- Go 13.x+
Setup a rest-server on validator instance : If your validator instance does not have a rest server running, execute this command to setup the rest server
gaiacli rest-server --chain-id cosmoshub-3 --laddr tcp://
Install Grafana on ubuntu
Download the latest .tar.gz file and extract it by using the following commands
$ cd $HOME
$ wget https://dl.grafana.com/oss/release/grafana-6.7.2.linux-amd64.tar.gz
$ tar -zxvf grafana-6.7.2.linux-amd64.tar.gz
Start the grafana server
$ cd grafana-6.7.2/bin/
$ ./grafana-server
Grafana will be running on port :3000 (ex:: https://localhost:3000)
Install InfluxDB
Download the latest .tar.gz file and extract it by using the following commands
$ cd $HOME
$ wget https://dl.influxdata.com/influxdb/releases/influxdb-1.7.10_linux_amd64.tar.gz
$ tar xvfz influxdb-1.7.10_linux_amd64.tar.gz
Start influxDB
$ cd $HOME and run the below command to start the server
$ ./influxdb-1.7.10-1/usr/bin/influxd
The default port that runs the InfluxDB HTTP service is :8086
Note : If you want to give custom configuration then you can edit the influxdb.conf
at /influxdb-1.7.10-1/etc/influxdb
and do not forget to restart the server after the changes.
Telegraf Installation
Download the latest .tar.gz file and extract it by using the following commands
$ cd $HOME
$ wget https://dl.influxdata.com/telegraf/releases/telegraf-1.14.0_linux_amd64.tar.gz
tar xf telegraf-1.14.0_linux_amd64.tar.gz
Start telegraph
$ cd telegraf/usr/bin/
$ ./telegraf --config ../../etc/telegraf/telegraf.conf
By default telegraf does not expose any ports.
$ git clone [email protected]:chris-remus/cosmos-validator-mission-control.git
$ cd cosmos-validator-mission-control
$ git fetch && git checkout develop
$ cp example.config.toml config.toml
has following configurations
Telegram chat ID to receive telegram alerts
Telegram bot token. The bot should be added to the chat and it should have send message permission
E-mail address to receive mail notifications
Sendgrid mail service api token.
Configure the threshold to receive Missed Block Alerting
An integer value to receive Block difference alerts
alert_time1 and alert_time2
These are for regular status updates. To receive validator status daily (twice), configure these parameters in the form of "02:25PM". The time here refers to UTC time.
Configure the threshold to receive alert when the voting power reaches or drops below of the threshold given.
Configure the threshold to get an alert if the no.of connected peers falls below the threshold.
Configure yes if you wish to get telegram alerts otherwise make it no .
Configure yes if you wish to get email alerts otherwise make it no .
Validator rpc end point(RPC of your own validator) useful to gather information about network info, validatr voting power, unconfirmed txns etc.
Operator address of your validator which will be used to get staking, delegation and distribution rewards.
Your validator account address which will be used to get account informtion etc.
Validator hex address useful to know about last proposed block, missed blocks and voting power.
Address of your lcd client (ex: http://localhost:1317)
External open RPC endpoint(secondary RPC other than your own validator). Useful to gather information like validator caught up, syncing and missed blocks etc
After populating config.toml, build and run the monitoring binary
$ go build -o chain-monit && ./chain-monit
Run using docker
$ docker build -t cfv .
$ docker run -d --name chain-monit cfv
In grafana there will be three types of dashboards
i. Validator Monitoring Metrics (These are the metrics which we have calculated and stored in influxdb)
ii. System Metrics (These are related to system configuration which comes from telegraf)
iii. Summary (Which gives a quick information about validator and system metrics)
List of validator monitoring metrics
- Validator Details : Displays the details of a validator like moniker, website, keybase identity and details.
- Gaiad Status : Displays whether the gaiad is running or not in the from of UP and DOWN.
- Validator Status : Displays the validator health. Shows Voting if the validator is in active state or else Jailed.
- Gaiad Version : Displays the version of gaia currently running.
- Validator Caught Up : Displays whether the validator node is in sync with the network or not.
- Block Time Difference : Displays the time difference between previous block and current block.
- Current Block Height : Validator : Displays the current block height committed by the validator.
- Latest Block Height : Network : Displays the latest block height of a network.
- Height Difference : Displays the difference between heights of validator current block height and network latest block height.
- Last Missed Block Range : Displays the continuous missed blocks range based on the threshold given in the config.toml
- Blocks Missed In last 48h : Displays the count of blocks missed by the validator in last 48 hours.
- Unconfirmed Txns : Displays the number of unconfirmed transactions on that node.
- No.of Peers : Displays the total number of peers connected to the validator.
- Peer Address : Displays the ip addresses of connected peers.
- Latency : Displays the latency of connected peers with respect to the validator.
- Validator Fee : Displays the commission rate of the validator.
