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First draft formalism of levels
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Signed-off-by: Aaron Eline <[email protected]>
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aaronjeline committed Sep 17, 2024
1 parent 2a5455e commit 546b122
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Showing 37 changed files with 5,543 additions and 475 deletions.
25 changes: 25 additions & 0 deletions cedar-lean/Cedar/Data/Map.lean
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Expand Up @@ -88,6 +88,23 @@ def size {α β} (m : Map α β) : Nat :=
def mapOnValues {α β γ} [LT α] [DecidableLT α] (f : β → γ) (m : Map α β) : Map α γ := ( (λ (k, v) => (k, f v)))

def mapOnValuesAttach {α β γ} [LT α] [DecidableLT α] (m : Map α β) (f : {x : β // ∃ (k : α), (k,x) ∈ m.kvs} → γ) : Map α γ :=
let wrapper (prod : {x // x ∈ m.kvs}) : {x // ∃ k, (k,x) ∈ m.kvs} :=
let property : ∃ k, (k, prod.val.snd) ∈ m.kvs := by
have h :=
cases heq : prod.val
rename_i fst snd
exists fst
rw [← heq]
{ val := prod.val.snd, property := property }
let f' (prod : {x // x ∈ m.kvs}) :=
let key := prod.val.fst
let value := wrapper prod
(key, f value) (m.kvs.map₁ (λ p => f' p))

def mapOnKeys {α β γ} [LT γ] [DecidableLT γ] (f : α → γ) (m : Map α β) : Map γ β :=
Map.make ( (λ (k, v) => (f k, v)))

Expand All @@ -99,6 +116,14 @@ def mapMOnKeys {α β γ} [LT γ] [DecidableLT γ] [Monad m] (f : α → m γ) (
let kvs ← map.kvs.mapM (λ (k, v) => f k >>= λ k' => pure (k', v))
pure (Map.make kvs)

def Equiv {α β} [LT α] [DecidableLT α] [BEq α] (m₁ m₂ : Map α β) : Prop :=
∀ (k : α),
m₁.find? k = m₂.find? k

infix:50 " ≃ " => Equiv

----- Instances -----

instance [LT (Prod α β)] : LT (Map α β) where
Expand Down
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions cedar-lean/Cedar/Spec/Value.lean
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Expand Up @@ -127,6 +127,19 @@ instance : Coe Value (Result (Data.Set Value)) where

----- Derivations -----

instance : LawfulBEq Attr where
rfl := by
intros a
eq_of_beq := by
intros a b h
unfold Attr at a
unfold Attr at b
apply LawfulBEq.eq_of_beq

deriving instance Repr, DecidableEq, BEq, LT for Attr
deriving instance Repr, DecidableEq, BEq for Except
deriving instance Repr, DecidableEq for Error
deriving instance Repr, DecidableEq, Inhabited, Lean.ToJson for Name
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions cedar-lean/Cedar/Thm.lean
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Expand Up @@ -18,3 +18,5 @@ import Cedar.Thm.Authorization
import Cedar.Thm.Partial
import Cedar.Thm.Slicing
import Cedar.Thm.Typechecking
import Cedar.Thm.Entities
import Cedar.Thm.Validation
19 changes: 19 additions & 0 deletions cedar-lean/Cedar/Thm/Data/List/Lemmas.lean
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Expand Up @@ -1279,4 +1279,23 @@ theorem mem_pmap_subtype
:= by
induction as <;> simp [*]

theorem in_lists_means_smaller [SizeOf α] (x : α) (list : List α)
(h : x ∈ list) :
sizeOf x < sizeOf list
:= by
cases list
case nil =>
cases h
case cons head tail =>
cases h
case _ =>
case _ in_tail =>
have step : sizeOf x < sizeOf tail := by
apply in_lists_means_smaller

end List
298 changes: 298 additions & 0 deletions cedar-lean/Cedar/Thm/Data/Map.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -559,6 +559,225 @@ theorem in_kvs_in_mapOnValues [LT α] [DecidableLT α] [DecidableEq α] {f : β
simp only [kvs, List.mem_map,]
exists (k, v)

We can remove the attach for the sake of proofs
theorem mapOnValuesAttachIsMapOnValues
{α : Type u} {β γ : Type v} [LT α] [DecidableLT α]
{m : Map α β}
{f : β → γ} :
m.mapOnValues f = m.mapOnValuesAttach (λ prod => f prod.val)
:= by
rw [← eq_iff_kvs_eq]
simp [mapOnValues, mapOnValuesAttach]
rw [← List.map₁_eq_map]

theorem mapOnValues_cons
{α : Type u} {β γ : Type v} [LT α] [DecidableLT α] [BEq α ]
{f : β → γ}
{kv : α × β}
{kvs : List (α × β)}
( (kv :: kvs)).mapOnValues f = ((kv.fst, f kv.snd) :: (( kvs).mapOnValues f).kvs)
:= by
rw [← eq_iff_kvs_eq]
simp [mapOnValues,]

