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Types of Boxes

Chris Griffith edited this page Mar 22, 2020 · 7 revisions
Argument Default Modifies Keys Description
conversion_box true no Make keys such as "my key" attribute accessible, into .my_key
default_box false no If a key doesn't exist on lookup, it will be created with an empty Box as the value
box_dots false no Makes my_box.a.b.c also be accessible via my_box["a.b.c"]
camel_killer_box false yes Got PeskyAndAnnoyingKeys? Turn them into less pesky_and_annoying_keys
frozen_box false no After the first insert of data, make the box unchangeable, and hashable!

Conversion Box

Default Box

supplemental argument default description
default_box_attr Box What will be used as the default value for missing keys
default_box_none_transform true If a key exists, but has a value of None return the default attribute instead
default_box_no_key_error true Unlikecollections.defaultdict, don't even raise KeyError during pop or del

Box Dots

Camel Killer Box

Frozen Box