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Add optical photon simulation #886

7 of 25 tasks
whokion opened this issue Aug 10, 2023 · 10 comments
7 of 25 tasks

Add optical photon simulation #886

whokion opened this issue Aug 10, 2023 · 10 comments
enhancement New feature or request physics Particles, processes, and stepping algorithms


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whokion commented Aug 10, 2023

Requirements discussion

This is an initial draft for supporting optical photon simulation and a placeholder to collect and identify sub-tasks
for implementing related codes and testing. Your additional input, refinement and contributions are welcome.

Major categories and sub-tasks:

Optical materials and properties

  • Determine common optical properties
  • Automatically populate common optical materials such as Water, Liquid Xeon and Argon
  • Add OpticalPropertyParams (constant properties, vectors of properties such as momentum dependent optical properties)
  • Construct OpticalPropertyView from material ID

Optical photon physics

  • Add processes for generating optical photons in optical materials
  • Design consideration for interfaces to other physics actions (energy loss or deposition) and Photino (an object returned from processes of optical photon generation, which will be passed to the loop of optical photon propagation) — OpticalPhotonDistribution and related
  • Scintillation
  • Cerenkov
  • (Transition Radiation)
  • Add processes for propagating optical photons in fiducial volumes/materials
  • Design consideration for step limiter (mfp) and interactor (final state sampling) and executing them on HPC systems
  • Absorption
  • Boundary and surface processes and associated models (GLISUR, UNIFIED)
  • Scattering (Rayleigh and Mie)
  • Wavelength shift or re-emission


  • Add input data structure, OpticalTrackView or OpticalPhotonInput for an optical action
  • Add default sensitive hits (detector Id, hit{position, energy, time}) or interfaces for user defined sensitive detectors

Testing and physics validation/verification

  • Verify physics results in the process level with respect to Geant4 - use the exiting physics validation suite
  • Verify the hit position, energy, timing in sensitive detectors (PMT or Calorimeters) with respect to Geant4

Performance evaluation

  • Evaluate performance (event throughput) with respect to the Geant4 optical photon simulation
  • Evaluate performance (event throughput) with respect to the Geant4+Opticks+OptiX with a test example
  • Study performance and identify areas for improvement or optimization
  • Design consideration for efficient ray tracing on accelerators

Offloading interfaces and integration on experiment frameworks

  • Design consideration for offloading interfaces (extension to the existing core and accel libraries or a separate library)
  • Demonstration of integration (LZ, CalVision, LArG4)

Future work

  • Possible reconstruction of stepping/tracking actions for user analyses (future work — not done normally in Geant4 because it's too slow)
  • GPU-optimized "particle guns" to determine number of internal reflections, etc.

Optical properties

  • Partition Geant4 optical properties list into core material properties (e.g. diffraction index) and properties that are process-specific
Process StepLimiter Interactor
G4Cerenkov RINDEX
G4OpAbsorption ABSLENGTH
G4OpBoundaryProcess GROUPVEL
(Coated Dielectric) COATEDRINDEX

where PTYPE = [PROTON|DEUTERON|TRITON|ALPHA|IONS|ELECTRON] if GetScintillationYieldByParticleType is used,
and * in G4OpRayleigh are needed for the on-the-fly m.f.p calculation if the property RAYLEIGH is not provided.

@whokion whokion added enhancement New feature or request physics Particles, processes, and stepping algorithms labels Aug 10, 2023
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sethrj commented Sep 6, 2023

From today's discussion:

We'll almost certainly want to have a separate photon event loop that operates either in parallel or serially with the main tracking loop, immediately after along-step.

graph TB
  subgraph generate
    initializers["buffered secondaries"]
  subgraph physics
    pre-step --> propagate
    propagate --> boundary
    boundary --> reflection["reflection*"]
    boundary --> cross["cross boundary"]
    cross --> refraction["refraction*"]
    cross --> absorb
    propagate --> volume-interaction
    volume-interaction --> absorption
    volume-interaction --> scatter["scatter*"]
    volume-interaction --> reemission["reemission*"]
  steps --> generate
  generate --> physics
  absorb --> hits
  absorption --> kill
  hits --> kill

Asterisks denote multiple models per action

Much of the loop should look almost identical to the celeritas one.

Note that like Geant4, generating optical photons violates conservation of energy. If we want detailed energy balance, we'd have to subtract the generated photon energy from the local dE/dx, and tally photon absorption inside SD regions to create hits. This detailed balance is not needed for known applications.

Step properties

Two cases:

  • Geant4 (hadronic or EM) to Celeritas optical
  • Celeritas EM to Celeritas optical

Input to photon event loop can be translated and copied to GPU (like acceleritas offloading), or transferred natively on device memory, and needs the following properties:

  • Start/End position
  • Start direction
  • Step length
  • Volume ID
  • Mean (global) time
  • Particle ID
  • Start and end value of beta (speed/c)
  • Energy loss over the step

Possibly for GPU we can pass in the geometry and a track ID so that we can copy the initial state.

