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Staff Research Scientist |
Spotify |
- Nirmal Roy is the final PhD student to successfully defend his thesis Exploring the effects of interactive interfaces on user search behaviour.
- We are nearing the end of my former TU Delft lab. Another PhD is in the books: Arthur Barbosa Câmara did an amazing job and defended his thesis Designing Search-as-Learning Systems.
- Another PhD defense done! Peide Zhu defended his thesis titled Towards Robust Automatic Question Generation For Learning.
- 11 (+1) information retrieval researchers discussing the future of IR evaluation at Dagstuhl turned into a best paper award at ICTIR 2023! Photo as proof!
- One more PhD defense to celebrate in my lab: Gustavo Penha defended his PhD thesis on the topic of Designing and Diagnosing Models for Conversational Search and Recommendation in May 2023.
- Two SIGIR 2023 submissions accepted, one led by Nirmal Roy exploring the use of the voice modality for relevance assessments and one led by Samarth Bhargav on tip-of-the-tongue retrieval.
- ECIR 2023 paper led by Gustavo Penha accepted, answering the question Do the Findings of Document and Passage Retrieval Generalize to the Retrieval of Responses for Dialogues? The answer is: yes, they do (most of the time).
- SIGIR 2022 paper led by Nirmal Roy accepted: Users and Contemporary SERPs: A (Re-)Investigation.
- Another PhD student leaves the lab: Felipe Moraes defended his PhD thesis on the topic of Examining the Effectiveness of Collaborative Search Engines in February 2022.
- Starting from August 2021 I work at Spotify, with a part-time appointment at TU Delft.
For a brief and compact overview, take a look at my 1-page CV.
I joined Spotify in August 2021, initially for a sabbatical and then switching to a permanent role in April 2022 as Staff Research Scientist.
I worked as a faculty member (first as Assistant Professor, since 2018 as Associate Professor and 2021-2023 part-time) at the Web Information Systems group, Delft University of Technology between 2013 and 2023. Between 2011 and 2012 I was a Postdoc in the same group. I received my PhD in 2010 from the University of Twente, where I worked in the Human Media Interaction group. The Otto-von-Guericke University of Magdeburg in Germany was my home during my undergraduate years as a student in computer science. In the past, I have worked on a variety of topics in the fields of information retrieval & data science, including query performance prediction (the topic of my PhD thesis), social search, computational social science, learning to search and IR for specific user groups.
I have diverse research interests and am always happy to dive into a new area. Together with a number of PhD students at TU Delft I was focused on how to incorporate search into the human learning process at scale, collaborative search, and conversational search. In 2016 and 2017 I received two prestigious personal grants from the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) with a total funding of more than 1 million euros; this translates into 4-5 PhD/postdoc positions in the developing "search as learning" research area. Take a look at the Dagstuhl Seminar I co-organized on the topic to get an idea of what it is about.
In 2018, I gave an invited keynote at the French IR conference CORIA 2018 on the topic of search as learning.
<iframe class="slide-presentation" src="" frameborder="0" width="480" height="299" allowfullscreen="true" mozallowfullscreen="true" webkitallowfullscreen="true"></iframe>In 2021, I gave an invited keynote at the MICROS workshop, co-hosted at ECIR 2021 on the topic of conversational search.
<iframe class="slide-presentation" src="" frameborder="0" width="480" height="389" allowfullscreen="true" mozallowfullscreen="true" webkitallowfullscreen="true"></iframe>Email: claudia.hauff[at]
- Nirmal Roy defended his PhD thesis Exploring the effects of interactive interfaces on user search behaviour in 2024.
- Arthur Barbosa Câmara defended his PhD thesis Designing Search-as-Learning Systems in 2024.
- Peide Zhu graduated in 2024 with a PhD thesis on Towards Robust Automatic Question Generation For Learning.
- Gustavo Penha graduated in 2023 with a PhD thesis on Designing and Diagnosing Models for Conversational Search and Recommendation.
- Postdoc David Maxwell worked on a range of interactive IR problems (2020-2022).
- Felipe Moraes graduated in 2022 with a PhD thesis on Examining the Effectiveness of Collaborative Search Engines.
- Dan Davis graduated in 2019 with a PhD thesis on the topic of Large-Scale Learning Analytics: Modeling Learner Behavior & Improving Learning Outcomes in Massive Open Online Courses.
