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open2fa NOW LIVE

Open2FA is a 100% LIBRE tool for generating Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) (TOTP) codes, with optional, secure, remote sync/restore/etc capabilities, as well as optional webui 2FA code generation.

All code can be found at:

CLI repo

API/WebUI repo

For information as to how the remote capabilities work, see

See the changelog to follow ongoing development.


  • CLI 2FA Code Generation: Generate 2FA codes from the command line from TOTP secret keys stored either locally or remotely.
  • Secure Remote Capabilitites: All remotely stored TOTP secrets are stored encrypted and are only decrypted client side.
  • Easily restore TOTP secrets: Easily transfer and restore TOTP secrets from any device from only a UUID
  • WebUI 2FA Code Generation: Generate 2FA codes from the webui using the remotely stored encrypted TOTP secret keys from any device, even if the device does not have either the open2fa CLI or the TOTP secrets stored locally.
  • Host your own API: You can easily choose to host your own open2fa server and use it with the open2fa CLI.
  • Open Source: Open2FA is 100% open source and is both free as in freedom and free as in beer.


Install the CLI using pip:

pip install open2fa

If wanting to do development work, install with dev dependencies:

pip install 'open2fa[dev]'


Environment Variables:

  • OPEN2FA_DIR: The directory where TOTP secrets and the Open2FA UUID are stored. Defaults to .open2fa in the user's home directory.

  • OPEN2FA_API_URL: The URL of the Open2FA API instance to use. Defaults to

  • OPEN2FA_UUID (Optional): Instead of using the open2fa.uuid file stored in OPEN2FA_DIR, you can set the OPEN2FA_UUID environment variable to the UUID you wish to use.

Default File Locations

  • Secrets File: The TOTP secrets are stored in OPEN2FA_DIR/secrets.json.
  • UUID File: The Open2FA UUID is stored in OPEN2FA_DIR/open2fa.uuid, but can also be set using the OPEN2FA_UUID environment variable. This UUID is used to identify the user and encrypt/decrypt their remotely stored secrets.

CLI Usage ( local )

You can see the full list of commands and options by running open2fa -h or open2fa --help.

Add a TOTP Secret

There aere two different ways to add a TOTP secret. The first is to add a secret from args passed to the add command. The second is to simply run open2fa add and then enter the appropriate information when prompted.

As of 1.3.0, the add command can now autodetect the name/secret from the input, by checking which input is a valid TOTP secret key. This means that input order is no longer important outside of the scenario that a valid TOTP secret is being used as a name for some reason.

With args:


open2fa add I65VU7K5ZQL7WB4E abc123


before 1.3.0:

open2fa add I65VU7K5ZQL7WB4E -n abc123


Without args:

open2fa add

Enter TOTP secret: I65VU7K5ZQL7WB4E
Enter name for secret: test15


Delete a TOTP Secret

open2fa delete -n TESTKEY123

List All TOTP Secrets

open2fa list

Example Output:

Name         Secret
-------      -----
Secret1      I...E
Secret2      I...E
Secret3      A...B

To show the secret keys, use the -s flag:

open2fa list -s

Name       Secret
-------    ------
Secret1    I65VU7K5ZQL7WB4E
Secret2    I65VU7K5ZQL7WB4E
Secret3    I65VU7K5ZQL7WB4E

Generate 2FA Codes

Generate codes for keys saved in OPEN2FA_DIR/secrets.json:

open2fa % py3 -m open2fa.cli g -n TEST

Name                               Code      Next
-------------------------------    ------    -----
aTESTTESTTESTTESTTESTTEST3         919513    27.29
aTESTTESTTESTTESTTESTTEST33        919513    27.29
aTESTTESTTESTTESTTESTTEST334       919513    27.29
aTESTTESTTESTTESTTESTTEST3344      919513    27.29
aTESTTESTTESTTESTTESTTEST334434    919513    27.29
TESTTESTTESTTESTTESTTEST           919513    27.29
TESTTESTTESTTESTTESTTEST2          919513    27.29
TESTTESTTESTTESTTESTTEST2          919513    27.29
TESTTESTTESTTESTTESTTEST2          919513    27.29
TESTTESTTESTTESTTESTTEST2          919513    27.29
TESTTESTTESTTESTTESTTEST2          919513    27.29
TESTTESTTESTTESTTESTTEST2          919513    27.29

Tokens will continue to be generated until the user exits the program with Ctrl+C.