The number of photons generated per step (the yield) depends on dE/dx, the particle type, and the "yield factor".

Volume Interaction

  • absorption/scattering state change
  • direction
  • polarization
  • updated energy
  • occasional secondaries
  • time delay

Surface crossing

Surface processes (e.g. diffraction) require materials on both sides of a surface, so we need to be able to query the new material and safely perform actions on the boundary, and potentially ignore the boundary crossing in favor of reflection, or at least be able to restore the state to the other surface side.

@sethrj sethrj changed the title Support optical photon simulation (Draft) Support optical photon simulation Oct 30, 2023
@sethrj sethrj changed the title Support optical photon simulation Add optical photon simulation Oct 30, 2023
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sethrj commented Jan 3, 2024

First step:

  • Generate optical photons
  • Raytrace loop until we hit a PMT
  • Send hits back to main loop

Optical track data:

  • Geometry state
  • Particle state (energy or wavelength)
  • Time

Comparison problem:

  • Turn off all optical surface/volume physics in geant4
graph TB
    gun["gun or external"]
  subgraph main-celeritas-loop
  subgraph photon-input-data


    scintillation --> scintillation-dist
    cerenkov --> cerenkov-dist
    gun --> photon-primary

  subgraph photon-generator
    scintillation-dist --> scintillation-generator
    cerenkov-dist  --> cerenkov-generator

  scintillation-generator --> photon-primary
  cerenkov-generator --> photon-primary

Initial tasks

  • PhotonPrimary: raw single photon data as if from a gun or sampled from a generator, used to initialize a photon track state
    • Position
    • Direction
    • Energy
    • Time
    • Volume ID
    • (parent track ID? event ID?)
  • Distributions are input data for sampling many photons in the "generator" (number of photons, start/stop position, step length, ...)
  • Pre-generators gather pre/post step info as part of main event loop to create "distributions" to send to GPU
  • Generators populate the photon primary buffer on gpu (or as part of special loop) with individual photons sampled via models from the distributions


  • Patch generators into "models" (or some other kind of action) but these will just be action kernels responsible for offloading photons to special loop
  • Buffering and flushing of distributions
  • Buffering and flushing photon primaries
  • Optical photon event loop
  • Hit callback (should be able to reuse DetectorStepOutput etc)

Much later:

  • Surface processes
  • Volume processes

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sethrj commented Feb 1, 2024

OpticalInitStateData will be shared between:

template<Ownership W, MemSpace M>
struct OpticalInitStateData
    // Buffer to be filled by main loop/step collectors
    Items<OpticalDistributionData> distributions;
    // Buffer of actual optical primaries
    Items<OpticalPrimary> primaries;
// Stack allocator for initializers?

For each pre-generator:
Input: StepState<MemSpace> step
Output: push onto initializers

TODO: do we want StepStateTrackView??

class CerenkovPregenerator
 - step state
 - track ID (ASSUME we have step data from this track ID)
 - general optical material data
 - cerenkov-specific params??
 - particle track view
 - stack allocator<distributions>

size_type operator()(RNG& )
// Stack allocator to push onto distributions
// return number of distributions created, either zero or one?

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sethrj commented Mar 20, 2024

Plan for this week's optical physics hackathon: basic optical tracking loop

  • collection of optical distributions
  • optical core data
  • initialize optical primaries/tracks from distributions
  • no secondaries for this week but we'll eventually need them
  • boundary crossing
  • maybe absorption?

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sethrj commented Mar 22, 2024

The full list

Everything we need for a nicely integrated complete optical physics package

Main "core" transport loop

Geant4 integration

Possible integration from least to most difficult

  • "offload" logic for optical photons: no optical distributions, no celeritas cernekov, but celeritas optical processes (same approach as CATS apparently)
  • optical photons only from celeritas EM tracks: distributions and such from celeritas tracks, import optical physics from geant4, but geant4 does e.g. optical photons from muons
  • replace Geant4 cerenkov+scintillation physics after importing data from it, so we can directly create "distributions" from the cerenkov/scintillation: no actual optical tracks ever created in geant4 (@whokion )

Note: Importing material properties (from the Geant4 material property table) and building optical data by celeritas optical processes or generators are independent from Geant4 optical processes. As we builds optical property data or params (such as angle_integral, Rayleigh_spectrum data, etc. need for optical generators or interactors) from the imported material properties directly, no extra functionality or control is needed as the material property table is built by the detector construction and independently available once the geometry is initialized - i.e., Celeritas does not import optical physics data from Geant4, but build its own optical data or params with imported material properties which are independent from Geant4 physics processes. For a benchmark application, we just need an option to toggle between Geant4 and Celeritas optical physics processes inside a user physics list.