- Guanliang Chen graduated in 2019 with a PhD thesis on the topic of MOOC Analytics: Learner Modeling and Content Generation.
- Yue Zhao graduated with a PhD in 2019 on the topic of Learning Analytics Technology to Understand Learner Behavioral Engagement in MOOCs.
- Research engineer Manuel Valle Torre (sponsored by Delft Data Science, 2019-2021) worked on tooling for MOOC data analysis.
- Postdoc Dimitrios Bountouridis worked on fairness in the news recommender domain (2018-19).
- Research engineer Mónica Marrero worked on fairness in the news recommender domain and online evaluation (2017-18).
- Ke Tao graduated with a PhD in 2014 on the topic of Social Web Data Analytics: Relevance, Redundancy, Diversity.
- LogUI: A contemporary, framework-agnostic JavaScript library for logging user interactions on webpages. Lead developer is David Maxwell.
- ELAT: EdX Logfile Analysis Tool that is browser-based, and a fully local processing tool. No server needed, no programming knowledge needed, no setup costs. Lead developer is Manuel Valle Torre.
- SearchX is a scalable collaborative search system, developed to research large-scale search and sensemaking experiments. Lead developer is Felipe Moraes.
- APONE is an academic environment for online experiments, that we have used in our research and teaching. Lead developer is Mónica Marrero.
- SIREN is a simulation framework for understanding the effects of recommender systems in online news environments. Lead developer is Dimitrios Bountouridis.
- NWO Aspasia grant (100,000€) as a top-up of my NWO VIDI (50K for my research, 50K for diversity measures in the faculty), September 2018.
- NWA Startimpulsprogramma VWData (325,000€) awarded together with 2 co-PIS. A two-year Postdoc position will be funded within a work package that considers fairness in news recommenders.
- NWO VIDI grant (800,000€) for my proposal SearchX: Integrating search and sensemaking into large-scale open online learning, May 2017 (personal grant, 15% acceptance rate)
- NWO TOP grant (226,000€) to conduct "innovative or high-risk scientific research that addresses questions of high quality and urgency;" specifically I will push the boundaries of large-scale collaborative search, November 2016 (personal grant, 23% acceptance rate)
- Grant (33,000€) from the Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Centre for Education and Learning to conduct research on the benefits of eyetracking in massive open online learning, November 2016
- TU Delft Education Research tender (2,500€, 1 co-PI) to bring real-time teaching and learning analytics into the classroom, July 2016
- TU Delft Study Success tender (3,000€, 1 co-PI) to further improve teaching in the Bachelor, September 2015
- TU Delft Blended Education tender (10,000€, 1 co-PI) to improve teaching in the Bachelor, September 2014
- Program co-chair of ECIR 2025
- Track co-chair of the ECIR 2024 Reproducibility track
- Program co-chair of SIGIR 2024
- Invited keynote at UMAP 2024
- AAAI-24 Area Chair
- Track co-chair of the CIKM 2023 Applied Research track
- Invited participant to the Frontiers of Information Access Experimentation for Research and Education Dagstuhl seminar
- Invited talk at the SIKS day 2022 (slides)
- CHIIR 2022 demo co-chair
- Invited panel member for the The Next Generation of Multimedia Search and Recommendation at ACM Multimedia 2021
- Invited talk (slides) at the Sim4IR workshop (July 2021)
- Invited talk at the Algorithmic Targeted Communication workshop (June 2021)
- Invited talk (slides) at the BBC Data Dates Series (May 2021)
- Invited talk (slides) at the UMass CIIR Talk series (04/2021)
- Invited keynote (slides) at the Mixed-Initiative ConveRsatiOnal Systems Workshop (co-hosted at ECIR 2021)
- Invited keynote (slides) at the ING NLP Analytics Conference (03/2021)
- Invited talk (slides) at the Glasgow Fairness and Bias in Information Retrieval Workshop (03/2021)
- Elected ELLIS Fellow in the ELLIS Unit Delft (12/2020)
- Guest editor of an ACM TOIS special issue on Conversational Search (summer of 2020)
- Invited keynote (slides) at the 1st International Workshop on Investigating Learning During Web Search co-located with CIKM 2020
- Short paper co-chair at SIGIR 2021
- Workshop co-chair at WSDM 2021
- Invited keynote at Baltic DB&IS 2020 (slides)