As of v1.1.0+, the open2fa generate command will automatically adjust the height/width of the generated codes to fit the terminal window.

open2fa g

Name                   Code      Next
-------------------    ------    -----
abc123                 450939    0.81
abc123                 450939    0.81
DefaultSecret          450939    0.81
DefaultSecretunique    450939    0.81
irc                    771544    0.81
irs2                   789798    0.81
newtest                450939    0.81
pypi                   771052    0.81
test10                 450939    0.81
test11                 450939    0.81
test12                 450939    0.81
test123                450939    0.81
test15                 450939    0.81
... [10] codes not shown ...

Show Open2FA Info/Status/Secrets

open2fa info

Example Output:

========== Open2FA INFO/STATUS ==========
(add -s to show uncensored secrets)

Open2FA Directory: /Users/mym2/.open2fa
Open2FA Remote API URL: http://localhost:8000/api/v1
Number of secrets: 11
Open2FA UUID: 0...
Open2FA ID: X...
Open2FA Secret: Q...

CLI Usage ( remote )

When initializing the remote capabilities of the open2fa CLI, a UUID will be generated and stored in OPEN2FA_DIR/open2fa.uuid. This UUID is used to identify the user and encrypt/decrypt their remotely stored secrets. As long as the user has access to this UUID, they can restore their TOTP secrets from any device, as well as generate 2FA codes from the webui.

For usage with the webui, both the Open2FA ID and the Open2FA Secret are required. These can be determined from open2fa info after initializing the remote capabilities of the open2fa CLI.

Initialize the Remote Capabilities of the Open2FA Client

open2fa remote init

Example Output:

open2fa remote init

Do you want to initialize remote capabilities of Open2FA? (y/n): y

Remote capabilities initialized with UUID: 0e4742ef-780b-406d-8651-7766cf67be3f
It is recommended to save this UUID somewhere safe and use as an environment variable OPEN2FA_UUID.

========== Open2FA INFO/STATUS ==========

Open2FA Directory: /Users/mym2/.open2fa
Open2FA Remote API URL: http://localhost:8000/api/v1
Number of secrets: 11
Open2FA UUID: 0e4742ef-780b-406d-8651-7766cf67be3f
Open2FA ID: XF1628BGJeibVv8C9UacG4
Open2FA Secret: QGcst74V9JXnyBnQmWSoCx

In this example:

  • The Open2FA UUID is 0e4742ef-780b-406d-8651-7766cf67be3f
  • The Open2FA ID is XF1628BGJeibVv8C9UacG4
  • The Open2FA Secret is QGcst74V9JXnyBnQmWSoCx

Remote Commands

Push TOTP Secrets to the remote server:

open2fa remote push

Pull TOTP Secrets from the remote server:

open2fa remote pull

Delete a TOTP Secret from the remote server

open2fa remote delete -n TESTKEY123

List all TOTP Secrets stored remotely

open2fa remote list

Name           Secret
-----------    -----
test_secret    I...E


You can run the tests by running pytest in the root directory of the project or by running the vscode pytest launch configuration with f5.

---------- coverage: platform darwin, python 3.11.7-final-0 ----------
Name                   Stmts   Miss  Cover   Missing
open2fa/        3      0   100%
open2fa/           102      7    93%   230-231, 237-238, 286-287, 298
open2fa/      63      0   100%
open2fa/         70      1    99%   123
open2fa/         12      0   100%
open2fa/             15      2    87%   3, 19
open2fa/          203     22    89%   81, 114-118, 126, 180, 195-199, 243-244, 284, 327-328, 384-385, 388-390, 404
open2fa/           21      0   100%
open2fa/           30      0   100%
open2fa/          31     14    55%   20-25, 28, 52-63
open2fa/         1      0   100%
TOTAL                    551     46    92%

==================================================================== 21 passed in 2.29s

The tests are not complete, and need to be expanded.


Feel free to open an issue or pull request. If you are opening a pull request, please make sure to run the tests and ensure that the coverage does not decrease, and any new code is covered by tests.

Remember to update the changelog with any changes and to update the version in open2fa/ and pyproject.toml (can use the script).




[email protected]