  • if using Celeritas for EM, combination of the last two

Optical stepping loop

  • Optical "core" state and params data (mostly, missing some bits)
  • Host-only params/state wrappers (analogous to CoreParams, CoreState<M>), loading/creating some data as needed (e.g. volume -> optical material ID mapping)
  • Use action interface to manage kernel launching for optical stepping loop
  • Initializing tracks from distributions
  • Initializing tracks from primaries (for testing or for one-by-one optical track integration with Geant4)
  • Initializing tracks from photon secondaries (needed only after WLS optical process is integrated)
  • Optical physics process management and creating cross section data tables and optical models aka explicit actions (@hhollenb )
  • Step length calculation (distance to interaction) via cross section calculation for the sum of the optical physics processes (@hhollenb )
  • Propagation (easy, linear) and things like time update
  • Surface physics (reflection, refraction) (@whokion nominates @amandalund )
  • Discrete interactions
  • Geant4 hit reconstruction (?) and/or other diagnostics

Minimal working example

load up geant4 physics, just EM tracking with celer-sim on EM particles, create but don't use cerenkov/scintillation; CPU only to make it even easier

  • Import cerenkov/scintillation (C/S) data
  • Add C/S step collector to create distributions
  • Immediately launch optical tracking loop
  • Initialization of tracks from distributions
  • No optical physics at all: no cross sections, no distance to interaction, and no negativity of any kind... and also no consistency
  • Tracking across boundaries
  • Updating time
  • If we hit a sensitive region, instantantly "absorb" and send hit back to geant4

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sethrj commented Apr 10, 2024

Tagging #1162, #1163, #1173, #1182

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sethrj commented Apr 23, 2024

Separate tasks from today for most minimal case:


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sethrj commented Jul 1, 2024


  • Unify mfp/absorption length "import" accessors for different optical processes

How to treat missing data?

  • Differently on a per-model basis?
  • Warn, error at startup, error at runtime, opaque, transparent

Model/physics construction ordering:

  • User imports optical data (from geant importer)
  • Core params constructed (?)
  • Create empty optical action registry
  • Create optical properties/material params
  • Create optical models from imported data and add to registry sequentially
  • Create optical physics params from vector of optical models and other optical data
    • Ensure that optical models are consecutive and the most recently added (to the action registry)
    • Create virtual actions after the last optical model ID
    • Query optical models for absorption lengths to build cross section tables
  • Create optical loop management
    • Inputs: core params, optical action registry, optical properties
    • Builds pre-generators
    • Builds generators
    • Integrates into core action loop

Physics implicit actions:

  • Don't need integral rejection since we're not slowing down
  • Don't include failure action since (for now) we can just require a secondary stack twice as big as the number of tracks
  • Obvs. don't need msc or eloss

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sethrj commented Jul 1, 2024

Pseudo-code from hacking with @hhollenb :

struct OpticalModelXs
    ItemMap<OpticalModelId, GridId> per_model_mfp;

struct OpticalPhysicsData
    // ItemMap<OpticalMaterialId, OpticalModelXs> per_material_modelxs;

    Collection<OpticalModelXs, W, M, OpticalMaterialId> model_xs;
    // ....

void calc_step_limit()
    auto models = params[opt_mat];

    real_type total_xs{0};
    for (ModelId mod_id : models)
        auto xs = 1/phys.calc_mfp(opt_mat, mod_id);
        pstep.per_model_xs(mod_id) = xs;
        total_xs += xs;

    // Normalize per-process xs

    // Calculate step limit by multiplying into sampled MFP
    limit.step = physics.interaction_mfp() / total_macro_xs;

    HostVal data;
    OpticalPhysicsBuilder builder{&data};
    for (mat : materials)
        for (mod : models)
            OpticalXsBuilder local_builder(&builder ,mat, mod_id);
            // Assert that the correct data was inserted?


class OpticalPhysicsBuilder
    OpticalProperties const& props();

    OpticalModelId action_to_model(ActionId) const;

    GridId add_xs(...);

    DedupeCollectionBuilder<real_type> reals_;

class OpticalXsBuilder
    OpticalXsBuilder(OpticalPhysicsBuilder* phys,

    void add_xs(...)
        return phys->insert_grid(...);


// Call once *per model*
void Absorption::build(OpticalXsBuilder& builder)
    CELER_EXPECT(builder.opt_mat_id() < import_.size());

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sethrj commented Aug 6, 2024

See also #1302 and #1314

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enhancement New feature or request physics Particles, processes, and stepping algorithms
Status: No status

No branches or pull requests

7 participants