Adds a Resource Configuration to a Tracer. A resource represents the entity producing telemetry as resource attributes.
ServiceName An identifier usually base off of the name of the Service or Application generating the traces.. Mandatory[Hashtable]
Attribute A key-value pair. Used across telemetry signals - e.g. in Traces to attach data to an Activity (Span). Mandatory[TracerProviderBuilderBase]
TracerProvider A TracerProviderBuilderBase object. Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline
ServiceName An identifier usually base off of the name of the Service or Application generating the traces.. Mandatory[Hashtable]
Attribute A key-value pair. Used across telemetry signals - e.g. in Traces to attach data to an Activity (Span). Mandatory[MeterProviderBuilderBase]
MeterBuilder Instance of MeterProviderBuilderBase. Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline
New-TracerProviderBuilder | Add-HttpClientInstrumentation | Add-ResourceConfiguration -ServiceName $ExecutionContext.Host.Name -Attribute @{"" = $(hostname)} | Add-ExporterConsole | Start-Tracer