditure_including_loans_advances_as_of_total_sector_expenditure", "source": "Capital Expenditure (including loans & advances) and Total Sector- II expenditure data have been compiled from Detailed Demand for Grants of the relevant Departments/ Demand Nos for the concerned States.", "unit": "Percentage"}, {"sector": "Rural Development", "indicator": "Total Sector Expenditure", "notes": "The data are compiled and aggregated from data of demand for grants documents. Thus, data compiled pertain to expenditure made through Dpartments/ Ministries of the respective States. These data may not, and usually should not match precisely with those of compiled as per Major Head ( major functions of the government).", "slugSector": "rural_development", "slugIndicator": "total_sector_expenditure", "source": "State Budgets; Detailed Demand for Grants ( Plan and Non Plan Documents) ; Various Years. Expenditure Data for the Sector have been compiled from from Detailed Demand for Grants documents of the Ministry/ Department of Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) of the State.", "unit": "INR (in Crores)"}, {"sector": "Rural Development", "indicator": "Total Sector Expenditure as % of State Budget", "notes": "", "slugSector": "rural_development", "slugIndicator": "total_sector_expenditure_as_of_state_budget", "source": "State Budgets; Detailed Demand for Grants ( Plan and Non Plan Documents) ; Various Years.Total State Budget data have been compiled from Annual Financial Statement/ Budget-in-Brief/ Budget at a Glance documents for the respective States.", "unit": "Percentage"}, {"sector": "Rural Development", "indicator": "Per Capita Expenditure on Sector", "notes": "Population figures are projections, not the actual numbers based on 2011 Census data.", "slugSector": "rural_development", "slugIndicator": "per_capita_expenditure_on_sector", "source": "Population data have been compiled from Census of India, 2011 from the document - Population Projections for India & States 2011-2016; OFFICE OF THE REGISTRAR GENERAL & CENSUS COMMISSIONER, INDIA.", "unit": "INR (in Crores)"}, {"sector": "Rural Development", "indicator": "Revenue Expenditure as % of Total Sector Expenditure", "notes": "", "slugSector": "rural_development", "slugIndicator": "revenue_expenditure_as_of_total_sector_expenditure", "source": "State Budgets; Detailed Demand for Grants ( Plan and Non Plan Documents) ; Various Years. Revenue Expenditure and Total Sector III expenditure data have been compiled from Detailed Demand for Grants of the relevant Departments/ Demand Nos for the concerned States.", "unit": "Percentage"}, {"sector": "Rural Development", "indicator": "Capital Expenditure (including Loans & Advances ) as % of Total Sector Expenditure", "notes": "", "slugSector": "rural_development", "slugIndicator": "capital_expenditure_including_loans_advances_as_of_total_sector_expenditure", "source": "Capital Expenditure (including loans & advances) and Total Sector- III expenditure data have been taken from Detailed Demand for Grants of the relevant Departments/ Demand Nos for the concerned States.", "unit": "Percentage"}, {"sector": "Panchayat", "indicator": "Total Sector Expenditure", "notes": "The data are compiled and aggregated from data of demand for grants documents. Thus, data compiled pertain to expenditure made through Dpartments/ Ministries of the respective States. These data may not, and usually should not match precisely with those of compiled as per Major Head ( major functions of the government).", "slugSector": "panchayat", "slugIndicator": "total_sector_expenditure", "source": "State Budgets; Detailed Demand for Grants ( Plan and Non Plan Documents) ; Various Years. Expenditure Data for the Sector have been compiled from from Detailed Demand for Grants documents of the respective Ministry/ Department of Rural Development of the concerned State.", "unit": "INR (in Crores)"}, {"sector": "Panchayat", "indicator": "Total Sector Expenditure as % of State Budget", "notes": "", "slugSector": "panchayat", "slugIndicator": "total_sector_expenditure_as_of_state_budget", "source": "Total State Budget data have been compiled from Annual Financial Statement/ Budget-in-Brief/ Budget at a Glance documents for the respective States.", "unit": "Percentage"}, {"sector": "Panchayat", "indicator": "Per Capita Expenditure on Sector", "notes": "Population figures are projections, not the actual numbers based on 2011 Census data.", "slugSector": "panchayat", "slugIndicator": "per_capita_expenditure_on_sector", "source": "Population data have been compiled from Census of India, 2011 from the document - Population Projections for India & States 2011-2016; OFFICE OF THE REGISTRAR GENERAL & CENSUS COMMISSIONER, INDIA.", "unit": "INR (in Crores)"}, {"sector": "Panchayat", "indicator": "Revenue Expenditure as % of Total Sector Expenditure", "notes": "", "slugSector": "panchayat", "slugIndicator": "revenue_expenditure_as_of_total_sector_expenditure", "source": "State Budgets; Detailed Demand for Grants ( Plan and Non Plan Documents) ; Various Years. Revenue Expenditure and Total Sector- IV expenditure data have been compiled from Detailed Demand for Grants of the relevant Departments/ Demand Nos for the concerned States.", "unit": "Percentage"}, {"sector": "Panchayat", "indicator": "Capital Expenditure (including Loans & Advances ) as % of Total Sector Expenditure", "notes": "", "slugSector": "panchayat", "slugIndicator": "capital_expenditure_including_loans_advances_as_of_total_sector_expenditure", "source": "Capital Expenditure (including loans & advances) and Total Sector- IV expenditure data have been compiled from Detailed Demand for Grants of the relevant Departments/ Demand Nos for the concerned States.", "unit": "Percentage"}, {"sector": "Power & Energy", "indicator": "Total Sector Expenditure", "notes": "The data are compiled and aggregated from data of demand for grants documents. Thus, data compiled pertain to expenditure made through Dpartments/ Ministries of the respective States. These data may not, and usually should not match precisely with those of compiled as per Major Head ( major functions of the government).", "slugSector": "power_energy", "slugIndicator": "total_sector_expenditure", "source": "State Budgets; Detailed Demand for Grants ( Plan and Non Plan Documents) ; Various Years. Expenditure Data for the Sector have been compiled from from Detailed Demand for Grants documents of the respective Ministry/ Department of Power & Energy of the concerned State.", "unit": "INR (in Crores)"}, {"sector": "Power & Energy", "indicator": "Total Sector Expenditure as % of State Budget", "notes": "", "slugSector": "power_energy", "slugIndicator": "total_sector_expenditure_as_of_state_budget", "source": "Total State Budget data have been compiled from Annual Financial Statement/ Budget-in-Brief/ Budget at a Glance documents for the respective States.", "unit": "Percentage"}, {"sector": "Power & Energy", "indicator": "Per Capita Expenditure on Sector", "notes": "Population figures are projections, not the actual numbers based on 2011 Census data.", "slugSector": "power_energy", "slugIndicator": "per_capita_expenditure_on_sector", "source": "Population data have been compiled from Census of India, 2011 from the document - Population Projections for India & States 2011-2016; OFFICE OF THE REGISTRAR GENERAL & CENSUS COMMISSIONER, INDIA.", "unit": "INR (in Crores)"}, {"sector": "Power & Energy", "indicator": "Revenue Expenditure as % of Total Sector Expenditure", "notes": "", "slugSector": "power_energy", "slugIndicator": "revenue_expenditure_as_of_total_sector_expenditure", "source": "State Budgets; Detailed Demand for Grants ( Plan and Non Plan Documents) ; Various Years. Revenue Expenditure and Total Sector V expenditure data have been compiled from Detailed Demand for Grants of the relevant Departments/ Demand Nos for the concerned States.", "unit": "Percentage"}, {"sector": "Power & Energy", "indicator": "Capital Expenditure (including Loans & Advances ) as % of Total Sector Expenditure", "notes": "", "slugSector": "power_energy", "slugIndicator": "capital_expenditure_including_loans_advances_as_of_total_sector_expenditure", "source": "Capital Expenditure (including loans & advances) and Total Sector- V expenditure data have been compiled from Detailed Demand for Grants of the relevant Departments/ Demand Nos for the concerned States.", "unit": "Percentage"}, {"sector": "Public Works", "indicator": "Total Sector Expenditure", "notes": "The data are compiled and aggregated from data of demand for grants documents. Thus, data compiled pertain to expenditure made through Dpartments/ Ministries of the respective States. These data may not, and usually should not match precisely with those of compiled as per Major Head ( major functions of the government).", "slugSector": "public_works", "slugIndicator": "total_sector_expenditure", "source": "State Budgets; Detailed Demand for Grants ( Plan and Non Plan Documents) ; Various Years. Expenditure Data for the Sector have been compiled from from Detailed Demand for Grants documents of the respective departments of Construction of the State.", "unit": "INR (in Crores)"}, {"sector": "Public Works", "indicator": "Total Sector Expenditure as % of State Budget", "notes": "", "slugSector": "public_works", "slugIndicator": "total_sector_expenditure_as_of_state_budget", "source": "Total State Budget data have been compiled from Annual Financial Statement/ Budget-in-Brief/ Budget at a Glance documents for the respective States.", "unit": "Percentage"}, {"sector": "Public Works", "indicator": "Per Capita Expenditure on Sector", "notes": "Population figures are projections, not the actual numbers based on 2011 Census data.", "slugSector": "public_works", "slugIndicator": "per_capita_expenditure_on_sector", "source": "Population data have been compiled from Census of India, 2011 from the document - Population Projections for India & States 2011-2016; OFFICE OF THE REGISTRAR GENERAL & CENSUS COMMISSIONER, INDIA.", "unit": "INR (in Crores)"}, {"sector": "Public Works", "indicator": "Revenue Expenditure as % of Total Sector Expenditure", "notes": "", "slugSector": "public_works", "slugIndicator": "revenue_expenditure_as_of_total_sector_expenditure", "source": "State Budgets; Detailed Demand for Grants ( Plan and Non Plan Documents) ; Various Years. Revenue Expenditure and Total Sector VI expenditure data have been compiled from Detailed Demand for Grants of the relevant Departments/ Demand Nos for the concerned States.", "unit": "Percentage"}, {"sector": "Public Works", "indicator": "Capital Expenditure (including Loans & Advances ) as % of Total Sector Expenditure", "notes": "", "slugSector": "public_works", "slugIndicator": "capital_expenditure_including_loans_advances_as_of_total_sector_expenditure", "source": "Capital Expenditure (including loans & advances) and Total Sector- VI expenditure data have been compiled from Detailed Demand for Grants of the relevant Departments/ Demand Nos for the concerned States.", "unit": "Percentage"}, {"sector": "Irrigation & Water Resources", "indicator": "Total Sector Expenditure", "notes": "The data are compiled and aggregated from data of demand for grants documents. Thus, data compiled pertain to expenditure made through Dpartments/ Ministries of the respective States. These data may not, and usually should not match precisely with those of compiled as per Major Head ( major functions of the government).", "slugSector": "irrigation_water_resources", "slugIndicator": "total_sector_expenditure", "source": "State Budgets; Detailed Demand for Grants ( Plan and Non Plan Documents) ; Various Years. Expenditure Data for the Sector have been compiled from from Detailed Demand for Grants documents of the respective departments of Irrigation & Water Resources of the State.", "unit": "INR (in Crores)"}, {"sector": "Irrigation & Water Resources", "indicator": "Total Sector Expenditure as % of State Budget", "notes": "", "slugSector": "irrigation_water_resources", "slugIndicator": "total_sector_expenditure_as_of_state_budget", "source": "Total State Budget data have been compiled from Annual Financial Statement/ Budget-in-Brief/ Budget at a Glance documents for the respective States.", "unit": "Percentage"}, {"sector": "Irrigation & Water Resources", "indicator": "Per Capita Expenditure on Sector", "notes": "Population figures are projections, not the actual numbers based on 2011 Census data.", "slugSector": "irrigation_water_resources", "slugIndicator": "per_capita_expenditure_on_sector", "source": "Population data have been compiled from Census of India, 2011 from the document - Population Projections for India & States 2011-2016; OFFICE OF THE REGISTRAR GENERAL & CENSUS COMMISSIONER, INDIA.", "unit": "INR (in Crores)"}, {"sector": "Irrigation & Water Resources", "indicator": "Revenue Expenditure as % of Total Sector Expenditure", "notes": "", "slugSector": "irrigation_water_resources", "slugIndicator": "revenue_expenditure_as_of_total_sector_expenditure", "source": "State Budgets; Detailed Demand for Grants ( Plan and Non Plan Documents) ; Various Years. Revenue Expenditure and Total Sector VII expenditure data have been compiled from Detailed Demand for Grants of the relevant Departments/ Demand Nos for the concerned States.", "unit": "Percentage"}, {"sector": "Irrigation & Water Resources", "indicator": "Capital Expenditure (including Loans & Advances ) as % of Total Sector Expenditure", "notes": "", "slugSector": "irrigation_water_resources", "slugIndicator": "capital_expenditure_including_loans_advances_as_of_total_sector_expenditure", "source": "Capital Expenditure (including loans & advances) and Total Sector- VII expenditure data have been compiled from Detailed Demand for Grants of the relevant Departments/ Demand Nos for the concerned