This example project demonstrates how an ALB can be placed in front of a single Docker container app running on Fargate. Cognito is used to add an authentication layer on top. The following diagram illustrates the high-level architecture.
│ │
│ │
│ ALB │
│ │
│ │
│ ┌──────────────┐ │
│ │ │ │
│ │ │ │
│ │ app │ │
│ │ container │ │
│ │ │ │
│ │ │ │
│ └──────────────┘ │
- Install Node.js 10.x
- Create an S3 bucket where aws cloudformation package uploads the artifacts.
- Choose a unique bucket name, e.g.
- Replace
with a unique name (e.g. your initials or company name) - Replace
with your AWS default region (
) - Create the bucket
aws s3 mb s3://$BucketName
- Choose a unique bucket name, e.g.
Replace $HostedZone
and $Subdomain
npm i
aws cloudformation package --template-file example.yml --s3-bucket $BucketName --output-template-file packaged.yml
aws cloudformation deploy --template-file packaged.yml --stack-name fargate-alb-auth-cognito-example --parameter-overrides HostedZoneId=$HostedZone SubDomainNameWithDot=$Subdomain --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM
aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name fargate-alb-auth-cognito-example --query "Stacks[0].Outputs[?OutputKey=='Url'].OutputValue" --output text
Open the URL in your web browser.
Don't forget to delete the stack once you are done with the demo:
aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name fargate-alb-auth-cognito-example
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