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This is a submodule of slurm_cluster. This module creates a Slurm controller instance from instance template. Certain properties from the instance template will be overridden when instanceated as a VM.
It is recommended to pass in an instance template generated by the slurm_instance_template module.
The controller is responsible for managing compute instances defined by multiple slurm_partition.
The controller instance run slurmctld, slurmdbd, and slurmrestd.
See examples directory for sample usages.
See below for a simple inclusion within your own terraform project.
module "slurm_controller_instance" {
source = "[email protected]:SchedMD/slurm-gcp.git//terraform/slurm/cluster/modules/slurm_controller_instance?ref=v5.0.0"
project_id = "<PROJECT_ID>"
region = "us-central1"
subnetwork = "default"
instance_template = "<INSTANCE_TEMPLATE>"
slurm_cluster_name = "<SLURM_CLUSTER_NAME>"
slurm_cluster_id = "<SLURM_CLUSTER_ID>"
NOTE: Because this module is not hosted on Terraform Registry, the version must be strictly controlled via revision syntax on the source line.
For the terraform module API reference, please see README_TF.md.