Fall 2023 CSE110 Group 13. Github link: https://github.com/ucsd-cse110-fa23/cse-110-project-team-13.git
PantryPal uses audio input for meal types and a list of available ingredients, the app employs the ChatGPT API to generate bespoke recipes. Each recipe is complemented with a unique image, meticulously rendered by the Dall-E API. enhancing the visual appeal. PantryPal allows the user to modify these AI generated recipe to fit their needs, and share URLs of the generaed recipes with friends!
Make sure you have Java 21 set up on your system since this project uses a toolchain for Java 21.
Begin by forking and cloning the repository from https://github.com/ucsd-cse110-fa23/cse-110-project-team-13.git.
You can install the dependencies using Gradle:
./gradlew build
To run the application, first make a clean build using the following command.
./gradlew clean build
Then, run using:
./gradlew run
- JavaFX (18.0.1): Used for creating user interfaces.
- MongoDB Driver (4.11.0): Integrates MongoDB for database operations.
- Java EE API (8.0.1): Provides the Java Enterprise Edition API.
- Javalin (5.6.3): A lightweight web framework for Kotlin and Java.
- Jackson Databind (2.16.0): Used for JSON serialization and deserialization.
- SLF4J (2.0.9): Simple logging framework.
- Gson (2.10.1): Google's JSON library for Java.
- Bcrypt (0.10.2): Library for hashing passwords.
- JSON (20231013): For parsing and formatting JSON data.
- JUnit Jupiter (5.10.1): Provides the JUnit 5 API and TestEngine.
- Mockito (3.12.4) & PowerMock (2.0.9): For mocking in tests.
- OpenJFX Monocle (jdk-12.0.1+2): For testing JavaFX applications.
Please look at the commit history.
Delaware Wade, Hao Chen, Matthew Hsu, Nicole Hernandez, Baljot Sekhon, Charvi Shukla.