Matematik gerçeklemesini geliştir
Matematik gerçeklemesini geliştir
Matematik gerçeklemesinin kapsamını genişlet
Matematik gerçeklemesinin kapsamını genişlet
Implement if/else-like flow control
Implement if/else-like flow control
Improve action parameter handling and implement list reader
Improve action parameter handling and implement list reader
Introduce =:
as alternative to olsun:
as alternative to olsun:
Add more examples to readme
Add more examples to readme
Force push
Add more examples to readme
Add more examples to readme
Force push
Add more examples to readme
Add more examples to readme
Force push
Implement support for source code comments, improve lisp integration
Implement support for source code comments, improve lisp integration
Introduce proper extensions! and improve symbol/package handling
Introduce proper extensions! and improve symbol/package handling
Implement 'sözdizimi-olsun' (defmacro) and improve things
Implement 'sözdizimi-olsun' (defmacro) and improve things
Introduce simple indentation for Emacs
Introduce simple indentation for Emacs
Implement basic syntax highlighting support for Emacs
Implement basic syntax highlighting support for Emacs
Make it possible to read from files
Make it possible to read from files