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Movie recommendation application for CDAP.


The MovieRecommender application recommends movies to users using collaborative filtering.

  • The ratings and movies data is taken from the MovieLens Dataset.
  • The recommendation engine is based on the ALS (Alternating Least Square) implementation in Apache Spark MLlib library.

Implementation Details

The MovieRecommender application is composed of the components:

  • Streams for ingesting ratings data into the system
  • A Service to store movies in a Dataset
  • A Service that recommends movies for a particular user
  • A Spark Program which builds a recommendation model using the ALS algorithm and recommends movies for all the users


The RecommendationBuilder Spark program contains the core logic for building the movie recommendations. It uses the ALS (Alternating Least Squares) algorithm from Apache Spark's MLlib to train the prediction model.


First, RecommendationBuilder reads the ratingsStream and uses it to train the prediction model. Then, it computes an RDD of not-rated movies using the movies dataset and the ratings dataset. It uses the prediction model to predict a score for each not-rated movie and stores the top 20 highest scored movies for each user in the recommendations dataset.

Installation & Usage

Pre-Requisite: Download and install CDAP.

From the project root, build MovieRecommender with Apache Maven

$ MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx512m" mvn clean package

Note that the remaining commands assume that the cdap script is available on your PATH. If this is not the case, please add it:

$ export PATH=$PATH:<cdap-home>/bin

If you haven't already started a standalone CDAP installation, start it with the command:

$ cdap sdk start

On Windows, substitute cdap.bat sdk for cdap sdk.

Deploy the Application to a CDAP instance defined by its host (defaults to localhost):

$ cdap cli load artifact target/MovieRecommender-<version>.jar
$ cdap cli create app MovieRecommender MovieRecommender <version> user

On Windows, substitute cdap.bat cli for cdap cli.

Start the Application Services:

$ cdap cli start service MovieRecommender.MovieDictionaryService
$ cdap cli start service MovieRecommender.MovieRecommenderService

Make sure that the Services are running (note that the RecommendationBuilder Spark program will be started later):

$ cdap cli get service status MovieRecommender.MovieDictionaryService
$ cdap cli get service status MovieRecommender.MovieRecommenderService

Ingest ratings and movies data:

$ bin/ --host [host]

On Windows, substitute ingest-data.bat for

Run the RecommendationBuilder Spark Program:

$ cdap cli start spark MovieRecommender.RecommendationBuilder

The Spark program may take a couple of minutes to complete. You can check if it is complete by its status (once done, it becomes STOPPED):

$ cdap cli get spark status MovieRecommender.RecommendationBuilder

Once the Spark program is complete, you can query the MovieRecommenderService for recommendations:

$ cdap cli call service MovieRecommender.MovieRecommenderService GET 'recommend/1'

This will return a JSON response of rated and recommended movies:

| status | headers                         | body size | body                                                             |
| 200    | Content-Length : 1943           | 1943      | {"rated":["Toy Story (1995)","Pocahontas (1995)","Apollo 13 (199 |
|        | Content-Type : application/json |           | 5)","Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (1977)","Schindler\u0027 |
|        | Connection : keep-alive         |           | s List (1993)","Secret Garden, The (1993)","Aladdin (1992)","Sno |
|        |                                 |           | w White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937)","Beauty and the Beast (1991 |
|        |                                 |           | ...                                                              |

To stop the application, execute:

$ cdap cli stop service MovieRecommender.MovieDictionaryService
$ cdap cli stop service MovieRecommender.MovieRecommenderService


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Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.