- Max Change Rate : Displays the max change rate of the commission.
- Max Rate : Displays the max rate of the commission.
- Voting Power : Displays the voting power of the validator.
- Self Delegation Balance : Displays delegation balance of the validator.
- Current Balance : Displays the account balance of the validator.
- Unclaimed Rewards : Displays the current unclaimed rewards amount of the validator.
- Last proposed Block Height : Displays height of the last block proposed by the validator.
- Last Proposed Block Time : Displays the time of the last block proposed by the validator.
- Voting Period Proposals : Displays the list of the proposals which are currently in voting period.
- Deposit Period Proposals : Displays the list of the proposals which are currently in deposit period.
- Completed Proposals : Displays the list of the proposals which are completed with their status as passed or rejected.
Note: Above mentioned metrics will be calculated and displayed according to the validator address which will be configured in config.toml
For alerts regarding system metrics, a telegram bot can be set up on the dashboard itself. A new notification channel can be added for telegram bot by clicking on the bell icon on the left hand sidebar of the dashboard. This will let the user configure the telegram bot id and chat id. A custom alert can be set for each graph by clicking on the edit button and adding alert rules.
System Monitoring Metrics
Telegraf is a daemon that can run on any server and collect a wide variety of metrics from the system (cpu, memory, swap, etc.), common services (mysql, redis, postgres, etc.). It was originally built as a metric-gathering agent for InfluxDB, but has recently evolved to output metrics to other data sinks as well, such as Kafka, Datadog, and OpenTSDB.
For system monitoring metrics you can refer
file. You can just replace it with your original telegraf.conf file which will be located at /telegraf/etc/telegraf
Alerting - Telegram and email are the platforms used to send alerts to the end user. Telegram was chosen over other platforms like Discord etc. as the majority of validators prefer to use Telegram for their personal alerting mechanisms as well. Telegarm alerts will be sent to chat_id present in config.toml and Email alerts will be sent to the email id present in config.toml.
- Alert about validator node sync status.
- Alert when missed blocks when the missed blocks count reaches or exceedes missed_blocks_threshold which is user configured in config.toml
- Alert when no.of peers when the count falls below of num_peers_threshold which is user configured in config.toml
- Alert when the block difference between network and validator reaches or exceeds the block_diff_threshold which is user configured in config.toml
- Alert when the gaiad status is not running on validator instance.
- Alert when a new proposal is created.
- Alert when the proposal is moved to voting period, passed or rejected.
- Alert when voting period proposals is due in less than 24 hours and also if the validator didn't vote on proposal yet.
- Alert about validator health whether it's voting or jailed. You can get alerts twice a day based on the time you have configured alert_time1 and alert_time2 in config.toml
- Alert when the voting power of your validator drops below voting_power_threshold which is user configured in config.toml
About summary dashboard
This dashboard is to show a quick information about validator details and system metrics.
Validator identity (Moniker, Website, Keybase Identity, Details, Operator Address and Account Address), validator summary (Gaiad Status, Validator Status, Voting Power, Height Difference and No.Of peers) these are the metrics which are related to validator details.
CPU usage, RAM Usage, Memory usage and information about disk usage, these metrics are showing under system metrics summary.
Instructions to setup the dashboards in grafana
- Open your web browser and go to http://localhost:3000/. 3000 is the default HTTP port that Grafana listens to if you haven’t configured a different port.
- If you are a first time user type admin for the username and password in the login page.
- You can change the password after login.
Import the dashboards
To import the json file of the validator monitoring metrics click the plus button present on left hand side of the dashboard. Click on import and load the validator_monitoring_metrics.json present in the grafana_template folder.
Select the datasources and click on import.
To import system monitoring metrics click the plus button present on left hand side of the dashboard. Click on import and load the system_monitoring_metrics.json present in the grafana_template folder
While creating this dashboard if you face any issues at valueset, change it to empty and then click on import by selecting the datasources.
To import summary, you can just follow the above steps which you did for validator monitoring metrics or system monitoring metrics. To import the json you can find the summary.json template in grafana_template folder.
For more info about grafana dashboard imports you can refer https://grafana.com/docs/grafana/latest/reference/export_import/
Hosting on standalone monitoring node - This monitoring tool is meant to be hosted and deployed on the validator server but it can also be hosted on any public sentry node of the validator. Firewall settings for the monitoring node should be modified a little to allow communication between validator rpc and lcd endpoints. Port 26657 and 1317 which are the default rpc and lcd point respectively of the validator should be accessible by the monitoring node on which the tool is hosted on. If the default ports have been changed, relevant ports need to be exposed. In config.toml of the monitoring tool, node_url and lcd_endpoint have to be updated with the appropriate ip and port no. To get accurate system and validator metrics information, it is recommended to run the influxdb on the validator instance and opening 8086 port to the monitoring node to get the metrics displayed on grafana dashboard.