States.", "unit": "Percentage"}, {"sector": "Forests & Environment", "indicator": "Total Sector Expenditure", "notes": "The data are compiled and aggregated from data of demand for grants documents. Thus, data compiled pertain to expenditure made through Dpartments/ Ministries of the respective States. These data may not, and usually should not match precisely with those of compiled as per Major Head ( major functions of the government).", "slugSector": "forests_environment", "slugIndicator": "total_sector_expenditure", "source": "State Budgets; Detailed Demand for Grants ( Plan and Non Plan Documents) ; Various Years. Expenditure Data for the Sector have been compiled from from Detailed Demand for Grants documents of the respective departments of Forests and Department of Environment of the State.", "unit": "INR (in Crores)"}, {"sector": "Forests & Environment", "indicator": "Total Sector Expenditure as % of State Budget", "notes": "", "slugSector": "forests_environment", "slugIndicator": "total_sector_expenditure_as_of_state_budget", "source": "Total State Budget data have been compiled from Annual Financial Statement/ Budget-in-Brief/ Budget at a Glance documents for the respective States.", "unit": "Percentage"}, {"sector": "Forests & Environment", "indicator": "Per Capita Expenditure on Sector", "notes": "Population figures are projections, not the actual numbers based on 2011 Census data.", "slugSector": "forests_environment", "slugIndicator": "per_capita_expenditure_on_sector", "source": "Population data have been compiled from Census of India, 2011 from the document - Population Projections for India & States 2011-2016; OFFICE OF THE REGISTRAR GENERAL & CENSUS COMMISSIONER, INDIA.", "unit": "INR (in Crores)"}, {"sector": "Forests & Environment", "indicator": "Revenue Expenditure as % of Total Sector Expenditure", "notes": "", "slugSector": "forests_environment", "slugIndicator": "revenue_expenditure_as_of_total_sector_expenditure", "source": "State Budgets; Detailed Demand for Grants ( Plan and Non Plan Documents) ; Various Years. Revenue Expenditure and Total Sector VIII expenditure data have been compiled from Detailed Demand for Grants of the relevant Departments/ Demand Nos for the concerned States.", "unit": "Percentage"}, {"sector": "Forests & Environment", "indicator": "Capital Expenditure (including Loans & Advances ) as % of Total Sector Expenditure", "notes": "", "slugSector": "forests_environment", "slugIndicator": "capital_expenditure_including_loans_advances_as_of_total_sector_expenditure", "source": "Capital Expenditure (including loans & advances) and Total Sector- VIII expenditure data have been compiled from Detailed Demand for Grants of the relevant Departments/ Demand Nos for the concerned States.", "unit": "Percentage"}, {"sector": "Urban Development & Housing", "indicator": "Total Sector Expenditure", "notes": "The data are compiled and aggregated from data of demand for grants documents. Thus, data compiled pertain to expenditure made through Dpartments/ Ministries of the respective States. These data may not, and usually should not match precisely with those of compiled as per Major Head ( major functions of the government).", "slugSector": "urban_development_housing", "slugIndicator": "total_sector_expenditure", "source": "State Budgets; Detailed Demand for Grants ( Plan and Non Plan Documents) ; Various Years. Expenditure Data for the Sector have been compiled from from Detailed Demand for Grants documents of the respective departments of Urban Development and Department of Housing of the State.", "unit": "INR (in Crores)"}, {"sector": "Urban Development & Housing", "indicator": "Total Sector Expenditure as % of State Budget", "notes": "", "slugSector": "urban_development_housing", "slugIndicator": "total_sector_expenditure_as_of_state_budget", "source": "Total State Budget data have been compiled from Annual Financial Statement/ Budget-in-Brief/ Budget at a Glance documents for the respective States.", "unit": "Percentage"}, {"sector": "Urban Development & Housing", "indicator": "Per Capita Expenditure on Sector", "notes": "Population figures are projections, not the actual numbers based on 2011 Census data.", "slugSector": "urban_development_housing", "slugIndicator": "per_capita_expenditure_on_sector", "source": "Population data have been compiled from Census of India, 2011 from the document - Population Projections for India & States 2011-2016; OFFICE OF THE REGISTRAR GENERAL & CENSUS COMMISSIONER, INDIA.", "unit": "INR (in Crores)"}, {"sector": "Urban Development & Housing", "indicator": "Revenue Expenditure as % of Total Sector Expenditure", "notes": "", "slugSector": "urban_development_housing", "slugIndicator": "revenue_expenditure_as_of_total_sector_expenditure", "source": "State Budgets; Detailed Demand for Grants ( Plan and Non Plan Documents) ; Various Years. Revenue Expenditure and Total Sector. IX expenditure data have been compiled from Detailed Demand for Grants of the relevant Departments/ Demand Nos for the concerned States.", "unit": "Percentage"}, {"sector": "Urban Development & Housing", "indicator": "Capital Expenditure (including Loans & Advances ) as % of Total Sector Expenditure", "notes": "", "slugSector": "urban_development_housing", "slugIndicator": "capital_expenditure_including_loans_advances_as_of_total_sector_expenditure", "source": "Capital Expenditure (including loans & advances) and Total Sector- IX expenditure data have been compiled from Detailed Demand for Grants of the departments of Urban Development and Department of Housing/ Demand Nos for the concerned States.", "unit": "Percentage"}, {"sector": "Social Welfare", "indicator": "Total Sector Expenditure", "notes": "The data are compiled and aggregated from data of demand for grants documents. Thus, data compiled pertain to expenditure made through Dpartments/ Ministries of the respective States. These data may not, and usually should not match precisely with those of compiled as per Major Head ( major functions of the government).", "slugSector": "social_welfare", "slugIndicator": "total_sector_expenditure", "source": "State Budgets; Detailed Demand for Grants ( Plan and Non Plan Documents) ; Various Years. Expenditure Data for the Sector have been compiled from from Detailed Demand for Grants documents of the respective departments of concerned Departments of Welfare of SCs, STs, OBCs & Minorities, Women and Child Development, and Social Security of the State. ", "unit": "INR (in Crores)"}, {"sector": "Social Welfare", "indicator": "Total Sector Expenditure as % of State Budget", "notes": "", "slugSector": "social_welfare", "slugIndicator": "total_sector_expenditure_as_of_state_budget", "source": "Total State Budget data have been compiled from Annual Financial Statement/ Budget-in-Brief/ Budget at a Glance documents for the respective States.", "unit": "Percentage"}, {"sector": "Social Welfare", "indicator": "Per Capita Expenditure on