- Lecturer at the SIKS course Advances in Information Retrieval (October 2019)
- Invited talk (slides) at the ICAI AIRLab meetup in Utrecht (September 2019)
- ACM SIGIR Executive Committee member (2019-2022)
- Search track co-chair at WebConf 2020
- Co-organizer of the SIGIR 2019 Open-Source IR Replicability Challenge (OSIRRC 2019)
- Invited participant at the Conversational Search Dagstuhl Seminar (November 2019)
- Lecturer (slides) at ESSIR (July 2019)
- Invited talk (slides) at the Delft Deep Learning Colloqium (June 2019)
- Invited participant at the CIFAR workshop AI-Powered Information Ecosystems and Democracy (June 2019)
- Invited talk at the Search Engines Amsterdam meetup (April 2019)
- Computational Science Advisory Board member of the Lorentz Center (since 2019)
- Program Co-Chair for CIKM 2020
- Invited speaker at the Israeli Learning Analytics Symposium (slides) held at the Weizmann Institute
- Tutorial chair at ICTIR 2019
- Workshop co-chair at SIGIR 2019
- Delft AI meetup co-organizer (active since November 2018)
- Tutorial co-chair at WSDM 2019
- Short paper co-chair at ECIR 2019
- Invited keynote at CORIA, the French chapter of IR conferences (May 2018) (slides)
- Invited participant at the Third Strategic Workshop in Information Retrieval (SWIRL III) in Lorne (February 2018)
- Invited talk at the General Mathematics Colloqium Leiden (December 2017)
- Invited talk at the Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (December 2017)
- Invited talk (slides) at the Search Engines Amsterdam meetup (November 2017)
- Invited panel member at the ICTIR 2017 workshop Search-Oriented Conversational AI and the SIGIR 2017 workshop on Neural Information Retrieval
- Invited speaker at a special panel on on grant acquisition at the ICTng Retreat
- Editorial Board member of Springer's Information Retrieval Journal
- Tutorial Chair at the 40th European Conference on Information Retrieval (2018)
- Invited talk at the Education in exponential times workshop in Madrid (July 2017)
- Program co-chair of ECIR 2017
- Member of the advisory board of the European project AFEL (May 2017)
- Organizer of the Delft Data Science Seminar on Online Education (March 2017)
- Editorial Board member of the Foundations and Trends in Information Retrieval journal
- Co-organizer of the Placing Task benchmark @ MediaEval 2016
- Organizer of the 15th Dutch-Belgian Information Retrieval Workshop (November 2016)
- Invited talk (slides) at the Data Science Northeast Netherlands meetup (October 2016)
- Guest editor of the special issue Search as Learning in Springer's Information Retrieval Journal
- Co-organizer of a Dagstuhl seminar on Search as Learning (February 2017)
- Member of the 2016-2018 Steering Committee ICT with Industry workshop (website of the 2017 edition)
- Co-organizer of the Search as Learning workshop at SIGIR 2016
- Demo co-chair of the 38th European Conference on Information Retrieval
- Invited talk at the #SupportTheCause symposium on Twitter-based election forecasting (January 2016)
- Coordinator (one of two) of the Data Science & Technology track within TU Delft's Computer Science MSc program since 11/2015
- Invited talk at Sanoma on Searching and Learning (October 2015)
- Invited talk at ILPS, University of Amsterdam on Searching and Learning (September 2015)
- Co-organizer of the TAIA 2015 workshop, co-located with SIGIR 2015
- Co-organizer of the Delft Data Science Seminar on Online Education (March 2015)
- Co-organizer of the Placing Task benchmark @ MediaEval 2015
- Co-organizer of the TAIA 2014 workshop, co-located with SIGIR 2014
- Proceedings chair at WSDM 2014
- Member of the 2014 NWO selection committee Doctoral Grant for Teachers
- Participated in the 2014 edition of the Heidelberg Laureate Forum
- Successful completion of the University Teaching Qualification (also known as BKO or Basis Kwalificatie Onderwijs) in August 2014
- Invited lecture in the PhD course Data Science, offered by the Dutch Research School for Information and Knowledge Systems
- Co-organizer of the Placing Task benchmark @ MediaEval 2013
- Invited lecture in the PhD course Technology-enhanced Learning, offered by the Dutch Research School for Information and Knowledge Systems
- Part of the local organization team of SIGIR 2007