Keys are not effected by mapping on values
ie: the domain of a map is unchanged by map on values
theorem mapOnValuesAttach_preservesContains
{α : Type u} {β γ : Type v} [LT α] [DecidableLT α] [BEq α ] [LawfulBEq α] [DecidableEq α]
{m : Map α β}
{f : β → γ}
{k : α} :
(m.contains k ) = (m.mapOnValuesAttach (λ v => f v.val)).contains k
:= by
rw [← mapOnValuesAttachIsMapOnValues]
cases hcontains : (m.contains k) <;> cases m <;> rename_i kvs
case true =>
induction kvs
case nil =>
simp [contains, find?, List.find?] at hcontains
case cons head tail ih =>
cases head
rename_i key value
cases heq_head_key : decide (key = k) <;> simp at heq_head_key
case _ =>
have beq_false : (key == k) = false := by
rw [beq_eq_false_iff_ne]
rw [mapOnValues_cons]
simp [contains, find?, List.find?, beq_false]
simp [contains, find?, List.find?] at ih
apply ih
simp [contains, find?, List.find?, beq_false] at hcontains
case _ =>
subst heq_head_key
simp [contains, find?, List.find?]
case false =>
induction kvs
case nil =>
simp [contains, find?, List.find?]
case cons head tail ih =>
cases head
rename_i key value
cases heq_head_key : decide (key = k) <;> simp at heq_head_key
case _ =>
have beq_false : (key == k) = false := by
rw [beq_eq_false_iff_ne]
rw [mapOnValues_cons]
simp [contains, find?, List.find?, beq_false]
simp [contains, find?, List.find?] at ih
apply ih
simp [contains, find?, List.find?, beq_false] at hcontains
case _ =>
subst heq_head_key
simp [contains, find?, List.find?] at hcontains

An adapter that makes the above lemma easier to apply in context
theorem mapOnValuesAttach_preservesContains_adapter
{α : Type u} {β γ : Type v} [LT α] [DecidableLT α] [BEq α ] [LawfulBEq α] [DecidableEq α]
{m : Map α β}
{f : {x // ∃ k, (k,x) ∈ m.kvs} → γ}
{k : α}
{h₁ : ∃ (f' : β → γ), f = (λ prod => f' prod.val)} :
(m.contains k ) = (m.mapOnValuesAttach f).contains k
:= by
replace ⟨f', h₁⟩ := h₁
rw [h₁]
apply mapOnValuesAttach_preservesContains

theorem mapOnValuesAttach_preservesKeys
{α : Type u} {β γ : Type v} [LT α] [DecidableLT α] [BEq α ] [LawfulBEq α] [DecidableEq α]
{m : Map α β}
{f : β → γ}
{k : α}
{h : m.contains k = true} :
(m.mapOnValuesAttach (λ v => f v.val)).contains k = true
:= by
rw [← mapOnValuesAttachIsMapOnValues]
cases m
rename_i kvs
induction kvs
case nil =>
simp [mapOnValues,, contains, find?, kvs] at h
case cons head tail ih =>
simp [contains, find?, kvs, List.find?] at h
simp [contains, find?, kvs, List.find?]
cases heq_head : (head.fst == k)
case true =>
case false =>
cases htail : (mk tail).contains k
case true =>
have hrecur : (mapOnValues f (mk tail)).contains k = true := by
apply ih
simp [mapOnValues, contains, find?, kvs ] at hrecur
case false =>
rw [heq_head] at h
simp at h
simp [contains, find?, kvs] at htail
cases h' : List.find? (fun x => x.fst == k) tail
case none =>
rw [h'] at h
simp at h
case some =>
rw [h'] at htail
simp at htail

theorem mapOnValuesAttach_preservesKeys_adapter
{α : Type u} {β γ : Type v} [LT α] [DecidableLT α] [BEq α ] [LawfulBEq α] [DecidableEq α]
{m : Map α β}
{f : { x // ∃ k, (k,x) ∈ m.kvs} → γ}
{k : α}
{h₁ : m.contains k = true}
{h₂ : ∃ (f' : β → γ), f = λ val => f' val.val } :
(m.mapOnValuesAttach f).contains k = true
:= by
replace ⟨f', h₂⟩ := h₂
rw [h₂]
apply mapOnValuesAttach_preservesKeys