Sector", "notes": "Population figures are projections, not the actual numbers based on 2011 Census data.", "slugSector": "social_welfare", "slugIndicator": "per_capita_expenditure_on_sector", "source": "Population data have been compiled from Census of India, 2011 from the document - Population Projections for India & States 2011-2016; OFFICE OF THE REGISTRAR GENERAL & CENSUS COMMISSIONER, INDIA.", "unit": "INR (in Crores)"}, {"sector": "Social Welfare", "indicator": "Revenue Expenditure as % of Total Sector Expenditure", "notes": "", "slugSector": "social_welfare", "slugIndicator": "revenue_expenditure_as_of_total_sector_expenditure", "source": "State Budgets; Detailed Demand for Grants ( Plan and Non Plan Documents) ; Various Years. Revenue Expenditure and Total Sector X expenditure data have been compiled from Detailed Demand for Grants of the relevant concerned Departments of Welfare of SCs, STs, OBCs & Minorities, Women and Child Development, and Social Security/ Demand Nos for the concerned States.", "unit": "Percentage"}, {"sector": "Social Welfare", "indicator": "Capital Expenditure (including Loans & Advances ) as % of Total Sector Expenditure", "notes": "", "slugSector": "social_welfare", "slugIndicator": "capital_expenditure_including_loans_advances_as_of_total_sector_expenditure", "source": "Capital Expenditure (including loans & advances) and Total Sector- X expenditure data have been compiled from Detailed Demand for Grants of the relevant Departments/ Demand Nos for the concerned States.", "unit": "Percentage"}, {"sector": "Health", "indicator": "Total Sector Expenditure", "notes": "The data are compiled and aggregated from data of demand for grants documents. Thus, data compiled pertain to expenditure made through Dpartments/ Ministries of the respective States. These data may not, and usually should not match precisely with those of compiled as per Major Head ( major functions of the government).", "slugSector": "health", "slugIndicator": "total_sector_expenditure", "source": "State Budgets; Detailed Demand for Grants ( Plan and Non Plan Documents) ; Various Years. Expenditure Data for the Sector have been compiled from Detailed Demand for Grants documents of the departments of Health, Department of Family Welfare, Department of Medical Education, and other relevant departments of the State. ", "unit": "INR (in Crores)"}, {"sector": "Health", "indicator": "Total Sector Expenditure as % of State Budget", "notes": "", "slugSector": "health", "slugIndicator": "total_sector_expenditure_as_of_state_budget", "source": "Total State Budget data have been compiled from Annual Financial Statement/ Budget-in-Brief/ Budget at a Glance documents for the respective States.", "unit": "Percentage"}, {"sector": "Health", "indicator": "Per Capita Expenditure on Sector", "notes": "Population figures are projections, not the actual numbers based on 2011 Census data.", "slugSector": "health", "slugIndicator": "per_capita_expenditure_on_sector", "source": "Population data have been compiled from Census of India, 2011 from the document - Population Projections for India & States 2011-2016; OFFICE OF THE REGISTRAR GENERAL & CENSUS COMMISSIONER, INDIA.", "unit": "INR (in Crores)"}, {"sector": "Health", "indicator": "Revenue Expenditure as % of Total Sector Expenditure", "notes": "", "slugSector": "health", "slugIndicator": "revenue_expenditure_as_of_total_sector_expenditure", "source": "State Budgets; Detailed Demand for Grants ( Plan and Non Plan Documents) ; Various Years. Revenue Expenditure and Total Sector XI expenditure data have been compiled from Detailed Demand for Grants of the relevant Departments/ Demand Nos for the concerned States.", "unit": "Percentage"}, {"sector": "Health", "indicator": "Capital Expenditure (including Loans & Advances ) as % of Total Sector Expenditure", "notes": "", "slugSector": "health", "slugIndicator": "capital_expenditure_including_loans_advances_as_of_total_sector_expenditure", "source": "Capital Expenditure (including loans & advances) and Total Sector- XI expenditure data have been compiled from Detailed Demand for Grants of the departments of Health, Department of Family Welfare, Department of Medical Education, Department of Ayush and other relevant departments / Demand Nos for the concerned States.", "unit": "Percentage"}, {"sector": "Education", "indicator": "Total Sector Expenditure", "notes": "The data are compiled and aggregated from data of demand for grants documents. Thus, data compiled pertain to expenditure made through Dpartments/ Ministries of the respective States. These data may not, and usually should not match precisely with those of compiled as per Major Head ( major functions of the government).", "slugSector": "education", "slugIndicator": "total_sector_expenditure", "source": "State Budgets; Detailed Demand for Grants ( Plan and Non Plan Documents) ; Various Years. Expenditure Data for the Sector have been compiled from from Detailed Demand for Grants documents of the respective by the Department of School & Secondary Education, the Department of Higher Education, the Department of Technical Education, the Department of Arts & Culture, The Department of Sports & Youth Services, the Department of Literacy & Adult Education of the State. ", "unit": "INR (in Crores)"}, {"sector": "Education", "indicator": "Total Sector Expenditure as % of State Budget", "notes": "", "slugSector": "education", "slugIndicator": "total_sector_expenditure_as_of_state_budget", "source": "Total State Budget data have been compiled from Annual Financial Statement/ Budget-in-Brief/ Budget at a Glance documents for the respective States.", "unit": "Percentage"}, {"sector": "Education", "indicator": "Per Capita Expenditure on Sector", "notes": "Population figures are projections, not the actual numbers based on 2011 Census data.", "slugSector": "education", "slugIndicator": "per_capita_expenditure_on_sector", "source": "Population data have been compiled from Census of India, 2011 from the document - Population Projections for India & States 2011-2016; OFFICE OF THE REGISTRAR GENERAL & CENSUS COMMISSIONER, INDIA.", "unit": "INR (in Crores)"}, {"sector": "Education", "indicator": "Revenue Expenditure as % of Total Sector Expenditure", "notes": "", "slugSector": "education", "slugIndicator": "revenue_expenditure_as_of_total_sector_expenditure", "source": "State Budgets; Detailed Demand for Grants ( Plan and Non Plan Documents) ; Various Years. Revenue Expenditure and Total Sector- XII expenditure data have been compiled from Detailed Demand for Grants of the relevant Departments/ Demand Nos for the concerned States.", "unit": "Percentage"}, {"sector": "Education", "indicator": "Capital Expenditure (including Loans & Advances ) as % of Total Sector Expenditure", "notes": "", "slugSector": "education", "slugIndicator": "capital_expenditure_including_loans_advances_as_of_total_sector_expenditure", "source": "Capital Expenditure (including loans & advances) and Total Sector- XII expenditure data have been compiled from Detailed Demand for Grants of the relevant Departments/ Demand Nos for the concerned States.", "unit": "Percentage"}]; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/index.html b/src/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..307e9f6 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ + + + + Story Generator + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
    + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/index.js b/src/index.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8525ead --- /dev/null +++ b/src/index.js @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +import 'babel-polyfill'; +import React from 'react'; +import { render } from 'react-dom'; +import {Router, hashHistory} from "react-router" ; +import routes from './routes' ; +import "./styles/styles.css"; + +render ( + , + document.getElementById("app") +); diff --git a/src/index.test.js b/src/index.test.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a80cd17 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/index.test.js @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +import expect from 'expect'; + +describe('Our first test', () => { + it('should pass', () => { + expect(true).toEqual(true); + }); +}); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/routes.js b/src/routes.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7a8e4a6 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/routes.js @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +import React from "react"; +import {Route, IndexRoute} from "react-router"; +import App from "./components/App" ; +import MainViewComponent from "./components/home/MainViewComponent"; +//import {expenditure_data} from "./data/expenditure_data"; +import IndexComponent from "./components/indexcomponent/IndexComponent"; + +export default( + + + + +); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/styles/bg.png b/src/styles/bg.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3925896 Binary files /dev/null and b/src/styles/bg.png differ diff --git a/src/styles/draft_final.png b/src/styles/draft_final.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..30d6673 Binary files /dev/null and b/src/styles/draft_final.png differ diff --git a/src/styles/styles.css b/src/styles/styles.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2ad0317 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/styles/styles.css @@ -0,0 +1,429 @@ + html, + body { + height: 100%; + margin: 0px; + font-family: 'PT Sans', sans-serif; + } + + #app, + .app-wrapper, + .leftsidebar {} + + .nav-tabs.nav-justified>.active>a { + border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.19); + } + + .leftsidebar { + padding: 0px 25px !important; + min-height: 700px; + background: #F5F6F8 url(bg.png); + } + + .full-height { + height: 100%; + } + + .input-group-lg>.form-control { + font-size: 14px !important; + border-radius: 3px !important; + } + + .search-wrapper { + width: 100%; + padding-bottom: 15px; + } + + .icons-wrapper i.fa { + padding: 0px 0px 15px 12px; + } + + .share-icon-span, + .icons-wrapper { + float: left; + } + + .share-icon-span { + margin-left: 25px; + font-size: 18px; + padding-top: 2px; + } + + .nav-stacked>li { + border: 1px solid #ddd; + } + + .vis-selector-wrapper, + .estimates-fig-wrapper { + padding: 0px 10px 20px 0px; + } + + .estimates-fig-wrapper label.btn.btn-default { + width: 150px; + } + + nav.navbar.top-bar.navbar-inverse { + margin-bottom: 0px; + border-radius: 0px; + } + + .view-container { + /* background: rgba(220, 221, 219, 0.1) url(bg.png); + background:rgba(42, 87, 105, 0.9) url("bg.png");*/ + padding: 25px 0px 0px 0px; + min-height: 700px; + background: rgba(17, 51, 77, 0.01); + border-left: 1px solid rgba(128, 128, 128, 0.34); + } + + .vis-container { + padding: 0px 20px 20px 0px; + width: 100%; + min-height: 650px; + } + + .leaflet-container { + height: inherit; + width: inherit; + margin: 0 auto; + } + + .select-panel { + overflow: hidden; + margin-bottom: 0px; + } + + .timeline { + margin: 20px 0; + padding: 0; + border-top: 2px solid #428bca; + list-style: none; + } + + .tcontainer { + position: absolute; + top: 25px; + right: 25px; + height: 10em; + z-index: 1600; + color: black; + font-size: .5em; + display: block; + height: 67px; + text-align: center; + line-height: 30px; + } + + a, + a:hover, + a:focus, + a:active, + a:link, + a:visited { + text-decoration: none!important; + outline: none; + } + + a, + a:hover, + a:focus { + color: black; + text-decoration: none; + outline: none; + } + + #accordion .panel { + border: none; + box-shadow: none; + border-radius: 0; + } + + #accordion .panel-heading { + padding: 0; + } + + #accordion .panel-title a { + display: block; + font-weight: bold; + line-height: 23px; + color: #000; + background: #fff; + border: none; + border-left: 3px solid #fbc02d; + border-bottom: 2px solid #06cde7; + padding: 15px 15px 15px 15px; + font-size: 14px; + position: relative; + border-bottom-color: #fbc02d; + transition: all 0.5s ease 0s; + } + + #accordion .panel-title a.collapsed { + border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(128, 128, 128, 0.34); + color: rgba(51, 51, 51, 0.95); + font-weight: normal; + } + + #accordion .panel-title a:before { + content: "\f106"; + font-family: FontAwesome; + font-size: 14px; + color: #333; + line-height: 24px; + position: absolute; + top: 10px; + right: 15px; + } + + #accordion .panel-title a.collapsed:before { + content: "\f107"; + } + + #accordion .panel-body { + font-size: 15px; + color: #8c8c8c; + line-height: 25px; + background: #f6f6f6; + border: none; + padding: 14px 20px; + } + + #accordion .panel { + margin-bottom: 2px; + } + + .panel-group .panel+.panel { + margin-top: 2px; + } + + section.panel { + height: 450px; + overflow-y: scroll; + } + + section.panel::-webkit-scrollbar { + width: 10px; + background-color: #F5F5F5; + } + + section.panel::-webkit-scrollbar-track { + -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 0 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3); + background-color: #F5F5F5; + } + + section.panel::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { + background-color: #D3CEAA; + border: 2px solid #D3CEAA; + } + + .leaflet-container { + height: 430px; + } + + .selected-params { + /* margin-left: 100px!important;*/ + padding: 0px 0px 0px 20px; + border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.19); + } + + .card-container { + border-radius: 5px; + /* padding: 10px 50px 50px 50px; */ + position: relative; + /* padding: 0px 30px 30px 30px; + box-shadow: 0 4px 10px rgba(0,0,0,0.19), 0 2px 6px rgba(0,0,0,0.23);*/ + border: 2px solid #cccccc; + background: white; + /*box-shadow: 0 2px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.19), 0 1px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.23);*/ + } + + .card-box-shadow { + box-shadow: 0 2px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.19), 0 1px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.23); + } + + .title-hr { + width: 90%; + border-color: black; + border: 0; + height: 1px; + background: #333; + background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #ccc, #333, #ccc); + } + + .indicator-title { + font-weight: bold; + margin-bottom: 0px; + } + + .indicator-description { + padding: 20px; + border-top: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.19); + } + + h5.figures-unit { + float: right; + font-weight: bold; + } + + .sub-text { + padding-left: 0px; + font-weight: bold; + margin-bottom: 10px; + } + + .sub-text h5 { + font-weight: bold; + } + + .app-title { + text-align: center; + font-weight: bold; + } + + .rightsidebar { + padding: 0px + } + + .rightsidebar-titles { + color: black; + } + + .button-grps { + margin-top: 10px; + margin-bottom: 20px; + } + + .statetoolPanelHeading { + height: 30px; + background-color: rgba(204, 204, 204, 0.7); + } + + .statetooltip { + position: absolute; + top: 80%; + right: 3em; + z-index: 10006; + color: black; + padding: .5em .75em; + font-size: .85em; + display: block; + width: 200px; + height: 67px; + background-color: rgba(233, 234, 229, 0.9); + text-align: center; + line-height: 30px; + display: block; + } + /*Graph Styles */ + + .graph-container { + min-height: 430px; + padding: 15px 0px; + padding-bottom: 0px; + } + + .add-state-text { + padding-left: 50px; + } + + .state-select { + padding-top: 3px; + } + + .rv-xy-plot { + margin: 0px auto; + } + + .rv-discrete-color-legend.horizontal { + text-align: center; + } + + .row.legend-row { + margin-top: 20px; + } + + .rv-discrete-color-legend-item__color { + height: 14px; + } + + .select-placeholder { + padding-top: 25px + } + + .row { + margin-left: 15px; + margin-right: 15px; + } + /* Legend */ + + .legend-scale ul { + margin: 0; + padding: 0; + float: left; + list-style: none; + } + + .legend-scale ul li { + display: block; + width: 150px; + border: 1px solid rgba(128, 128, 128, 0.66); + margin-bottom: 3px; + text-align: center; + list-style: none; + padding: 0 0 0px 0; + } + + .legendspan { + display: block; + float: left; + height: 20px; + width: 40px; + } + + .legendspanside { + background-color: white; + display: block; + height: 20px; + } + + .legendcontainer { + position: absolute; + bottom: 2em; + left: 4em; + display: block; + z-index: 180000; + } + + .legend { + display: block; + width: 100%; + font-size: 1.5em; + line-height: inherit; + color: black; + border: 0; + border-bottom: 1px solid black; + } + + .legend-labels { + font-size: 0.95em + } + + sub.alpha { + font-size: 0.4em; + } + + img.openbudgets-logo { + width: 95%; + margin-left: 5px; + } + + .row.row-sub-text { + margin-left: 0px; + } + + h2.openbudgets-logo-header { + margin-top: 5px; + } + + h5.budgetattr-year { + font-weight: bold; + } diff --git a/test/bat.test.js b/test/bat.test.js deleted file mode 100644 index cfd187b..0000000 --- a/test/bat.test.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,12 +0,0 @@ -"use strict"; - -var should = require("should"); - -var BAT = require("../lib/bat"); - -describe("BAT", function () { - it("should exist and not be empty", function () { - should.exist(BAT); - BAT.should.not.be.empty(); - }); -}); diff --git a/test/bat/parser/indicator_amounts_row.test.js b/test/bat/parser/indicator_amounts_row.test.js deleted file mode 100644 index b28b706..0000000 --- a/test/bat/parser/indicator_amounts_row.test.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,153 +0,0 @@ -"use strict"; - -var should = require("should"); - -var statesHeaderParser = require("../../../lib/bat").parser.stateHeaderParser, - yearsHeaderParser = require("../../../lib/bat").parser.yearsHeaderParser, - indicatorAmountsRowParser = require("../../../lib/bat").parser.indicatorAmountsRowParser; - -describe("BAT", function () { - describe("parser", function () { - describe("indicatorAmountsRowParser", function () { - it("should be able to parse indicators and allocate amount", function () { - var statesHeader = `,States,Madhya Pradesh,Madhya Pradesh,Madhya Pradesh,Madhya Pradesh, - Madhya Pradesh,Madhya Pradesh,Madhya Pradesh,Bihar` - .replace(/\s+/g, " "), - yearsHeader = `Indicators,Unit,2012-13 Actuals,2013-14 BE,2013-14 RE, - 2013-14 Actuals,2014-15 BE,2014-15 RE,2015-16 BE,2012-13 Actuals,` - .replace(/\s+/g, " "), - indicatorAmountsRow = `Total Expenditure from State Budget,INR (in Crores),79921,91947, - 92234,85762,117041,118518,131199,69206.56` - .replace(/\s+/g, " "), - expectedIndicatorAmounts = [{ - name : "Madhya Pradesh", - slug : "madhya-pradesh", - subColumnsCount: 7, - subColumns : [{ - allocations: [{ - type: "Actuals" - }], - years : { - to : "2013", - from: "2012" - } - }, { - years : { - to : "2014", - from: "2013" - }, - allocations: [{ - type: "BE" - }, { - type: "RE" - }, { - type: "Actuals" - }] - }, { - years : { - from: "2014", - to : "2015" - }, - allocations: [{ - type: "BE" - }, { - type: "RE" - }] - }, { - years : { - from: "2015", - to : "2016" - }, - allocations: [{ - type: "BE" - }] - }], - indicator : { - budgets: [{ - years : { - from: "2012", - to : "2013" - }, - allocations: [{ - amount: "79921", - type : "Actuals" - }] - }, { - years : { - from: "2013", - to : "2014" - }, - allocations: [{ - amount: "91947", - type : "BE" - }, { - type : "RE", - amount: "92234" - }, { - type : "Actuals", - amount: "85762" - }] - }, { - years : { - to : "2015", - from: "2014" - }, - allocations: [{ - amount: "117041", - type : "BE" - }, { - amount: "118518", - type : "RE" - }] - }, { - years : { - from: "2015", - to : "2016" - }, - allocations: [{ - amount: "131199", - type : "BE" - }] - }], - unit : "INR (in Crores)", - name : "Total Expenditure from State Budget", - slug : "total-expenditure-from-state-budget" - } - }, { - name : "Bihar", - slug : "bihar", - subColumnsCount: 1, - subColumns : [{ - allocations: [{ - type: "Actuals" - }], - years : { - from: "2012", - to : "2013" - } - }], - indicator : { - slug : "total-expenditure-from-state-budget", - name : "Total Expenditure from State Budget", - unit : "INR (in Crores)", - budgets: [{ - years : { - from: "2012", - to : "2013" - }, - allocations: [{ - type : "Actuals", - amount: "69206.56" - }] - }] - } - }], - parsedStates = statesHeaderParser.parse(statesHeader), - parsedYears = yearsHeaderParser.parse(parsedStates, yearsHeader), - parsedIndicatorAmounts = indicatorAmountsRowParser.parse(parsedYears, indicatorAmountsRow); - should.exist(parsedIndicatorAmounts); - expectedIndicatorAmounts.should.be.deepEqual(parsedIndicatorAmounts); - }); - }); - }); -}); diff --git a/test/bat/parser/states_header.test.js b/test/bat/parser/states_header.test.js deleted file mode 100644 index de762bb..0000000 --- a/test/bat/parser/states_header.test.