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I have supervised more than 45 BSc and MSc projects in the broad areas of information retrieval, natural language processing and data science. A few examples can be found below:
- The Impact of Group Size on Collaborative Search (MSc)
- The Learning Tracker (MSc)
- Context-Based Spelling Correction for the Dutch Language: Applied on spelling errors extracted from the Dutch Wikipedia revision history (MSc)
- A Multi-Language Comparison of Influences on Author Verification using Character N-Grams (MSc)
- Evaluating Collaborative Search for a Learning-Oriented Search Task (MSc)
- MANtIS: a novel information seeking dialogues dataset (MSc)
- Axiomatic Thinking in Neural IR (MSc)
- Presenting Web Search Results over a Speech-Only Channel with Minimal Cognitive Load (BSc)
- Expanding LogUI: Adding Screen Capturing and a Statistical Analysis Dashboard for Web-Based Experiments (Bsc)
- EGA Membership Card System (BSc)
- Search Assistant: Effect of Chatbot on User's Collaborative Search Behavior (BSc)
Below are the resources I have developed for my courses (some are more up-to-date than others): Web and Database Technology, Big Data Processing and Information Retrieval.
Between 2013/14 and 2021/22 I co-taught the first-year Bachelor course Web and Database Technology at TU Delft. I taught the Web technology part, which turned out to be quite a challenge due to the wide variety of skill sets our incoming students possess (some work as Web developers, others have never written a single line of HTML before the start of this course) and the ever-changing nature of web technologies. All (by now relatively outdated) materials I created over the course of those years can be found at
Between 2013/14 and 2016/17 I taught the second year Bachelor course Big Data Processing at TU Delft. The course covered a range of technologies in the Hadoop ecosystem after a short excursion into the streaming world; I created the material based on a number of books, including Mining of Massive Datasets, Data-Intensive Text Processing with MapReduce, Hadoop: The Definite Guide, Programming Pig and ZooKeeper.
- Introduction
- Streams I
- Streams II
- MapReduce
- Scheduling
- Algorithm design for MapReduce
- Pig I
- Pig II
- Graph algorithms
- Giraph
- ZooKeeper
- 2 more lecture on Spark completed this course.
- Assignment 1: Streaming
- Assignment 2: Streaming and Hadoop
- Assignment 3: Hadoop
- Assignment 4: Pig data
- Assignment 5: Pig data
- Assignment 6: Giraph
- Assignment 7: Spark
- 24 questions on streaming
- 32 questions on MapReduce/Hadoop
- 10 questions on graphs and Giraph
- 12 questions on Pig/Pig Latin
Between 2017/18 and 2021/22 I co-taught the MSc course Information Retrieval at TU Delft, which was split along an IR and NLP line. The course setup, slides and group projects for the 2019/20 edition can be found here.