This document describes how to deploy releases and snapshots specifically for Apache Ratis. For general information about Publishing Maven Artifacts at Apache, see
It requires committer access in order to deploy releases and snapshots.
To publish, use the following settings.xml
(placed in ~/.m2/settings.xml
<username> <!-- YOUR APACHE LDAP USERNAME --> </username>
<password> <!-- YOUR APACHE LDAP PASSWORD (encrypted) --> </password>
<username> <!-- YOUR APACHE LDAP USERNAME --> </username>
<password> <!-- YOUR APACHE LDAP PASSWORD (encrypted) --> </password>
To use encrypted password, see
For OpenPGP setup, see
We use Apache Maven Deploy Plugin to deploy artifacts.
mvn deploy
mvn -s /my/path/settings.xml deploy
We also use release profile for building the release.
mvn install -Prelease -Papache-release
Test the artifacts locally.
- Clean, shade and compile everything.
- Run all tests.
Set snapshot version locally.
- Get the last commit id
.git log --abbrev-commit --abbrev=7 --pretty=oneline | head -1
- Set the versions of local artifacts.
mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=<VERSION>-<ABBREV_COMMIT_ID>-SNAPSHOT
- Get the last commit id
If everything works fine, run the following command to publish artifacts to Apache repository
mvn deploy -DskipTests -DskipShade
Verify the snapshot artifacts published in
Finally, you may delete the pom.xml.versionsBackup
files by
find . -name pom.xml.versionsBackup | xargs rm