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,67 +0,0 @@ -"use strict"; - -var should = require("should"); - -var statesHeaderParser = require("../../../lib/bat").parser.stateHeaderParser; - -describe("BAT", function () { - describe("parser", function () { - describe("stateHeaderParser", function () { - it("should be able to parse states header with their counts", function () { - var statesHeader = `,States,Madhya Pradesh,Madhya Pradesh,Madhya Pradesh,Madhya Pradesh, - Madhya Pradesh,Madhya Pradesh,Madhya Pradesh,Bihar,Bihar,Bihar,Bihar, - Bihar,Bihar,Bihar,UP,UP,UP,UP,UP,UP,UP,Chattisgarh,Chattisgarh,Chattisgarh, - Chattisgarh,Chattisgarh,Chattisgarh,Chattisgarh,Karnataka,Karnataka,Karnataka, - Karnataka,Karnataka,Karnataka,Karnataka,Kerala,Kerala,Kerala,Kerala,Kerala,Kerala, - Kerala,Punjab,Punjab,Punjab,Punjab,Punjab,Punjab,Punjab,Odisha,Odisha,Odisha,Odisha, - Odisha,Odisha,Odisha,Gujarat,Gujarat,Gujarat,Gujarat,Gujarat,Gujarat,Gujarat, - West Bengal,West Bengal,West Bengal,West Bengal,West Bengal,West Bengal,West Bengal` - .replace(/\s+/g, " "), - expectedStates = [{ - name : "Madhya Pradesh", - slug : "madhya-pradesh", - subColumnsCount: 7 - }, { - name : "Bihar", - slug : "bihar", - subColumnsCount: 7 - }, { - name : "UP", - slug : "up", - subColumnsCount: 7 - }, { - name : "Chattisgarh", - slug : "chattisgarh", - subColumnsCount: 7 - }, { - name : "Karnataka", - slug : "karnataka", - subColumnsCount: 7 - }, { - name : "Kerala", - slug : "kerala", - subColumnsCount: 7 - }, { - name : "Punjab", - slug : "punjab", - subColumnsCount: 7 - }, { - name : "Odisha", - slug : "odisha", - subColumnsCount: 7 - }, { - name : "Gujarat", - slug : "gujarat", - subColumnsCount: 7 - }, { - name : "West Bengal", - slug : "west-bengal", - subColumnsCount: 7 - }], - parsedStates = statesHeaderParser.parse(statesHeader); - should.exist(parsedStates); - expectedStates.should.be.deepEqual(parsedStates); - }); - }); - }); -}); diff --git a/test/bat/parser/years_header.test.js b/test/bat/parser/years_header.test.js deleted file mode 100644 index 21d201f..0000000 --- a/test/bat/parser/years_header.test.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,83 +0,0 @@ -"use strict"; - -var should = require("should"); - -var statesHeaderParser = require("../../../lib/bat").parser.stateHeaderParser, - yearsHeaderParser = require("../../../lib/bat").parser.yearsHeaderParser; - -describe("BAT", function () { - describe("parser", function () { - describe("yearsHeaderParser", function () { - it("should be able to parse years header with their allocation types", function () { - var statesHeader = `,States,Madhya Pradesh,Madhya Pradesh,Madhya Pradesh,Madhya Pradesh, - Madhya Pradesh,Madhya Pradesh,Madhya Pradesh,Bihar` - .replace(/\s+/g, " "), - yearsHeader = `Indicators,Unit,2012-13 Actuals,2013-14 BE,2013-14 RE, - 2013-14 Actuals,2014-15 BE,2014-15 RE,2015-16 BE,2012-13 Actuals,` - .replace(/\s+/g, " "), - expectedYears = [{ - name : "Madhya Pradesh", - slug : "madhya-pradesh", - subColumnsCount: 7, - subColumns : [{ - years : { - from: "2012", - to : "2013" - }, - allocations: [{ - type: "Actuals" - }] - - }, { - years : { - from: "2013", - to : "2014" - }, - allocations: [{ - type: "BE" - }, { - type: "RE" - }, { - type: "Actuals" - }] - }, { - years : { - from: "2014", - to : "2015" - }, - allocations: [{ - type: "BE" - }, { - type: "RE" - }] - }, { - years : { - from: "2015", - to : "2016" - }, - allocations: [{ - type: "BE" - }] - }] - }, { - name : "Bihar", - slug : "bihar", - subColumnsCount: 1, - subColumns : [{ - years : { - from: "2012", - to : "2013" - }, - allocations: [{ - type: "Actuals" - }] - }] - }], - parsedStates = statesHeaderParser.parse(statesHeader), - parsedYears = yearsHeaderParser.parse(parsedStates, yearsHeader); - should.exist(parsedYears); - expectedYears.should.be.deepEqual(parsedYears); - }); - }); - }); -}); diff --git a/test/fixtures/.keep b/test/fixtures/.keep deleted file mode 100644 index e69de29..0000000 diff --git a/test/mocha.opts b/test/mocha.opts deleted file mode 100644 index ac29328..0000000 --- a/test/mocha.opts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ ---require should ---reporter spec ---recursive ---ui bdd ---timeout 2000 - diff --git a/tools/build.js b/tools/build.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..305b324 --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/build.js @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +// More info on Webpack's Node API here: https://webpack.github.io/docs/node.js-api.html +// Allowing console calls below since this is a build file. +/*eslint-disable no-console */ +import webpack from 'webpack'; +import webpackConfig from '../webpack.config.prod'; +import colors from 'colors'; + +process.env.NODE_ENV = 'production'; // this assures the Babel dev config (for hot reloading) doesn't apply. + +console.log('Generating minified bundle for production via Webpack. This will take a moment...'.blue); + +webpack(webpackConfig).run((err, stats) => { + if (err) { // so a fatal error occurred. Stop here. + console.log(err.bold.red); + return 1; + } + + const jsonStats = stats.toJson(); + + if (jsonStats.hasErrors) { + return jsonStats.errors.map(error => console.log(error.red)); + } + + if (jsonStats.hasWarnings) { + console.log('Webpack generated the following warnings: '.bold.yellow); + jsonStats.warnings.map(warning => console.log(warning.yellow)); + } + + console.log(`Webpack stats: ${stats}`); + + // if we got this far, the build succeeded. + console.log('Your app has been compiled in production mode and written to /dist. It\'s ready to roll!'.green); + + return 0; +}); diff --git a/tools/buildHtml.js b/tools/buildHtml.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..452b066 --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/buildHtml.js @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +// This script copies src/index.html into /dist/index.html +// This is a good example of using Node and cheerio to do a simple file transformation. +// In this case, the transformation is useful since we only use a separate css file in prod. +import fs from 'fs'; +import cheerio from 'cheerio'; +import colors from 'colors'; + +/*eslint-disable no-console */ + +fs.readFile('src/index.html', 'utf8', (err, markup) => { + if (err) { + return console.log(err); + } + + const $ = cheerio.load(markup); + + // since a separate spreadsheet is only utilized for the production build, need to dynamically add this here. + $('head').prepend(''); + + fs.writeFile('dist/index.html', $.html(), 'utf8', function (err) { + if (err) { + return console.log(err); + } + console.log('index.html written to /dist'.green); + }); +}); diff --git a/tools/distServer.js b/tools/distServer.