- bought
from Google Domains - added a CNAME (canonical name record) file to the repo (the
branch). A CNAME file is a resource record in DNS which specifies a domain name as an alias for another domain (the canonical domain). Always points to a domain name, never an IP. I think this makes the github URL an alias for the domain I bought which in turn (see below) fetches content from github. - Set up custom resource records in Google Domains to point the domain at the webserver.
- Apparently takes anywhere between 1 and 48 hours for changes to be reflected.
- http://www.carolineandcody.com
- http://carolineandcody.com
- https://ccann.github.io/hitched/ should redirect
The Google Domains should be set up as follows:
www CNAME 1h ccann.github.io (it will add a trailing period)
@ A 1h (Github IPs)
even though the project url is ccann.github.io/hitched, the path is unnecessary as the CNAME file should handle it.
- https://medium.com/@Tnylnc/tnylnc-how-to-set-up-github-pages-with-google-domains-83bd5a4fbc5c
- https://medium.com/employbl/launch-a-website-with-a-custom-url-using-github-pages-and-google-domains-3dd8d90cc33b
- https://medium.com/@jeauxcal/so-you-bought-a-google-domain-name-now-what-5fd72dffe370
- http://blog.dnedveck.com/google-domains/github/github-pages/2016/01/10/GitHub-Pages-and-Google-Domains.html
on branch gh-pages
lein do clean, cljsbuild once min
cp -r resources/public/images . && cp -r resources/public/css . && cp -r target/pages/resources/public/js/ js/
on master
lein figwheel