theorem mapOnValues_maps
{α : Type u} {β γ : Type v} [LT α] [DecidableLT α] [BEq α] [LawfulBEq α] [DecidableEq α]
{m : Map α β}
{f : β → γ}
{k : α}
{v : β}
{h₁ : m.find? k = some v} :
(m.mapOnValuesAttach (λ prod => f prod.val)).find? k = .some (f v)
:= by
rw [← mapOnValuesAttachIsMapOnValues]
cases m
rename_i kvs
induction kvs
case nil =>
simp [find?, List.find?] at h₁
case cons head tail ih =>
cases head
rename_i key value
cases heq : decide (key = k) <;> simp at heq
case _ =>
have beq_false : (key == k) = false := by
apply beq_false_of_ne
simp [find?, List.find?, beq_false] at h₁
rw [mapOnValues_cons]
simp [find?, List.find?, beq_false]
apply ih
split at h₁ <;> simp at h₁
rename_i heq
subst h₁
simp [find?, heq]
case _ =>
subst heq
rw [mapOnValues_cons]
simp [find?, List.find?] at h₁
simp [find?, List.find?]
subst h₁

theorem mapOnValues_maps_adapter
{α : Type u} {β γ : Type v}
[LT α] [DecidableLT α] [BEq α] [LawfulBEq α] [DecidableEq α]
{m : Map α β}
{f : {x // ∃ k, (k,x) ∈ m.kvs} → γ}
{f': β → γ}
{k : α}
{v : β}
{h₁ : m.find? k = some v}
{h₂ : f = λ prod => f' prod.val} :
(m.mapOnValuesAttach f).find? k = .some (f' v)
:= by
rw [h₂]
apply mapOnValues_maps

theorem mapOnValuesAttachFunEq
{α : Type u} {β γ : Type v}
[LT α] [DecidableLT α] [BEq α]
{m : Map α β}
{k : α}
{f₁ : {x // ∃ k, (k,x) ∈ m.kvs} → γ}
{f₂ : {x // ∃ k, (k,x) ∈ m.kvs} → γ}
{h₁ : f₁ = f₂} :
(m.mapOnValuesAttach f₁).find? k = (m.mapOnValuesAttach f₂).find? k
:= by
rw [h₁]

Converse of `in_kvs_in_mapOnValues`; requires the extra preconditions that `m`
is `WellFormed` and `f` is injective
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -934,4 +1153,83 @@ theorem mapMOnValues_error_implies_exists_error [LT α] [DecidableLT α] {f : β
have h_values := in_list_in_values hkv
exists v

/-! ### `sizeOf` -/

theorem find_means_mem
{α : Type u} {β : Type v}
[LT α] [DecidableLT α] [BEq α] [LawfulBEq α] [DecidableEq α]
{m : Map α β}
{k : α}
{v : β}
(h : m.find? k = some v) :
(k,v) ∈ m.kvs
:= by
cases m
rename_i kvs
induction kvs
case nil =>
simp [find?, List.find?] at h
case cons head tail ih =>
simp [kvs]
cases head
rename_i key value
cases heq : decide (key = k) <;> simp at heq
case _ =>
have beq : (key == k) = false := by
rw [beq_eq_false_iff_ne]
apply Or.inr
simp [kvs] at ih
apply ih
simp [find?, List.find?, beq] at h
simp [find?, List.find?]
apply h
case _ =>
apply Or.inl
subst heq
simp [find?, List.find?] at h
subst h

-- If you can find a value in a map, that value is smaller than the map
theorem find_means_smaller
{α β : Type}
[LT α] [DecidableLT α] [DecidableEq α] [SizeOf α] [SizeOf β]
{m : Map α β}
{k : α}
{v : β}
{h : m.find? k = some v} :
sizeOf v < sizeOf m := by
have h₂ : (k,v) ∈ m.kvs := by
apply find?_mem_toList
have s₁ : sizeOf v < sizeOf (k,v) := by
have s₂ : sizeOf m.kvs < sizeOf m := by apply sizeOf_lt_of_kvs
have s₃ : sizeOf (k,v) < sizeOf m.kvs := by
apply List.sizeOf_lt_of_mem

def equiv_refl [LT α] [DecidableLT α] [BEq α] : ∀ (m₁ m₂ : Map α β),
m₁ ≃ m₂ →
m₂ ≃ m₂ := by
simp [Equiv]

def equiv_sym [LT α] [DecidableLT α] [BEq α] : ∀ (m : Map α β),
m ≃ m := by
simp [Equiv]

def equiv_trans [LT α] [DecidableLT α] [BEq α] : ∀ (m₁ m₂ m₃ : Map α β ),
m₁ ≃ m₂ →
m₂ ≃ m₃ →
m₁ ≃ m₃ := by
simp [Equiv]
intros m₁ m₂ m₃ h₁ h₂
intros k
simp [h₁, h₂]

end Cedar.Data.Map

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