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..aef202a --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/distServer.js @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +import express from 'express'; +import path from 'path'; +import open from 'open'; +import compression from 'compression'; + +/*eslint-disable no-console */ + +const port = 3000; +const app = express(); + +app.use(compression()); +app.use(express.static('dist')); + +app.get('*', function(req, res) { + res.sendFile(path.join(__dirname, '../dist/index.html')); +}); + +app.listen(port, function(err) { + if (err) { + console.log(err); + } else { + open(`http://localhost:${port}`); + } +}); diff --git a/tools/srcServer.js b/tools/srcServer.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a0b0b3a --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/srcServer.js @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +import express from 'express'; +import webpack from 'webpack'; +import path from 'path'; +import config from '../webpack.config.dev'; +import open from 'open'; + +/* eslint-disable no-console */ + +const port = 3000; +const app = express(); +const compiler = webpack(config); + +app.use(require('webpack-dev-middleware')(compiler, { + noInfo: true, + publicPath: config.output.publicPath +})); + +app.use(require('webpack-hot-middleware')(compiler)); + +app.get('*', function(req, res) { + res.sendFile(path.join( __dirname, '../src/index.html')); +}); + +app.listen(port, function(err) { + if (err) { + console.log(err); + } else { + open(`http://localhost:${port}`); + } +}); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/tools/startMessage.js b/tools/startMessage.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..446aa64 --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/startMessage.js @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +import colors from 'colors'; + +/* eslint-disable no-console */ + +console.log('Starting app in dev mode...'.green); diff --git a/tools/testSetup.js b/tools/testSetup.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..86a2807 --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/testSetup.js @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +// This file is written in ES5 since it's not transpiled by Babel. +// This file does the following: +// 1. Sets Node environment variable +// 2. Registers babel for transpiling our code for testing +// 3. Disables Webpack-specific features that Mocha doesn't understand. +// 4. Requires jsdom so we can test via an in-memory DOM in Node +// 5. Sets up global vars that mimic a browser. + +/* eslint-disable no-var*/ + +/* This setting assures the .babelrc dev config (which includes + hot module reloading code) doesn't apply for tests. + But also, we don't want to set it to production here for + two reasons: + 1. You won't see any PropType validation warnings when + code is running in prod mode. + 2. Tests will not display detailed error messages + when running against production version code + */ +process.env.NODE_ENV = 'test'; + +// Register babel so that it will transpile ES6 to ES5 +// before our tests run. +require('babel-register')(); + +// Disable webpack-specific features for tests since +// Mocha doesn't know what to do with them. +require.extensions['.css'] = function () {return null;}; +require.extensions['.png'] = function () {return null;}; +require.extensions['.jpg'] = function () {return null;}; + +// Configure JSDOM and set global variables +// to simulate a browser environment for tests. +var jsdom = require('jsdom').jsdom; + +var exposedProperties = ['window', 'navigator', 'document']; + +global.document = jsdom(''); +global.window = document.defaultView; +Object.keys(document.defaultView).forEach((property) => { + if (typeof global[property] === 'undefined') { + exposedProperties.push(property); + global[property] = document.defaultView[property]; + } +}); + +global.navigator = { + userAgent: 'node.js' +}; + +documentRef = document; //eslint-disable-line no-undef \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/webpack.config.dev.js b/webpack.config.dev.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e1b39f3 --- /dev/null +++ b/webpack.config.dev.js @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +import webpack from 'webpack'; +import path from 'path'; + +export default { + debug: true, + devtool: 'cheap-module-eval-source-map', + noInfo: false, + entry: [ + 'eventsource-polyfill', // necessary for hot reloading with IE + 'webpack-hot-middleware/client?reload=true', //note that it reloads the page if hot module reloading fails. + './src/index' + ], + target: 'web', + output: { + path: __dirname + '/dist', // Note: Physical files are only output by the production build task `npm run build`. + publicPath: '/', + filename: 'bundle.js' + }, + devServer: { + contentBase: './src' + }, + plugins: [ + new webpack.HotModuleReplacementPlugin(), + new webpack.NoErrorsPlugin() + ], + module: { + loaders: [ + {test: /\.js$/, include: path.join(__dirname, 'src'), loaders: ['babel']}, + {test: /(\.css)$/, loaders: ['style', 'css']}, + {test: /\.eot(\?v=\d+\.\d+\.\d+)?$/, loader: "file"}, + { test: /\.woff(2)?(\?v=[0-9]\.[0-9]\.[0-9])?$/, loader: "url-loader?limit=10000&mimetype=application/font-woff" }, + { test: /\.(ttf|eot|svg|png)(\?v=[0-9]\.[0-9]\.[0-9])?$/, loader: "file-loader" }, + {test: /\.(woff|woff2)$/, loader: "url?prefix=font/&limit=5000"}, + {test: /\.ttf(\?v=\d+\.\d+\.\d+)?$/, loader: "url?limit=10000&mimetype=application/octet-stream"}, + {test: /\.svg(\?v=\d+\.\d+\.\d+)?$/, loader: "url?limit=10000&mimetype=image/svg+xml"} + ] + } +}; diff --git a/webpack.config.prod.js b/webpack.config.prod.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c47aa8b --- /dev/null +++ b/webpack.config.prod.js @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +import webpack from 'webpack'; +import path from 'path'; +import ExtractTextPlugin from 'extract-text-webpack-plugin'; + +const GLOBALS = { + 'process.env.NODE_ENV': JSON.stringify('production') +}; + +export default { + debug: true, + devtool: 'source-map', + noInfo: false, + entry: './src/index', + target: 'web', + output: { + path: __dirname + '/dist', // Note: Physical files are only output by the production build task `npm run build`. + publicPath: '/', + filename: 'bundle.js' + }, + devServer: { + contentBase: './dist' + }, + plugins: [ + new webpack.optimize.OccurenceOrderPlugin(), + new webpack.DefinePlugin(GLOBALS), + new ExtractTextPlugin('styles.css'), + new webpack.optimize.DedupePlugin(), + new webpack.optimize.UglifyJsPlugin() + ], + module: { + loaders: [ + {test: /\.js$/, include: path.join(__dirname, 'src'), loaders: ['babel']}, + {test: /(\.css)$/, loader: ExtractTextPlugin.extract("css?sourceMap")}, + {test: /\.eot(\?v=\d+\.\d+\.\d+)?$/, loader: "file"}, + { test: /\.woff(2)?(\?v=[0-9]\.[0-9]\.[0-9])?$/, loader: "url-loader?limit=10000&mimetype=application/font-woff" }, + { test: /\.(ttf|eot|svg|png)(\?v=[0-9]\.[0-9]\.[0-9])?$/, loader: "file-loader" }, + {test: /\.ttf(\?v=\d+\.\d+\.\d+)?$/, loader: "url?limit=10000&mimetype=application/octet-stream"}, + {test: /\.svg(\?v=\d+\.\d+\.\d+)?$/, loader: "url?limit=10000&mimetype=image/svg+xml"} + ] + } +};